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1、Unit 3SEA EXPLORATION Section A Reading and Thinking 课后篇巩固提升 基础夯实 .单词拼写 1.It is reported that the exhibition has been (延长) for another month. 答案 extended 2.My friend told his (故事) with simple words anybody could understand. 答案 tale 3.The publishing house had just begun to (谈判) for her next books. 答案

2、 negotiate 4.As is reported in the newspaper,their football team is the best in the (联赛). 答案 league 5.The former (皇家的) palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. 答案 royal 6.To her disappointment,her knee injury forced her to (退出) from the competition. 答案 withdraw 7.There has been a

3、great increase in TV (频道) in the past few years. 答案 channels 8.The agreement strengthened the (纽带) between the two countries. 答案 bond(s) .短语填空 set sail,in a league of,develop relations with,withdraw from,in hand,become known as,search for,for the benefit of 1.While passengers love to complain about

4、taxi drivers,the drivers of New York are their own. 答案 in a league of 2.It took me great efforts to get these books . 答案 in hand 3.Christopher Columbus for the New World in the Santa Maria. 答案 set sail 4.Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to survivors in an earthquake. 答案 search

5、 for 5.The company has decided to some of its sports sponsorship. 答案 withdraw from 6.You need people working the community. 答案 for the benefit of 7.These Chinese immigrants settled in an area that later Chinatown. 答案 became known as 8.We will continue to improve and the developed countries. 答案 devel

6、op relations with .完成句子 1.要想利用先进技术,他们必须先对计算机有个基本的了解。 They have to have a basic understanding of computers the advanced technology. 答案 in order to use 2.经过几个月的航行,他们终于到达了我们现在称之为加利福尼亚的地方。 After several months voyage,they finally reached California. 答案 what we now call 3.虽然只有少数人知道他,但他在其中的名声很大。 to only a

7、 few,his reputation among them is very great. 答案 Although known 4.这个来自伦敦的女孩被大自然的美丽所吸引,决定再在农场待两天。 the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm. 答案 Attracted by 5.我妹妹在舞台上感到有点紧张,因为有那么多人在看她。 My sister felt a little nervous on the stage with so many people her.

8、答案 looking at 素养提升 .阅读理解 A 主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:应用文 词数:273 难度: Four Winter Spots Here are four spots around the world worth a winter trip. Christmas Island,Australia On Christmas Day of 1643,Captain William Mynors sailed past this tropical (热带的) island 224 miles south of Java and named it,of course,“Chris

9、tmas”.Consisting of rainforest,sand beaches,coral reefs and one oceanic mountain,two thirds of this 52-square-mile island is a national park,home to pipistrelles,flying foxes,endangered seabirds and sea turtles.Many of the 2,000 local people celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year every year. Quito,Ecu

10、ador In Quito,the sun always sets at six.As the second biggest city in Ecuador and the second highest capital in the world,Quito makes a convenient access point to the Amazon rainforest,the thrill-seekers paradise (天堂).In only three hours,travelers can travel from the best-preserved historical city

11、center in Latin America to the land of giant tortoises,lava lizards and blue-footed boobies. Sun Peaks,Canada Snowshoeing,dogsledding and storm-watching all make British Columbia a favorite winter destination.But if youre planning on skiing,ski-biking or snow-limo-riding,please head for Sun Peaks,Ca

12、nadas second largest ski area. Lijiang,China A winter trip to the southwest Chinese Province of Yunnan promises mild,dry and sunny weather excellent conditions for skiing the trails of Chinas highest ski resort (胜地),Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.Home to plenty of wildlife and 400 types of trees,the moun

13、tain is located about 10 miles from the UNESCO World Heritage Old Town of Lijiang,an important center for the fascinating Naxi people whose 1,000-year-old Dongba characters are the only living pictographic (象形文字的) writing system worldwide today. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四处适合冬季旅行的胜地。 1.What makes Quito

14、one of the best winter destinations? A.The various rare animals. B.The beautiful sunsets there. C.The thrilling winter activities. D.The closeness to the rainforest. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据 Quito,Ecuador 部分中的“Quito makes a convenient access point to the Amazon rainforest,the thrill-seekers paradise.In only

15、three hours,travelers can travel from.”可判断选 D项。 2.Who might be most interested in Sun Peaks,Canada? A.Winter sports lovers. B.Ice sculpture fans. C.Experienced adventurers. D.Mountain-climbing enthusiasts. 答案 A 解析推理判断题。根据 Sun Peaks,Canada部分中的“But if youre planning on skiing,ski-biking or snow-limo-r

16、iding,please head for Sun Peaks,Canadas second largest ski area.”可知,冬季运动爱好者对 此地应最感兴趣,故选 A 项。 3.What can you enjoy on Christmas Island and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain? A.Extreme sports. B.A variety of wildlife. C.Oceanic plants and animals. D.Traditional Chinese cultures. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据 Christmas Isla

17、nd,Australia 部分中的“two thirds of this 52-square-mile island is a national park,home to pipistrelles,flying foxes,endangered seabirds and sea turtles”以及 Lijiang,China 部 分中的“Home to plenty of wildlife”可知,这两个地方都有很多种野生动植物。 B 主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:说明文 词数:349 难度: Like colourful corals,they rocked gently in the oc

18、ean current.Only these were not beautiful natural reefs grown over centuries.They were plastic bags,stuck to the Aegean Sea floor since a waste site slid into the water eight years ago. A team of divers and environmentalists pulled thousands of plastic bags from the water near Greeces Andros Island

19、this month.The workers described what they found as a “gulf full of plastic corals”. Seas polluted with plastic have become one of the most shocking signs of human damage to the planet.“It was a very scary thing to see,”said Arabella Ross,a volunteer diver with Aegean Rebreath.The group carries out

20、underwater and coastal clean-ups.“It really shook me and I think it really shook everyone who saw it,”she added. The Mediterranean is among the seas with the highest levels of plastic pollution in the world,the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said in a report in June.Greece produces about 700,000 tons of

21、plastic waste a year,or about 68 kilos per person.About 11,500 tons enter its seas every year.Almost 70% of that returns to the Greek coast,one of the longest in the world.The sea pollution off Andros is thought to date back to 2011,when heavy rain caused a waste site to collapse.Most of the waste f

22、ell into the sea. Aegean Rebreath divers removed blue,black and yellow plastic bags caught between reefs and among fish.It was “like the paradise of the Caribbean Sea,where you find coral reefs everywhere of every colour.It was the exact same thing,but instead of corals it was bags,”diver Arabella R

23、oss said. The team managed to remove only a small part of the plastic waste they found.They also pulled up 300 kilograms of old fishing trapsknown as “ghost nets”from Andros.In a separate operation in June off Salamina,a small island near Athens,they removed two tons. “If people are wondering where

24、their rubbish ends up,we see it each time we go into the water,”Ross said. 【语篇解读】日前,有人发现在希腊安德罗斯岛附近的爱琴海海域积累了大量的塑料垃圾。从 远处望去,潜水员仿佛看到了一个色彩缤纷、随着洋流缓缓流动的海底世界。它们是数万吨的塑料 废物,在这里堆积如山,形成了一种“珊瑚礁”。 4.What does the underlined word “it”(Para.3) most probably refer to? A.The Aegean Sea. B.Plastic pollution. C.The vo

25、lunteer group. D.The waste site. 答案 B 解析代词指代题。根据上文的“Seas polluted with plastic have become one of the most shocking signs of human damage to the planet.”可知,此处的 it指的是上文提到的塑料污染。 5.What is believed to be the start of the pollution off Andros? A.Collapse of a waste site. B.Extremely bad weather. C.Waste

26、 thrown away by tourists. D.Plastic waste produced by the Greeks. 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句“The sea pollution off Andros is thought to date back to 2011,when heavy rain caused a waste site to collapse.Most of the waste fell into the sea.”可知,污染的开始 是垃圾场的坍塌。 6.Where does the rubbish finally end up accordi

27、ng to Ross? A.The oceans. B.In the fields. C.In the rubbish sites. D.The waste treatment factories. 答案 A 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段 Ross 所说的话“If people are wondering where their rubbish ends up,we see it each time we go into the water”可知,垃圾最终进入了海里。 7.What could be the best title for the passage? A.Gulf of Plastic Corals Found in Aegean Sea B.The Paradise Lies in the Caribbean Sea C.Coral Reefs Are Full of Every Colour D.Water Pollution Is Very Serious 答案 A 解析主旨大意题。通读全文可知,潜水员在希腊安德罗斯岛的水下仿佛看到了一个色彩缤纷、随着 洋流缓缓流动的海底世界。那是数万吨的塑料废物,在这里堆积如山,形成了一种“珊瑚礁”。由此可 知,A 项可作为本文的标题。


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