2021新版人教版选修二英语Unit 5 预习新知早知道 同步讲解 .doc

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1、.匹配词义 A单词匹配 第一组 ( )1.organ An.光线;光束;(热、电等)射线 ( )2.ray Bn.辐射;放射线 ( )3.radiation Cn.毫米;千分之一米 ( )4.acid Dn.酸 adj.酸性的;酸的 ( )5.millimetre En.(人或动植物的)器官 ( )6.fabric Fn.蚊子 ( )7.bath Gn.地毯 ( )8.mosquito Hn.织物;布料;(社会、机构等的)结构 ( )9.carpet In.救护车 ( )10.ambulance Jn.洗澡;(BrEbathtub) 浴缸、浴盆;洗澡水 答案 15 EABDC 610 HJFG

2、I 第二组 ( )1.needle An.牛排;肉排 ( )2.ward Bn.针;缝衣针;注射针;指针 ( )3.ankle Cn.病房 ( )4.steak Dn.拳;拳头 ( )5.fist En.踝;踝关节 ( )6.motion Fn.幸福;福祉;安康;福利 ( )7.welfare Gn.运动;移动 ( )8.foggy Hn.郊区;城外 ( )9.suburb In.会员身份;全体会员;会员人数 ( )10.membership Jadj.有雾的 答案 15 BCEAD 610 GFJHI B短语匹配 ( )1.sense of touch A生命体征 ( )2.electric

3、 shock B触电;电击 ( )3.vital sign C面朝上(朝下) ( )4.help sb. to ones feet D触觉 ( )5.face up/down E帮助某人站起身来 ( )6.sleep in F健康状况不好 ( )7.out of shape G迟起;睡过头;睡懒觉 答案 17 DBAECGF .默写单词 第一组 1technique n. 技能;技术;技艺 2minor adj. 较小的;次要的;轻微的 3victim n. 受害者;患者 4loose adj. 松的;未系紧的;宽松的 5urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的;急切的 6ease vt. 减轻

4、;缓解 vi.& vt. 使容易;使顺利 n. 容易;舒适;自在 7wrap vt. 包;裹;(用手臂等)围住 8slip vi. 滑倒;滑落;溜走 n. 滑倒;小错误;纸条 9tight adj. 牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的 adv. 紧紧地;牢固地 10practical adj. 切实可行的;实际的;实践的 第二组 1delay vi.& vt. 推迟;延期(做某事) vt. 耽误;耽搁 n. 延误;耽搁(的时间);推迟 2bleed vi. 流血;失血 3panic vi. & vt. (使)惊慌 n. 恐慌;惊恐 4interrupt vi.& vt. 打断;打扰 vt. 使暂停

5、;使中断 5scream vi.& vt. (因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫 n. 尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音 6fellow adj. 同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的 n. 男人;家伙;同事;同辈;同类 7choke vi.& vt. (使)窒息;(使)哽咽 8desperate adj. 绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的 9grab vt. 抓住;攫取 n. 抓取;抢夺 10. justify vt. 证明有道理;为辩护; 是的正当理由 .语境填空 loose;urgent;technique;minor;victim;panic;choke; wrap;elderly;bleed 1Modern

6、 medical techniques refine on those of the past. 2The young actor was given a minor part in the new play. 3Most of the victims were shot in the back while trying to run away. 4Loose shirts are good for summer wear. 5It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital. 6Youd better wrap it with

7、 a piece of clean cloth. 7The elderly man is quite energetic. 8If you cut your finger,it will bleed 9There was a panic when the building caught fire. 10He gets choked up just remembering the day she left. .语法填空之派生词 1The sun,a lamp,or an electric heater all warm us by radiation (radiate) 2He gently r

8、ubbed his swollen (swell) nose. 3I asked the operator (operate) to put me through to her office. 4Your invention is clever,but not practical (practice) 5Do not open the door when the train is in motion (move) 6It was so foggy (fog) that the driver could hardly make out the way ahead. 7I must renew m

9、y membership (member) of the sailing club. 8One centimetre is equal to 10 millimetres (metre) 1Your skin acts as a barrier against disease,toxins,and the suns rays. 你的皮肤是抵御疾病、毒素和阳光的屏障。 2Burns are divided into three types,depending on the depth of skin damage. 根据皮肤损伤的深度,烧伤或烫伤可分为三种类型。 3These burns cau

10、se very severe internal injuries and the victim must go to hospital at once. 这些烧伤会造成非常严重的内伤,受害者必须马上去医院。 4Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary,unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin. 如果有必要的话,用剪刀剪掉衣服,除非你看到布料粘在烧焦的皮肤上。 5 If the victim is suffering from second or third- degree bur

11、ns, there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once. 如果受害者属于二度或三度烧伤,就需要立即送他/她去医院。 名师圈点 an essential part of的重要组成部分 act as 充当 against disease 抵御疾病 the suns rays 阳光 prevent.from.阻止;防止 sense of touch 触觉 get burnt 烧伤 lead to 导致 give first aid 进行急救 a variety of 各种各样的 radiation n辐射;放射线 aci

12、d n酸;adj.酸的;酸性的 be divided into 被分为 depend on 根据;随而定 the top few millimetres of skin 皮肤表面几毫米 mild sunburn 轻微的晒伤 minor household incidents 轻微的家庭事故 below the top layer 表层以下 take time to do sth.花费时间做某事 electric shock 触电;电击 21severe internal injury 严重的内伤 22victim n受害者;患者 23mildly swollen 微肿 24mildly pai

13、nful 微痛 25watery surface 表层渗液 26extremely painful 极其疼痛 27the tissue underneath 皮下组织 28around the edges of the burn 在创面四周 29running water 自来水;流水 30stop the burning process 阻止烧伤的进程 31reduce the pain 减少疼痛 32if necessary 如果有必要的话 33stick to 粘住 34cover.with.用覆盖 35a loose clean cloth 一块宽松的干净布 36apply.to 把涂

14、到 37cause infection 引起感染 38make sure 确保 39suffer from 患(某种病);受(某种病痛)折磨 40an urgent need 迫切需要 41at once 立即 原文呈现 FIRST AID FOR BURNS The skin is an essential part of your body and is its largest organ.Your skin acts as a barrier against disease,toxins,and the suns rays.It also helps control your body

15、temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water, warns you when things are too hot or cold(1),and gives you your sense of touch .As you can imagine(2),getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries.The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is giving first aid . (1)when

16、引导时间状语从句。 (2)as 引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面主句的内容。 CAUSES OF BURNS You can get burnt by a variety of things:hot liquids,steam,fire,radiation ,the sun,electricity,acids,or other chemicals. TYPES OF BURNS Burns are divided into three types,depending on the depth of skin damage(3) (3)现在分词短语作方式状语。 First- degree burn

17、s These affect only the top few millimetres of skin. These burns are not serious.Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by other minor household incidents(4) (4)过去分词短语作名词 burns 的后置定语。 Second- degree burns These go below the top layer of the skin.They are serious and take a few weeks to get b

18、etter.Examples include burns caused by hot liquids(5) (5)过去分词短语作名词 burns 的后置定语。 Third- degree burns These affect every layer of the skin,and sometimes the tissue under it.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes, or petrol fires.These burns cause very severe internal injuries

19、 21 and the victim 22 must go to the hospital at once(6) (6)and 连接表示顺承关系的并列句 CHARACTERISTICS OF BURNS First- degree burns dry,red and mildly swollen 23 mildly painful 24 turn white when pressed(7) (7)when pressed 为时间状语从句 when they are pressed 的省略形式。 Second- degree burns red and swollen,blisters,wate

20、ry surface 25 extremely painful 26 Third- degree burns black and white swollen;the tissue underneath 27 can often be seen little or no pain if nerves are damaged(8); may be painful around the edges of the burn 28 (8)if 引导条件状语从句。 FIRST- AID TREATMENT 1 Place burns under cool running water 29 ,especia

21、lly within the first ten minutes.The cool water stops the burning process 30 and reduces the pain 31 and swelling. 2 Dry the burnt area gently with a clean cloth. 3 Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary 32 ,unless you see the fabric sticking to 33 the burnt skin(9) (9)unless 引导条件状语从句。 4 Cov

22、er the burnt area with 34 a loose clean cloth 35 .Applying oil to 36 the injured areas is a bad idea,as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection 37 (10) (10)动名词短语 Applying.injured areas 作主语,as 引导原因状语从句。 5 If burns are on the face,make sure 38 the victim can still breathe(11) (11)i

23、f 引导条件状语从句,make sure 后是省略了 that 的宾语从句。 6 If the victim is suffering from 39 second or third- degree burns(12),there is an urgent need 40 to take him/her to the hospital at once 41 . (12)if 引导条件状语从句。 译文参考 烧伤急救 皮肤是人体的重要组成部分,也是人体最大的器官。你的皮肤是抵御疾病、 毒素和阳光的屏障。它还有助于控制体温,防止身体失去太多的水分,当东西太 热或太冷时,给你警告,并使你有触觉。正如你

24、想象的那样,烧伤会导致非常严 重的伤害。治疗烧伤的第一步也是最重要的一步是进行急救。 烧伤的原因 你会被各种各样的东西灼伤:热的液体、蒸汽、火、辐射、太阳、电、酸或 其他化学物质。 烧伤的种类 根据皮肤损伤的深度,烧伤或烫伤可分为三种类型。 一度烧伤:只影响皮肤表面几毫米。这些烧伤不严重。例如轻微的晒伤和 其他轻微的家庭事故造成的灼伤。 二度烧伤: 位于皮肤表层以下。 它们是严重的, 需要几个星期才能好起来。 例如由灼热的液体引起的烫伤。 三度烧伤: 会影响皮肤的每一层, 有时还会影响到皮下组织。 例如由电击、 衣服燃烧或汽油火灾引起的烧伤。这些烧伤会造成非常严重的内伤,受害者必须 马上去医院

25、。 燃烧的特点 一度烧伤 干燥、发红、微肿 微痛 受压时变白 二度烧伤 发红、肿胀、起水泡、表层渗液 极其疼痛 三度烧伤 黑白相间 肿胀;通常可看到皮下组织 若损害了神经,则没有疼痛或轻微疼痛,在创面四周有疼感 急救处理 1 把烧伤的部位放在自来水下冲洗,特别是在开始的十分钟内。凉水可以 阻止烧伤的进程,减少疼痛和肿胀。 2 用干净的布轻轻擦干烧伤的地方。 3 如果有必要的话,用剪刀剪掉衣服,除非你看到布料粘在烧焦的皮肤上。 4 用一块宽松的干净布覆盖烧伤区域。在烧伤的地方涂油是不明智的,因 为它会使里面的热散不出去,并可能导致感染。 5 如果是面部烧伤,确保受害者还能呼吸。 6 如果受害者属于二度或三度烧伤,就需要立即送他/她去医院。


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