教科EEC版三下-Unit6 What Time Is It -Class 3Textbook p.46-48-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:40437).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册_小学英语_Unit6 What Time Is It _Class 3 Textbook p.46-48_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:40437)
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知识目标:知识目标:1.能够说出20-60的数字。 2.会询问时间What time is it? 以及应答 Its. 能力目标:能力目标:学习时间的表达方法,学生学会用英语表 达时间的能力。 德育目标:德育目标:教育学生珍惜时间,认识到时间的重要性 。 重点:重点:掌握有关时间的一些问答。 难点:难点:用英语表达数字。 fifteen nineteensevennineten six eighteen seventeen sixteen twelve thirteenfourteen clock What time is it ? Its eight oclock. Its three oclock. What time is it? What time is it ? Its ten oclock. What time is it? Its eight twenty . What time is it? Its ten thirty. What time is it? Its twelve forty. Its time to +动词 到该做某事的时候了到该做某事的时候了 Its time to clean the table. Its time to have milk. Its time to sleep. Time is gold.Money cant buy time. 一寸光阴一寸金 ,寸金难买寸光阴 。 1.回家拨动钟表。用英语表达时间 给爸爸妈妈听。 2.完成本课时活动手册。教学设计 Lesson 6: What time is it? 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: twenty, thirty, thirty-one ,forty, fifty. Structures:What time is it? Its . Its time to . 2. Ability aims: According to the rules,the Ss try to speak and write the words ( twenty, thirty, forty, fifty)thirty-one Use the structures like “What time is it?”, “Its ”, “Its time to”to talk about the time in the clock. Use the structures“Its time to”to make up some sentences. 3. Focus of the lesson: Ss can make up an easy dialogue to ask and answer the time; Role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation and intonation. 4.Predicted area of difficulty: The pronunciation of “twenty, thirty”and spell; The difference between thirteen and thirty,and so on. 5. Emotion aims:Tell the Ss to cherish the time and the time should be made good use of. 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching 三、Teaching aids: Pictures of numbers, word cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greeting: StepII : Presentation 1. Review the words from ten to twenty. 设计意图:活动导入,加上肢体语言使学生很快融入到英语学习的氛围,歌曲中 2 出 示课题. What time is it?张贴在黑板上。Read this title together .Ss read “time” and the sentence after the teacher. 2. learn the new words. Put the word paper on the blackboard and find the rules. Then Ss read them for revision. Students read the words one by one, group by group. Then try to find the rule and read them for revision. 30,40,50,60,把 ty 重点标出即可) 设计意图:由歌曲导入引出数字,简单自然;让学生试着拼说读写数字单词,总结规 律,加深记忆,又培养了学生勤于动脑思考的学习习惯;最后让学生把总结出的数字 规律学以致用,避免眼高手低。 4. Guess. We have a friend. It calls us to get up everyday. What is it? S1:Its a clock. T Shows a clock.T:Today we are going to learn how to say how to say the time. PPT: Show some clocks:整点时间.(Let Ss read) Pair work(利用自己动手做的钟表): S1: What time is it? S2:Its . 设计意图:时间的学习整点时间,学生自己发现除整点时间表达法,并且运用课件展 示,为学生提供大量的语言材料,让学生充分地练习好句型,学生能力在不知不觉中 逐渐得到培养和提高。 5同上方法练习整点以外的时间。What time is it? Ss: Its ten thirty. 6.PPT:Show two videos .repeat and answer. 7.展示 ppt .教授句型 Its time to . 设计意图:由问答具体时间过渡到学习如何表述是做某事的时间了,教师通过肢体语 言辅助教学,加深学生记忆。 StepIII:1. Consolidation. 2. Exercise Listening part: (P47B) Listen twice and color the correct time. (P48)D:Look and write. StepV: Homework.
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