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1、B4 U2 Looking into the Future Learning Paper Words and Expressions Unit 2 Looking into the Future Learning aims: 1. To learn the new words and expressions of this unit; 2. To learn the basic collocation and usage of some key words; 3. To lay a solid foundation for the following learning of this unit

2、; Step 1: Lead-in Topic: Have you ever imagined the life in the future? Try to explore and picture the future of technology. Step 2: Self-learning Activity 1: Read the new words and expressions after the recordings Activity 2: Learn the words and expressions based on the V-3500 Step 3: Feedback Feed

3、back 1: Fill the blanks with the correct derivation of some key words 1. vt.劝说;说服 n.劝说;说服; adj.令人信服的 2. distant adj.疏远的;遥远的 n. 距离;路程;远方 3. preference n.爱好;偏爱 vt. 宁可; 较喜欢 4. secure adj.安全的;牢靠的;稳妥的 n.安全;保证 5. adj.效率高的;胜任的 n.效率;功率 6. adj.自动的;无意识的 adv.自动地;机械地 7. warning n.警告;警报;预兆 vt.警告;告诫 8. detect vt.

4、发觉;察觉 n.探测;侦查 9. abnormal adj.不正常的,反常的(反义词) adj.正常的 10. vt使结合;结合 n. 结合 11. vt.预测;预言 n. 预测;预言 12. occupy vt.占用;占领;从事 adj. 忙的;从事的 n.职业,占领 13. absent adj. 缺席的,不在的 n. 缺席;缺乏 14. vt. 强调;着重;使突出 n.强调;重视;重要性 15. adj. 精确的,准确的 n. 准确(性);精确度 Feedback 2: write down the phrases according to the Chinese. 1. 开/关(电灯,

5、机器等) 2. 记录,跟踪的线索 3. 在初期;早先 4. 阻止免于 5. 给提供. 6. 从这种意义上讲 7. 因为而道歉 8. 无时,缺时 9. 倡导简朴的生活方式 10. 从中受益 11. 保持联系;了解 12. 一方面,另一方面 Step 4: Discussion Activity 1: Is there any word you cant find from the V-3500? Activity 2: Is there any word you cant fully understand even after checking the V-3500? Step 5: Prese

6、ntation Activity 1: invite 3 groups to show their answers of feedback 1 and feedback 2 B4 U2 Looking into the Future Learning Paper Words and Expressions Activity 2: invite 3 groups to show the results of discussion. Step 6: Comment Words Supplement: 1. integrate vt. integrate (A) into / with B 使合并,

7、使融入一体;使加入,融入群体 These programs can be integrated with your existing software. 这些程序能和你的已有的软件整合成一体。 They have made every effort to integrate with the local community. 他们努力融入到本地社区。 integrated adj.各部分密切协调的;综合的 an integrated transport system (including buses, trains, taxis, etc.) 综合联运体系 an integrated scho

8、ol 混合学校 integration n. (1)整合,一体化; The aim is to promote economic integration. 目的是进一步促进经济一体化 (2) 混合,融合/U/ racial integration in schools 学校招收不同种族的学生 integrity n./U/ 完整,完好,诚实,正直 territorial integrity of the country 国家领土完整 2. keep in touch (with) 了解(某课题或领域的情况) It is important to keep in touch with the l

9、atest research. 及时掌握最新研究情况很重要。 3. leak vt. /n. 透露 (to give secret information to the public) The contents of the report were leaked to the press. 报告的内容泄漏到新闻界了。 a leaked document 已泄密的文件 Details of the plan soon leaked out 计划的细节很快就泄露出去了。 a leak to the press about the government plans on tax 有关政府税收计划的消

10、息对新闻界的泄露 4. mode (1)n.方式;风格 a particular way or type of doing sth. a mode of communication 交流方式 a mode of behaviour 行为模式 (2)模式 Switch the camera into the automatic mode. 把相机调到自动拍摄模式 Step 7: Exercise I.单词拼写 1. Can you imagine what the world in the (遥远的) future will become? 2. We are at a (关键的) time i

11、n history. 3. He hasn t realized his full (潜力)yet. 4.There are (漏洞) in the water pipe; water is getting out. 5. There is no end to practice or (创新) . 6. We can t take your advice. (然而), thank you for putting it. .单句语法填空 1. After a little gentle (persuade), he agreed to come. 2. Every time I switch t

12、he TV, theres football. Its boring B4 U2 Looking into the Future Learning Paper Words and Expressions 3. The beach is within walking (distant) of my house. 4. They have tightened (secure) along the border. 5. The machine is (automatic) controlled. 6. This requires that a number of people work togeth

13、er quickly and (efficient) 7. Many people expressed a strong (prefer) for the original plan. 8. The firm is working on a new product in (combine) with several overseas partners. 9. The (detect) thought the stick was relative to the murder case. 10. The buildings are well (integrate).with the landscape. Step 8 : Assignment Finish the exercise paper 2.


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