教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 6 Textbook p.63-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30fcb).docx

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1、Unit6 Hows the Weather in Your Country 第六课时 教学目标 1、依据新课程对五年级阶段目标及本单元的教学目标和本课教材特点,确定 以下教学目标: 以参与游戏的形式复习本单元所学句型,将重点句式运用到实际语言表达中。 2、 培养学生综合运用语言能力。 3、通过各种活动培养学生学习英语的兴趣,建立自信心。 学情分析 本节课是六年制小学 EEC 英语教科版五年级下册第六单元中的一节练习课。 本课 是围绕“季节”(seasons)这个题材展开,季节与日常生活息息相关,让学生 在交流和体验的基础上学习语言表达。作为这个单元的第六课时,本课的重点也 是承接这个单元的主

2、题:涉及有关季节的各种表达。另外,季节这一教学内容四 年级上学期已经有了简单的学习基础, 因此本课的重点除了复习本单元所学重点 单词和句型之外,还要让学生能够将重点句式运用到实际的语言表达中,为今后 进一步学习打下基础。 重难点 1.以参与游戏的形式复习本单元所学有关句型。 2.将重点句式运用到实际的语言表达中并有所拓展。 教学过程 (一)导入: 1.Greetings! T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher. T: How are you today? S1: Im Which city do you like best?导入,学生可自由回

3、答,当有同学说到喜欢佳木 斯的时候,引出图片,介绍佳木斯的四季美景。 T: First, in this lesson, I want to show you pictures. I like taking pictures. look at computer, I want to show you some beautiful pictures. Please lets have a look. Think about, What can you say in the picture? You can say it a lot. T: (展示佳木斯美丽的四季图片) (用优美的音乐来引境, 引

4、入很好的学习状态) Ss: I can see .(生师边看图片子边说,可以自由输出语言,对旧知进行巩固) T: season, guess, what is mean ? How many season in one year? What are they? Ss: 季节,they are four season in one year。 Spring summerfallwinter. T:Who can write it ? Ss:板前写出四个季节。(四种不同颜色的单词)老师板书课题。 (二)趣味操练,乐于交流 1、T:lets review four seasons .You know

5、 there are four seasons in a year. look ,I have a riddle ,you can guess ,which season is it ? (师一边说一边做动作,让学生猜猜是哪个季节。) T: It is a white world ,it is cold and windy .I can go skiing. T: oh .guess, What season is it ? Ss: Winter(找出其它三个同学猜出其它相关季节。) 2、练习口语交际,巩固操练句型,同时板书 Which season do you best? Which se

6、ason do you like best? I like _best. I can_. _likes _best. (三)输入语篇,互助互学 T: You are good job ,I prepare the four test about seasons ,lets learn it and read it again .You can find out new words and try to write on the blackboard. Spring I like spring best ,its warm and sunny. I can go on a picnic. Peo

7、ple like flying kites in spring. The trees turn green and flowers begin to bloom(开花). Summer Summer is a red world. The weather is hot and sunny. Summer is good for swimming I can swim at the beach, I like eating ice cream .we can swim. Fall Seasons come and seasons go, changing(变化)all the time. In

8、fall ,its cool and windy. Fall is harvest(收获)season in a year. I can go hiking. Winter Our city Jiamusi is the most beautiful in winter. I n winter ,its a white world. I like winter best, the weather it s cold and cloudy.we have snow in winter. Lets go out make a snowman,throw the snowball. I like i

9、ce lantern. I like skating. I can go skiing,but I cantt skiing very well. Do you like winter? Can you tell me? Which season do you like best? (四) 提高能力,拓展延伸 1、In this lesson,We have learn the exercise about seasons .The four seasons are beautiful,isnt? Maybe you are a writer ,please write something ,

10、you can choose your best season write it . 2.If you didnt finish,you can after class write it . Homework:Today lets review the seasons, you can write the seasons again ,read it to your friend or family. Bye ,have a nice day! 附:板书设计 Unit6 Hows the Weather in Your Country? Which season do you like best? I like spring summer fallwinter best. I can _. New words: (学生自已找出新词,写在黑板上。)


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