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1、2020 年苏州市高一英语年苏州市高一英语 10 月月考模拟检测月月考模拟检测 本试卷满分本试卷满分 120120 分,考试时间分,考试时间 120120 分钟分钟 考试范围(必修一考试范围(必修一 Unit1Unit1- -Unit2Unit2) 一、一、阅读理解。 (每小题阅读理解。 (每小题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) (A) My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimers (老年痴呆症)last summer. Suddenly, it was difficult for me to accept that the roles were now r

2、eversed-my mother became my child, and I became her mother. I became impatient, argued with her, once I even yelled at her. Gradually, I was used to this kind of life. Now I am able to deal with her and the situation better. I have learned a lot of life lessons from the experience. My mother reacts

3、very sensitively to my feelings. That is typical of Alzheimers patients. When I visit her, feeling hectic and tense, she reacts immediately, takes on my mood, and becomes nervous and negative. But when I cheerful and attentive, she is happy. This has taught me to pay more attention to my own feeling

4、s when I am with other people. I always thought I was very tolerant, but in reality, my tolerance ran out as soon as someone turned away from what I considered “right”. With my mother I can now really be tolerant. Through her illness she has developed a childlike tactlessness. Eating out in restaura

5、nts, for example, is a bit embarrassing when she shouts at the waiter that the food is so bad or talks about people at the next table in a loud voice. Of course I make sure that my mother doesnt offend anyone, but Ive stopped complaining about others and have become more tolerant. I have also learne

6、d that everything has special value. When my mother got sick I didnt want to burden my two daughters with it. They are young and have enough going on with their education, and starting their careers. I felt that it was simply my job as my mothers daughter. The most wonderful discovery Ive made throu

7、gh my mothers disease may be that my children not only offer to help me when they sense that Im feeling overwhelmed, but that they take care of my mother on their own initiative. They visit her often, play cards with her, and look at photo albums together with her. It shows me that its all worth it.

8、 1.Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A.How I Cared for My Sick Mother B.What I Have Learned from Alzheimers C.How I Became More Tolerant D.Why I Am Feeling Overwhelmed 2.Which of the following is common behavior of Alzheimer patients? A.Being sensitive to others moods B.Being

9、curious about everything C.Being afraid of strange people D.Being particular about clothes 3.We can infer that the writers daughters are _. A.considerate B.selfish C.traditional D.naughty (B) It has been around for centuries, but up until very recently, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wasnt fully

10、 accepted abroad. Proof of this can be found in The Treatment (刮痧), a 2001 film that tells the story of a Chinese man in the US whos accused of abuse after he uses guasha, a form of TCM treatment, to cure his grandsons disease. During the last 10 years or so, however, TCM has been getting increasing

11、ly popular all over the world. A report released by the State Council Information Office on Dec. 6 says this style of health care, which includes different forms like herbal medicine and exercise, has spread to 183 countries and regions. “We have set up 10 TCM centers outside China, and all of them

12、are popular among locals,” Wang Guoqiang, head of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said at a news conference on Dec 6. “Governments of 86 countries and regions have signed agreements with the Chinese government on TCM corporation.” One of the reasons behind the growing popul

13、arity of TCM is the increase of scientific research into it. And after Tu Youyou-the Chinese scientist who discovered the anti-malaria (抗疟 疾) drug qinghaosu (青蒿素)-won the Nobel Prize last year, TCM became even more famous internationally. However, all these achievements in TCM dont mean that its pro

14、blem-free. Over the years, TCM has faced challenges in being able to prove that it has certain effects. Some researchers have suggested TCM should be more exact and work together with Western medicine. “Bringing together with Western medicine and TCM, rather than being in competition, is where the p

15、otential for great effects is,” said Bernhard Schwartlander, the China representative of the World Health Organization. 4. The film The Treatment is mentioned in the first paragraph is to . A. introduce the film to readers B. show TCM is increasingly popular C. arouse readers interest in Western med

16、icine D. prove that TCM is not fully accepted in western countries 5. We can learn from the passage that . A. TCM is not exact in curing diseases B. 10 TCM centers abroad are all set up by locals C. 86 countries have cooperated with China on TCM D. Tu Youyous success contributes to the popularity of

17、 TCM 6. According to Bernhard Schwartlander, TCM should . A. combine western medicine B. face no challenge at all C. give an exact description of its effects D. complete with western medicine 7. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. A report on TCM B. Opinions about TCM C.

18、TCM I need you to appreciate me.” Thats an important lesson. In personal relationships, there may be benefits to the endless pursuit (追求) of better, but the cost may be too high. A. Its what I do. B. I can understand you. C. Always trying to make me better just makes me feel worse. D. I promise Ill

19、stand by your side forever no matter what happens. E. When he got seven As and three Bs, his dad asked about the Bs. F. I love you, but I cant stand the way you tear down everything I do. G. Garys dad was surprised and hurt when Gary took a job in another town. 四、语法填空。 (每小题四、语法填空。 (每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 15

20、 分)分) I wanted to do something special for my 15-year-old son, who has always been a perfect boy. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy 1 (he) a new racing bicycle instead of asking for money from me. Then he spent hours and hours on it. I loved my son so much 2 I bought him a pair of sun

21、glasses and gloves. When my son rode the racing-bicycle with them, he looked very cool. He dreamed . 3 taking part in a race and winning. On November 10th, my birthday, when I went to the kitchen to start the milk and bread in the morning, I found 4 beautiful guitar on the table, beside which was a

22、card, 5 ( say), “Happy birthday to my wonderful mother.” I was surprised and then began to sob. I remembered once I 6 (joke) to my family that I wanted to learn playing the guitar to make my life colorful. I had 7 (forget) it, but my son remembered. He took it 8 (serious) , and bought me one as a bi

23、rthday gift. When I wondered 9 my son could buy this expensive gift, soon I realized that my son had sold his racing-bicycle 10 (get) me the guitar. 五、用下列提示词翻译句子。 (每小题五、用下列提示词翻译句子。 (每小题 3 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 1. 这个组织旨在于帮助贫困地区的孩子接受教育。(aim) _ 2.最近几年科学家把注意力集中到食品安全上了。 (focus) _ 3.我多么希望自己昨天赛跑拿第一名。 (wish) _ 4.最

24、近几天我正努力写我的小说。 (struggle) _ 5.这部电影使我想起了我与奶奶在乡村生活的幸福时光。 (remind) _ 五、五、写作。 (写作。 (20 分)分) 假定你是某高中的学生会主席。为促进学校全体老师和学生的英语学习,你校将举办英 语晚会。 现请你以学生会的名义写一份约 100 词的英文口头通知, 欢迎全校老师和同学们参 加。 内容:1晚会时间:下周五晚 8001000 2晚会地点:学校大会议室 3晚会节 目:英语故事、歌曲、诗歌及短剧等;届时还请在本校工作的美籍教师 MrGreen 及夫人、 子女参加,他们将要表演精彩的节目。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

25、参考答案参考答案 一 1-3 BAA 4-7 DDAD 8-11 BDCA 12-15 CDAA 二、 DCBDD ABBDC BACCA DDCCA 三、 EDFAC 四 himself that of a saying joked forgotten seriously how to get 五 1. The organization is aimed at helping children in poor areas get education/educated. 2. Scientists have focused their attention on food safety in r

26、ecent years. 3. How I wish I had came first in yesterdays race. 4. I am struggling to work on/write my novel these days. 5. The movie reminds me of the happy days when I lived with my grandmother in the village. 六 May I have your attention please? Im very glad to inform you that an English evening i

27、s going to be held in our school meeting hall from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. next Friday. So it is our great chance to practice English and improve our English studies. You will enjoy English stories, songs, poems and short plays at the evening. Mr and Mrs Green from the USA working in our school, together with their children, will be invited to our evening. They will give us wonderful performances. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening. We hope all of you will like the performances. Please be on time. Thats all. Thanks you!


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