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1、高中英语必修一Unit1单词和课文翻译一、单词potential/ptenl/ n.潜力;可能性adj.潜在的,可能的(2)senior/sin(r)/ adj.中学的(招收11 或13岁以上学生);级别高的;高级水平的;老年的n.级别(或地位)较高者;较年长的人;高水平运动员  (2)path/p/n.道路;小路;成功的途径  (2)challenge/tlnd/ n.& vt. 挑战;质疑 (2)thinking/k/ n.思维,思想;想法  (2)positive/pztv/ adj.积极乐观的;良好的,正面的  (2)opportunit

2、y/ptjunti/ n.机会,时机(2)liein  存在,在于 (2)riseto  能够处理 (2)acquire/kwa(r)/ vt.获得,得到  (2)effort/eft/ n.努力,费力的事;试图  (2)advance/dvns/n. 进步,进展;前进,行进vt.& vi.发展,进步 (3)amazing/mez/ adj.令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的  (3)confidence/knfdns/ n.信心,信任;把握  (3)makea difference  起作用,有影响  (3)ma

3、kethe most of  充分利用,尽情享受 (3)resource/rss/ n.资源;资料;谋略  (3)takeadvantage of  利用  (3)facility/fslti/ n.设施,设备;场所  (3)equal/ikwl/ adj.相同的,相等的;平等的;相当的,能胜任的n.同等的人(物)vt.与相等;比得上  (3)attitude/ttjud/ n.态度,看法  (3)goal/l/n.目标;进球得分  (3)balance/blns/ vt.同等重视;(使)保持平衡;权衡重要性n.均

4、衡,平衡;平衡能力  (3)improve/mpruv/ vt.& vi.改进,改善 (3)lastbut not least  最后但同样重要的  (3)well-rounded/wel randd/ adj.全面发展的;面面俱到的  (3)individual/ndvdul/ n.个人adj.单独的,个别的(3)character/krkt(r)/ n.品质,性格;特点;人物,角色;文字  (3)responsible/rspnsbl/ adj.有责任,负责;可靠的   (3)ahead/hed/ adv.(时间、空间)向

5、前;提前  (5)junior/duni(r)/ adj. (学校)为 11 或 13岁以下儿童设立的;地位(或级别)低的;青少年的n. 职位较低者;青少年运动员 (5)forward/fwd/ adv.向将来;向前;进展,前进  (5)lookforward to  盼望,期待  (5)independent/ndpendnt/ adj.自主的,有主见的;自立的  (5)focus/fks/ n. 焦点,重点vt.&vi.集中  (6)detail/ditel/ n.细节;具体情况  (6)asa result o

6、f  由于  (6)tip/tp/ n.指点,实用的提示;尖端;小费(7)base/bes/ vt.以为基础(依据)n.根据;基础;基底;总部,大本营  (7)remind/rmand/ vt.提醒,使想起  (7)stickto  坚持;固守,维持 (7)proposal/prpzl/ n.提议,建议,动议(9)aim/em/ n.目的,目标vi.& vt.力争做到;目的是;针对(9)style/stal/ n.风格;方式;样式  (9)technique/teknik/ n.技巧,技艺;技能(9)workshop/wkp/

7、 n. 研讨会,讲习班;车间,作坊  (9)professional/prfenl/ adj. 职业的,专业的;有职业的;娴熟的,精通业务的n. 专门人员,专业人士 (9)material/mtril/ n.材料;素材adj.物质的,实际的;客观存在的   (9)poster/pst(r)/ n.海报;(在网络留言板上)发布消息的人  (9)secondary/sekndri/ adj.中学的;次要的(11)exchange/kstend/ n.& vt. 交换;交流;兑换  (11)host/hst/ n.主人;东道主;主持人vt.主办;主持

8、 (11)a.m./e em/  上午,午前 (11)p.m./pi em/  下午,午后  (11)biology/baldi/ n. 生物学  (11)tough/tf/ adj.艰难的;严厉的;坚强的;坚固的  (11)alarm/lm/n.闹钟;恐慌;警报;警报器vt.使惊恐,使害怕  (11)contribution/kntrbjun/ n.贡献;捐款;捐赠  (11)fortunately/ftntli/ adv. 幸运地,幸亏  (12)overtime  随着时间流逝,久而久之

9、(12)option/pn/ n.可选择的事物,选择;选修课  (12)butter/bt(r)/ n.黄油  (12)pudding/pd/ n.甜点;布丁  (12)attract/trkt/ vt. 吸引,使喜爱;招引;引起(反应)  (12)rugby/rbi/n.橄榄球运动  (12)calligraphy/klrfi/n.书法,书法艺术(13)二、课文翻译Hello, everyone! Welcome to senior high school! Today is the start of a new term, the star

10、t of a three-year journey and the start of a promising future.大家好!欢迎进入高中阶段学习!今天,是新学期的开始,是一段三年旅程的开端,更是一个锦绣前程的起点。I cant wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.The path before you leads to a world full of challenges: a new environment, new knowledge and new ways of thinking.Howeve

11、r, for those of you with a positive mind, opportunity lies in each challenge.When you rise to the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential.我迫不及待地想要向

12、你们描述高中生活的模样。你们面前的路通向一个充满挑战的世界,这里有新环境、新知识和新的思维方式。不过,对你们当中心态积极的人来说,每一个挑战中都蕴藏着机遇。在迎接挑战的时候,你们将有机会掌握大量的知识,并享受个人的成长。最重要的是,你在高中阶段度过的时光、付出的努力将会为你叩开潜能的大门。“What is potential?” you may ask.Put simply, potential is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough.Who knows what beautiful work

13、s of art you will create, what medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop! The possibilities are endless, and I have confidence in your ability to make a difference to your family, to your community and to our country.Over the next three years, you will discover you

14、r potential while you develop as a student and as a person.你们也许会问:“什么是潜能?”简而言之,潜能就是当你足够努力时才可以开发的天赋。谁知道未来你们能创作出哪些精美的艺术品,实现哪些医学突破,或者开发出哪些不可思议的技术!可能性无穷无尽,而且我相信你们有能力改变你们的家庭、改变你们的社区、改变我们的国家。在今后的三年里,你们作为学生和个体成长的同时,将会发现自己的潜能。To fully realize your potential, it is important for you to make the most of our s

15、chool resources.Take advantage of your classes, learn from your teachers and classmates, and make use of our school facilities.There are also a lot of school activities for you.Join a club or two, and take an active part in different sports.要想全面发挥自己的潜能,充分利用我们学校的资源很重要。要让学校课程为你所用,要向老师和同学请教,要善用学校的各种设施。

16、学校还为你们准备了许多活动。要加入一两个俱乐部,并且积极地参与各项体育运动。Of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.Carefully plan your study, set clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities.As a senior high school student, you must make efforts to improve your communication and

17、 problem-solving skills.Last but not least, always look on the bright side and never lose hope, even in difficult situations.In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能以及积极的态度。要细致规划学习,设立清晰的目标,并且平衡好课业和课余活动的关系。作为一个高中生,须努力提高人际沟通和解决问题的技巧。最后但同样重要的是,要一直看到事情好的

18、一面,即便身处困境,也永远不要失去希望。最终,你会发现自己已逐渐成长为一个全面发展的人。As Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You need to make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character.Senior high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone are responsible for realizi

19、ng your great potential.Be confident, do your best and make us proud!正如老子睿智的箴言所说的那样:“千里之行,始于足下。”你们需要坚持不懈,努力去训练自己的头脑、培养自身的性格。高中阶段会帮助你们学习、成长,但是只有你们自己,才能肩负起发挥自身巨大潜能的责任。满怀信心,竭尽全力,让我们为你们感到骄傲吧!Last year, I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student.I stayed with a lovely

20、host family and went to school with their son, Daniel.We were both in year ten and we got on well.He is learning Chinese and will come to stay with me this year in China!去年,我有机会作为交换生到英国的一所中学读书。我寄宿在一个亲切友好的家庭,并与这家人的儿子丹尼尔一同上学。我们去年都读十年级,相处得很融洽。丹尼尔正在学习中文,今年要来中国与我一起学习生活。英国的学校上午 9 点开始上课,下午 4 点放学。中学生通常要学习九门

21、功课。英文、数学,以及科学课(生物、化学、物理)是必修课,学生们还可以选修其他课程,比如历史、艺术和商业。The British school day begins at 9 a.m.and ends at 4 p.m.Students usually have to learn nine subjects at secondary school.Every student in the UK must study English, Maths and the Science subjects: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.Students can also

22、choose to study other subjects, such as History, Art and Business.The classes are different from those in China.Each teacher has their own classroom and the students move around for every lesson.In most of my classes, there were only about 20 students.In the beginning, however, it was still tough fo

23、r me to remember everyones name!英国的学校上午九点开始上课,下午四点放学。中学生通常要学习九门功课。英文、数学,以及科学课(生物、化学、物理)是必修课,学生们还可以选修其他课程,比如历史、艺术和商业!英国的课堂与中国不同。每位老师都有自己的教室,学生们每节课走班上课。在我所上的大部分课上,都只有二十几个学生。然而刚开始时,我仍然很难记住所有人的名字!  I enjoyed most of the classes, but some of them were quite challenging.Technology classes were fun.I

24、made a clock to take home.The teacher helped me put the parts together.I like it so much that I still use it as my alarm! I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the material was less advanced in the UK than in China.However, learning in English was a great challenge for me.There were a lot o

25、f difficult English words, especially in Geography and Biology.Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I could not make a great contribution because sometimes I wasnt able to express myself clearly in English.Although there was not as much homework as I was used to, it was still challengin

26、g.Fortunately, my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me lots of encouragement.My language skills improved over time.大部分课程我都喜欢,但是也有一些非常有挑战性。技术课很有意思。我做了一只钟带回家。老师帮助我完成了零件组装。我太喜欢这只钟了,现在还在用它当闹钟呢!我觉得数学很简单,学起来很愉快,因为英国的教材没有中国的难。不过,英文学习对我来说是一项巨大的挑战。难记的单词很多,特别是地理和生物词汇。在英国,课堂讨论很重要,可是我贡献不大,因为有

27、时候我没办法用英文清楚地表达自己的观点。尽管作业不像以前那么繁重,却仍旧很有挑战性。幸好,老师和同学们一直都乐于帮助我,并给予我很多鼓励。渐渐地,我的语言能力提高了。During the hour-long lunchtime, I ate in the school dining hall.There were lots of options including bread and butter, chicken pie and puddings, but I still missed my mums cooking! After lunch, I often played on the s

28、chools huge sports field with Daniel and his friends.Sometimes we just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass.一小时的午餐时间,我在学校餐厅用餐。选择很丰富,有面包、黄油、鸡肉馅饼和布丁等等,但我还是想念妈妈做的菜!吃完午餐,我常常同丹尼尔,还有他的朋友们去学校的大运动场活动活动。有时候,我们就在树下小憩或者在草地上坐坐。After school, there were many clubs to join.The one that attracted me most was th

29、e Rugby Club.We played once a week, and it was great fun.Also, I enjoyed acting in the Theatre Club.I still have photos of myself acting in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream.Joining clubs was a great way to meet British students and make friends with them.放学后,有许多俱乐部可以参加。最吸引我的是橄榄球俱乐部。我们每周

30、打一次球,真的很有趣。我也喜欢去戏剧俱乐部表演。我还留着自己参演莎士比亚仲夏夜之梦时的剧照。加入俱乐部是与英国学生相识、交友的好方法。I am glad to have the opportunity to experience this different way of life.I met some great people and learnt a lot about school life in the UK.Daniel and his family were fantastic hosts, and his friends were very nice as well.I cant wait for Daniel to visit China!   我很高兴有机会体验这种不同的生活方式。在英国我见到了一些很棒的人,也了解了英国校园生活的方方面面。丹尼尔和他的家人是非常棒的东道主,丹尼尔的朋友也十分友好。我迫不及待要让丹尼尔来中国了!4


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