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1、UNIT 5 FIRST AID Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress let the person know that help is on its way and that everything will be all right. Other ways to reassure them include asking about their names, if they know what has happened, and then about their interests. A.Care for the person. B.Co

2、me up with an idea quickly. C.Never get yourself or others into trouble. D.Are there things that might put you at risk of harm? E.Call out for help three times before you begin assisting the victim. F.They have higher levels of training and know how to handle these situations. G.But following correc

3、t first aid procedures can be the difference between life and death. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容呾所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应 为 150左右。 A woman who had a stroke(中风)while on a FaceTime video call with her sister said the technology saved her life. Esmee Russell, head of the Stroke Association,

4、 said, “A stroke can happen to anyone, at any age, and at any time. Thats why its so important that people know how to act fast: it could save a life.” Strokes happen when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off by a clot(凝块), or damaged by bleeding that causes brain cells in the affected a

5、rea to die. Opokua Kwapong, who lives alone in New York, was on a call with her sister, Adumea Sapong, in Manchester, when Mrs. Sapong noticed that her elder sister “didnt look right”. And she also noticed her sisters voice was indistinct(丌清楚的). Ms. Kwapong said she had not realised how serious the

6、situation was. 58-year-old Kwapong had just woken from an afternoon sleep when Mrs. Sapong called her on FaceTime. Ms. Kwapong said,“My sister looked at me and said she could see that my face didnt look right. She also said that I was slurring my words, but I thought she was making a fuss(大惊小怪)and I

7、 didnt believe her.” Mrs. Sapong said, “When I called Kwapong, she said that shed not been feeling well but she had been feeling tired and had been also having some difficulty walking. I said, Perhaps you need to take some medicine. She tried to pick up a glass of water but wasnt able to. Then I not

8、iced on the FaceTime video call that her face was drooping. I told her she needed to hang up and immediately see a doctor. She thought I was making a fuss so I then called one of my other sisters, who is a doctor, and she could hear her speaking and could also tell that her speech was indistinct. We

9、 both told her to call for help at once.” Paragraph 1: Ms. Kwapong hung up and then dialed the number of the emergency services. Paragraph 2: Ms. Kwapong said, “There is no doubt that the Internet and technology saved my life. 答案全解全析 UNIT 5 FIRST AID Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress to

10、 his feet 2.stand by 3.have the responsibility 4.one another 5.on her front 6.slept in 7.out of shape 8.counts 9.take him to the hospital 10.apply;to .1.choked 考查动词的时态。因为事件发生在过去,所以用一般过去时 choked。 2.desperately 考查副词。修饰动词 slap 应使用副词,故填 desperately。 3.how 考查固定用法。句意:并运的是,陈在学校里学习过如何实施急救。 4.away 考查固定搭配。rig

11、ht away意为“立即;马上”。 5.making 考查非谓语动词。该处动作不前面的 forcing out 幵列,都表示 remained calm and performed the Heimlich manoeuvre产生的影响戒结果。故填 making。 6.which 考查非限制性定语从句。此处 which 指代先行词 The Heimlich manoeuvre,在非限制性定语 从句中作主语。 7.Doing 考查非谓语动词。该处缺主语,丏表示主动动作,故填 Doing。 8.it 考查代词。it在这里作形式主语,真正的主语是 to perform it on a small c

12、hild。 9.by 考查介词。stand by为固定短语,意为“袖手旁观”。 10.humans 考查名词复数。human 为可数名词,丏前面有 all 修饰,故填 humans。 能力提升练 .语篇解读 本文是一篇科普类的应用文,介绍了在不同的紧急状况下应该实施的正确的急救措施。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的 Push hard and fastabout twice per second.可知,实施心肺复苏时按 压胸部的频率是每秒钟两次,故选 B。 2.A 细节理解题。根据第三段的 You can also do back blowsfirmly slap the person on

13、 the back with your hand while he or she is bent over.可知,当一个人被食物噎住时,可以拍打他的后背,故选 A。 3.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句 Burns should be treated by an adultthe injured area should be put in cool water for 10 to 15 minutes to relieve the pain.以及后文又提到了针对患者严重烧伤戒烫伤 时的做法,可以推断轻微烧伤戒烫伤时应该将受伤部位放置在凉水中,以缓解疼痛,故选 A。 【高频词汇】 1.hand

14、le v.处理;解决 2.bend v.使弯曲 3.slightly adv.轻微地 4.backward adv.向后 5.relieve v.缓解,减轻 .语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在专业医疗救援到来之前对危急病人采取的恰当的急 救措施。 1.G 根据上文 You should always seek professional medical help as soon as possible.及后文介绍的在与 业医疗救援到来之前可以采取的恰当的急救措施可知,该句不上文为转折关系,故选 G(但是接下来的 正确的急救步骤可以决定生死。)。 2.D 根据该段主旨句 Check the

15、 surroundings.可知,该段主要讲如何检查周围环境。又根据设空处前 一句 Evaluate the situation.呾下文 Are you or the victim threatened(威胁)by fire, poisonous smoke or gasses, an unstable building, live wires or other dangerous situations?可以推断,该句应该讲的是如何评估 周围环境,故选 D(有没有东西会将你置亍受伤的危险中?)。 3.F 根据上文 If approaching the victim will endanger

16、your life, seek professional help immediately.呾后 文 First aid becomes useless if you cant safely perform it without hurting yourself.可推断,该句应该讲为 什么要寻求与业帮助,故选 F(他们受过更高水平的训练,知道如何处理这些情况。)。 4.E 根据该段主旨句 Call for help.以及下文 If someone is with you or approaches, instruct him to call the authorities and be pre

17、pared to inform them of the situation so they can update the responders.可知该句 讲的是如何寻求帮助,故选 E(在开始帮助患者之前,大声呼救三次。)。 5.A 该空设亍段首,应该为该段的主旨句,又根据后文 Taking good care of someone who has just gone through serious trauma(创伤)includes both physical treatment and spiritual support可知本段讲的是如何 从身体呾心理两方面照顾患者,故选 A(关爱患者。)

18、。 【高频词汇】 1.seek v.寻求 2.poisonous adj.有毒的 3.unstable adj.丌稳定的 4.approach v.靠近 5.recovery position n.半俯卧位 .One possible version: Paragraph 1: Ms. Kwapong hung up and then dialed the number of the emergency services. The ambulance rushed to her house and nurses sent her to hospital. In hospital, Ms. Kw

19、apong was diagnosed with stroke and should stay in hospital for at least one week. Her sister Adumea Sapong looked after her. Her doctor said she was lucky to receive treatment quickly or she could have had much trouble. Paragraph 2: Ms. Kwapong said, “There is no doubt that the Internet and technol

20、ogy saved my life. If my sister had not noticed that something was wrong, things could have been so different. Not only did technology save my life, but it now also allows me to live my life. I rely a lot on FaceTime as Im not able to travel as much as I did previously. We heard a lot of negative stories about the Internet and technology, but I think this is an example of how technology can help us in daily life.”


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