2021版外研版选修四英语Unit5 Launching Your CareerReading and Thinking 学案.doc

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1、Unit 5Unit 5 Launching Your CareerLaunching Your Career Reading and ThinkingReading and Thinking 词汇积淀素养初探 . 根据语境以及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. When I bouncebounce(弹跳) up and down, I feel like a bird flying. 2. That carpenter wanted to become a lawyerlawyer(律师), but he was advised to stick to his last. 3. A chemis

2、t can analyze water into two colorless gases, hydrogenhydrogen(氢气) and oxygen. 4. After all these years, weve at last paid off all our debtsdebts(债务). 5. On board the ship I killed time by reading detectivedetective(侦探) stories. 6. She was unjustly accusedaccused(控告)of stealing money, and then fired

3、. 7. Our teacher is a member of the Chinese CommunistCommunist(共产主义的) Party. 8. Dont write your name in ordinary handwritinghandwriting(书写). Print it, please. 9. The driver was ticketed for parkingparking(停车) in front of a fire hydrant. 10. The government should give top prioritypriority(优先权) to reb

4、uilding the inner cities. 11. At college, he had specialized in financefinance(金融), political economy, and scientific agriculture. 12. He was afforded a certificatecertificate(证书) upon completion of his course of study. 13. The Sahara desertdesert(沙漠) is a natural barrier between North and Central A

5、frica. 14. Her grandfather guided her to acquireacquire(获得)a love for her homeland. . 选词填空 bounce around, head start, come to a conclusion, attend to, a chest of drawers, estate agent, decide on, make the most of, take into consideration 1. The debate did not come to a conclusioncome to a conclusion

6、 until midnight. 2. He foolishly left an inexperienced young assistant to attend toattend to some very important customers. 3. The songs so catchy that it makes you bounce aroundbounce around the living room or tap your feet. 4. If the bride pays, she has the right to decide ondecide on the style of

7、 dress worn by her attendants. 5. You have a head start head start over your competitors. Your business has been established longer than theirs. 6. We had a simple room with little furniture, just a bed and a chest of drawersa chest of drawers. 7. You only have one ride through life so make the most

8、 ofmake the most of it and enjoy it. 8. Even if you are prescribing medication, you must take into considerationtake into consideration cultural beliefs on medicines. 9. An estate agentestate agent nearby offers one of its apartments for rent. 阅读精研素养构建 . 文章整体理解: 理清文章架构 . 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息 1. Why is a

9、n adult often asked “What do you do”? A. People are curious. B. Career is important to everyone. C. Jobs are hard to find. D. It is a safe way to start a conversation. 2. What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which careers may be right for you? A. Taking a career aptitude test. B

10、. Talking to a career planner. C. Changing your interests. D. Taking the test online. 3. What is important while completing the test? A. Honesty. B. Details. C. Carefulness. D. Correctness. 4. What is ones work personality code used for? A. Finding out ones work personality. B. Making a chart of one

11、s career trends. C. Generating career suggestions. D. Distinguish one from others. 5. Who are these career suggestions aimed at? A. College graduates. B. Any job hunters. C. Student with excellent grades. D. High school students. 答案: 15. BAACD . 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 You dont want to

12、 look back in years to come and say, 主语 谓语 宾语 时间状语 并列谓语 “I wish I had thought more about what I 主语 谓语 宾语从句 really wanted to do. ” 宾语从句 译文: 你不会想在多年后回首往事时对自己说: “我要是多想想自己真正想做的事情就好我要是多想想自己真正想做的事情就好 了了。” 2. 根据课文内容填空 Career is a very important part of (1)whowho you are and it defines your life. So you hav

13、e to take some time to think about what you will do in the future. The best time (2)to start to start (start) thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school. One of the effective (3)waysways (way) to get some insight on a possible career path is to complete (4)a a career aptitude t

14、est. And one of the most popular tests (5)asksasks (ask) the participants to grade their preferences for a (6)varietyvariety (vary) of work tasks. Their answers are then analyzed and (7)divideddivided (divide) into six different types of work personality. Then a code is made to generate a list (8)of

15、 of career suggestions for the participant. Though the career aptitude test is (9)really really (real) useful, it is only a guidance. The secret to a good career is (10)finding /to findfinding /to find (find) something that you are passionate about. 3. 阅读主题活动 (1)How do you understand the sentence“Th

16、e secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about”? I quite agreeI quite agree with it. Because when you are passionate about something, you have with it. Because when you are passionate about something, you have great interest in it and you are sure to do your best to acc

17、omplish it. great interest in it and you are sure to do your best to accomplish it. (2)What would you like to do to help you decide on possible future career? I will take a career aptitude test fiI will take a career aptitude test first. But I dont rely on it only. I will also rst. But I dont rely o

18、n it only. I will also consult with my parents and teachers, who will give me better suggestions. consult with my parents and teachers, who will give me better suggestions. 要点精研素养奠基 1. aptitude n. 天资; 天赋 *His aptitudeaptitude for dealing with children got him the job. 他善于和儿童打交道的本事使他得到了这份工作。 *In my e

19、xperience, if someone can run a network or a server, they have the aptitudeaptitude to handle programming. 以我的经验, 如果某人可以操作、运行网络或服务器, 就有学习编 程的资质。 show/ have / an aptitude for sth. / doing sth. 表现出/有方面的天资 aptitude tests 才能试验; 性向测验 academic aptitude 学术能力倾向; 学术才能 【易混辨析】 aptitude 先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力, 常暗示接受能力

20、强 talent 某方面具有可发展和培养的突出天赋才能 gift 某方面的显著本领, 常暗含不能用一般规律作出解释 【即学活用】 (1)But this isnt about natural aptitudeisnt about natural aptitude, its about practice. 但是这无关天资, 这需要练习。 (2)Theyre handing out forms for an aptitude testaptitude test. 他们正在发能力倾向测验的表格。 2. debt n. 债务; 欠债 *The government has agreed to forg

21、ive a large part of the debtdebt. 政府同意免除一大部分债务。 *The company took a series of measures to raise cash and reduce debtdebt. 这家公司采取了一系列办法来筹措资金、减少债务。 *Because of her medical and her legal bills, she is now penniless and deeply in debtin debt. 由于她的医疗费和律师费, 她现在身无分文, 深陷负债。 in debt 负债; 欠债 out of debt 不欠债; 还

22、清债务 get into debt 负债, 欠债 pay off ones debts 还清债务 heavy debt 一大笔债务 owe a debt of gratitude to sb. 欠某人的人情 【熟词生义】 *I owe a debtdebt of gratitude to all my family. 我很感激我的家人。(debt of gratitude 人情债) 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)It is easier to get intointo debt than to get out of debt. (2)His father worked himself to de

23、ath to pay offoff the debt. (3)It s not surprising that the company is in in debt, as it has been completely mismanaged. 3. categorise vt. 把分类(加以归类) *Make a list of your childs toys and then categorisecategorise them as sociable or antisocial. 把你孩子的玩具列个清单, 然后将之分为交际型和非交际型。 *His latest work cannot be

24、categorisedcategorised as either a novel or an autobiography. 他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于自传。 (1)categorise sb. /sth. (as sth. ) 将分类; 把加以归类 (2)category n. 种类, 分类 divide. . . into categories 分类 (3)categorised adj. 分类的 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)These 335 cases were categorised categorised (categorise)according to area of res

25、idence. (2)Applicants fall into two cacategoriestegories (category): Green Form or White Form. (3)New resources and new information are constantly being added, so you can never claim to have seen and categorised categorised (categorise)all of it. 4. profile n. 简介; 概述; 侧面轮廓 vt. 扼要介绍; 概述; 写简介 *His han

26、dsome profprofileile was turned away from us. 他英俊的侧面轮廓转离了我们。 *We first build up a detailed profileprofile of our customers and their requirements. 首先, 我们建立起我们客户的详细简介及他们的需求。 *The Queens head appears in profileprofile on British stamps. 女王的侧面头像出现在英国的邮票上。 (1)in profile (人的面部)从侧面看 a job/employee profile

27、 工作/雇员简介 keep a high / low profile 保持高 / 低姿态 (2)be profiled 给侧面画像; 显出的轮廓 【即学活用】 (1)The story is painted in nine scenes, with most animal and human figures drawn drawn in profilein profile(从侧面画的). (2)The chairman of the committee criticized this high profilehigh profile (高姿态)adopted by the police. (3

28、)The job profile job profile (工作简况)called for a person with a background in engineering and computer science. 5. participant n. 参与者; 参加者 *He has been an active participantparticipant in the discussion. 他一直积极地参与这次讨论。 *If you have time, please answer a comment of another participantparticipant. 如果你有时间

29、, 请 答复另外一个参与者的评论。 (1)participant in sth. 某事的参与者 active participant 积极参与者 (2)participate in 参加 participate with sb. in. . . 与某人分担 actively participate 主动参与 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)The participarticipantspants (participate) are required to perform English programmes in ten minutes. (2)As scheduled, we participa

30、ted inin several instructive activities. (3)You should participate withwith your friend in his sufferings. 6. detective n. 侦探; 警探 *A private detectivdetective e had been tailing them for several weeks. 一个私人侦探几个星期以来一直在跟踪他们。 *The detectivedetective discovered no fewer than 35 fingerprints. 这名侦探发现了不下 3

31、5 个 指纹。 *Which kind of stories do you like, love stories or detectivedetective stories? 你喜欢看 什么种类的故事, 爱情故事还是侦探故事? (1)detective story/novel 侦探小说 detective movie/film 侦探电影 private detective 私人侦探 (2)detect sth. 侦探到, 察觉到; 发现 【即学活用】 (1)The detectiveThe detective was sent to investigate the crime. 那位侦探被派去

32、调查该罪行。 (2)She accused Moses of hiring a private detectiveprivate detective to spy on her. 她指控摩西雇用 私人侦探盯她的梢。 (3)In recent years, astronomers have detectedhave detected many organic molecules in space. 近 年来, 天文学家们已探测到在宇宙空间中的许多种有机分子。 7. spy n. 密探; 间谍 vi. 从事间谍活动 vt. 突然看见; 发现 *He was sent to spyspy on th

33、e enemys movements. 他被派去侦察敌人的行动。 *Youve probably been sent here to spyspy out my latest designs. 你可能是被派来打探 我的最新设计的。 spy on sth. /sb. 暗中监视; 侦查 spy out 秘密监视 spy into 侦查 spy out the land 侦察地形; 查看情况 spy satellite/plane 侦查卫星/飞机 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)The two countries spy on on each other. (2)Youd better not spy

34、intointo others personal affairs. (3)The scout was sent to spy outout the land. 8. bounce around 蹦来蹦去; 弹来弹去 *All at once, the three childrens faces lit up, and they began to bounce aroundbounce around in the back seat, laughing and chattering. 三个孩子的脸顿时阴霾尽散, 还在后排座 位蹦蹦跳跳, 笑笑嚷嚷。 *After bouncing bouncin

35、g around around a few junior colleges, he dropped out after realizing that “the best education is given by corporations these days”. 辗转上过几所不太有名 的大学后, 他认识到“眼下只有在公司里才能受到最好的教育, ”于是就退学了。 bounce around 蹦蹦跳跳 bounce back 反弹 bounce off 弹开, 反弹; 从弹跳出来 bounce sth. 使弹起 sth. bounce 弹起 bounce sb. (from sth. ) 解雇;

36、 开除; 撵走 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce backback. (2)Short sound waves bounce offoff even small objects. (3)After starting a fight, he was bounced from from the pub. 9. The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before

37、 you make any choices about your further education. 开始考虑可能从 事的职业的最佳时间是在你还在学校的时候, 在你决定是否继续深造之前。 【句式解构】 当名词前面有序数词和形容词最高级时, 后面就用动词不定式作后置定语, 比如: *She is the first one to to arrivearrive. 她是第一个到达的人。 *He is the best person to doto do the work. 他是做这项工作的最佳人选。 *One of the mostthe most effective ways to getto

38、 get some insight on a possible career path is to complete a career aptitude test. 了解职业发展道路最有效的方法之一就是完成职业能力测试。 *He loves parties. He is always the fthe firstirst(guest)to cometo come and the last (guest) to leavethe last (guest) to leave. 他喜欢参加晚会。他总是第一个来, 最后一个离开的(客人)。 *In my opinion, this is the bes

39、t way to handlethe best way to handle the situation, Charlie. 查理, 我 认为这是处理这种情况的最好办法。 【即学活用】 (1)Autumn is the best season to get pumpkinsthe best season to get pumpkins(摘南瓜的最佳季节). (2)Li Hua was the third student to hand in the homeworkthe third student to hand in the homework(第三个交作业的学生). (3)The manag

40、er is the last to come to the meetingthe last to come to the meeting(来参加会议的). 10. You dont want to look back in years to come and say, “I wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to do. ”你不会想在多年后回首往事时对自己说: “我 要是当初多想想自己真正想做的事情就好了。” 【句式解构】 wish 后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气。 表示与现在相反的愿望时, 从句谓语用过去式; 表示与过去相反的愿望

41、时, 从句谓语用过去 完成时; 表示将来实现的可能性不大的愿望时, 从句谓语用 should/ would/ could/ might + 动词原形。如: I wish I knewknew everything in the world. 我希望我在世界上什么都懂。 I didnt go to the party, but I do wish I had been therehad been there. 我没有去参加聚会, 但我真希望我当时在场。 I wish that we could go could go with my brother when he flies to Englan

42、d next week. 我真希望我哥哥下周飞往英国时我们能和他一起去。 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)I wish we could could (can)turn the clock back two years and give the marriage another chance. 我希望时光倒流两年, 再给我们的婚姻一次机会。 (2)How I wish I had takenhad taken(take) that advice. 我多希望我采纳了那个建议啊。 (3)“I wish I hadhad(have) more money for Christmas presents,

43、” Father thought aloud. “我若是有更多一点钱买圣诞节礼物该有多好, ”父亲自言自语道。 11. While completing these sorts of tests, it is very important to be honestand dont worrythere are no right or wrong answers. 在完成这类测试时, 诚实是非常重 要的不要担心没有所谓正确或错误的答案。 【句式解构】状语从句的省略。补全后为 While you are completing these sorts of testsWhile you are co

44、mpleting these sorts of tests. 状语从句省略的前提条件: (1)when, while, though, even if, unless, if, as if 等引导的状语从句中的主语 与主句主语一致或从句主语为 it。 (2)状语从句谓语中含有 be 动词。如: *If interested in it, you can send an email to 123456 sina. com. 如果您感兴趣, 可 以发邮件到 123456sina. com。 *There are some health problems that, when (they are)

45、notwhen (they are) not treated in time, can become bigger ones later on. 有这样一些健康问题, 如果不及时处理, 日后会变成更大问题。 *Unless (it is) necessaryUnless (it is) necessary, youd better not refer to the dictionary. 除非有必要, 否则你最好不要查词典。 【即学活用】 (1)She gave me a comforting smile, nodded while listening patientlylistening p

46、atiently(耐心听的时 候)and then printed out the ticket immediately. (2)When asked abasked about the questionout the question(被问及此问题时), he said nothing. (3)Once caught stealingcaught stealing( 偷 东 西 时 被 抓 ) at the shop, you will be dismissed immediately. 【要点拾遗】 head start 起步前的优势 *Being able to speak French

47、 gave her a head starthead start over the other candidates. 会说 法语使她比其他候选人占优势。 *Nigels father is the company chairman, which gave him a head starthead start when he joined the firm. 奈杰尔的父亲是公司的董事长, 因此在他加入公司时, 这就给他提供了一个有利的开端。 head start on/over. . . 比有优势 head start in. . . 在方面有优势 【即学活用】语法填空 (1)He lived

48、 in America for a year, so he has a head start on/overon/over the other students in English. (2)A good education gives your child a head start inin life. 1. We agreed to advance the R for hydrogenhydrogen(氢), H. 6. Everyone at the table stood up and drank for the bride and bridegroombridegroom(新郎).

49、7. In this way, the geometrygeometry(几何学) problem can be transformed into a physical problem. 8. The letter was written in codecode(密码) and I could not understand it. 9. We must orientorient(使面对) our work to the needs of the people. 10. He was an accountantaccountant(会计) by training and was rumoured

50、 to be a relative of the Governor. . 完成句子 1. They predict the GDP to reduce by 10. 2 percent in 2020 and bounce backbounce back(反弹) with 6 percent growth in 2021. 2. Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitudeshowed an unusual aptitude( 表 现 出 不 寻 常 的 才 能 )for mathematics. 3. The teacher gave the c


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