(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 6 Outdoor Fun-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:536eb).zip

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Unit 6 Outdoor Fun 1. 表明自己拥有某物句型表明自己拥有某物句型 a/an +名词单数名词单数. I/We/You/They/+have+ 名词复数名词复数, a/an +名词单数名词单数. He/She/Gogo+has+ 名词复数名词复数. 练习一:用练习一:用 have/has 填空填空 1. Tom_______ some spoons. 2. You______ a plate. 3. They_______a big table. 4. Her father_______chopsticks. 5. His friends_______bowls. 2. 表明自己没有某物句型表明自己没有某物句型 a/an +名词单数名词单数. I/We/You/They/+ dont + have + 名词复数名词复数, a/an +名词单数名词单数. He/She/Gogo+ doesnt + have + 名词复数名词复数, 练习一:用练习一:用 dont/doesnt 填空填空 1.Tom_______ _______ knives. 2.We______ _______ cups. 3.She_______ _______glasses. 4.Tony and Gogo_______ _______forks. 练习二:练习二: Model A:-I have a spoon.I dont have cups. 1.(a fork,glass) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.(a knife, chopstick) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Model B:-She has a spoon.She doesnt have cups. 1.(a fork,glass) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.(a knife, chopstick) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3.询问对方是否有某物询问对方是否有某物 a/an +名词单数名词单数? 问句:问句: Do+you/we/they+have+ 名词复数名词复数? Yes, I/we/they+ do. 答句:答句: No, I/we/they +dont. 练习一:练习一: 1. Do we _____(have)_______(plate)? Yes,______ _______. 2. Do they ____ any _______(bowl)?No,______ _______. 3. Do you________ a new _______(glass)?Yes,______ _______. 4.询问对方是否有某物询问对方是否有某物 a/an +名词单数名词单数? 问句:问句: Does +she/he/Gogo+have+ 名词复数名词复数? Yes,she/he does. No, she/he doesnt. 练习一:练习一: 4. Does she _____(have)_______(chopstick)? Yes,______ _______. 答句答句: 5. _______ he ____ any _______(fork)?No,______ _______. 6. ______Jennys mom______ a new______(cup)? Yes,______ _______. 练习二:练习二: Model: -Do you have bowls? -Yes, I do. 1.(you, spoon,yes) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.(they, plates,no) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3.(she, glass,no) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4.(his father, cups,yes) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 6. -Here you are. (给你给你) -Thanks./Thank you.(谢谢)(谢谢) 7. Excuse me.(对不起,打扰一下对不起,打扰一下) 综合练习综合练习 一、连词成句。一、连词成句。 1.cups,have,you,do?________________________________________ _ 2.and,Ben,knives,Gogo,have.__________________________________ 3.have,brown,Tony,a,doesnt,cup.______________________________ 4.you,glasses,do,and,have,any,plates?___________________________ 二按提示完成句子。二按提示完成句子。 1.________ he have a _______(汤匙)?汤匙)?Yes,_____ _____. 2.I have_________(碗碗). 3.Do they have_______________(筷子)筷子)?Yes,______ ______. 4.He _______ a ________(碟子)碟子). 5.We dont have any _________(杯子)杯子). 三问答匹配。三问答匹配。 ( )1.Does he have a plate? A.No,they arent. ( )2.What are these? B.Yes,they do. ( )3.Are these your cups? C.No,she doesnt. ( )4.Does your sister have a knife? D.They are chopsticks ( )5.Do they have any bowls? E.Yes,he does. 4实际情况回答问题。实际情况回答问题。 1. Is this a fork? __________________________________________________________ 2. Do you have a yellow plate? ___________________________________________________________ 3. Does he have a kite? ___________________________________________________________ 4. Are these red chopsticks? ___________________________________________________________ 5. Does your mom have knives? ___________________________________________________________Unit 6 Outdoor Fun (第一课时) 六一国际儿童节 六一国际儿童节 Have a party knife 小刀小刀 s v I have a knife. We have knives. fork 叉叉 s I have a fork. We have forks. spoon s 汤匙汤匙 I have a spoon. We have spoons. stick chop s 筷子筷子 We have chopsticks. bowl 碗碗 s I have a bowl. We have bowls. gl a ss 玻璃杯玻璃杯 es I have a glass. We have glasses. plate 盘子盘子 plate 盘子盘子 s I have a plate. We have plates. cup 杯子杯子 cups 杯子杯子 I have a cup. We have cups. chopsticks bowls spoons knives Guessing Game plate fork bowl spoon knife Quick Response 出现文字大声读出单词,出现图片不出声 plates cups knives chopsticks glasses spoons forks a fork - forks a spoon - spoons a knife - knives a plate -plates a cup - cups a bowl - bowls a glass - glasses chopsticks Do you have ? Yes, do. No, dont. I I A: Do you have _____________? B: Yes, we do. No, we dont. X chopsticks forks A (队员)(队员) : Do you have ________? B (队长)(队长) : Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Group Work : (小组内相互问答,找出你们组所拥有的餐具小组内相互问答,找出你们组所拥有的餐具) knives forks cups plates chopsticks glasses spoons bowls A: Do you have __________? B: Yes, we do. / No, we dont. Group Work : (小组相互问答小组相互问答) knives forks cups plates chopsticks glasses spoons bowls A: Do you have _____________? B: Yes, we do. No, we dont. knives tissues X A: Do you have __________? B: Yes, we do. / No, we dont. napkins glasses X bowls spoons X Pair Work : (同桌两人相互问答同桌两人相互问答) A: Do you have __________? B: Yes, we do. / No, we dont. napkins glasses X Pair Work : (同桌两人相互问答同桌两人相互问答) A: Do you have __________? B: Yes, we do. / No, we dont. bowls spoons X Pair Work : (同桌两人相互问答同桌两人相互问答) Do you have a fork? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Yes, we do. No, we dont. Do you have a spoon? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Yes, we do. No, we dont. Do you have a spoon? Yes, I do. Yes, we do. Does she have _______ ? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt. Does she have a/an_______ ? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt. Does he have ? pencils Yes , he does. Does she have ? plates No , she doesnt. She has glasses. Does he have ? plates Yes , he does. Does he have ? pencils No, he doesnt. He has . spoons Does she have ? napkins No, she doesnt. She has bowls A: Does he have __________? B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. X Pair Work : (同桌两人相互问答同桌两人相互问答) A: Does she have __________? B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. spoons glasses X tissues bowls A: Does he have __________? B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. X Pair Work : (同桌两人相互问答同桌两人相互问答) spoons bowls Pair Work : (同桌两人相互问答同桌两人相互问答) A: Does she have __________? B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. glasses X tissues Fill in the blanks. 1.___ you have a _____? 2.These are _______. 3.Are they ______? Yes, they are. 4. _____ is the glass? It __ on the desk. Do fork cups spoons Where isUnitUnit 6 6 OutdoorOutdoor funfun TheThe firstfirst periodperiod(第一课时)(第一课时) 一、教学内容一、教学内容 1. 开心学英语三年级下册 Unit 6 Vocabulary 及 Target 句型部分。 a)单词:8 种餐具的名称 b) 重点句型 Do you have forks? Yes, we do. /No, we dont. Does she have ? Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt. 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1 1、知识目标、知识目标 (1)学生能听、说、读本课的八个单词(forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, bowls) .; (2)学生能够利用“Do you have?第一人称的单复数进行回答; (3)学生还可以用第三人称单数“Does she/ he have ? 进行问答; 2 2、技能目标、技能目标 (1)学生的听、说、读、演能力能得到进一步加强,培养学生正确的语音、语 调和语感; (2)学生能够学会单词,能够利用句子进行对话,还能产生进一步学习的兴趣 和愿望; (3)培养学生应用所学的英语进行交际的能力。 3 3、情感目标、情感目标 (1)通过比赛,培养学生敢于竞争的意识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 (2)告诉学生“筷子”是中国餐具文化的一大特色, “刀叉”则是西方餐具文 化的特点。 三、三、 教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点: 重点:(1)能够掌握所学 8 个表示餐具的单词 (2)能够灵活运用句型 Do you have?来询问对方是否拥有某种物 品并作出正确的回答。 难点:(1) 单词 chopsticks knivesbowl 的正确读音 (2)实义动词 have 的准确使用 (3)八个单词的单复数的理解和掌握,特别是 knives, glasses 的复 数变化形式。 四、教学用具:四、教学用具:PPT、实物、图片 五教学过程:五教学过程: 教学环节教学内容意图和依据 Warm up1. Greetings and free talk 2. Song 温故知新,为新课学习 做铺垫 Lead inLan Yangyang has a party with his friends 创设情境 Presentation1. 1. Learn the new words according to Lan Yangyangs need. 2. ask and answer: present and drill the sentences 3. Have the Ss read the words in different ways 4.present the plural form of the new words,listen to the tape and repeat the words 1. 从实际出发,激发学 生的学习兴趣 2. 通过问答,初步认识 和了解句子不同人称的 变换 3. 加大操练的面,让更 多学生有机会开口说, 矫正发音 4. 只有听得准才能说得 准,进而促进读写等技 能的发展 Guessing game 通过看图片部分猜单词 的游戏激发学生学习的 兴趣,并对新授单词进 行操练 Quick response 通过快速反应加强对单 词的记忆 Practice Group work 猜测组长的袋子里有什 么,通过该活动训练 Do you have? Does she/he have? 的句型。 通过小组合作形式的互 相学习,共同提高。 ExtensionKnow more about western culture 了解西餐刀叉使用方法 和餐桌礼仪 Homework1.Copy the new words five times 2.Read the new words and sentences two times 课后作业巩固课堂内容
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