2021新版北师大版必修第二册英语Unit 5SectionⅡ 教学知识细解码 同步讲解.doc

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1、1/13 1interrupt vt.打断讲话interruption n打断 2die vi.死,死亡;消失dead adj.死的,失去生命的death n死;死亡 3lose vt.丢失,遗失;丧失loss n丧失;死亡 4operate vt.运转;操作 vi.手术operation n行动,活动;手术;操作 5 suffer vi.(因疾病、 痛苦、 悲伤等)受苦, 受难, 受折磨; 遭受suffering n (肉 体上或精神上的)痛苦;折磨 6protect vt.保护;防护protection n保护;防护 7breath n呼吸breathe vt.& vi.呼吸 8prepa

2、re vt.预备,准备preparation n预备,准备 9 anxious adj.焦虑的; 不安的anxiously adv.焦虑地; 不安地anxiety n 焦 虑;不安 10ambitious adj.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的ambition n抱负,雄心;追求, 夙愿 11distant adj.久远的;遥远的distance n远处;远方 1operation n行动,活动;n.手术;操作 Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night. 手术 The police have launched

3、 a major operation against drug suppliers. 行动 Operation of the device is extremely simple. 操作 2conduct vt.实施;进行;执行;举止,表现 vi.& vt.指挥;带领,引导 The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner. 进行 The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. 引导 He conducted himself far better than

4、 expected. 表现 Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe. 指挥 2/13 Words and Phrases 知识要点1 trap vt.困住;使陷于危险中 n.陷阱;阴谋 (教材 P34) Rescue teams try to save people trapped under buildings. 救援队尽力营救被困在建筑底下的人们。 例 1 They were trapped in the burning building. 他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。 例 2 She

5、had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it. 她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。 造句 他陷入不幸的婚姻之中。 He was trapped in an unhappy marriage. 知识拓展 (1)be trapped in. 被困在 trap sb.into doing sth. 诱骗某人做某事 (2)set/lay a trap 设置陷阱;布下圈套 fall/walk into a trap 落入陷阱/圈套 fall into the trap of doing sth. 掉进陷阱 即学即练 Many peop

6、le trapped(trap) in buildings died before they could be rescued. I was trapped into admitting(admit) I had done wrong. Mary set a trap for Peter and he really fell into the it. 知识要点2 attempt v& n尝试,试图,努力 (教材 P34) What happens on rescue attempts 在救援行动中发生了什么 例 1 The prisoners attempted an escape,but f

7、ailed. 囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。 例 2 Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. 为削减费用,有两家工厂被关闭了。 造句 不要试图自己修理这个东西。 Do not attempt to repair this yourself. 3/13 知识拓展 (1)attempt to do sth. 试图/努力做某事 attempt doing sth. 试着做某事 (2)at the/ones first attempt 第一次尝试 in an attempt to do(sth.) 试图做某事 make an/no atte

8、mpt to do(sth.) 企图做某事/没有做某事的企图 即学即练 I passed my driving test at the first attempt. The climbers will make an attempt to reach(reach) the summit today. 知识要点3 preparation n准备,预备;配制品 (教材 P36) .both teams organised food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year. 两个队伍都建立了食物储存处,为他们明年的旅程做准备。 例

9、1 Careful preparation for the exam is essential. 认真准备考试十分重要。 例 2 We made preparations to move to new offices. 我们已准备好要搬到新办公室。 造句 他协助我撰写此书。 He assisted me in the preparation of this book. 知识拓展 (1)in preparation for 为做准备 make preparations for 为做准备 be in preparation 在准备中 (2)prepare v. 准备 prepare for sth

10、. 为做准备(强调动作) be prepared for sth. 为做好准备(强调状态) prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 即学即练 Tom is studying in preparation for the next examination. 4/13 Tom is making preparations(prepare) for the next examination. Im not well prepared for the exam.Im afraid I wont pass. 名师点津 (1)prepare 意为“准备”,其宾语为要准备的内容。 (2)prepa

11、re for 意为“为做准备”,for 的宾语一般只是谓语动作所要达 到的目的。 知识要点4 anxiously adv.焦虑地;不安地 (教材 P36) Scott and Amundsen waited anxiously for spring. 斯科特和阿蒙森都焦急地等待着春天来临。 例 1 The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives. 老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人们归来。 例 2 Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Mary was nowhe

12、re to be seen. 迈克尔焦急地顺着走廊望去,可根本看不到玛丽的影儿。 造句 我忧心忡忡地等着他的电话。 I was anxiously waiting for his phone call. 知识拓展 (1)be anxious about 为担心/忧虑 be anxious for sth. 渴望某事 be anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事 be anxious for sb.to do sth. 渴望某人做某事 be anxious that sb.(should)do sth. 渴望某人做某事 (2)anxiety n. 忧虑,担忧 with anxiety

13、焦虑地 即学即练 Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview. Peggy is anxious to show(show) that she can cope with extra responsibility. He was anxious that they (should) have(have) all they want. 小片段填空 5/13 My daughter studies very hard,because she is anxious to go to college.But she is anx

14、ious about not passing the entrance exam.I am anxious that she should get rid of anxiety 知识要点5 break down(机器或车辆)出毛病,损坏;(讨论、关系或系统) 失败,破裂,失灵;分解;将分成若干部分;(使)(物质)分解;感情失控(痛 哭起来) (教材 P36) First,his two sledges broke down and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. 先是他

15、的两辆雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始在大雪和严寒的天气下出现严重问 题。 例 1 Talks with business leaders broke down last night. 昨晚与商界领导人的谈判破裂了。 例 2 Her sister broke down,sobbing into her handkerchief. 她姐姐再也控制不住自己的情绪,捂着手绢呜咽起来。 例 3 The dam broke down and in result the land was flooded. 大坝倒塌了,土地因而被淹。 例 4 We were driving half when the car bro

16、ke down. 当汽车抛锚时,我们正行驶了一半的路程。 造句 听到这消息时, 她控制不住自己哭了起来, 但很快她就平静下来了。 She broke down when she heard the news,but quickly recovered. 知识拓展 break out (坏事)突然发生;爆发 break in 强行闯入;打断 break up 破碎;解散;分手 break through 突破;冲破 即学即练 Not long after his return,a local war broke out near his town. He broke in with some i

17、deas of his own. 知识要点6 on ones way 在途中 (教材 P37) However,on their way back they found time to look for rocks. 6/13 然而,在回来的路上,他们找时间搜集岩石。 例 1 On my way to New York,I stopped over in Tokyo for two days. 我在去纽约的途中在东京停了两天。 例 2 He met with an accident on his way to school. 他在上学的路上遇到一件意外的事。 造句 她在去上学的路上突然摔倒了,

18、肯定是生病了。 She suddenly fell down on her way to school,she must have been ill. 知识拓展 all the way 一路上 by the way 顺便说 by way of 路经,途经 in the way 阻碍 in a way 在某种程度上 in no way 决不 即学即练 I put her downstairs so that she shouldnt be in the way. They are travelling to France by way of London. In no way will I gi

19、ve in. 名师点津 (1)in no way“决不”,表示否定意义,放在句首时,句子要部分倒装。 (2)on ones way to 中的 to 为介词, 后跟副词时应省略。 如: on ones way home 在某人回家的路上。 知识要点7 carry on 继续做某事 (教材 P37) Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases. 斯科特和两名队员继续向前,到达距离食品储存处不足 11 英里的地方。 例 1 Now we hav

20、e got a cart,we can carry on with our work. 现在我们有大车了,我们可以继续工作了。 例 2 Then they promised to stop,but they secretly carried on. 当时,他们承诺停工,但暗地里仍在施工。 7/13 造句 他继续讲笑话,自己笑得前仰后合。 He carried on telling jokes,laughing his head off. 知识拓展 carry on with sth.go on with sth. doing sth.go on doing sth. 继续做某事 carry a

21、way 拿走 carry out 进行(实验),实施(计划), 履行(义务、约定) carry sb.through 帮助某人渡过难关 即学即练 Carry on with your work while Im out. Whatever difficulty you will meet with,carry out your plan. Their faith and courage carried them through 知识要点8 measure vt.度量(大小、长短等);测量;打量;估量 n措施; 标准 (教材 P102).that is hard to measure. 那很难衡

22、量。 例 1 A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine. 量油尺是用来探查引擎中的剩余油量的。 例 2 The pond measures about 2 metres across. 这个池塘宽约 2 米。 造句 他说将会采取严厉措施惩罚凶手。 He said strict measures would be taken against the killers 知识拓展 take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 make.to ones own measure 根据某人的尺寸做(衣服

23、) be measured by/in. 用来计算/衡量 take sb.s measure 给某人量尺寸 8/13 即学即练 Scientists havent measured(measure) the positive effects of laughter on children. My mother made me a pair of trousers to my own measure. It is high time that we should take measures(measure) to protect endangered animals. 名师点津 当 measur

24、e 表示“量起来有长/高/宽”时,是不及物动词,不用被 动语态。 知识要点9 suffering n(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;折磨 (教材 P102)But its our duty to try our best to reduce suffering and the loss of life. 但尽量减少生命的折磨和损失是我们的职责。 例 1 Death finally brought an end to her suffering. 死亡终于结束了她的痛苦。 例 2 This war has caused widespread human suffering. 这场战争给许多的人带来了苦难

25、。 造句 临终安养院旨在减轻临终者的痛苦。 The hospice aims to ease the sufferings of the dying. 知识拓展 suffer vi. 遭受(痛苦);感到疼痛 suffer from/for/by 受的苦;遭受 suffer hunger 挨饿 sufferer n. 受苦者;受难者 即学即练 He suffers a lot from his disability. The pains and sufferings(suffer) caused by the road accident were so great that the whole

26、family couldnt live happily. 小片段填空 The villagers suffered from hunger.The sufferings made their life hard and 9/13 some sufferers had to leave their home. 知识要点 10 run out(of sth.) 完成,用完;(指物)被用完,被耗尽 (教材 P103) .unfortunately,weve run out of time. 不幸的是我们用完了时间。 例 1 Time is running out for the trapped mi

27、ners. 被困矿工的时间不多了。 例 2 If were not careful,were going to run out of gas. 如果我们不小心使用,我们将会耗尽汽油。 造句 问题是我们钱已用完了。 The problem is that we have run out of money. 知识拓展 run into 碰撞;遇上;偶然遇到 run over (车辆)碾压;匆匆看一遍;浏览 run after 追逐;追求 run across 无意间碰到 即学即练 We went too fast round the corner and ran into a lamppost.

28、He was run over and killed by a bus. The dog was running after a rabbit. 名师点津 “用完”的不同 run out of “用完”,是及物动词短语,表示主动含义,其主语一般是人, 可用于被动语态;run out “用完”(become used up),是不及物动词短语,其 主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词,不能用于被动语态;use up “用完”,是 及物动词短语,主语一般是人。 Sentence Patterns 重点句式1 全部倒装 (教材 P36) Then came the total darkness of t

29、he polar winter. 接着漆黑的极地冬夜开始了。 句式分析:这是一个倒装句,主语是 the total darkness of the polar winter,谓 10/13 语动词为 came。倒装的原因是句子的主语太长,为了保持句子平衡而把谓语动 词 came 直接置于主语之前,这种倒装称为完全倒装。 例 1 Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们渴望的时刻终于到了。 例 2 Seldom in all my life have I met such a determined person. 我一生中很少遇到

30、意志这么坚强的人。 造句 随即传来了一个小女孩的哭声。 And then came the cry of a little girl. 知识拓展 使用完全倒装句的几种情况: (1)在以 here,there,then,now,out,in,up,down,away,ahead 等副词 开头的句子中,常使用完全倒装。但是如果句子的主语是代词,则句子不倒装。 (2)表示地点、时间的介词短语放在句首,主语较长又无宾语时,一般要倒 装。 (3)为了平衡句子的结构,特别是当主语带有较长的修饰语,谓语部分较短 时,更需要倒装。 (4)such 置于句首时,such 多被认为是表语。 即学即练 Under

31、that tree sits(sit) a beautiful girl. Present at the conference were(be) experts from all over the world. Such are the facts,no one can deny them. 重点句式2 havesb./sth.doing (教材 P36) He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis. 他让成群的狗拉着雪橇,所有人都在滑雪板上。 句式分析:句中 have teams of dogs

32、pulling 是“havesb./sth.doing”结构。 知识拓展 have sb./sth.doing 现在分词表示进行和持续,宾语是动作的执行者。 have sb./sth.do 11/13 动词原形表示动作未完成,宾语是动作的执行者。 have sb./sth.done 过去分词表示已经完成,宾语是动作的承受者。 即学即练 My mum has me reading(read) the poem all the morning. We had the machine repaired(repair) 重点句式3 have difficulty in doing sth. (教材 P

33、37) The next to go was Captain Oates, who was having great difficulty walking. 接下来离开的是奥茨船长,他行走非常困难。 句式分析:句中 have difficulty in doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”。 知识拓展 have some/much/great/little/no difficulty(in)doing/with sth. theres some/much/great/little/no difficulty(in)doing/with sth. 做某事有一些/许多/很大/一点/没有困难 h

34、ave a problem (in) doing sth. 做某事有问题 have a difficult time (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事很有趣;从做某事中获得乐趣 即学即练 Whenever we have difficulty with our study,our teachers help us patiently. Though Ive learnt English for several years , I have some trouble/difficulty/problems in communi

35、cating(communicate) with foreigners. While he was on the way to Antarctica,he received a message from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen which said he was going south,too. 分析 while 引导时间状语从句;which 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 a message。 翻译 在去南极洲的路上,他收到了挪威探险家罗尔德 阿蒙森的一封信, 12/13 信中说他也要南下。 教材 高考 1.Rescue teams try to

36、 save people trapped under buildings. (2019 天津) We succeed in our field of specialization and then become trapped in it. 2.Scott and Amundsen waited anxiously for spring. (2019 天津)She was anxious to know what had happened. .单句语法填空 1 When I went in the office , I found my English teacher is busy prep

37、aring(prepare) his lessons. 2My energy has run (run) out,so I feel very tired. 3 No matter what happens, we should carry on with our research.We should not back out. 4If Jimmy carries on working like this,he will break down sooner or later. 5They had great trouble in getting(get) in touch with their

38、 father abroad. 6He had his leg broken(break) during the football match. 7Two robbers broke into her home,held a knife to her throat and stole her savings. 8Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause anxiety(anxious) 9He suffered from poor eyesight and could no longer read properly. 10We ran out o

39、f coal,and had to burn wood. .短语填空 on ones way to;breathe in;all the way;in preparation for;carry on;make progress;at one time;get into 1She went with me all the way to the station. 2I got into the habit of calling in on Gloria on my way home. 3 In preparation for the discussion, you will write a di

40、scussion question for each article. 13/13 4At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church. 5In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys. 6He was very pleased to see that the kids had made progress 7He has been allowed to leave the country and is on his way to

41、 Britain. 8If you carry on in that way,you will be more and more divorced from the masses. .课文语法填空 On 1 June,1910,the race to the South Pole 1.between the Norwegian and the British 2.beganAmundsen left on 8 September,1911.He 3.made great progress because he had teams of dogs 4.pulling(pull) the sled

42、ges and all his men were on skis.They arrived at the Pole on 14 December,1911 and became the first 5.to arrive(arrive)there.Scott left on 1 November 6.buthis two sledges broke 7.down first and then his horses had difficulties with the cold and the snow.They finally made it to the Pole and were 8.shocked(shock) to find that they had failed to win the race.On their 9.deadly(dead)return journey,they still found time to look for rocks.Their great courage made them into 10.heroes(hero).

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