教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 3 Textbook p.56-57-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b00a6).doc

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1、 EEC 版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 6:Hows the Weather in Your Country? (Period 3) 翻转课堂教学模式初探 Unit 6:Hows the Weather in Your Country? (Period 3) 教学设计思想教学设计思想 本学期,我校英语组在区教研员和校领导的指导和帮助下,开展 了翻转课堂教学模式的尝试和探究,并申报了市级研究课题。在此基 础上,我设计了本课的翻转课堂教学。设计思想如下: 微课的意义微课的意义 传统课堂传统课堂 翻转课堂翻转课堂 教师 知识传授者、课堂 管理者 学习指导者、促进者 学生 被动接受者 主动研究者 教

2、学形式 课堂讲解+课后作业 课前学习+课堂研究 课堂内容 知识讲解传授 问题研究 技术应用 内容展示 自主学习、 交流反思、 协作讨论 教材分析教材分析 本课是 Unit6 的第三课时,主要学习了描述天气情况的单词,询 问天气情况的问答句,以及不同的季节,不同的天气,不同的活动结 合起来形成的语段。由于本课时是其他三个课时的基础,经过教材整 合,我将本课时作为本单元的第一课时来讲。此外,在把握教材内容 的基础上, 我为学生拓展了有关天气的阅读材料, 同义句, 以及谚语, 增加学生词汇量,扩大学生信息量,培养学生阅读能力,从而开阔学 生思维。 学生分析学生分析 五年级的学生经过大约三年的英语学习

3、, 已经具备一定的语言基 础和自学能力,因此,在本课的设计中,我设计了“规律探究”环节, 充分发挥学生的主体性,旨在培养学生的观察、探究、总结能力。 此外, 学生已经在四年级时学过 cold, hot, warm, cool 以及四个季节单 词,因此,微课中复习一遍,在课上无需再多做讲练。而预计出现的 问题可能会是“weather”单词的读音,课上要多关注学生的发音。 媒体设计思路媒体设计思路 本课讲授了冷热凉暖,阴晴风雨等天气单词,天气情况问答的句 型,以及不同季节,不同天气,不同活动相结合形成的语段。为了创 设真实的情境,我在教学过程中设计了以下几点: 1、制作课件,将繁琐的板书,阅读材料

4、,练习题制成课件, 在教学过程中适时展示出来,加大教学密度,提高教学效率,接受学 生反馈,增强直观性,形象性、趣味性。 2、创设情境,激活思维 ,用课件来展示不同的天气情况,有 的使用动态图,有的加入逼真的声音,优化了教学结构,增大了课堂 容量,激发了学生兴趣,从而提高了教学效率。 课堂教学过程结构流程图课堂教学过程结构流程图 class begins watch the video try to find the rule check up extend(words and weather icons) read the words new concept practice the dial

5、og play a game(PK) practice in pairs.(map) check up your memory exercise (PK) come to the text listen and follow read the passage exercise and homework 教学设计教学设计 一、Teaching AimsTeaching Aims: (教学目标) 1.1. KnowledgeKnowledge aims:aims: (知识目标) The students can listen, speak, read and write the words of

6、the weather. (weather, cold, cool, hot, warm, cloudy, windy, rainy, sunny) The students can listen ,speak, read and write the sentences “Hows the weather in (季节、 地点)?= Whats the weather like in (季节、地点)?” 现在进行时与季节搭配进行表达。 2.2. AbilityAbility aims:aims:(能力目标)(能力目标) By the end of the lesson, the student

7、s should be able to: Ss can communicate with each other about the weather and seasons. 3.3. Focus of the lesson:Focus of the lesson: (教学重难点)(教学重难点) 1. n adj; They should say “Its rainy.” not “Its rain.” 2. Ss know another way to talk about the weather. 4 4. Emotion aims. Emotion aims:(情感目标)(情感目标) 1.

8、 Help the Ss develop their self-learning abilities.(探寻规 律) 2. Improve the Ss abilities of communication and cooperation. 3.Tell the students to protect the environment. 二、Teaching Teaching methodsmethods: Task-based teaching approach,TPR(教学(教学 手段)手段) 三、Teaching aidsTeaching aids: CAI,计时沙漏 四、Teaching

9、 ProceduresTeaching Procedures: (教学过程)(教学过程) 一播放微课视频,带领学生学习有关天气的单词及问答天气的句型 和对话。 二针对微课,进行翻转课堂教学。 Step I : Greeting T:Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Wang. T: How is it going? Ss: Just great. Step II: Check up Find out the words about the weather. (weather, cold, cool, hot, warm, cloudy, windy,

10、 rainy, sunny).Some Ss can find all the words, but some Ss can find parts of them ,divide the Ss into 2 groups, give them one score when they answer my question correctly. 设计意图:根据微课中的对天气单词的学习,检查微课学习成果。了 解学习情况,根据掌握情况,确定下一步教学。 Step: New concept and Extend 1. Show the words of the weather: cloudy, wind

11、y, rainy, sunny, ask the Ss find the rule, and according to the rule, ask the Ss to tell the other two words: snowy, foggy. 设计意图:引导学生探究规律,发现规律,并利用规律拓展出两个新 的天气单词,扩大词汇量。 2.Play a game. Lead the Ss to read the words above, when I face to the Ss, they cant read any more. 设计意图:带领学生再读单词,一为巩固新拓展的 2 个单词,其二

12、可以给微课学习效果稍差的学生提供再次学习的机会。 3.Practice the dialog. T: Hows the weather ? (picture1) S: _. T: Hows the weather ? (picture2) S:_. 4 .Play a game: Guess the weather. (Chant: weather, weather, hows the weather? Sunny, sunny, its sunny.) (男生女生比赛,猜对者得一票) 设计意图: weather 一词比较难读,通过图片提供情境练习巩固, 之 后再进行比赛,要求学生根据图片猜出

13、天气情况,并正确使用句子表 达, 强化了 weather 的读音, 同时为之后的语段表达奠定坚实的基础。 5.Practice in pairs. T: We have known some signs of the weather. Now I have so many signs of the weather, lets look at the map of China. A: Hows the weather in _? S: Its _. 设计意图:用中国地图创设情境,让学生在原有问答句的基础上,拓 展问答不同城市的天气情况,学会基本句型后接地点的表达。 6. T: How is th

14、e weather today ? S: Its sunny . T: Yes, its warm and sunny. Lets go to the park.(人民 公园图片) I can run .What can you do? S1: I can read a book. S2: I can ride a bike. T: Lets see what is Miss Wang doing there. 设计意图:用今天的天气情况过渡, 引出动作短语。 7 .PPT: (check up your memory)fly a kite, ride a bike, make a snowm

15、an, play the violin 设计意图:运用闪图游戏能使学生集中注意力来复习所学过的词汇, 为后面的句型打下基础。 T: Look, he is riding a bike. What is she doing? S: She is _ing. 8. PK 限时一分钟,比赛哪一组说出的对话多,数量多的获胜。 How is the weather in _ ? S: Its . I am _ . Step: Come to the text Listen to the tape, then follow to read. Tell the sentence Hows the weath

16、er= Whats the weather like? Step: Read the passage Read the short passage, and finish the questions. Step: Exercise Do exercise on the paper. 1. Wrire down the words about the weather. 2. Finish the sentences. Step: Homework. 1.写出表示天气的单词。 2.用 5 句话描述家乡的天气情况, 你可能用到以下句子: Its windy . Its cool in fall .

17、I am swimming in summer. I can _. We wear (a)_. Step.情感教育 (播放短片,原生态的蓝天白云,森林河流。 。 。 。 。 ,对比污染后的人和 动物的家园) 教育学生: 保护环境,拒绝雾霾。 Play the video, ask the Ss to watch the video. There were white clouds, blue sky, fresh air, clean water But now, dirty river, dirty sky, dirty food, the birds lose their trees, the animals lose their home, the cars make the air polluted Promoting environmental protection, refuse haze . 五、Blackboard design S1: Hows he weather in/there? S2: Its _ and _.


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