2021版外研版必修三英语Unit 2 Making a different Section Ⅳ Developing ideas & Other parts ppt课件.pptx

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1、自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 Section Section Developing Developing ideas additional 3.词汇拓展 /temp()rri/ adj.短期的,短暂的;临时的temporarily aid chief obtain further temporary 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 / temp()rrli/ adv.暂时地 /tivmnt/ n.成绩,成就achieve /tiv/ v. 完成;达到 /med/ adj.重要的,主要的majority /mdrt

2、i/ n.大部分,大多数 /tritmnt/ n.治疗;疗法treat /trit/ v.治疗;对待;款待 n. 款待;招待 achievement major treatment 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 .情境词块 1.their heartbroken parents 2.save children from death 3.aid people 4.living in terrible conditions 5.transport children to safety 6.keep records of the children 他们伤心欲

3、绝的父母 拯救面临死亡威胁的孩子 帮助人们 生活在绝境中 把孩子们转移到安全的地方 记录孩子们的信息 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 7.find temporary homes for them 8.donate funds 9.serve as an officer 10.disappear from peoples memories 11.at one point 12.rise to their feet 13.bring his actions to public attention 为他们寻找寄养家庭 捐款 担任军官 淡出人们的记忆 一度,在

4、某一刻 他们站起身来 使他的善举为公众所了解 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 14.a respected figure 15.receive various honours .情境佳句 1. 句型公式 on/upon+doing.一就 教材原句 On leaving school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France. 尝试翻译 一位受人尊敬的人 赢得各种各样的荣誉 从学校毕业后,温顿先后在德国和法国的银行 工作。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 2. 句型公

5、式 现在分词作定语 教材原句 In Prague, Winton saw people living in terrible conditions. 尝试翻译 在布拉格,温顿看到人们生活在绝境中 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 3. 句型公式 as引导非限制性定语从句 教材原句 As the Chinese saying goes, “A kind-hearted per- son lives a long life.” 尝试翻译 这恰恰印证了中国的一句古话:“仁者寿”。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 .文本理解

6、 Step 1 Reading for the main idea. How could we describe Nicholas Winton? A.A great man who saved others from death. B.A brave man who once served in the army. C.An respectable man who received various honors. D.All of the above. 文本互动文本互动合作探究合作探究 答案 D 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 Step 2 Readi

7、ng for the structure. Fill in the following blanks with proper words. The Life of Nicholas Winton 1909 He 1. in London. 1931 He returned to Britain 2. he worked in business. 1938 He was asked to 3. people in escaping from the Nazis. 1939 Winton had 4. 669 children. 1954 He left the 5. . 1988 His act

8、ions were brought to 6. and Winton became a 7. figure around the world. was born where aid saved military public attention respected 2014 Winton received the Czech governments highest 8. , the Order of the White Lion. 2015 Winton 9. at the age of 106. honour passed away 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养

9、达标迁移创新 学会学习学会学习 大部分传记都是按照事件发生的顺序来组织的。在阅读传记时,最好制订一 条时间线来记录和追踪重要信息,如日期、地点和关键事件。这是一种很好 的方法,用来展示这个人所过的生活。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 Step 3 Reading for the details. Choose the best answer according to the passage. 1.Why did he decide to help send children to safety in Britain? A.Because he want

10、ed to find temporary homes for them. B.Because Winton saw people living in terrible conditions and whose lives were in danger. C.Because his friend asked him to help. D.Because he worked for various charities. 答案 B 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 2.What do we know about Nicholas Wintons great be

11、havior? A.As a German Jewish he was always helpful. B.What he saw in Prague inspired him to do that. C.His friend asked him to help people escape. D.The British government paid all the cost. 答案 B 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 3.Why was his great behavior kept for so long? A.Because his wife di

12、dnt find the secret before. B.Because no TV station invited him to share. C.Because he didnt mention his actions. D.Because the children he saved forgot him. 答案 C 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 4.According to the passage,which sentence is right? A.The parents would never see their children. B.A

13、s soon as he left school,he worked in banks in Germany and Britain. C.He never mentioned the children he saved. D.He paid the 50 pounds per children by using donated funds and his own money. 答案 D 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 .难句突破 1.图解难句 自我分析这是一个由并列连词and连接的 句。he saved为 从句,省略了关系代词 。 尝试翻译_ 并列复合

14、 定语 that/who 他很少提及自己救孩子的事情,于是这些事渐渐淡出了人们的记忆。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 2.图解难句 自我分析这是一个主从复合句。that引导定语从句,先行词为families。两个 and为并列连词,连接并列宾语。第一个and连接photographs和names,第二个 and连接photographs and names of the children和addresses of the families。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 尝试翻译 .文本复述 Step 1 Qu

15、estion Answering 根据课文内容回答下列问题。 1.What is the text mainly about? 2.How is the article developed? 日记本中夹着孩子们的照片,记录着孩子们的名字和寄养家庭的地址。 The text is a biography of Nicholas Winton. It is mainly developed by the order of time. 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 3.What is Winton known for? 4.Did everyone know

16、 his plan at first? 5.Why could Winton receive the Order of the White Lion in 2014? _ _ Winton is known for organising the rescue of children from death at the hands of the Nazis. No. Mr Winton kept his entire plan secret until 1988. Wintons extraordinary achievement, kindness as well as modesty mad

17、e him receive the Order of the White Lion in 2014. 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 Step 2 Text Retelling 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的60词左右的短文。 _ _ _ _ The text is a biography of Nicholas Winton which is mainly developed by the order of time. Winton is known for organising the rescue of children from

18、 death at the hands of the Nazis. However, Mr Winton kept his entire plan secret until 1988. It was Wintons extraordinary achievement, kindness as well as modesty that made him receive the Order of the White Lion in 2014. 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 新知清障新知清障素养构建素养构建 板块一板块一 语言知识语言知识 1.On leav

19、ing school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France.从学校毕 业后,温顿先后在德国和法国的银行工作。(教材P20) Paraphrase:As soon as he left school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France. 语言点语言点1 句型公式:upon/on+n./doing.表示“一就”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 情境探究情境探究 We had no sooner reach

20、ed the airport than the plane took off.我们刚到机场,飞 机就起飞了。 They left the country for Singapore as soon as the war broke out. 战争一爆发,他们就离开了那个国家去了新加坡。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 表示“一就”还有以下几种表达: (1)immediately/directly/instantly+从句 (2)the moment/minute/instant+从句 (3)no sooner.than./hardly.

21、when.(主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时,如 果no sooner或hardly位于句首,主句需用部分倒装结构) 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 (1)单句填空 On (see)the teacher coming into the classroom,all the students stood up. I (go)home directly I had finished my work. I want to see him the moment he (arrive). (2)句型升级 Mo Yan had no sooner

22、 stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thun- seeing went arrives 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 derous applause. the audience broke into thunderous applause. (倒装句) 2.In December 1938, a friend asked Winton to come to Prague to aid people who were escaping from the Nazis.1938年12月,一位朋

23、友请求温顿前往布拉格帮助 那里的人们逃脱纳粹的迫害。(教材P20) No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than 语言点语言点2 aid v.帮助,援助 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 情境探究情境探究 He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered. 借助一个他发现的全新的方法,他取得了成功。 A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas. 为了援助洪灾地区而举办了一场音

24、乐会。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)aid sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 (2)come (go) to ones aid过来(过去)帮助某人 first aid急救 in aid of为了帮助 with the aid of在的帮助下 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 (1)单句填空 They all came my aid when I met with difficulties. They moved in after big success

25、in the textile(纺织品) industry and (aid)a substantial(大量的) textile industry in Hilversum. (2)单句写作 (2018课标全国)Holker再次开放它的花园,帮助弱势群体。 Holker once again opens its gardens the disadvantaged. to aided in aid of 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 3.He established an office to keep records of the children.他开

26、设了一个办事处, 记录孩子们的信息(教材P20) 语言点语言点3 keep records/a record of 记录;把记录下来 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 情境探究情境探究 The young man set a new record at the sports meeting. 那位年轻人在运动会上刷新了一项新纪录。 He ran the 100 metres in 9.79 seconds and broke the world record. 他以9.79秒跑完100米,打破了世界纪录。 It is recorded that there

27、 have been lots of earthquakes in this area since 2018. 据记载,这个地区自2018年以来发生过许多次地震。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)set a record 刷新纪录 hold a record 保持纪录 break the world record 打破世界纪录 on record 有记录的,记录在案的 (2)it is recorded that.据记载 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 误区警示误区警示 record既可作名

28、词又可作动词。作名词时,重音在前,作动词时重音在后, 可总结为“名前动后”。 record /rekd/n. /rkd/v. 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 (1)单句填空 He planted a little apple tree and kept (record) of its growth every month. Last summer was the wettest record. (2)单句写作 据记载,中国人在西汉就已经发明了纸。 the Chinese already invented paper in the Wes

29、tern Han Dynasty. records on It is recorded that 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 4.A shocked Winton watched as the majority of people rose to their feet. 温顿震惊地看到在场的大多数人都站了起来。(教材P21) 语言点语言点4 rise to ones feet 站起身来 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 情境探究情境探究 The man struggled to his feet and went

30、 on. 那个人挣扎着站起来,继续往前走。 Child as he was, he was able to stand on his own feet. 尽管他是孩子,他已经能够独立生活了。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 jump/leap to ones feet跳起来 struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来 stand on ones own feet自立,经济上独立 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 (1)单句填空 Though he was badly w

31、ounded, he struggled his feet and went on run- ning. (2)一句多译 一提出问题,汤姆就站起来回答。 No sooner had the question been put forward than Tom to answer it. to stood up 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 No sooner had the question been put forward than Tom to answer it. 5.Later, Winton received various honours

32、for his achievement.此后,温顿的成就 为他赢得了各种各样的荣誉(教材P21) rose to his feet 语言点语言点5 achievement n.成就,成绩 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 情境探究情境探究 Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement. 即便是小小的成功也会给你一种成就感。 Tu Youyou has made great achievements in the medical field. 屠呦呦在医学领域取得了很大的成就。 His lazin

33、ess makes it impossible for him to achieve his goal. 他的懒惰使他不可能实现他的目标。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)make an achievement/achievements in在方面取得成就 a sense of achievement成就感 (2)achieve v.实现(目标、理想等);取得(胜利、成功等) achieve ones goal/dream/hope实现某人的目标/梦想/希望 achieve success取得成功 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探

34、究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 词汇助记 Ive achieved only half of what Id hoped, so I cannot celebrate the achievements Ive made, although everyone said I should have a sense of achievement.我只完成 了原本希望的一半, 因此我不能庆祝自己所取得的成绩, 尽管每个人都说我应 该有一种成就感。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 (1)单句填空 The test measures chi

35、ldrens (achievement) in reading, spelling, and maths. Frances (achieve) very good exam results. (2)单句写作 (2017北京)那无疑给了我们巨大的成就感。 That surely . achievements achieved gave us a great sense of achievement 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 (2019课标全国)你应该如何保持动力去实现目标? How should you stay motivated to ? 6.D

36、eclining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions.出生率下降 是许多发展中地区的一个主要问题。(高考例句) achieve the goal 语言点语言点6 major adj.重要的,主要的n.专业课;主修课;主修生vi.主修,专门研究 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 情境探究情境探究 She was a philosophy major at an Ivy League college. 她在常春藤盟校主修哲学。 The majority of people in th

37、e town strongly support the plan to build a play- ground for children. 镇上大多数人强烈支持为孩子们建一所游乐场的计划。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)major in主修,专攻 (2)majority n.大部分,大多数;半数以上 the majority of.大多数 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 (1)赏句猜义 Peace and development are two major issues

38、 in the world today. She majored in maths and physics at university. English majors would be asked to explore the roots of the language. Im changing my major to political science. 重要的,主要的 主修 主修生 专业课,主修课 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 (2)单句填空 The student, (major) in economics at college, made a

39、comment on the matter. The (major) of working women are in low-paid jobs. majoring majority 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 板块二板块二 课文对译课文对译 背景导学背景导学 本文语篇类型为人物介绍,通过阅读Nicholas Winton的生平,了解 他的国际主义精神和对社会的贡献。 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 用适当的词句补全教材原文 THE POWER of “The British Schindler”:the li

40、fe of Nicholas Winton It is August 1939, and a group of frightened children are boarding a train at Pragues Wilson Station. Their heartbroken parents do not join them. Indeed, they fear they may never see their children again. But they know that their children will live. These are among the 669 chil

41、dren, , 教材原文教材原文 . GOOD most of them Jewish that Nicholas Winton will go on to save from death at the hands of the Nazis 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 文本解读本段描绘了尼古拉斯 温顿从纳粹手中转移犹太孩子的场景。文中 用frightened、heartbroken、fear等词说明了当时情况的危险,接着又用到but表 达了父母们对温顿的信任,同时也表现出温顿不顾个人安危而解救孩子的大 爱。最后一句中most of them Jewi

42、sh,作者运用了独立主格结构。另外,本段还 使用一般现在时和一般将来时来描述往事,以增加描述的生动性和真实性。 Nicholas Winton on 19 May 1909 in London, to German-Jewish parents. The family later took British nationality. On leaving school, Winton was born 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 worked in banks in Germany and France. He returned to Britain

43、in 1931, where he worked in business. In December 1938, a friend asked Winton to come to Prague to people who were the Nazis. In Prague, Winton saw people and whose lives were . He decided to help . He established an office to the children, and then returned to Britain to find temporary homes for th

44、em. He used and his own money to pay the 50 escaping from aid living in terrible conditions in danger transport children to safety in Britain keep records of donated funds 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 pounds per child that the British government required. By August 1939, Winton had saved 669

45、children. During World War II, Winton . He left the in 1954. He then worked for international charities and for various companies. For the most part, he did not mention the children he saved, and his actions soon disappeared from peoples memories. That all changed in 1988 when his wife Grete found a

46、 forgotten journal at home. The journal contained photographs and names of the children and_ served as an officer in Britains Royal Air Force military addresses of 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 . She sent the journal to a newspaper, and that year Winton was seen on the British television progr

47、amme Thats Life. At one point, the host asked people in the audience to stand up if Nicholas Winton had saved their lives. A shocked Winton watched as the majority of people . The programme brought his actions to public attention, and Winton became a respected figure around the world. 文本解读本段中的shocke

48、d非常形象,通常理解为feeling surprised and upset by something very unexpected and unpleasant或者是very offended because some the families that took them in rose to their feet 自主学习激发潜能 文本互动合作探究 新知清障素养构建 素养达标迁移创新 -thing seems immoral or socially unacceptable。此处应理解为feeling surprised by something very unexpected。 Later, Winton for his , includ- ing a knighthood in 2003, and the Czech governments highest honour, the Order of the White Lion, in 2014. Nicholas Winton on 1 July 2015, at the age of 106. As the Chinese saying goes,“A kind-hearted person lives


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