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1、2020 年集美区小学六年级质量考试 英 语 试 题(人教PEP版) (本卷满分:100 分,其中书写分 2 分,考试时间:60 分钟) 听一听,做一做 50%听一听,做一做 50% 一、下列各图的顺序乱了,听一听,用“1,2,3”数字给图片标上正确的序号。10% ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Tom Kim ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听一听,选择你所听到的单词。10% ()1. I like playing.A. basketballB. badminton ()2. I went _with my friends.A. campingB. cycling ()3.

2、I_ ride a bike before .A. couldntB. didnt ()4. My birthday is in.A. JuneB. July ()5.Your shoes arethan mine.A. biggerB. older 三、听一听,判断正误,与图片相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。10% ()()()()() 四、听对话,选择问题的答案。10% () 1. Where did Amy go on National Day?A. Xiamen.B. Sanya. () 2. How does Tim often go to School?A.

3、 By bike.B. By subway. () 3. Is Kate happy?A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt. () 4. Where is Helen going?A. To the book store.B. To the hospital. () 5. What did Tony do yesterday?A. Went swimming.B. Saw a film. 英语试题第1页 共 4 页 五、听短文,选择正确答案,将序号填在题前的括号内。10% () 1. Lisa is talking about her. A. school tripB.

4、 weekendC. holiday () 2. She went to. A. the zooB. her uncles farmC. the forest () 3. She went with. A. her friendsB. her brother and sisterC. her father and mother () 4.They sawthere. A. cows, sheep and horsesB. flowersC. mountains () 5. How did Lisa feel? A. It wasnt good.B. It was great.C. It was

5、 bad. 读一读,写一写读一读,写一写 48%48% 六、 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。7% 1. Gg _ Ii_2.o_ _ r3.Ss_Uu4. W_Z 七、选择填空,在答题卡上填涂相应序号。10% ()1. -Did you_ a film? -Yes, I did. A. seeB. sawC. sees ()2. I am 50kg. My sister is 52kg. I am _than my sister. A. thinnerB. biggerC. heavier ()3. Howare you? I am 50kg. A. tallB. bigC. heavy ()4

6、. I _like pink before, but now I like it very much. A. wasntB. didntC. doesnt ()5. Li Ming is a_. He works in a hospital. A. pilotB. doctorC. cleaner ()6. Look! He_ TV in the living room now. A. is watchingB. watchedC. watches ()7.Tomorrow she is going to _ to school. A. wentB. goC. goes ()8. There

7、is _ elephant in the zoo. A. aB. anC. the ()9.What did you do last weekend?I_my homework. A. didB. doC. does 英语试题第2页 共 4 页 ()10.Whats the weather like in Beijing now? It s _ . A. windyB. rainyC. sunny 八、图文配对,将序号填写在相应的括号内。5% A AB BC CD DE E ()1. What did you do last Saturday? - We saw a film. ()2. Wh

8、ere is the museum? - Turn left and you can see it. ()3. Whats your favourite vegetable? - My favourite vegetable is tomatoes. ()4. How did you go to Hainan Island last year ? - I went there by ship. ()5. Did you wash your clothes last Friday? - Yes, I did. 九、Wu Yi fan 正在和 Amy 分享他的暑假活动,请你读一读,选择正确的话语,

9、将对话补充 完整 5% WuYifan: Where did you go over the summer holiday? Amy:1._. WuYifan: Really ? Did you like it? A. Sure Amy: Yes, I did. B. I went to Xiamen. WuYifan: How did you go there? C. It was sunny. Amy :2._ D. What did you do there? WuYifan: What was the weather like there? E. We went there by tr

10、ain. Amy: 3._ WuYifan: 4._ Amy: I went swimming in the sea and took lots of pictures. It was beautiful. WuYifan: Sounds great. Can I see your pictures? Amy:5._. 十、同学们,我们的好朋友 Lily 一家人周末生活很丰富哦,你能模仿例句,帮她记录家人 精彩的周末生活吗?加油哦!。5% grandparentsfathermothersisterbrotherI 英语试题第3页 共 4 页 1. My grandparents went h

11、iking. 2. ( father) _ 3. ( mother) _ 4. (sister) _ 5. (brother) _ 6. ( I )_ 十一、 阅读理解。16% 参考词汇: studied English, cleaned the room, played ping pong, rode a bike , played the piano I m Wu Yifan. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, I washed my clothes. Then I cooked noodles. In the afternoon,

12、 I stayed at home and did my homework. In the evening, I visited my grandparents. We had a big dinner together, I set the table and did the dishes after dinner. On Sunday morning, I played sports with my friend. On Sunday afternoon, I planted trees. In the evening, I played computer games, watched T

13、V and listened to music. I had a good time. (一)根据短文内容选择正确答案(10%) () 1. Did Wu Yifan cook noodles on Saturday morning? _ A.Yes, he did.B. No, he didnt.C. Yes, I did. () 2. On Saturday evening, Wu Yifan _. A. played sportsB. did his homeworkC. visited his grandparents () 3 .Wu Yifan didnt _ on Sunday evening. A. do my homework B. play computer games C. watch TV () 4. Wu Yifan listened to music on _. A. SaturdayB. SundayC. Friday evening () 5. Wu Yifan had a _ weekend. A. happyB. sadC. angry (二)按 Wu Yifan做事情的顺序给图片标上序号(6%) () () ()()()() 英语试题第4页 共 4 页


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