教科EEC版五下Unit7 How Are You Feeling Now -Class 1 Textbook p.64-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e0383).zip

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Lesson 7 How Are You Feeling Today? (EEC English, Grade 5, Book 2) DivideDivide thethe classclass intointo twotwo groupsgroups toto publicizepublicize somesome medicalmedical knowledgeknowledge allall aroundaround ourour ChinaChina . (将全部学生分成男 女两组,进行 “全国 普及医疗常识活动” 比赛。每次正确回 答将会获得一个脚 印。课程结束时, 进行总结 ) great good better 1.Read it. When seeing , read it aloud. 2. Shout and do. When seeing , shout and do it. stomachache 2 hands throatthroat thr_toa orebds sore throatI have a . nosehave a runnyrunny run sun snow rain wind cloud hand runny sunny snowy rainy windy cloudy handy I.nosehave a runny Challenge Time (记忆力大挑战 ) b. d. have a fever b. have a _ _runny nose a. _throat c. h_ a _ throatave sore d. _ _ f_have a ever b . d. have a fever I dont feel well. I have a . cough He has a cough. She has a bad cough. have a high fever a coldandhave A:How are you feeling today? a cold a stomachache a toothache an earache a runny nose a sore throat a high fever a bad cough B:I dont feel well. I have (and ) Pair-work (两人练 习) ? ? Hows she feeling today? (Doctor: Come in, please.) Patient: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning. Whats your name? Patient: My name is Ann. Doctor: How _ you _ today? Patient: I dont feel well. I have a sore _ and I have a bad _. Doctor: Open your mouth, please. Patient: Ah. Doctor: Take some medicine. Patient: Thank you. are feeling throat cough 吃些药吧。吃些药吧。 Fill in the blanks.(填空填空) LevelLevel A A LevelLevel B B (Doctor: Come in, please.) Patient: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning. Whats your name? Patient: My name is Ann. Doctor: How are you feeling today? Patient: I dont feel well. I have a sore throat and I have a bad cough. Doctor: Open your mouth, please. Patient: Ah. Doctor: Take some medicine. Patient: Thank you. In The Hospital Level A Role play the dialog. (角色表演) (Doctor: Come in, please.) Patient: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning. Whats your name? Patient: My name is Ann. Doctor: How are you feeling today? Patient: I dont feel well. I have a sore throat and I have a bad cough. Doctor: Open your mouth, please. Patient: Ah. Doctor: Take some medicine. Patient: Thank you. In The Hospital Level B Role play the dialog and change 2-3 phrases(对原文进行 2-3处修改后进行角 色表演) 3 tips (3个健康小贴士) 132 132 Lets finish the tasks. ABC ( (首先完成首先完成 3 3个任务个任务 ) ) Task A. Listen and check True or False. Task A. Listen and check True or False. 1Balance your diet ( 不 挑 食 ) have a runny nose have a sore throat have a high fever have a bad cough have a bad cold have a stomachache have a toothache have an earache Eg.(例如) have a cold Task B. How many kinds of disease do you know ? (请用英语写出至少请用英语写出至少2种常见疾病种常见疾病) 2Smile and be happy ( 要 乐 观 ) Task C. Can you find them? (下面的短文有 2处错误,你能找到并改正 吗?) Yesterday Sponge Bob and his friend went to the beach, but it rained a lot. How is Sponge Bob feel today? He doesnt feel well, he has a bad colgh, he has a high fever. Poor Bob! Task C. Can you find them? (下面的短文有 2处错误,你能找到并改正 吗?) Yesterday Sponge Bob and his friend went to the beach, but it rained a lot. How is Sponge Bob feel today? He doesnt feel well, he has a bad colgh, he has a high fever. Poor Bob! feeling Task C. Can you find them? (下面的短文有 2处错误,你能找到并改正 吗?) Yesterday Sponge Bob and his friend went to the beach, but it rained a lot. How is Sponge Bob feel today? He doesnt feel well, he has a bad colgh, he has a high fever. Poor Bob! colgh,cough, feeling Good work ! 2. 据卫生部网站据卫生部网站 消息,截至消息,截至 20092009年年1111月月 3030日,中国日,中国3131 个省份累计报个省份累计报 告甲型告甲型H1N1H1N1流流 感确诊病例感确诊病例 9290492904例,例,死亡死亡 200200例。例。 1.1.传染性非典型肺传染性非典型肺 炎炎SARSSARS,是一种,是一种 新的呼吸系统传新的呼吸系统传 染性疾病。染性疾病。20022002 年年1111月月20032003年年8 8 月月5 5日,日,2929个国家个国家 报告临床诊断病报告临床诊断病 例病例例病例84228422例,例, 死亡死亡916916例。例。 3Do more sports ( 多 运 动 ) nod, nod, nod my head, lift, lift, lift my arms, wave, wave, wave my hands, bend, bend, bend my knees, touch, touch, touch my toes. A.Memory the key phrases and the key sentences (记忆重点短 语和句型) B.Make a dialogue with your partners (用 本课所学知 识,和同学 自编对话。) at home Word List: drink more water take some medicine stay home go to bed get some sleep Whats wrong at school Word List: call your mother/father(给父母打电话) go to see a doctor drink some water sit here and take a rest make a call Words List: go to see a doctor drink some water take some medicine stay home go to bed get some sleep 教学目标 1、知识与技能目标:学生能够听懂会说日常交际用语:How are you feeling today? I do nt feel well. I have a runny nose/sore throat/high fever/bad cough.语音语调正 确,自然流利,并能较熟练地运用。 2、过程与方法目标:创设情境,在情境中学习运用How are you feeling today? I dont feel well. I have a runny nose/sore throat/high fever/bad cough. 3、情感态度价值观目标:培养学生们的交流与合作精神,形成有效的学 习策略并懂得关心别人提供帮助是一种美德。 学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,学会用身体状况作为话题问答的一系列的用语进行表 达。对此他们一定很感兴趣。本课设计并开展创新性的教学活动,How are you feeling t oday? I dont feel well. I have a runny nose/sore throat/high fever/bad cough. 有利于学生关心身边人的身体状况。 重点难点 学会用英语询问对方的想法及应答。How are you feeling today? I dont feel well. I have a runny nose/sore throat/high fever/bad cough. 教学过程 【导入】HowAreYouFeelingNow .The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thanks. T: Nice to mee t you. Ss:Nice to meet you, too. 2.Have a revision(复习): 1、 T: Lets sing a s ong.This is my family 2、lets practice: What do you want to be ? 3.The Lea ding Words(导语): 【讲授】HowAreYouFeelingNow T: Today, well learn Lesson 7How are you feeling now ?(设计意图:由情景导入,使 学生有如身临其境,营造浓厚的语言学习气氛,明确学习任务。) .The Teaching Present ation(教学展开): 1.Talk about the picture of page 66 2.Listen to the tape: How are you feeling today ? I dont feel well .I have a runny nose. How are you fee ling today ? I dont feel well . I have a sore throat. How are you feeling toda y ? I dont feel well . I have a high fever. How are you feeling today ? I don t feel well. I have a bad cough. 3. lets learn and read: work in pairs. How a re you feeling today? I dont feel well. I have a runny nose/sore throat/high f ever/bad cough. (设计意图:英语教学面向全体学生,教师创造轻松和谐的学习环境,通过 感知、体验、实践、参与、合作等方式,使英语学习成为一种愉悦的体验和感受,以提高学 生的听说能力和交际能力) 4. Do the exercise: How are you feeling today? I dont feel well. I have a runny nose/sore throat/high fever/bad cough. How is he fee ling today? He doesnt feel well. He has a runny nose/sore throat/high fever/ba d cough. (设计意图:扩展内容的练习,可以帮助学生记忆所学知识的内容可以有效增加学 生的知识含量, 培养学生自主学习和协作学习能力,引导学生勇于克服困难、合作互助的品 质。) esson 7How are you feeling now? How are you feeling today ? I dont feel w ell .I have a runny nose.
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