2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语Unit3 Lesson2&Lesson3教案.zip

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1 Unit3Unit3 Lesson2&Lesson3Lesson2&Lesson3 词汇拓展词汇拓展 Lesson2 1greet vt问候,欢迎;打招呼greeting n问候,招呼C,U 2appropriately adv合适地,适当地appropriate adj合适的,适当的反义词 inappropriate adj不合适的 3represent vt代表representative nC代表;典型人物 adj典型的,有代表性的representation nU,C代 表形式,描绘;U代表,维护 4fortunate adj幸运的fortune n运气;大笔的钱,巨款fortunately adv幸运地unfortunately adj不幸地 Lesson3 1slightly adv略微,稍微slight adj轻微的;略微的;细小的 2frosty adj严寒的frost v(使)蒙上霜,结霜 n霜 3patience n耐心;耐力patient adj耐心的 n病人 4behavior n行为,举止behave v表现 重点单词与短语精析重点单词与短语精析 1.effort n.尽力,艰难的尝试;气力,努力,费力的事尽力,艰难的尝试;气力,努力,费力的事 【用法归纳拓展用法归纳拓展】in an effort to do sth. 为了做成某事 make an effort/make efforts 做出努力 make every effort to do sth. 尽全力做某事 with (an) effort 费力地 without effort 毫不费力地 spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事 The school clubs are making every effort to attract more students. 学校俱乐部正在尽一切努力来吸引更多的学生。 He spare no effort to make her happy again.他不遗余力地让她重新快乐起来。 With(an)effort she managed to stop herself laughing.她好不容易才忍住了笑。 The company has employed another 150 workers in an effort to expand business. 这家公司为了扩张业务又招了 150 名工人 【练习】完成句子 (2020.广东揭阳期末)许多父母为他们的孩子安排一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺平道路。 Many parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. 为了赶上她的同班同学,她学习一直非常努力。 2 She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with her classmates. 人生是一个不断奋斗的过程,没有人可以毫不费力地取得成功。 Life is a continuous process of fighting and no one can achieve success without effort . 2.represent vt.代表;象征;展示,描绘代表;象征;展示,描绘 【用法归纳拓展用法归纳拓展】 (1)representative n.C代表;典型人物 adj.典型的,有代表性的 be representative of. 的典型/代表 a representative of. 一个的代表 (2)representation n.U,C表现形式,描绘;表现形式,描绘;U代表,维护代表,维护 【练习】用 represent 的适当形式填空 The representatives from the two companies had a heated discussion on the contract terms. The clock in the painting is a symbolic (象征性的) representation of the passage of time. 3.fortunate adj.幸运的幸运的 【用法归纳拓展用法归纳拓展】be fortunate to do sth. 幸运能去做 be fortunate in doing sth. 能做很幸运 【练习】用 fortune 的适当形式填空 (2020.四川内江期末)___________,with the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. (2018.全国卷完形填空改编)___________, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner. -Im really depressed(沮丧的) after so many failures. I cant see any hope. -Cheer up! An opportunity lies behind every____________! Jamie, I cant tell you how ___________I felt when I received my lost wallet sent by you! Unfortunately Fortunately misfortune fortunate 4. hang 3 【用法归纳拓展用法归纳拓展】 (1)v. 悬挂,吊;垂下(hung;hung) She hung the sheets on the washing line. 她把床单晾在衣绳上。 (2)v. (被)绞死,施以绞刑(hanged;hanged) If he is found guilty, he will almost certainly hang. 如果被判有罪,他几乎肯定会被处以绞刑。 5. mess 【用法归纳拓展用法归纳拓展】 (1)n.杂乱,肮脏;麻烦,困境 (be)in a mess 杂乱,混乱;陷入困境make a mess of. 弄乱,把弄糟 When they walked into the room, they found it was in a mess. 他们走进房间后,发现房间杂乱不堪。 I feel I have made a mess of things. 我觉得我把事情弄糟了。 (2) v.使不整洁,弄乱,弄脏。 mess up 把弄糟;弄脏,弄乱 Be careful! Youre messing my hair. 小心!你弄乱我的头发了。 Ive just cleaned the floor, and youve messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere! 我刚扫干净地板,你又把纸屑弄到到处都是,把地上弄得一团糟。 (3)messy adj.肮脏的,凌乱的;混乱的 【练习】1.语法填空 The little boy always makes his room in a mess, which makes his parents angry. Its too messy (mess)in your room. Look, a pile of dirty clothes lie by the washing machine. 2.完成句子 昨天,这场大雨把花园搞得一团糟。 The heavy rain made a mess of the garden yesterday.(mess n.) 我承诺会完成工作的,可是我把它弄糟了。 I had promised to finish the work, but I messed it up .(mess v.) 6. pass away 【pass 短语拓展短语拓展】 pass by 通过,从旁边经过pass out 分发;昏倒pass sth. to sb. 把某物传递给某人 pass down 传下来,流传,使世代相传,一代一代传下去 pass sth. on (to sb.) 转交给(某人),传给(某人) 【练习】用 pass 相关短语完成句子 4 (2020.天津耀华中学期末)The skill which has been passed down over four generations(代) is well presented in this book. I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood. Freddy pass away last winter and left all his possession(财产)to his daughter. 7. as far as 就就而言;远到而言;远到 【拓展】as long as 和一样长;只要as soon as 一就 as well as 和一样好;和,同 【练习】完成句子 We walked as far as the railroad station. 我们走到火车站那样远的地方。 As long as you dont betray me,Ill do whatever you ask me to (do)只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。 Obviously he is interested in music as well as (in)painting. 显然他对音乐和绘画都有兴趣。 重点句型分析重点句型分析 1.We put on silly paper hats and had a big turkey with potatoes,followed by Christmas pudding. (教材 P59) 我们戴上傻傻的纸帽子,吃塞有士豆的大火鸡,随后又吃圣诞布丁。 【句式剖析】本句是一个较长的简单句。句中 and 连接并列的谓语,followed by Christmas pudding 作后置定语,修 饰 a big turkey with potatoes。 【考点提炼】过去分词(短语)作定语 (1)过去分词(短语)作定语常用来修饰名词或代词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词或代词。及物动词的过去分词既 表示被动又表示完成;不及物动词的过去分词只表示完成。 This is a used stamp.这是一张用过的邮票。(表示被动和完成) They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。(只表示完成) (2)过去分词(短语)作定语分为前置定语和后置定语两种情况: 前置定语:单个的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰词之前,但有些单个的过去分词习惯上放在所修饰词语的 后面,如 left。 后置定语:过去分词短语作定语时,通常放在被修饰词之后,它的作用相当于个定语从句。 There is little time left. Lets hurry up.剩余时间不多了。我们快点吧。 It is the funniest thing(that has been) found on the Internet so far this year. 这是今年到目前为止在因特网上所发现的最有趣的事情。 【练习】语法填空 5 1.(200 江苏有扬州中学月考) In honour of the national hero,we set up a primary school named after him. 2.(2017北京单项填空改编) Jim has retired,but he still remembers the happy time spent (spend) with his students. 3. The producer comes regularly to collect cameras returned (return)to our shop for quality problems.被退回的相机 4. Lets clean up the broken (break ) glass before someone walks on it. 2. David put so much pudding in his mouth that he couldnt swallow.(教材 P59) 大卫在嘴里塞了太多布丁,以至于都吞不下去了。 【句式剖析】本句是一个主从复合句,so much pudding in his mouth that he couldnt swallow 为“so.that.”结构,that 在此引导结果状语从句。 【考点提炼】 “so.that.”结构的用法 so.that.意为“如此以至于”,that 引导结果状语从句,so 后通常跟形容词或副词,其具体形式如下: 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 “such.that.”也表示“如此以至于”,但 such 修饰名词,其具体形式如下: 【特别提醒特别提醒】 little 表示“少”时用 so 修饰,但表示“小”时用 such 修饰。 There was so little time left that we must hurry. 时间不多了,我们必须快一点。 They are such little children that they cant understand it. 他们是这么小的孩子,不会理解它的。 【练习】选择填空:so/such/that (2020 上海山区期末) Guilin is such a beautiful place that people all over the world are eager to visit it. I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I have made such rapid progress in English that my parents are proud of me. You cant imagine such little birds can eat so many insects in such a short time. 3.When I think about what makes Christmas so magical,its not just gifts and Father Christmas that come to mind. 当我思考是什么让圣诞节变得如此神奇时,出现在脑海里的不仅是礼物和圣诞老人。 形容词/副词 形容词+a(n)+可数名词单数 many/few+可数名词复数 much/little(少的)+不可数名词 so+that. such+ a(n)+形容词+可数名词单数 形容词+不可数名词 形容词+可数名词复数 +that. 6 【句式剖析】what 引导宾语从句,作 about 的宾语,when 引导时间状语从句,its not just gifts and Father Christmas that come to mind.为强调句型。 【考点提炼考点提炼】强调句型强调句型 强调句型的基本结构为“it is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分”,强调部分可为句中的主语、宾语、 状语等成分,但不能强调谓语。 强调句型应注意: (1)当原句叙述的是现在或将来现在或将来发生的事情时用“it is.that/who.”的形式。 当原句叙述的是过去过去发生的事情时则用“it was.that/who.”的形式。 (2)若强调部分指人,可用 who 代替 that。 (3) not until 的强调结构为“it is/was not until.that.”。 It was Li Ming that/ who met Mr Zhang in the street yesterday.是李明昨天在街上遇见了张老师。(强调主语) It was Mr Zhang that/ who Li Ming met in the street yesterday.李明昨天在街上遇见的是张老师。强调宾语) It was in the street that Li Ming met Mr Zhang yesterday.李明昨天是在街上遇见张老师的。(强调地点状语) It was yesterday that Li Ming met Mr Zhang in the street.李明是昨天在街上遇见张老师的。(强调时间状语) It was not until I began to work that I realized how much time I had wasted. 直到我开始工作,我才意识到我已经浪费了多少时间。 基础练习基础练习 一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 (用本部分所学单词用本部分所学单词)。 1. If you are invited to any special occasion such as a wedding (婚礼) or a celebration,you will have to be appropriately (合适地)dressed. 2. Mr Reed was selected to represent (代表) his company in the meeting and has been sent to have a talk with others. 3. In most cultures, when you meet acquaintances for the first time during a day, its normal to greet (问候)them. 4.(天津静海区调研) It is a must to have a good command of a foreign language and a specific (特定的) skill in such a competitive society. 5. Beautiful and neat (整洁的) handwriting is beneficial,especially for middle school students. 6. “Do you know what happened to Adam last Friday?”Lindsey whispered/whispers to Tony. 7. As is known to all, China has greatly extended its influence in international affairs (事务). 8. A snake swallows its prey(猎物) whole, even animals bigger than it. 9. She washed her hand and started to roll the dough(生面团) and divide it into small balls. 10. The first time Howard and Jenny met each other, they were both sightly (略微)shy. 11.After completing the form, please return it to us in the envelope (信封)provided. 12. On a cold and frosty (严寒的) morning,Jane decided to go back to school for an MBA. 7 13. Paul is an attractive boy and he pays much attention to his behaviour (行为). 14. Only those who have the patience (耐心)to do simple things perfectly will gain skills to do difficult things easily. 15. The head of the park met us and gave us some advice on how to clear away fallen branches(树枝) and leaves. 二、完成句子。二、完成句子。 1. These songs are popular with adults and teenagers in general (普遍地). 2. -Devin is such a hard-working student. -Yes. As far as I know (据我所知),he has a strong desire for knowledge. 3. Parents should make an effort/make efforts/make every effort (尽力) to communicate with their kids often so as to develop a better relationship with them. 4.You are fortune to have (很幸运有) such a good father. Writing 如何写事件描述类作文如何写事件描述类作文 事件描述类作文是常见的作文类型,主要考查考生的语言功底和叙事能力。 作文特点:作文特点: 事件描述类作文属于记叙文或者夹叙夹议文,描述的内容可包括节日庆典、环保活动、校园故事等。此类作 文一般给出一定的要点、提纲或者图画,让考生描述整个事件的过程。 写作要点写作要点: 写事件描述类作文时要注意围绕该事件组织材料。所写短文中应包括人物(who)、时间(when)、地点( where)、 事件(what)等。写作时,考生应先仔细审题,确定主题,然后组织好提示内容的先后顺序。 事件描述类作文可按照以下结构来写: 首段首段:点明写作的目的,并简要介绍所描述事件的内容,通常用过渡句引出下文。 主体段主体段:从描述活动的准备工作开始,也可以结合题目介绍活动背景;然后按时间顺序着重描写事件的精彩 部分。 结尾段结尾段:对活动进行总结,并适当抒发情感。 事件描述类作文一般用第一人称,叙述某段时间内发生的具体的事情。由于是记叙已发生的事,所以多用一 般过去时和过去完成时;也有介绍按计划即将举办的活动,这时则采用一般将来时和现在完成时。写作过程中还 要注意题目所给的要点是否描写齐全,要做到详略得当,过渡自然。 常用表达: 1. That day was awesome/ wonderful. 2. It was which we had been preparing for quite some time. 3. Early in the morning. After that. Then 4. As soon as.,we started 8 5. Finally/At last/Eventually. I feel 6. I am looking forward to 7. Everybody got excited when. 8. It is really an unforgettable experience. 9. What impressed me most is that/ I was deeply impressed by 10. We enjoyed ourselves a lot during the activity. /We had a lot of fun during the party. 典例详析典例详析 书面表达 假设你是红星中学高一的学生李华,你们学校举办了丰富多彩的元旦庆祝活动,请你根据图表中的相关信息 写一篇短文,给校刊英语角投稿。内容包括: 活动名称活动名称元旦联欢晚会元旦联欢晚会 时间时间12 月 30 日晚上 7:00-9:00 地点地点学校礼堂 节目节目唱歌、小游戏、京剧等 观众反应观众反应鼓掌、欢呼等 你的感受你的感受 注意: 1.词数 100 左右 2.可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯 参考词汇:礼堂 auditorium 【教你审题】 本篇书面表达要求写一篇记述元联欢晚会的短文,写作时要注意过渡词的使用和人称、时态的转换。 1.人称:第一人称和第三人称。 2.时态:记叙已发生的事件,故应用一般过去时。 3.本文可按照以下结构写作: 第一段:介绍活动的举办原因、时间、地点等背景信息; 第二段:介绍活动的内容和过程; 第三段:抒发个人感想。 9 佳作展示佳作展示 To welcome the arrival of the New Year【1】, our school held a New Years Eve party in the school auditorium from 7:00 p. m. to 9: 00 p.m. on Dec 30. We enjoyed ourselves a lot during the two hours. The party first began with a song, followed by various performances【2】.There were also some interesting games which really lit up the atmosphere. Every one of us got really excited when some students performed Beijing Opera. They were so skillful that we couldnt stop clapping.【3】When the party ended,all the audience stood up and applauded. The auditorium was full of applause and I did have a lot of fun that evening. This is really an unforgettable experience, which perfectly finished the old year and welcomed the new one【4】. 名师点评名师点评 本文要点齐全,表达准确,思路清 晰。过渡词的使用使得文章流畅自然, 一些高级词汇和句式的使用使文章更具 有可读性。 【1】此处为不定式短语作目的状语。 【2】此处为过去分词短语作后置定语。 【3】本句中含有“sothat”的结构, 意为“如此以至于” 【4】此处为 which 引导的非限制性定 语从句,修饰 experience 【练笔】 书面表达 每年 3 月是植树活动月,假定你是李华,你们班上展开了一次植树活动,请你根据以下要点,记叙这次植树 活动,并在英语课上向同学们展示。 1.活动目的:亲近自然,美化环境; 2.活动时间:3 月 12 日; 3.活动地点:西山(Western Hill) (距离你校 5 千米) ; 4.具体活动过程; 5.活动感受。 注意:1.词数 100 词左右 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文流畅 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 综合练习综合练习 一、语法填空一、语法填空 1.Red lanterns are hung (hang) in the rooms and New Year pictures and the character of Fu are put on the walls. 2.(2017.北京单项填空改编)If you dont understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people until you figure it out. 3.They spoke in whispers (whisper) in order not to wake the baby. 4.The famous book Frankenstein, written (write)by British novelist Mary Shelley, is regarded as the first science fiction(科幻小说). 5.They are such little birds that we cant see them in the sky. 6.Its so difficult a problem that none of us can work it out. 7.(重庆高考单项填空改编)Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully recognized. 二、课文语法填空二、课文语法填空 I still remember the last Christmas Granny____1_____(spend) with us. When she moved in, I was too young and too excited about Christmas to notice she was sick. She was quiet but happy. When I wrote to Father Christmas, ____ 2_____ (tell) him what I wanted, Granny made an effort _____3_____ (help)me. With our ____4_____ (excite)growing each day, we made sugar biscuits and sang Christmas songs. _____5______ Christmas eve, we decorate the Christmas tree, and I left some biscuits out for Father Christmas, and put a stocking at the end of my bed. On Christmas day, Granny gave me ____6_____ music box that had a ballet dancer inside. Lunch was late. but _____7_____ was a loud and exciting affair. We ate and laughed. A few weeks ______8______ (late), Granny passed away. I miss her and always think about what makes Christmas so _____9_____ (magic). Its not just gifts and Father Christmas _____10_____ come to my mind. Its also my memory of Granny. Now I make sugar biscuits each year, and I always make one in a G-shape for Granny. 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 I was raised in a house where my sisters and I werent trusted by our mother to manage our own appearance. A few years ago, I was home for a visit when my mom, now in her early 70s, called me into her bedroom. We were ready to leave for dinner. “I dont know what to wear,”she complained.“You girls always look so good.” I paused in the doorway and looked at her, wondering if Id misheard. “What do you mean?” I asked her.“You kn
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