2021年人教版七年级下册《英语》重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案;11份打包;缺unit8).zip

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1 7 年级下册 unit 3 重点单词、短语 练习习题 I.根据句意或汉语提示写出所缺的单词根据句意或汉语提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.She takes the ________ (地铁)to go to work every day. 2.There are __________(七十)students in his class. 3.The T-shirt is __________(九十)yuan. 4.More than six _________ (百) teams took part in the competition in May. 5.Its about ten ___________(分钟)ride from here to the seaside. 6.Its five_____________(千米)from here to the zoo. 7.He is from Beijing, but now he ____________(居住)in Shanghai. B: 1.Look at the _________(桥) over there. It is very beautiful. 2.One day my________ (梦想)will come true. 3.The little girl is_______ (害怕)of dogs. 4.Its dangerous to swim in the ____________ (河). You must get out of it. 5.I can see some ___________(小船)on the coast. 6.There will be a high-speed railway ______________ (在之间)Ningbo and Zhoushan. C: 1.Im thirteen __________ old. Whats your age? Twelve. 2.What do you__________ of Chinese food? I like it very much. 2 3.There is a shop between my house ___________ the park. 4.What does Lisa look ____________ ? She is tall and thin. 5.We all believe that our dreams will come _________ one day. II.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空 A: 1.The _____________(village) dreams of leaving the village to work in the big city. 2.Be careful when you go _____________(cross)the street. 3.Its very easy _________ (find) some useful information on the Internet. 4.Youd better tell me the __________ (true). 5.The girl is afraid ___________ (go) out at night. III.连词成句连词成句,把下列单词按照合适的顺序重新排列把下列单词按照合适的顺序重新排列,组成语意完整、连贯的句子。组成语意完整、连贯的句子。 1.does, every, the, school, how, boy, get, day, to __________________________________________? 2.work, it, is, finish, the, easy, for, me, to _____________________________________. 3.the, I, not, dogs, afraid, am, of ______________________________________. 4.a, it, new, my, bike, dream, is, to, have _____________________________________. 3 5.my, one, come, dream, day, true, can _________________________________________ IV.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.There are s__________ minutes in an hour. 2.I go to school b__________ bus every day. 3.It takes my father twenty minutes to d_______ his car to work. 4.How f______ is it from here to the library? About twenty minutes walk. 5.Twenty and e______ is one hundred. 6.Its not a n_________ car. Its very old. 7.The bus r__________ is never boring because I always talk to my classmates. V.根据汉语意思翻译句子根据汉语意思翻译句子,每空词数不限每空词数不限 1.我想知道她住在哪里。 I want to know _______________ . 2.我不知道他每天怎么到学校。 I dont know __________________ every day. 3.你步行还是骑自行车? Do you walk ____________________ ? 4.对我来说,单独过河是很危险的。 Its dangerous for me ___________________ alone. 5.拥有一条宠物狗是我的梦想。 ______________________ have a pet dog. 4 答案: I: A:1.subway2.seventy3.ninety4.hundred 5.minutes6.kilometers/kilometres7.lives B:1.bridge2.dream3.afraid4.river5.boats 6.between C:1.years 2.think3.and4.like5.true II: 1.villager本题考查 village 的派生词。句意:那个村民梦想离开乡村去大城市工作。表示 “村民”要用 villager。 2.across句意:当你过马路的时候,要当心。此处要填的是介词,而 cross 是动词,故所缺的词 是 across。 3.to find句意:在网上找到一些有用的信息是很容易的。根据“Its+adj.(+for sb.)+to do sth.” 的句式结构可知,答案为 to find。 4.truth本题考查 true 的名词形式。句意:你最好告诉我真相。此处要填的是 true 的名词形 式,即 truth。 5.to go本题考查 be afraid to do sth.的固定搭配。该短语意为“害怕做某事”,故答案为 to go。 III. 1.How does the boy get to school every day 5 2.It is easy for me to finish the work 3.I am not afraid of the dogs 4.It is my dream to have a new bike 5.My dream can come true one day IV:1.sixty2.by3.drive4.far5.eighty6.new7.ride V:1.where she lives2.how he gets to school3.or ride a bike 4.to cross the river5.Its/It is my dream to1 7 年级下册 unit 5 重点单词、短语 练习习题 I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.Im thirsty. Please give me a bottle of __________ (水). 2.Does the lion come from ___________ (非洲)? Yes, it does. 3.We cant_________ (杀死)the animals;they are our friends. 4.Our national________ (旗)is red and we love our country. 5.I dont remember this_________ (地点).Can you tell me? 6.Dont be __________(懒惰的). Get up and have breakfast. 7.We all like the animal because it is very ________(聪明的). 8.What is your sister like? She is a little ___________(害羞的). 9.What can we do to ________(救助)the animals in danger? 10.Dont _____________ (忘记)to write a letter to him. B: 1.Welcome to the London ___________(动物园). 2.My mum often says to me, “Work hard. Dont be __________ (懒惰).” 3.Look at the bird in the tree. It looks so____________(漂亮的). 4.What __________(种类)of coffee would you like? 5.We want to plant some trees in the ___________ (南部)of our school. 6.How many hours do you __________(睡觉)every day? About nine hours. 2 7.Sydney is a famous city and it is in _________ (澳大利亚). 8.The boy wants to learn more about __________ (非洲). C: 1.The girl is very ____________ (害羞的)and she is afraid of talking to others. 2.We want to do something to ________(救助)the wild animals. 3.There are some red ________ (旗帜)on the wall. 4.My grandfather is too old, and he often _________ (忘记)his name. 5.It is a good __________ (地方)for swimming. 6.We cant live without __________ (水). 7.The farmer wants to ____________ (砍)down the trees. 8.Why do they want to ____________ (杀死)the poor animals? II.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空 A:1.Why is Alan so popular in your class? Because he is very ___________ (friend)to everyone. 2.Its ______________ (danger) to play with fire. 3.She doesnt have a map or a mobile phone, so she may get ____________ (lose). 4.When we go abroad, we can see many things ___________(make) in China. 5.Dont forget _________ (close)the windows when you go out. III.按要求完成句子按要求完成句子 3 A: 1.She likes koalas very much.(改为一般疑问句) _________she __________koalas very much? 2.Lions are from Africa.(对画线部分提问) ________ lions _____________ ? 3.We like dogs because they are very cute.(对画线部分提问) __________ you like dogs? 4.Pandas are from China.(改为同义句) Pandas__________________China. 5. I like cats. They are interesting.(将两句合并为一句) _____________________________ 6.They didnt arrive on time because they got up late. (对画线部分提问) _______________ they arrive on time? IV.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.My son likes a_____________ very much, so I often take him to the zoo. 2.The boy is l___________ and he doesnt want to do anything. 3.Sydney is a famous city in A________ . 4.Lets go to the z________ because I want to see the tigers and lions. 5.Sanya is in the s_________ of China. 4 B: 1.Im very thirsty. Please give me some w________ . 2.Dont f________ to call me up this afternoon. 3.Some bad men k_______ the animals just for their meat. 4.The girl is very s__________ and she is afraid of talking to the foreign teachers. 5.We must do something to s_______ the man. He is dying. We can send him to the nearest hospital. V.连词成句连词成句 把下列单词按照合适的顺序重新排列,组成语意完整、连贯的句子。 1.the, from, do, animals, where, come _____________________________? 2.you, like, why, lions, dont _____________________________? 3.monkeys, I, like, they, smart, are, because, very _______________________________. 4.kind, pandas, are, the, interesting, of ____________________________________ 5.tigers, like, pandas, you, or, do _________________________________? 6.are, these, South, from, Africa, animals 5 __________________________________ 答案: I: A:1.water2.Africa3.kill4.flag5.place 6.lazy7.smart8.shy9.save10.forget B:1.Zoo2.lazy3.beautiful4.kind5.south6.sleep7.Australia8.Africa C:1.shy2.save3.flags4.forgets5.place6.water 7.cut8.kill II: A: 1.friendly根据本题语境可知, Alan 在班里很受欢迎,因为他对所有人都很“友好”,故所缺的 词是 friendly。 2.dangerous句意:玩火是危险的。此处要填的词是形容词,dangerous 是形容词,意为“危险的” ,符合题意。 3.lost句意:她没有地图,也没有手机,所以她可能会迷路。get lost 意为“迷路”,所缺的词是 lost。 4.made句意:当我们出国的时候,我们可以看到许多中国制造的物品。things 和 make 之间 是被动关系,此处要填的是 make 的过去分词,即 made。 5.to close句意:当你出去的时候,不要忘记关窗户。dont forget to do sth.意为“不要忘记做某 6 事”。 III. A:1.Does;like2.Where are;from3.Why e from 5.I like cats because they are interesting.6.Why didnt IV: A:1.animals2.lazy 3.Australia4.zoo 5.south B:1.water2.forget3.kill4.shy5.save V:1.Where do the animals come from 2.Why dont you like lions 3.I like monkeys because they are very smart 4.The pandas are kind of interesting 5.Do you like pandas or tigers/Do you like tigers or pandas 6.These animals are from South Africa1 7 年级下册 unit 6 重点单词、短语 练习习题 I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.My father likes reading___________ (报纸). 2.Could I __________ (使用)your computer, Dad? Yes, you can. 3.Come and try the ___________(汤). Its very delicious. 4.I often help my parents __________(洗)the dishes. 5.She often goes to the ___________(电影)on weekends. 6.Id like to___________ (喝)some coffee. 7.Would you like some ___________ (茶)? 8.We will go to the zoo _________(明天). 9.This is our new _____________ (房子) and it has four bedrooms. B: 1.The boy wants to jump into the _________(水池). 2.There is a ____________(商店). 3.Lets go to the _____(超市)and buy some food and drink. 4.They are ___________ (研究)Chinese history. 5.How many ___________ (州)are there in the USA? 6.I dont need ____________(任何)help. I can do it by myself. 7.Do you know the _________ (年轻的)lady over there?No, I dont. 2 8.I ____________(想念)my grandparents very much. 9.The meals are very _________(美味的). I love them. 10.He isnt at home. He is__________(仍然)in Beijing. II.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空 A: 1.Were going to eat out. Do you want __________(join) us for dinner? Sure. Lets go. 2.Tony often____________(climb) the trees to get apples. 3.Lets_____________ (play) football after school. That sounds great. 4.Look! Bob is ____________ (use) the computer to play funny games. 5.Its 6:10 p.m. now. Ginas family _______________ (have) dinner 6.Look at the two ________(man)over there. They are my father and his friend, Mr. White. 7. My mother is ___________(shop) in the supermarket. 8.It is an __________ (America)car. Its not a Japanese car. 9.The storybook is very interesting. Lots of _________ (child)like reading it. 10.Listen! Who is _______ (sing)in the next room? 11.There are seven _____________(woman)doctors in the hospital. B:从方框中选出合适的词,并用其适当形式填空 readcleanshopbeeat 1.What are the four girls doing now? They are ______ an interesting storybook. 3 2.Look! The man is _______ the street now. 3.There is a supermarket near my home. Lets go _______ now. 4.Are you eating dinner at home? Yes, I _______ . 5.Miss Li wants_______two eggs. C:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 Americashopmanmissstudy 1.Many young________ like watching this kind of movie. 2.She often_______ the early bus because she always gets up late. 3.What about going_______after class? 4.I _______English by reading English books and newspapers. 5.My friend is an_______ boy. He is ten years old now. III.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.Look! They are playing in the swimming p____________ . 2.The food is so d__________ that he eats a lot. 3.He can run very fast. Im sure he can win the r__________ . 4.She is fifty years old, but she looks very y___________. We all think she is about thirty years old. 5.I have two friends. One is Linda and the o_________ is Lily. 6.I havent seen my grandmother for a long time. I m_________ her very much. I plan to visit her 4 this weekend. 答案: I: A:1.newspapers2.use3.soup4.wash5.movies6.drink7.tea8.tomorrow9.house B:1.pool2.shop3.supermarket4.studying5.states 6.any7.young8.miss9.delicious10.still II: A: 1.to joinwant to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“想要做某事”,故答案为 to join。 2.climbs主语是 Tony,根据 often 可知,该句的时态是一般现在时,故所缺的词是 climbs。 3.playlets 后要用动词原形,故所缺的词是 play。 4.using根据“Look!”可知,鲍勃正在使用电脑玩好玩的游戏,该句是现在进行时,故所缺的 词是 using。 5.are having本题考查动词时态。根据设空前的“现在是下午 6 点 10 分”可知,此处的时 态是现在进行时,该时态的基本结构是“be+现在分词”,故答案为 are having。 6.men本题考查 man 的复数形式。根据设空前的 two 可知,此处要填的是 man 的复数形式, 即 men。 7.shopping句意:我妈妈正在超市购物。根据句意和设空前的 is 可知,该句的时态是现在进 5 行时,故所缺的词是 shopping。 8.American句意:它是一辆美国的汽车,不是日本的。American 作形容词,意为“美国的” 。 9.children本题考查 child 的复数形式。根据设空前的 Lots of 可知,此处要填的是它的复数 形式,即 children。 10.singing本题考查动词时态。根据设空前的“Listen!”可知,本句的时态是现在进行时,故 所缺的词是 singing。 11.women 根据设空前的 seven 可知,那家医院有七名女医生。woman doctor 的复数形式 women doctors,故所缺的词是 women。 B:1.reading2.cleaning3.shopping4.am5.to eat C:1.men2.misses3.shopping4.study5.American III. A:1.pool2.delicious3.race4.young5.other6.miss1 7 年级下册 unit 8 重点单词、短语 练习习题 I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.There is a big _______(医院)in the neighborhood. 2.If you are in trouble, you can call the _______(警察). 3.He is standing _______(在后面)me. 4.The city is in the _______ (北方)of China. 5.You can find the bank on the _______ (左边). B: 1.There are many trees in the small_________ (市镇). 2.This__________ (大街)is very long and clean. 3.Lisas mother works in a __________(银行). 4.Sir, you need to__________ (付费)200 yuan for the books. 5.My father is still in his ____________(办公室). 6.There is a big __________(宾馆)near here. 7.The cat is sleeping ____________(在后面)the door. 8.You must look at the traffic lights before you go __________ (穿过)the road. 9.The factory is in the______________(北方)of the city. 10.There is a small village__________(在附近)the mountain. C: 2 1.Dont play football on the__________(路). 2.I like the_________(猴子)because they are clever. 3.You can get the job __________ (容易地)because you speak English well. 4.Today we can get a________ (免费的)lunch. 5.Chen Xiao_________ (时常)goes to Beijing by air. II.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空 A: 1.I enjoy __________ (read) Chinese ancient poems aloud to better understand them. 2.We have fun__________ (speak)English in class. 3.I want to spend an hour_________ (do)my homework every day. 4.My father travels to many places__________(easy)every year. 5.Kate likes to watch monkeys__________(climb)around. B: 1.My sister often spends two hours __________(finish)her homework. 2.When I was free, I really enjoyed ___________ (walk) around the town. 3.The five boys attended a birthday party last Sunday and they enjoyed ________ (they)very much. 4.I think you can find the answer __________ (easy). 5.Would you like to go ___________(climb)with us? Sure, Id love to. III.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 3 A: 1.Look left and right to make sure its safe before you go a_________the street. 2.She is a doctor and she works in a big h______________ . 3.Im hungry. Lets go to the r___________to have lunch. 4.Lisa is standing in f___________of me. 5.I have to p_______ five hundred yuan for the clothes. 6.There are many good doctors and nurses in the h_____ . 7.The tall boy is sitting in f_______ of me. 8.The zoo is a________ from the park. 9.Is there a school a______ here? B: 1.Most people write with their r__________ hand. 2.Im going to s__________ my summer vacation in Beidaihe. 3.The food and drink are f________ and you dont need to pay anything for them. 4.I want to buy the book, but I dont have enough m________ . 5.On weekends, I e________ listening to music or playing sports. They are relaxing. 答案: I: A:1.hospital2.police3.behind4.north5.left B:1.town2.street3.bank4.pay5.office6.hotel 7.behind8.across9.north10.near 4 C:1.road2.monkeys3.easily4.free5.often II: A:1.reading2.speaking3.doing4.easily 5.climbing B:1.finishing句意:我妹妹经常花两个小时完成她的家庭作业。根据 spend some time doing sth.的结构可知,所缺的词是 finishing。 2.walking本题考查 enjoy doing sth.的固定搭配。该短语意为“喜欢做某事”,所缺的词是 walking。 3.themselves 本题考查 enjoy oneself 的固定搭配。该短语意为“玩得开心;过得愉快”,和 The five boys 对应的反身代词是 t
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