2021版外研版选修三英语Unit 2 预习 新知早知道1 学案.doc

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1、1 .匹配词义 ( )1.grocery An.着迷,迷恋 ( )2.fashion Bn.食品杂货店 ( )3.fascination Cn.时尚 答案 13 BCA .默写单词 1pose v. (使)摆好姿势 2uncomplicated adj. 不复杂的,简单的,单纯的 3celebrity n. 名人,明星 .语境填空 posed,fashion,grocery,uncomplicated,celebrities,fascination 1He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy. 2This kind

2、 of dress is now in fashion 3The artist posed his model carefully. 4Lots of celebrities were at the film premiere. 5Water holds a fascination for most children. 6He was an extraordinarily uncomplicated man. .语法填空之派生词 1I value a natural style and love that which is uncomplicated(complicated). 2The fa

3、scination(fascinate)of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking. 3We ate at a fashionable(fashion)new restaurant. 4Grocery(grocer)stores sell many foods that have been processed. 1And yet every member of New Yorks wealthy high society wanted nothing more than to pose for this

4、man. 2 然而,纽约富有的上流社会的每一位成员都只想给这个人摆造型。 2Although he always knew where fashionable parties and events were happening,Cunningham liked to photograph ordinary people in the poor Bronx as much as VIPs in rich Manhattan. 尽管他总是知道哪里有时髦人物的聚会和活动, 但坎宁安同等程度地喜欢为 贫穷的布朗克斯区的普通人和富裕的曼哈顿的要人拍照。 3Moreover,what made Cunni

5、ngham great was his devotion to photography, and the hours and hours of sheer hard work he put into his work. 此外, 令坎宁安伟大的是他对摄影的热爱, 以及他在工作中投入的长时间的 十足的辛劳。 4This lack of selfinterest and promotion kept Cunningham focused on his craft,enabling him to capture New York s unique street style. 对私利及晋什的不屑让坎宁安

6、专注于自己的拍摄技能, 使他能够捕捉到纽约 独特的街头流行式样。 5.who we can thank for recording the life of a whole city and its people over half a century. 我们应该感谢他记录了整整一个城市和市民们半个多世纪的生活。 名师圈点 running shoes 跑鞋;运动鞋 high society 上流社会 nothing more than 仅仅;只不过 pose for 为摆好姿势;为摆造型 the last 50 years 过去 50 年 technologicallyadvanced equi

7、pment 技术先进的设备 take pictures 拍摄照片 3 a wide range of 大范围的 fashionable parties 时髦的聚会;时尚派对 photograph ordinary people 拍摄的普通人 find inspiration 找到灵感 at the local grocery store 在当地超级市场 the graffiti- covered subway 满是涂鸦的地铁 fascination with 对的着迷 open the doors of fashion to 为打开时尚的大门 belong to 属于 devotion to

8、对的热爱;献身于 sheer hard work 努力工作 put into 投入 regardless of 不管 21take a day off 请一天假 22stay home sick 生病待在家里 23reflect within 反映在中 24make them so special 使它们如此特别 25a world- famous fashion photographer 世界著名的时尚摄影师 26approach to life 生活方式 27uncomplicated adj.不复杂的,简单的,单纯的 28a shared washroom 一个共用洗手间 29value

9、 ones integrity 珍视正直 30faraway destinations 遥远目的地 31a celebrity party 名人派对 4 32rather than 而不是 33have fun 玩得开心 34lack of self- interest 缺乏私利 35focus on 专注于 36craft n手艺 37passion for 对的热情 38pass away 去世 39stop sb.from doing. 阻止某人做某事 40more than 不仅仅 41a cultural anthropologist 一名文化人类学家 42over half a c

10、entury 半个多世纪 原文呈现 Life Behind the Lens A whitehaired old man riding an ordinary bicycle around the streets of New York,always wearing the same blue workers jacket and simple black running shoes.If you saw him,youd never think there was anything remarkable about him.(1)And yet every member of New Yor

11、ks wealthy high society wanted nothing more than to pose for this man. (1)句中 if 引导条件状语从句,there.about him 为宾语从句。 This ordinarylooking man was Bill Cunningham,one of the most important American photographers of the last 50 years. What made Cunningham so great?It certainly wasnt the use of expensive, t

12、echnologically- advanced equipment.Cunningham always used simple,relatively cheap cameras and took all his pictures on the streets of New York,not in a studio.Nor was it a wide range of contacts and connections.(2)Although he always 5 knew where fashionable parties and events were happening, (3)Cunn

13、ingham liked to photograph ordinary people in the poor Bronx as much as VIPs in rich Manhattan.He found inspiration where others could not,(4)in simple,everyday scenes,such as a man buying oranges at the local grocery store,or a woman riding home on the graffiti- covered subway.These things were rea

14、l,and it was within their reality that Cunningham saw both beauty and potential(5)Through his fascination with what people were wearing,and not who they were,he opened the doors of fashion to everyone fashion as he saw it belonged to the people,not just to high society and big brands(6) (2)否定词 nor 位

15、于句首,句子倒装。 (3)although 引导让步状语从句。 (4)where 引导地点状语从句。 (5)it was. that.强调句型。 (6)句中第一个 and 连接两个宾语从句,as he saw it 为方式状语从句。 Moreover,what made Cunningham great was his devotion to photography, and the hours and hours of sheer hard work he put into his work.(7)Cunningham would go out onto the streets of New

16、 York each and every day, regardless of the weather.He would even stay outside in a storm,not coming back until he knew he had the right photos(8).He hardly ever took a day off 21 and not once stayed home sick 22 .This devotion and hard work is what we see reflected within 23 his photos(9).This is w

17、hat makes them so special 24(10). (7)句中 what.great 为主语从句,he put into his work 为定语从句,修饰先行 词 work。 (8)until 引导时间状语从句。 (9)what 引导表语从句。 (10)what 引导表语从句。 Although he was a world- famous fashion photographer 25, (11)Cunninghams approach to life 26 was uncomplicated 27.He lived in a small apartment with a

18、shared washroom 28.A simple restaurant was where he usually had the same meal of 6 sausages,eggs and coffee(12) (11)although 引导让步状语从句。 (12)where 引导表语从句。 Cunningham never accepted the benefits offered to him for being a fashion photographer.He valued his integrity 29 and would not be bought by anyone

19、,no matter how many free clothes or flights to faraway destinations 30 he was offered(13)And if he went to a celebrity party 31,(14)he was there to work rather than 32 have fun 33 .“Moneys the cheapest thing, ”he once said,then added: “.freedom is the most expensive.”This lack of self- interest 34 a

20、nd promotion kept Cunningham focused on 35 his craft36,enabling him to capture New Yorks unique street style(15) (13)no matter.引导让步状语从句。 (14)if 引导条件状语从句。 (15)现在分词短语作结果状语。 Cunninghams passion for 37 photography lasted throughout his life.He was 87 when he passed away 38 ,(16)and had been working righ

21、t up until his last illness.Nothing ever stopped him from getting 39 the photo he wanted (17)His hard work made him more than 40 a fashion photographer he was a“cultural anthropologist 41”,who we can thank for recording the life of a whole city and its people over half a century 42 .(18)Bill Cunning

22、ham was an observer,and not one of the observed,a worker not a star and this was how he wanted it. (16)when 引导时间状语从句。 (17)省略关系代词 that 的定语从句,修饰先行词 photo。 (18)who 引导非限制性定语从句。 译文参考 镜头背后的生活 总是穿着与工人同样的蓝色夹克和简朴的黑色跑鞋, 一位白发苍苍的老人骑 着一辆普通的自行车在纽约的街道上穿行。如果你见到他, 你绝不会想到他有什 7 么了不起的地方。然而,纽约富有的上流社会的每一位成员都只想给这个人摆造 型。 这

23、个相貌平平的人就是比尔 坎宁安, 过去50年里美国最重要的摄影师之一。 是什么让坎宁安如此伟大?这当然不是昂贵的、技术先进的设备的使用。坎 宁安总是使用结构简单、 相对便宜的相机, 他所有的照片都是在纽约街头拍摄的, 而不是在摄影棚里。也不是通过广泛的接触和联系。尽管他总是知道哪里有时髦 人物的聚会和活动, 但坎宁安同等程度地喜欢为贫穷的布朗克斯区的普通人和富 裕的曼哈顿的要人拍照。他从一些简单的日常场景中找到了别人无法找到的灵 感, 比如一个在当地超级市场买橘子的男人,或者一个乘坐满是涂鸦的地铁回家 的女人。这些东西都是真实的,正是在现实中,坎宁安看到了美和潜力。通过他 对人们穿着的着迷,而

24、不是他们是谁,他为每个人打开了时尚的大门在他看 来,时尚属于大众,而不只是属于上流社会和大品牌。 此外,令坎宁安伟大的是他对摄影的热爱,以及他在工作中投入的长时间的 十足的辛劳。不管天气如何,坎宁安每天都会走到纽约的街头。他甚至会在外面 待在暴风雨中, 直到他知道他拍摄了理想的照片才回去。 他几乎没有请过一天假, 也没有一次因生病待在家里。这种奉献和勤奋是我们看到的,都反映在他的照片 中。这就是它们的特别之处。 虽然坎宁安是世界著名的时尚摄影师,但他的生活方式并不复杂。他住在一 个共用洗手间的小公寓里。他通常在一家简朴的餐馆里吃同样的食物,有香肠、 鸡蛋和咖啡。 作为时尚摄影师,坎宁安从未接受

25、过别人给他的好处。他珍视自己的正直, 不会被人收买,无论别人给他多少免费的衣服,或为他提供多少飞往遥远目的地 的航班。如果他去参加名人派对,他是去工作而不是为了享乐。“钱是最便宜的 东西, ”他曾经说过,然后又补充道:“自由是最昂贵的。”对私利及晋升 的不屑让坎宁安专注于自己的拍摄技能, 使他能够捕捉到纽约独特的街头流行式 样。 坎宁安对摄影的热情贯穿了他的一生。他去世时 87 岁,直到得了最后一场 病才停止工作。没有什么能阻止他得到他想拍摄的照片。他的辛勤工作使他不仅 仅成为一名时尚摄影师他还是一名“文化人类学家”, 我们应该感谢他记录 了整整一个城市和市民们半个多世纪的生活。比尔坎宁安是一个观察者,而不 8 是一个被观察者;是一个作者而不是一个明星这正是他想要得到的。


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