教科EEC版三下-Unit4 It's Red-Class 3Textbook p.30-32-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:10320).zip

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S T U V W X 教学目标: 1能够掌握有关颜色的单词yellow, red, orange, blue, green, white, black. 2学会询问颜色的句型 : What color is it? Its red. Its a red. ,并在实际情景中运用出 来. n box n sunn moon n star n hat nDo you want to know their colors ? nursery rhyme 小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。 画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue 是蓝色; 画片云彩是白色, 是白色; 画个太阳红彤彤,red ,red是红色; 画片草地绿荫荫,green ,green是绿色; 画串香蕉是黄色,yellow ,yellow是黄色; 画个橘子是橙色,orange ,orange是橙色; 最后拿起黑色笔,black ,black是黑色。 对着镜子画自己,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着喊着叫妈咪。 。 white, white lColors lred lblu e lwhite lyellow lblack lgreen lorange lWhat color is missing? lred lblu e lwhite lyellow lblack lgreen lorange Check yourself 一、将下列单词与正确的颜色连线 red yellow blue green black white orange blue Guess it red yellow blue green whit e orange 颜色 key sentence What color is it? 是一个特殊疑问句,用来询问物体的颜色。 What color is it? 回答语 Its . Its a/an. What color is it? Its red. Its a red box. What color is it? Its yellow. Its a yellow sun. What color is it? Its Its a/an What color is it? It s Its a/an A:What color is it? B:Its red. Its a red apple. Make a dialogue 自我检测 翻译下列短语。 A一顶红色的帽子 B一个绿色的月亮 C一个橙色的太阳 D一个蓝色的盒子 E一颗黄色的星星 ( )1 a yellow star ( )2 a green moon ( )3 an orange sun ( )4 a red hat ( )5 a blue box Its a _____. What color is it? Its ______. Its a ____ ____. What color is it? Its ____. Its a ____ _____. consolidation n What color is your pencil? Its red. item(事物)color pencil book bag desk . Main structures: What color is it? Its red Its a red. Vocabulary: summary Who is winner? homework 1 recite the words 2 make the dialogue with your partnerIts red教学设计 一、本课目标 1.掌握本课生词。 red ,yellow ,green ,blue ,black ,white,orange 2.能够熟练运用本课生词及句型编对话。 -What color is it ? -Its + 颜色 -Its a /an +颜色+物体 2.重难点 会用 What is this?和 What color is it? 能回答,培养学生的 英语思维能力。 教学用具:白板教室 演示课件 有关颜色的道具 教学过程: Step1:Warming up 1Greetings(师生问候); 2. 师生齐读教学目标 3 sing a song of color Step2:review the old words(复习互查) Step3: Presentation (问题导学) 教师引导学生教师引导学生:Do:Do youyou wantwant toto knowknow theirtheir colors?colors?来进入我们来进入我们 今天的学习内容今天的学习内容 . 1教师以一首小黑熊的童谣歌来展示出我们的有关颜色的单词. 2教师呈现新单词.教师用多媒体播放各种颜色的图片,并引导学 生进行回答.red, yellow,blue,green,black,white,orange.让学 生进行拼读反复练习. 3. 利用游戏 what color is missing?来练习这些颜色.达到会拼 读的目的. 3让学生颜色与图片连线,然后检查答案。 4利用丢失一张颜色图片来进行引导学生”I lost one color.”“What color is it ?”展示这个新句型,展示 ppt 对 话图片让学生能熟练地说出颜色的英语. 师生示范: T:What color is it ? S:Its yellow.Its a yellow sun. 5.利用以下的转盘游戏来操练这个句型,教师问:what color is it?(转动转盘)让学生来开回答 :Its red.Its a red apple. Step 4 make and do(自我检测) 1. 呈现一些模型道具. 2. 玩游戏(教师用多媒体呈现图片和道具,引导学生同桌之间两人 小组创编对话) A:What color is it? B: Its green,Its a green watermelon. Step 4 Lets do exercise(巩固练习) 1.选出正确的选项. ( )1 a yellow star A 一顶红色的帽子 ( )2 a green moon B 一个绿色的月亮 ( )3 an orange sun C 一个橙色的太阳 ( )4 a red hat D 一个蓝色的盒子 ( )5 a blue box E 一颗黄色的星星 2.巩固练习 补全对话 1A: Whats this? B:Its an .(蓝色) A:What is it? B:Its . Its a . 2A: Whats this? B:Its an .(绿色) A:What is it? B:Its . Its a . 3(拓展提升) 做调查,让学生分组做调查,What color is your pencil? Its blue.做好 小组进行表扬,让他们感受合作的精神-携手并进。 Step 5 Summary. 学生总结本堂课所学知识。 Step 6 Homework 1Remember the new words about color 2.Practice the conversations we learnt this period and make your own conversations with your partner, 板书设计: Unit 4 Its red 1.New words: red ,yellow ,green ,blue ,black ,white,orange 2.句型: What color is it ? -Its + 颜色 -Its a /an+颜色 +物体
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