(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 5 Clothes-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:20474).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Clothes_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:20474)
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in on underbetween socks skirt pantsjacket Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks? Theyre under the pillow. Wheres the pillow? Its on the bed. Where are the pillows? Theyre on the bed. class 班级;同学们 open 打开 Open your books,please.第三课时第三课时 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1.1.能够听懂会说会读音标能够听懂会说会读音标|d|d| | | | | |i|i| | | |和例词,进一步掌握发音。和例词,进一步掌握发音。 2.2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂,大胆开口,帮助他激发学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂,大胆开口,帮助他 们建立学习的们建立学习的 成就感和自信心。成就感和自信心。 3.3. 学会帮助学习上有困难的学生,共同进步。学会帮助学习上有困难的学生,共同进步。 二、教学重点二、教学重点,难点。难点。 1.1. i i 的发音的发音|i|i|,与以前,与以前|ai|ai|发音的区别。发音的区别。 2.2. 正确理解和掌握音素的读音,并且能根据音素读准单词和句子。正确理解和掌握音素的读音,并且能根据音素读准单词和句子。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 VCD, PPT, masks, pictures and words cards 四、教学过程四、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 Warm-Warm- up.up. 1.1. SingSing a a song:song: Socks!Socks! LetLet thethe studentsstudents singsing thethe songsong together.together. 2.2. ReviewReview thethe wordswords andand sentences:sentences: (1)Make(1)Make a a situationsituation : : ImIm Gogo.Gogo. TodaysTodays mymy birthdaybirthday , , I I getget soso manymany presents.presents. ImIm soso happy.happy. (2)Ask(2)Ask andand guidesguides thethe studentsstudents answeranswer thethe questions.questions. WheresWheres thethe . . . . . . ? ? ItsIts . . . . . . . . WhereWhere areare the.the. . . . . ? ? TheyreTheyre . . . . . . . . (3)guides(3)guides thethe studentsstudents toto askask andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions. ( (通过这一环节,可以培养学生学习英语的情绪,营造英语学习的氛围,通通过这一环节,可以培养学生学习英语的情绪,营造英语学习的氛围,通 过歌曲中过歌曲中 sockssocks 和和 underunder 初步接触初步接触 o o 和和 u u 的发音的发音, ,为之后环节的字母发音教学做为之后环节的字母发音教学做 好铺垫好铺垫) ) StepStep 2 2 Lead-inLead-in -juice; | | |-under,-under, | | | -uncle;-uncle; |i|i| |i|i|-in,-in, |i|i| |i|i|-tennis.-tennis. | | |-on,-on, | | |-dog.-dog. ThenThen chantchant groupgroup byby group.group. 5.5. UseUse thethe songsong andand chantchant toto teachteach andand practicepractice thethe words.words. 6.Listen6.Listen toto thethe wordswords andand readread afterafter thethe tape.tape. 7.Try7.Try toto findfind moremore wordswords likelike thesethese sounds:sounds: |d|d| |-jump,-jump, Jenny,Jenny, jeep,jeep, jelly.jelly. | | |- umbrella,umbrella, unhappy,number,unhappy,number, |i|i| - - - is,is, it,it, this,this, big,big, six,pillow,pink,window,six,pillow,pink,window, | | |- hot,hot, not,not, soccer,box,clock,(soccer,box,clock,(让学生接触更多的单词,巩固让学生接触更多的单词,巩固 所学的发音规则。所学的发音规则。) ) StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1.Look1.Look atat thethe teachersteachers mouthmouth andand guessguess thethe words:words: 2.Listening2.Listening exercise:exercise: listenlisten andand circlecircle thethe words.words. 3.Listen3.Listen andand numbernumber thethe words:words: jacket(jacket( ) ) under(under( ) ) in(in( ) ) dog(dog( ) ) juicejuice ( ( ) ) uncle(uncle( ) ) tennis(tennis( ) ) onon ( ( ) ) ThenThen checkcheck thethe rightright answersanswers together.together. 4.Look4.Look andand writewrite thethe wordswords onon thethe booksbooks P41.P41. StepStep 4 4 ExtensionExtension PassagePassage reading.reading. T:T: I I cancan findfind outout manymany |i|words|i|words inin thethe followfollow passage.passage. CanCan youyou findfind themthem out?out? TodayToday isis a a windywindy day,weday,we willwill gogo hiking.Ihiking.I wantwant toto eateat anan iceice cream.cream. WeWe willwill flyfly a a bigbig kite.kite. ThereThere areare ninenine kiteskites inin thethe sky.Theysky.They areare allall pink.pink. StepStep 5 5 SummarySummary . . BriefBrief summarizessummarizes andand readread thethe soundssounds andand newnew words.words. StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework (1)(1) ReadRead thesethese soundssounds andand wordswords toto youryour parents.parents. (2)(2) CopyCopy thesethese wordswords twicetwice onon Exbook.Exbook. (3)(3) UseUse thethe wordswords toto makemake a a chantchant oror a a songsong youyou like.like. 五、板书设计五、板书设计 UnitUnit 5 5 ClothesClothes SoundsSounds andand wordswords J J|d|d| | u u| | | i i |i|i| o o | | | j jacketacket u undernder i in n o on n j juiceuice u unclencle tenntenni is s d do og g
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