人教版九年级全册英语unit9知识清单+习题 (含答案).docx

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1、1 九年 UNIT 9 I like music that I can dance to 一一 必会单词必会单词 prefer v 更喜欢 lyrics n(pl.)歌词 Australian adj 澳大利亚(人)的 n.澳大利亚人 electronic adj 电子的;电子设备的 suppose v.推断;料想 smooth adj.悦耳的;平滑的 spare adj 空闲的;不用的 v.抽出;留出 director n.导演;部门负责人 case n.情况;实情 war n 战争;战争状态 stick v(stuck /, stuck)粘贴;将刺入 down adj.悲哀;沮丧 dial

2、og n ( dialogue)对话;对白 ending n (故事、电影等的)结尾;结局 documentary n.纪录片 drama n.戏;剧 plenty pron.大量;众多 shut v ( shut/ shut)关闭;关上 superhero n.超级英雄 intelligent adj 有才智的;聪明的 sense v.感觉到;意识到 n 感觉;意识 sadness n.悲伤;悲痛 pain n.痛苦;疼痛;苦恼 reflect v.反映;映出 moving adj 动人的,令人感动的 perform v 表演;执行 lifetime n.一生;有生之年 pity n.遗憾;

3、怜悯 v.同情;怜悯 total n.总数;合计 adj 总的;全体的 master n.大师;能手;主人 v.掌握 praise vn.表扬;赞扬 recall v.回忆起;回想起 wound n.伤;伤口;创伤 v.使(身体)受伤;伤害 painful adj 令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的 二二 常考短语、用法常考短语、用法 sing along with 随唱歌 different kinds of 不同种类的 this weekend 本周末 watch a movie 看电影 think about 考虑;思考 stick to 坚持;固守 cheer up 使振奋;使高兴 even sa

4、dder 更难过 shut off 关闭;停止运转 once in a while 偶尔地;间或 not anymore 不再 talk about 谈论 be written by 由/被写 such as 比如 make money 赚钱 in this way 这样;通过这种方法 not only but also不但而且 both.and.两者都;既又, 和 look up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅,抬头看 dance to 随起舞 electronic music 电子音乐 listen to 听 in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话 feel like 想要 d

5、epend on 视而定;取决于 much better 好得多 plenty of 大量;充足 in time 及时 be afraid of 害怕 taketo把带到 the history of. 的历史 be born 出生 be known for 因而出名 get married 结婚 in total 总共;合计 help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事 give sb.sth.把某物给某人;给某人某物 like to do sth.喜欢做某事 tooto.太而不能 one of+名词复数 之一 teach sb. to do sth 教某人做某事 make sb.+ ad

6、j.使某人处于某种状态 a good way to do sth.做某事的好方法 try ones best to do sth.某人尽全力做某事 one of the+形容词最高级十名词复数 最之一 want to do sth 想要做某事 feel like doing sth.想要做某事 make sb. do sth.让/使某人做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 begin to do sth.开始做某事 2 continue to do sth 继续做某事 It is a pity that. 真是遗憾 三、基本句型三、基本句型 1. I prefer music t

7、hat has great lyrics. 2. When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up 3. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music 4.but it was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard 5. By the end of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. 6. It is a pity

8、that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear 7.-What kind of music do you like? -I like music that I can sing along with. 8.Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax! 9.Dramas like Titanic make me feel even sadder 四、重点语法四、重点语法 定语从句定语从句 1). I prefer music that

9、 has great lyrics.我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐 2). Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music.卡门喜欢演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家 3). Today, Abings Erquan Ying yue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise. 如今,阿炳的二泉映月是一首被所有的二胡大师演奏并高度评价的乐曲。 以上三句均是定语从句,分别含有关系代词含有关系代词 that,who 与与 which 1.概念概念 在复合句中,修饰修饰某一名

10、词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词先行词。定语从句一般放在先行词的后面后面。 2.引导定语从句的关系词关系词 分为关系代词关系代词(that, which,who,whom, whose 等)和关系副词关系副词( where,why,when 等)。 关系代词或关系副词位于先行词与定语从句之间之间,既起连接作用连接作用,又充当从句中的一个成分从句中的一个成分。 3.关系代词在定语从句中的语法功能及语法功能及用法用法 关系代词在定语从句中可作主语主语、宾语、定语宾语、定语等。当关系代词在从句中作宾语作宾语时,常可省略常可省略,而关系代词在从 句中作主语或定语时则不能省略。 指

11、代对象指代对象 关系代词关系代词 语法功能语法功能 例句例句 人人 who/that 作主语 He is a man who/that often helps others. 他是一位经常帮助别人的人 who/whom/that 作宾语 Here is the man (whom/that/who) you would like to see 这就是你想见的那个人。 The boy to whom I spoke is my younger brother. 刚才和我说话的那个男孩儿是我弟弟 人或物人或物 whose 作定语作定语 Is there anyone in our class wh

12、ose father is a doctor? 我们班有谁的父亲是当医生的吗? Please pass me the book whose cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书. 事物事物 that/ which 作主语 Its a computer that/which costs six thousand yuan. 这是一台价值 6000 元的电脑。 作宾语 I like the skirt (that/which) my mother bought me yesterday. 我喜欢我妈妈昨天给我买的裙子 拓展:拓展: 1).关系代词 that 既可指人可指人,又可指物

13、又可指物。指人时可与 who 互换,指物时可与 which 互换。 2).whose 的先行词是物时,可以同 of which 互换。 4.只能用只能用 that 作关系代词的情况 当先行词是 all, much, little, few, something, anything, Im interested in everything that is about basket ball. 3 everything, nothing,none 等不定代词不定代词时 对于篮球的一切我都感兴趣 当先行词被 the only, the last, the very 等词修饰修饰时 Chating w

14、as the only thing that interested her. 聊天是她唯一感兴趣的事 当先行词是序数词序数词或被序数词修饰修饰时 He was the first person that passed the exam. 他是第一个通过考试的人 当先行词被最高级最高级修饰修饰时 The oldest man that sits in the middle is my grandfather. 坐在中间最老的人是我的祖父 当先行词前面有 all, no, little,few,any 等词修饰修饰时 I want to read all the works that were w

15、ritten by LuXun. 我想把鲁迅的著作全读完。 当先行词既有人又有物有人又有物时 She took photos of the things and people that she was interested in 她把她感兴趣的人和物全拍摄了下来。 当主句是以 who 或 which 开头的特殊疑问句特殊疑问句时 Who is the person that is standing at the gate? 站在门口的那个人是谁? 5. 只能用只能用 which 作关系代词的情况 1)关系代词前有介词前有介词时 This is the house in which they l

16、ived last year. 这是他们去年住过的房子。 2)先行词本身为本身为 that, those 时 Whats that which was put in the box? 放在盒子里的那个东西是什么? 注意注意:当关系代词在从句中作主语时作主语时,从句的谓语动词要与先行词的单复数形式保持一致单复数形式保持一致 I love musicians who play different kinds of music 我喜欢演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家 He is a musician who plays different kinds of music 他是一个演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家 练习

17、题:练习题: 1. I still remember the college and the teachers_ I visited in London several sears ago A. what B who C that D. which 2. -What are you looking for? -Im looking for the watch_ I bought yesterday. A which B. who C whose D. what 3. The Palace Museum is the best place_ Ive ever visited A. that B.

18、 which C, where D. what 4-Do you know Tu Youyou? -Yes, she is the first Chinese_ won a Nobel Prize in science A who have B that has C which has D. who has 5-Do you know the man_ T-shirt is blue? -Yes, I do. He is my Chinese teacher, Mr. Smith. A who B that C whose D. Which 6.The man_ is talking to o

19、ur teacher is Bettys father A. which B whom C. who D what 7.Most of my classmates prefer loud music_ they can dance to A. that B who C whose D where 8. Most students like the teachers_ understand them well A which B who C where D when 9. I like cartoons that_ me laugh. A make B makes C making D. to

20、make 10. -Do you like the weekly talk show,The Reader, on CCTV? -Sure. Its a great TV programme_ brings the habit of reading back into the public A who B that C what 五知识点解析、拓展五知识点解析、拓展 1. 拓展:拓展:case 的常用短语有的常用短语有: in case 在的情况下,万一的话;以防万一,免得 in case of 要是,在的时候 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in no case 绝不 in ni

21、ne cases out of ten 十有八九;大体上 in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话 2.辨析:辨析: especially 与与 specially especially 意为“尤其尤其;特别是特别是” ,在句中作状语,用于列举某个特例或某事物的特殊特殊性性 Flowers are always welcome, especially in winter.鲜花总是受欢迎,尤其是在冬天 specially 修饰动词,表示为了某一特定目的某一特定目的而“特意地” “专门地”来用某一方式做某事 4 These textbooks are specially written f

22、or beginners 这些教科书是专门为初学者编写的。 3. 辨析辨析: begin to do sth,与,与 begin doing sth 两者都表示“开始做某事” ,但在以下三种情况下通常用通常用 begin to do sth.而不用 begin doing sth 1).主语是“物”主语是“物”而不是“人”时 The ice began to melt.冰开始融化了。 2).begin 本身为本身为-ing 形式形式时 He is beginning to cook dinner.他刚开始做饭。 3). 其后的动词表示心理活动心理活动时 I began to understan

23、d what the teacher said 我开始明白了老师说的话 4. It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but this popularity continues to this day.遗遗憾的是,一共只有憾的是,一共只有 6 首乐曲被录了下来得以传世,但时至今日,他依旧颇受欢迎。首乐曲被录了下来得以传世,但时至今日,他依旧颇受欢迎。(教材教材 70) 1) It is a pity that意为“真是遗憾” ,it 在句中作形

24、式主语形式主语,后面由 that 引导的从句是真正的主语,这类句子 的结构为:It +be+名词名词(词组词组)+that 从句从句。常用于这种结构的名词(词组)有: a pity(遗憾遗憾), a shame(遗憾遗憾/耻辱耻辱), good news(好消息好消息), a fact (事实事实), a wonder(奇迹奇迹), no wonder(难怪难怪), no surprise(不奇怪不奇怪)。 It was a pity(that) you could not come.你不能来真是遗憾 It is good news that we will have a school tri

25、p next week 下周我们要进行一次学校郊游真是好消息。 2)pity 不可数名词,意为“怜悯;同情” ,还可用 a pity 表示“遗憾的事,懊悔的事,可惜的事” 。 He looked at those orphans with pity.他以怜悯的眼光看着那些孤儿。 What a pity!真可惜! pity 用作及物动词,意为“同情;怜悯” 。 We pity him, poor fellow.我们同情他,这个可怜的人。 5. 辨析辨析:bothand., neither nor, eitheror, 与与 not only but also. bothand. 和两者都 连接两

26、个名词或代词作主语时,谓 语动词用复数形式用复数形式 Both you and she are students. 你和她都是学生 neither nor 既不也不, 两者都不 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓 语动词形式应遵循“就近原则”“就近原则” Neither you nor she gets up early.你和她都起得不早 eitheror 或者或者 Either you or she is wrong. 不是你错了,就是她错了 not only but also 不但而且 Not only I but also she has read this book 不仅我读过这本书, 她

27、也读过 六、单元习题六、单元习题 (一)1. -What would you like to do to relax yourself? -I prefer_ basketball rather than_ magazines A. playing; reading B to play; to read C. play; read D to play, read 2. 根据下面句子的汉语意思及英文提示,完成句子。 (每空词数不限) 南希非常喜欢这首歌。她经常随着它跳舞 Nancy loves the song very much. She often_ t 3.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成

28、句子。 Some young students like_ books better than paper books (电子的) 4. I like the silence in the countryside. The city is too_ for me. A boring B large C crowded D, noisy 5. -Do you like the songs by Taylor? -Yes, Country music_ nice and full of feelings. A sounds B listens C, hears D, looks 6. -Judy,

29、 could you tell me_ the schoolbag? -Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet A. where did you buy B. where will you buy C where you bought D where you will buy 7. Dont ride too fast, David. _the risk of an accident A. Take away B. Write about C. Think about D. Try out 8. 根据所给汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 这些

30、年她一直坚持晨跑。 She has_ to_ in the morning all the years. 9.-Mum, shall we go to the beach tomorrow? -It_ the weather A. carries on B lives or C depends or D. holds 10. Dave failed in the singing competition. Hes very sad now. Lets go to_ A. wake him up B cheer him up C pick him up D take him up 5 11. I

31、felt much_ after I told the problems to my close friend. A good B well C better D best 12. Though he often made his little sister_, today he was made_ by his little sister. A. cry; to cry B crying: crying C. cry; cry D. to cry: cry 13.-Would you please provide us_ some information about the accident

32、? -Sure. It happened_ the morning of June 5th . A to: on B for: in C with: in D. with: on 14. The story book is very_. Im very_ in it A. interesting: interested B. interested: interesting C. interest; interested D. interesting; interest 15. Peter wants_ some hamburgers because he is very hungry now.

33、 A to eat B, eat C, eats D, eating 16. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 Would you mind_(take)out the trash. Jerry? 17. She is _ poor_ afford the expensive suit. A so: that B enough: to C, too; to 18. -To save energy, we should_ the electricity when we don t use it -I agree, you are really a greener person A shut up

34、B shut off C take away D take off 19. -Did you enjoy_ in Chengdu last week? -Yes, I had great fun there A myself B yourself C. ourselves D themselves 20. -I know Old Joe lives_. -We are supposed to visit him from time to time. Then he wont feel_- A. alone: alone B. lonely; lonely C. lonely; alone D

35、alone; lonely 21. 根据所给汉语提示完成句子。 (每空限填词) “别害怕犯错,我们可以从错误中学到东西! ”老师说。 “Dont_ _of making mistakes and we can learn from them! said the teacher. 22. The_ instructions(说明) on medicine are necessary for the sick. They explain_ whether the medicine is out of date A. clear; clearly B clearly; clear C clearly

36、; clearly 23. Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous_ in American_ A symbol; culture B symbol; cultures C symbols; culture D. symbols; cultures 24. Mr. Green_ to sing an English song at the party and he sang well A was invited B invited C is invited D invites 25. The movie is_ wonderful_ I want to s

37、ee it again. A too: to B so; that C as; as D so; as 26. - Whats the meaning of One Belt and One Road ? -Let me_ the words in the new dictionary A look at B look for C look after D look up 27. My grandparents_ for over 60 years and they love each other very much A have been married B got married C we

38、re married D have got married 28.- Have you heard of Hansel and Gretel? -Yes. Hansel is a smart boy_ often comes up with a good idea A who B whom C where D which 29. -I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed -_.Good luck to you next time. A. Thats great B. Its interesting C. Thats a pity D. Gl

39、ad to hear that 30.What film do you like best? -The Martian. It_ shows a lot of imagination, _has a sense of humor. A. too: to B. neither: nor C. either: or D not only; but also 31. _Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard A. Although B. Because C. Unless D When 32. - Do you l

40、ike the weekly talk show, The Reader, on CCTV? -Sure. Its a great TV programme_ brings the habit of reading back into the public A who B that C what (二)1. Victor has_ friends because hes easy to get along with A plenty of B. few C a lot D a little 2. Weve got no coffee. Lets have tea_. A either B ho

41、wever C. yet D. instead 3._is a pity that he cant come to my birthday party. A. This B. It C That D. He 4. She thinks the dress makes her_ fat A. look B. looking C. to look D. looks 5. The movie is_ better than that one A more B very C much D. a few 6. My cousin knows a lot about geography,_ he is o

42、nly four years old A. because B. So C. if D. although 7. Pudong International Airport is one of_airports in the world. A big B. bigger C biggest D. the biggest 8. The little girl is_ short_ reach the orange on the table A too; to B very; to C so; that D so; to 6 9. If she_ tomorrow, please call me A

43、 will come B come C comes D. came 10. Dont be afraid of new words. You can_ in the dictionary. A look at them B. look for them C look them up D look up them (三)1. Cindy likes dancing. Its one of her_(hobby) 2. Im ill. I dont feel like_ (eat) anything. 3. We all like Miss Chen. She has a good way_ (m

44、ake) her class interesting. 4. Not only we but also he_ ( have)been to Australia. 5._(keep) healthy is important to you. 6. Im sleepy. I prefer_ at home to going out for a walk A sleeping B to sleep C. sleep 7.- The school network will be_ for safety reasons. -That doesnt worry me at all. Im not a n

45、et-worm, anyway A, got off B put off C taken off D shut off 8.Guangzhou is one of_ cites in China A. the biggest B big D bigger 9.根据括号内的英语提示,完成句子 Sandys grandparents_ (marry )for 50 years 10.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 It is a p_ that you cant come to the party 11.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 With his books, Mo Yan has w

46、on high_ (赞扬)from home and abroad 12.The lady in the kitchen_ is doing the dishes is my aunt A where B who C which D whom 13.Look at that girl_ name is Lucy. A who B whose C which 14. Have you finished the book_ you borrowed from the library? A which B where C what D. whose 15.There is nothing in th

47、e world_ can beat you. Only you yourself can do that A who B what C that D whom 七、书面表达七、书面表达 假如你是李华,你们学校将举行“弘扬中华传统文化一一戏曲进校园”展演活动,你打算邀请你的美国朋 友 Mike 参加。请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封电子邮件 内容提示: 时间:7 月 1 日下午 2 点; 地点:学校操场; 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。 要求: 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 字数 90 左右,开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数 Dear Mike, I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture._ _ _ _ _ _


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