2021版外研版必修三英语 Unit 6 Using language P65 ppt课件.pptx

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1、Using language (P65) 新新外研版外研版 Book 3 Unit 6 Disaster and hope Look at the two dialogues and pay attention to the parts in the blanks. (1) A: Im hungry. B: Are you (hungry)? A: Yeah. I didnt have lunch today. B: (Do you) Want some sandwiches? A: Are there any? B: Yeah. (Ive) Just made some. (2) A: (I

2、t) Looks like rain. B: Oh, I hope (it does) not (rain). A: Why (do you hope it doesnt rain)? B: We have a soccer game today, (do you) remember? A: Do we (have a soccer game today)? Where (will it be)? B: (It will be) In the bigger playground! Look at the sentences and compare them. What has been lef

3、t out in sentences (a) and (b)? Why does the author leave them out? To avoid repeating the word or expression that is too obvious and make the sentences more concise. Find out what words have been removed before or after the underlined words. Technology isnt the only way to forecast the weather. Nat

4、ure has its ways, too. Unusual animal behaviour, for example, can indicate whether its cold, wet weather thats on the way or a hot, dry period. If fish are jumping higher than usual or frogs are croaking more loudly, it may rain. And next time you look up at the sky, dont just look for rain clouds,

5、but also for birds. If they are flying low, grab your umbrella. It is also said that mice and snakes head for safer ground several days before an earthquake, while dogs avoiding the Beach may be a sign that a tsunami is approaching. Of course, although these things may suggest something bad is going

6、 to happen, they wont tell us when and where. So, for accurate and reliable predictions, its best to check an official, scientific report. (to forecast the weather) thats on the way than usual look something bad is going to happen something bad is going to happen The use of ellipsis in English 省略省略是

7、一种避免重复、突出 新信息并使上下文紧密连接 的语法手段。与汉语-样,英 语中的省略也较为常见。 一般来说,只要不损害结构 或引起歧义,能省略的地方 就可以省略。 省略的意义:可使语言更加 简洁,意思更加明确,句子 结构更加紧凑。 省略是指省去可以根据上下文语 境或情景语境恢复的句子成分。 英语中存在多种多样的省略 现象,句子中既可以省略主语、 谓语、谓语的一部分或宾语,也 可以一起省略主语和谓语。省略 在口语和书面语中都非常普遍。 省略的使用包括但不局限于以下 情况: What is ellipsis? 一 简单句的省略 1、省略主语祈使句中主语通常省略; 其它省 略主语多限于少数现成的说法

8、。 (1) (I)Thank you for your help. (2) (I)See you tomorrow. (3) (It)Doesnt matter. (4)(I) Beg your pardon 2、省略主谓或主谓语的一部分 (1) (There is) No smoking. (2) (Is there) Anything wrong? (3) (Will you) Have a smoke? (4) What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea? (5) Why (do you) not say hello to him? 3、省略作宾

9、语的不定式短语,只保留to,但 如果该宾语是动词be或完成时态,则须在 之后加上be或have: (1) -Are you going there? -Yes, Id like to(go there). (2) He didnt give me the chance, though he had promised to (give me the chance). (3) -Are you an engineer? -No, but I want to be (an engineer). (4) -He hasnt finished the task yet. -Well, he ought

10、to have (finished the task). 4、省略表语 (1) -Are you thirsty? - Yes, I am (thirsty). (2) His brother isnt lazy, nor is his sister (lazy). 5、同时省略几个成分 (1) Lets meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday. (2) -Have you finished your work? -(I have) Not (finished my work) yet. 二 主从复合句中的省略及其他情况的省 略。 1、主句中有

11、一些成分被省略 (1)(Im) Sorry to hear you are ill. (2)(Its a)Pity that he missed such a good chance. (3) - Is he coming back tonight? -I think so. (4) - She must be busy now? - If so, she cant go with us. (3) - Is she felling better today? - Im afraid not. (4) - Do you think he will attend the meeting? - I

12、guess not. 情况情况 例句例句 并列句 She went to the clinic and (she) saw a doctor. Sally will be arriving today and Ann (will be arriving) tomorrow. John once smoked like a chimney, but he doesnt (smoke) now. 表示比较 的从句 She looks older than my mother (does). The weather isnt as good as (it was) yesterday. 对话 (Im

13、) Sorry I couldnt come. (Pass me) The salt, please. A: Are you coming? B: Yes (Im coming). 2 其他情况的省略 情况情况 例句例句 告示、标牌、 报纸标题 (There will be) Roadworks ahead! (A) Millionaire (was) poisoned (in his home) in Beverly Hills. 习惯用语 What if (=What will/would happen if) World War III should happen? We need to

14、 solve the problem as soon as (it is) possible. Why not (=Why dont you) clean the room after breakfast? Now look for more sentences with these structures in the reading passage. Hot! Hot! Hot! (P62-63).doc Remove words from the news report to make it more concise. Chinas rescue efforts in Nepal The

15、8.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal on 25 April 2015, was one of the worst earthquakes in history. On hearing the news, China was quick to start organising emergency aid. International rescue teams soon began to arrive in the country. Amongst all the international heavy rescue teams, the China I

16、nternational Search and Rescue Team(CISAR) was the first international heavy rescue team to arrive. Consisting of 62 people, it not only included rescuers and medical staff, but also included earthquake experts. By early May, emergency aid worth 9.7 million US dollars had been donated by China, with

17、 a further round of emergency aid to follow. Exercises 改写句子改写句子: :使用省略手段避免下面各句重复与使用省略手段避免下面各句重复与 冗赘。冗赘。 1. Someone has used my mobile phone, but I dont know who has used it. 2. John worked hard but his brother did not work hard. 3. I have lazy students and hardworking students in my class. 4. - Has

18、he ever been abroad? - No, he has never been abroad. 5. If it is necessary, we will finish it ahead of time. 6. You must not be late and you must not be absent. 7. Give me your name and address, please. 8. It is well done. 9. Mother can take a rest, Mother should take a rest but Mother wont take a r

19、est after long hours of work. 10.He could answer the questions very well if he would answer the questions but he didnt answer the questions. Answers: 1. Someone has used my mobile phone, but I dont know who has used it. 2. John worked hard but his brother did not work hard. 3. I have lazy students a

20、nd hardworking students in my class. 4. - Has he ever been abroad? - No, he has never been abroad. 5. If it is necessary, we will finish it ahead of time. Answers: 6. You must not be late and you must not be absent. 7. Give me your name and address, please. 8. It is well done. 9. Mother can take a rest, Mother should take a rest but Mother wont take a rest after long hours of work. 10.He could answer the questions very well if he would answer the questions but he didnt answer the questions. Thank you!


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