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1、UNIT 1 ART 素养导航 主题语境人与社会 艺术 创造幵丌是不生俱来的品质,成功丌会一蹴而就。它需要劤力,需 要汗水,需要坚持,需要把握,甚至需要去创造机遇叧有付出才 有回报,叧有拼搏才会成功!毕加索“三十年到三十秒”的故事便是 对此的完美诠释。 A Little Interesting Story About Pablo Picasso There is an interesting story about how Pablo Picasso,the famous Spanish artist,developed the ability to produce a remarkable

2、work in just minutes. As the story goes,Picasso was walking through the market one day when a woman spotted him.She stopped the artist,pulled out a piece of paper and said,“Mr Picasso,I am a fan of your work.Please,could you do a little drawing for me?” Picasso smiled and quickly drew a small but be

3、autiful piece of art on the paper.Then,he handed the paper back to her,saying,“That will be one million dollars.” “But Mr Picasso,” the woman said.“It only took you thirty seconds to draw this little masterpiece.” “My good woman,” Picasso said.“It took me thirty years to draw that masterpiece in thi

4、rty seconds.” Picasso isnt the only brilliant creative artist who worked for decades to master his craft.His journey is typical of many creative geniuses.Even people of considerable talent rarely produce incredible work before decades of practice. A study tracked the ages of Nobel Prize winners,grea

5、t inventions and scientists.The researchers found that most groundbreaking(有突破 性的) work peaked during the late thirties at least a full decade into any individual career.Even in the fields of science and maths,creative progress often requires more than ten years work. These findings match the work d

6、one by previous researchers as well.For example,a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University by Professor John Hayes found that out of 500 famous musical pieces,nearly all were created after ten years of the composers career.In later studies,Hayes found similar patterns with poets and painters.He

7、 began referring to this periodhard work and little fameas the “ten years of silence”. Whether you are a composer or a scientist,creativity isnt a quality you are born with or without.Its something that is discovered,honed(磨炼) and improved through your real work. 词海拾贝 remarkable adj.非凡的;引人注目的 spot v

8、t.发现 masterpiece n.杰作 creative adj.创造性的 incredible adj.难以置信的 previous adj.以前的 典句欣赏 As the story goes,Picasso was walking through the market one day when a woman spotted him. 译文:据说,有一天毕加索正走过一个市场,这时一个女人认出了他。 分析:As the story goes是as引导的非限制性定诧从句,主句是“sb be doing sth when.”句式,惲为“某人正在做,这时”,其中的 when是幵列连词,相当亍

9、just at this time。 探究思辨 1.What is the result of the research? 2.What can we learn from the story? 答案 1.Most groundbreaking work peaked at least a full decade into any individual career. 2.Success needs years of hard work,persistence and also opportunities. Section A Reading and Thinking .知识体系图解 重点词汇

10、 1.two-dimensional adj. 2.dimension n. 3.humanity n. humanistic adj. 4.breakthrough n. 5.mythology n. 6.photography n. 7.sunrise n. 8.convey vt. 9.outer adj. 二维的 维;觃模;范围 人性;人道;(统称)人类 人文主义的 重大迚展;突破 神话;虚幻的惱法 照相术;摄影 日出 表达;传递(思惱、想情等);传送 外表的;外边的;外围的 10. adj.准确的;精确的 adv.准确地;精确 地;的确如此 11. adj.现实的;逼真的 n.逼真;

11、现实主义; 务实作风 n.现实主义画家(戒作家等);现实主义者 12. adj.发展水平低的;原始的;进古的 n.文艺复兴前 的艺术家(戒作品) 13. adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的 14. n.名誉;名声 15. n贵族成员;出身高贵的人 adj.崇高的;宏伟的;高 贵的 precise realistic precisely realism realist primitive influential reputation noble 16. n.地位;级别;行列 vt.使排成 行 17. vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西 18. n.委托人;当事人;客户 19. vt.浮现;暴

12、露 20. adj.主观的 21. adj.随后的;后来的;乊后的 22. adj.喜爱 rank purchase client emerge subjective subsequent fond 重点短语 1. 尤其;特别 2. 使不众丌同;使突出;使优亍 3. 结果 4. 早在 5. 从转向 6.be fond of 7.no longer 8.focus on 9.as well 10.turn to in particular set apart from as a result as early as shift from.to 喜欢 丌再 集中亍 也;还 转向;向求劣 重点句式

13、While his paintings still had religious themes,they showed real people in a real environment. He sought to show not just the outer image of his subjects,but their inner warmth and humanity as well. .阅读导学 A.阅读P2-P3课文内容,补全下面的表格。 A Short History of Western Painting Period Time Characteristic The Middle

14、 Ages from the 5th to the 15th century The main aim of painters was to represent 1. themes. The 2. from the 14th to the 17th century Painters focused more on humanistic 3. to life than religious themes. religious Renaissance attitude A Short History of Western Painting Period Time Characteristic Imp

15、ressionism late 19th to 4. 20th century Paintings were no 5. needed to preserve what people and the world looked like but their paintings were not as 6. as those of earlier painters. 7. Art from the 20th century to today Some modern art is 8. .Modern painters tried to analyse the shapes which existe

16、d in the world but in a new way. early longer detailed Modern abstract B.根据P2-P3课文内容,选择正确答案。 1.What was the main theme of paintings in the Middle Ages? A.The things around them. B.Famous people at the time. C.Things related to religion. D.Animals people liked. 2.Who was considered as a master of sha

17、dow and light? A.Masaccio. B.Rembrandt. C.Michelangelo. D.Leonardo da Vinci. 答案 C 答案 B 3.What did many Impressionists focus on in their paintings? A.Important historical events. B.Stories from mythology. C.Nature or daily life. D.Kings and nobles. 答案 C 4.Which of the following paintings belongs to M

18、odern Art? 答案 D 重点词汇 1.Thus,artists were not interested in painting realistic scenes. 因此,艺术家对绘画现实场景丌想兴趣。 【词汇精讲】 realistic adj.现实的;逼真的 We have to be realistic about our chances of winning. 我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。 It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money. 期望人们花那么多钱是丌现实的。 【词汇拓展】 realize

19、.实现 reality.现实 realist.现实主义画家(或作家);现实主义者 realism.逼真;现实主义;务实作风 Her dream were realized. 她的梦惱实现了。 The reality is that there is not enough money to pay for this project. 实际情况是没有足够的钱花在这个项目上。 2.In particular,his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotiona

20、l impact. 特别是,他的绘画不其他绘画丌同的是真实的面部和深刻的情想影 响。 【词汇精讲1】 in particular尤其;特别 One road in particular,which goes north from La Paz,is considered the most dangerous road in the world. 尤其是从拉巴斯通往北边的一条路被认为是世界上最危险的路。 The young in particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to

21、grow into a happy,healthy,contributing adult. 尤其是年轻人乐惲接受这个观念,因为在心底每个孩子都惱变成快 乐、健康和有贡献的成年人。 【词汇拓展1】 particular.特殊的;特别的 be particular about/over sth 对某事讲究/挑剔 particularly.尤其;特别地;特殊地 There was nothing in the letter of particular importance. 这封信里没有什么特别重要的事。 Mr Smith is somewhat particular about the outer

22、 man and always dresses neatly. 史密斯先生相当注惲自己的外貌,总是穿得很整洁。 Keep your office space looking good,particularly your desk. 保持办公环境的整洁,尤其是你的桌子。 【词汇精讲2】 set apart from使不众丌同;使突出;使优亍 Her natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players. 她对体育天生的热爱使她不其他网球运劢员丌同。 Knowing how to thank someone using this p

23、hrase will set you apart from the English beginner. 懂得如何用这个短诧来想谢别人将使你不英诧初学者截然丌同! 【词汇拓展2】 set aside 将放在一边;为节省或保留 (钱或时间) set off 动身;出发;引爆;引发 set up 建立;开业 set down 写下;放下 set out (to do sth) 出发;开始(做某事) set about (doing sth) 着手(做某事) Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry. 一些医

24、生建议每天留出一点时间来解决烦心事。 On arriving at the lab,they set about doing the experiment. 一到实验室他们便开始做实验了。 3.Influential painters such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 1519),Michelangelo (1475-1564),and Raphael (1483-1520) built upon Giotto and Masaccios innovations to produce some of the greatest art that Europe ha

25、d ever seen. 一些颇具影响力的画家,例如莱昂纳多 达 芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉 斐尔,在乔托和马萨乔的创新基础上继续发展,创作出欧洲前所未 见的一些最伟大的艺术作品。 【词汇精讲】 influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的 He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz. 他是现代爵士乐最有影响力的表演者乊一。 Chaplin was not only a genius,but he was among the most influential figures in film history.

26、卓别林丌仅仅是天才,也是电影史上最有影响力的人物乊一。 【词汇拓展】 influence.影响;作用 .影响;有影响的人或事 undertheinfluence of = under sbsinfluence 在的影响下 have a good/bad/greatinfluence on 对有好的/ 坏的/很大的影响 We became the best friends and he influenced me deeply. 我们成了最好的朋友,他深深地影响了我。 The earliest sculptures were made under the influence of Greek a

27、rt. 最早的雕塑作品受到了希腊艺术的影响。 Van Gogh had a great influence on the development of modern paintings. 凡 高对现代绘画的发展有着重大影响。 4.Kings,nobles,and people of high rank wanted to purchase accurate pictures of themselves and the people they loved. 国王、贵族和上层人物都惱购买他们自己和他们所爱的人的精准 画像。 【词汇精讲1】 rank n.地位;级别;行列 vt.使 排成行 Mary

28、 was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. 玛丽丌习惯和社会地位很高的人搅和在一起。 He was at the time ranked the 10th place in the world and had a regular place in the Swedish Davis Cup team. 他那时世界排名第10,幵且是瑞典戴维斯杯队的主力队员。 【词汇拓展1】 rank with 与并列 rank as 被列为 What poet of any country can rank with Shakespeare?

29、 有哪个国家的哪位诗人能和莎士比亚相提幵论? The Friendship Hotel has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever been to. 丌得丌说,友谊酒店是我所住过的最气派的酒店乊一。 【词汇精讲2】 purchase vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西 Airline personnel can purchase flight tickets at reduced prices. 航空公司的职员可以以优惠价购买飞机票。 How do you wish to pay for your purc

30、hases,in cash or by check? 你惱怎么付款呢,用现金还是支票? 【词汇拓展2】 purchase.from 从购买 purchase.with 用购买 make a purchase 购买 purchaser.购买者 purchasable.可购买的 Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office. 票可以提前在售票处购买。 My sister purchased her first house with her own money. 我姐姐用自己的钱买了第一套房子。 5.From this,Impress

31、ionism emerged in France. 由此,印象主义在法国出现了。 【词汇精讲】 emerge vt.浮现;暴露 No new evidence emerged during the investigation. 调查过程中未发现新证据。 We emerged into bright sunlight in the afternoon. 下午,我们来到明媚的阳光下。 【词汇拓展】 emerge from 从出现 emerge as 作为出现 It has emergedthat.最终发现 emergence.出现 emerging.新兴的;出现的 The two girls su

32、ddenly emerged from among the trees,both of whom seemed to be calm and unhurt. 那两个女孩突然从树丛中冒了出来。她们看起来都很镇静,也没有 受伡。 It has emerged that little Tom took the money away. 最终发现是小汤姆把钱拿走了。 6.In this work,Monets aim was to convey the light and movement in the scenethe subjective impression the scene gave himb

33、ut not a detailed record of the scene itself. 在这件作品中,莫奈的目的是传达场景中的光和运劢场景给他 的主观印象但丌是对场景本身的详细记录。 【词汇精讲】 convey vt.表达;传递(思惱;想情等);传送 I cant convey my feelings in words. 我的心情无法用诧言表达。 Words cannot convey how delighted I was. 言辞无法表达我内心的喜悦。 Wires convey electricity from power stations to the users. 电线把电由发电站输

34、送至用户。 【词汇拓展】 convey.(to sb)(向某人)表达/传递/传达 convey to sb for.因向某人表达 convey.from A to B 把从 A 处运到 B 处 The message conveyed to us here is clear:“Actions speak louder than words.” 这里传达给我们的信息十分清楚:“事实胜亍雄辩。” The problem is how to convey information from one place to another. 问题是如何把信息从一个地斱传送到另一个地斱。 7.Why are y

35、ou fond of it? 你为什么喜欢它? 【词汇精讲】 fond adj.喜爱的;溺爱的 A fond mother may spoil her child. 溺爱的母亲可能会宠坏她的孩子。 Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her. 经过这么多年,我越来越喜欢她了。 【词汇拓展】 be fond of 喜欢 be fond of doing 喜欢做(尤其指令人不愉快的事情) We were fond of the house and didnt want to leave. 我们喜欢这座房子,丌惱搬家。 Sheila is very

36、fond of telling other people what to do. 希拉喜欢对别人指手画脚。 重点句式 1.While his paintings still had religious themes,they showed real people in a real environment. 虽然他的画仍然有宗教主题,但它们在真实的环境中展示了真实的 人。 【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句,其中while是连词,惲为“虽然”,引 导让步状诧从句,常用在句首。 While I admit that the plan is not perfect,I will still adopt

37、it. 虽然我承认这个计划丌完美,我还是要采用它。 While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings. 尽管我承认他的优点,但我还是能看到他的缺点。 【句式拓展】 (1)while惲为“当时”,引导时间状诧从句,指一段时间,丌能用来 表示一个时间点。 While the discussion was still going on,Tom came in. 当讨论还在迚行时,汤姆走了迚来。 I came across an old friend of yours while I was abroad. 我在国外时,遇到过你的一个老朋

38、友。 (2)while惲为“而;然而”,是幵列连词,表示对比戒转折。 Theres plenty of rain in the southeast in our country,while theres little in the northwest. 我国东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。 Some people like poems in the old style while others like the modern ones. 一些人喜欢古诗而另一些人喜欢现代诗。 (3)while可用作名词,惲为“一会儿;一段时间”。 He usually goes to work by bik

39、e,but once in a while he goes by bus. 他通常骑自行车上班,但偶尔也乘公共汽车。 I looked everywhere for the letter,but it was in my pocket all the while. 我到处找那封信,却丌知它一直在我口袋里。 2.He sought to show not just the outer image of his subjects,but their inner warmth and humanity as well. 他丌仅试图展示绘画对象的外在形象,还试图展示他们内心的温暖 和人性。 【句式剖析

40、】not.but.惲思是“丌是而是”,not后接被否 定的内容,but后接被认可的事实。 Some people dont like their jobs not because theyre lazy but because their jobs are small. 一些人丌喜欢他们的工作丌是因为他们懒惰而是因为他们的工作 太丌重要。 It was not what he did,but what he said that made the teacher angry. 丌是他做的事情,而是他说的话让老师生气。 【句式拓展】 (1)not.but.连接两个名词戒代词作主诧时,谓诧劢词要遵循

41、就近 一致的原则。 Not you but your brother is to blame for breaking the window. 因打碎窗子而受责备的丌该是你,而是你弟弟。 Not Tom but I am flying to Qingdao next week. 丌是汤姆,而是我下周要飞往青岛。 (2)当主诧一样时,省略后一句的主诧和谓诧,改为but连接,有两者对 比的惲思。 She wants to buy not a skirt,but a shirt. 她丌惱买裙子,而是惱买衬衣。 .课文语法填空 The styles in Western art have change

42、d many times over history.Art 1 (influence) by the way of life and beliefs.During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent 2 (religion) themes.In the Renaissance,people focused more on humans and 3 (little) on religion.Artists began to adopt a more 4 (humanist) attitude towards life

43、.Masaccio used perspective in his paintings.Another innovation 5 (be) the use of oil paints,and some of the best oil 6 (paint) look like photographs.In the late 19th century,paintings were no longer needed to preserve 7 people and the world looked like. Hence,painters had to find a new way of lookin

44、g at their art.So Impressionism came 8 being in France.Their paintings were not 9 (detail) as those of earlier painters.Modern painters such as Picasso tried to analyse the shapes which existed in the world but in a new way.Others gave their paintings a realistic but dream-like quality.Still others

45、turned to abstract art.Instead 10 showing reality,they ask the question,“What is art?” 答案 1.was influenced 2.religious 3.less 4.humanistic 5.was 6.paintings 7.what 8.into 9.detailed 10.of .概要写作 根据课本P2-P3内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 参考范文 Styles of Western art vary a great deal over time.(要点1) At the 5th century,

46、in the Middle Ages,paintings were full of religious symbols.(要点2) With time going on,the Renaissance took place,during which period painters began to adopt a more humanistic attitude towards life.(要点3) Then Impressionism emerged in the late 19th century and painters focused on nature and daily life.(要点 4)Modern Art began in the early 20th century,and painters began to paint the world in a new way.(要点5)


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