(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第一册英语期末复习备考Unit4 Looking good feeling good单元基础自测(含答案).doc

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1、Unit4 Looking good feeling good 单元基础自测单元基础自测 【单句语法填空】【单句语法填空】 1.I just (略过) over those parts and go on to the next good part. 2.Most food webs,for instance,consist of many weak links r than a few strong ones. 3.A war injury has made his left hand stop (起作用). 4.This kills the cells in the bone,and co

2、nsequently weakens it,sometimes to the point of (倒塌). 5.One day Mrs Almond came to my hospital after feeling (昏 眩的) at work. 6.What you say or do will have an effect others. 7.Sue wanted to show her new dress. 8.Keep those medicines of reach of the children. 9.Just turn up the music on your radio an

3、d focus that. 10.Dont worry being late.Its fine. 11.Emma,a f crane,has been in their care since she arrived in 2004. 12.A+E Networks is a global media company and home to some of the biggest (时尚) shows. 13.He had noticed that the horse was afraid of his own (影子). 14.To enjoy the convenience of d pay

4、ment,many senior citizens started to use smart phones. 15.In the 1760s,Mathurin Roze opened a (一系列) of shops that boasted(享有)a special meat soup called consomm . 16.It shows whether strong emotions someone is feeling are positive or n . 17.The reason I had stopped taking lessons was that my (日 程安排)

5、was busy with homework. 18.Too much ( 咖 啡 因 )can result in nervousness and sleeplessness. 19.He put his shaving things into a (塑料的) bag. 20.Good technique in medicine and (外科手术)means less pain and less discomfort. 21.This kind of urban planning is the long term cheaper and more practical. 22. additi

6、on,most newspapers had little in them that would appeal to a mass audience. 23.Many immigrants suffer a sense of alienation. 24.The test would ensure those who plan to contribute this country can make a claim for benefits. 25.He is anxious her safety. 26.Sitting on a sofa in her room,Welty,a (苗条的) f

7、igure in a simple gray dress,looked pleased with this explanation. 27.He was widely regarded as a leader on (营养). 28.You will stick to your (饮食). 29.While likability can lead to healthy adjustment,high status has just the opposite e on us. 30.Take one of these p three times a day. 31.Let that matter

8、 hang until our next meeting. 32.Every effort should be made to guard them. 33.Take pride the appearance of the neighbourhood in general,and you will quickly become a good neighbour that everyone appreciates. 34.So many end in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not al

9、low them at checkouts(收银台). 35.He did not live up his promise. 36.This medicine is used to treat (外部的) skin disease. 37.Besides the p ,the little girl can also play some other musical instruments skillfully. 38.He insisted on opening the letter to show me the (内容). 39.He kept a (日记) of his wandering

10、s across Asia. 40.I feel rather uncomfortable in this suit;everyone else is wearing (牛仔裤)! 41.This is the place I grew up. 42.September 1st is the day students go back to school after a summer vacation. 43.We finally got to the village, we saw rows of newly- built houses. 44.The reason he won the fi

11、rst place in the competition is that not only did he follow the teachers advice,but also he trained hard. 45.Here is the bike I paid $200. 46.The 65-year-old Steve Goodwin was found suffering from early Alzheimers (阿尔兹海默症).He was losing his m . 47.I hope your presentation will c to our better unders

12、tanding of Western paintings. 48.Much exercise is needed to lower the risk of heart a . 49.Most first-year students live on c . 50.I couldnt believe that the g never took a penny. 【选用合适短语填空】【选用合适短语填空】 lose weight,rather than,slim down,side effect, take in,get into shape,be rushed to,be harmful to 1.

13、Most food webs,for instance,consist of many weak links a few strong ones. 2.She tells me that Ill feel better about myself if I . 3.Medicines sometimes have unpleasant . 4.Next time you take a walk,no matter where it is, all the sights,sounds and sensations(感受). 5.Hes taking lots of exercise to . 6.

14、After the accident the man who was hurt hospital. 7.The doctor advised him to go on a diet to . 8.Excessive smoking ones health. 【补全句子】【补全句子】 1.我们正在寻找这本书的主人。 We are looking for the person to . 2.我们决定参观的那个地方离这个城市不远。 The place is not far away from the city. 3.你度假的那个地方叫什么名字? Whats the name of the place

15、 ? 4.请告诉我你误机的原因。 Please tell me the reason . 5.他是在我们最需要他的时候来的。 He came at a time . 6.我现在后悔答应参加该计划的事。 I now regret that I would join in the plan. 7.近年来整形外科手术进展很快。 has developed rapidly in recent years. 8.保持冷静,耐心等待,一切都会好转。 Be calm and sit tight and everything will right. 9.我久久不能入睡。 I could not for a l

16、ong time. 10.五个人分那块糕,每人分得五分之一。 Each of the five people had . 11.别人如何谈论我们,我们自然无从干预。 We cannot help the way people speak of us. 12.即使他将拒绝,我们还是去问他比较好。 him even though he (should) refuse. 13.我很遗憾,我们没有给你带来什么消息。 that we have no news for you. 14.在语言学校要任何人预付一整年的学费是毫无理由的。 anyone needs to pay one year of tuit

17、ion in advance in a language school. 15.跑慢一点让我赶上吧。 a bit and let me catch up with you. 16.我们仍然还有好长的路要走。 We have,however, a rather long . 17.只有三分之一的土地可以耕种。 Only can be farmed. 18.因为我父亲是一位医生我就应该成为一位医生,这是毫无理由的。 I shall become a doctor because my father is one. 19.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。 Do you like rap mu

18、sic?I the words. 【课文语篇填空】【课文语篇填空】 Jennifer was found to have 1. (dangerous) low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately after she was rushed 2. hospital.She 3. (miss) breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before 4. she thought that 5. (skip) meals would be a simple way to

19、 reach her target weight.Jennifers case is a 6. (remind) of the dangers of unhealthy weight-loss habits.Health experts are 7. (concern) about it.It is important to have 8. healthy balanced diet.Teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition 9. (function) well.Whats more,they sh

20、ould keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay 10. (energy) and fit. 【概要写作】【概要写作】 根据 P44-45 课文内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1.答案:skip 2.答案:rather 3.答案:functioning 4.答案:collapse 5.答案:faint 6.答案:on 7.答案:off 8.答案:out 9.答案:on 10.答案:about 11.答案:female 12.答案:fashion 13.答案:shadow 14.答案:digi

21、tal 15.答案:series 16.答案:negative 17.答案:schedule 18.答案:caffeine 19.答案:plastic 20.答案:surgery 21.答案:in 22.答案:In 23.答案:from 24.答案:to 25.答案:about 26.答案:slim 27.答案:nutrition 28.答案:diet 29.答案:effect 30.答案:pills 31.答案:over 32.答案:against 33.答案:in 34.答案:up 35.答案:to 36.答案:external 37.答案:piano 38.答案:contents 39.

22、答案:journal 40.答案:jeans 41.答案:where 42.答案:when 43.答案:where 44.答案:why 45.答案:for which 46.答案:memory 47.答案:contribute 48.答案:attacks 49.答案:campus 50.答案:guy 【选用合适短语填空】 1)答案:rather than 2)答案:slim down 3)答案:side effects 4)答案:take in 5)答案:get into shape 6)答案:was rushed to 7)答案:lose weight 8)答案:is harmful to

23、【补全句子】 1.whom the book belongs 2.which weve decided to visit 3.where you spent your holiday 4.why you were late for the flight 5.when we needed him most 6)having made a promise 7)Plastic surgery 8)turn out 9)fall asleep 10)one fifth of the cake 11)in which 12)It is better to ask 13)I regret to say 1

24、4)There is no reason why 15)Slow down 16)way to go 17)one third of the land 18)There is no reason why 19)have trouble understanding 【语篇填空】 1)dangerously 2)To 3)missed 4)because 5)skipping 6)reminder 7)concerned 8)a 9)to function 10)energetic 【概要写作】 A teenager collapsed at school yesterday.(要点 1)Jenn

25、ifer had been skipping meals for a long time,so she was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels.She turned to extreme methods so she could lose weight quickly.(要点 2) Experts suggested that teenagers should live a healthy lifestyle by having a balanced diet,as they are still growing and need a lot of nutrition to function well.(要点 3)

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