(2021新版)牛津译林版必修二英语U3 Welcome — Reading ppt课件.pptx

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1、Welcome Reading Unit 3 Festivals and customsUnit 3 Festivals and customs 【版本:译林 册别:必修二】 Customs tell a man who he is, where he belongs, what he must do. Robert A. Heinlein 风俗习惯告诉一个人他是谁,属于哪里,风俗习惯告诉一个人他是谁,属于哪里, 必须做什么。必须做什么。罗伯特罗伯特A. A. 海因莱因海因莱因 罗伯特罗伯特安森安森海因莱因(海因莱因(1907.7.71907.7.719881988),生于美国密苏里州的巴特拉

2、市,),生于美国密苏里州的巴特拉市, 曾就读于密苏里大学,曾就读于密苏里大学,19251925年进入安那波利斯海军学院学习,毕业后作为航空年进入安那波利斯海军学院学习,毕业后作为航空 母舰和驱逐舰的士官在海军服役五年。母舰和驱逐舰的士官在海军服役五年。19341934年因病复员。他一度在加利福尼亚年因病复员。他一度在加利福尼亚 大学洛杉矶分校攻读物理。第二次世界大战期间,他在费城海军航空试验所任大学洛杉矶分校攻读物理。第二次世界大战期间,他在费城海军航空试验所任 工程师。工程师。 被誉为“被誉为“美国现代科幻小说之父美国现代科幻小说之父”、“”、“美国科幻空前绝后的优秀作美国科幻空前绝后的优秀

3、作 家家”、“”、“美国科幻黄金时代四大才子之一美国科幻黄金时代四大才子之一”。”。 目 录 页 contents Pre-reading 1 Language points 4 Fast reading 2 Homework 5 Intensive reading 3 Pre-reading Pre-reading: Lead-in When we come to this unit, we are approaching a very important festival in China. What is it? The Spring Festival. When we mention

4、“festival”, what would you think of? A big meal Family reunion / gathering Red packet / Lucky money Paper-cut New clothes and shoes Best wishes Holiday / Recreation Pay a New Year call (拜年拜年) Put up Spring Festival couplets (贴春联贴春联) Stay up the whole night Set off fireworks Go to the temple fair Pre

5、-reading: Lead-in Pre-reading: Welcome to the unit (P29) Festivals can tell us a lot about the cultures of different countries. Watch the video and finish the following exercises. Yi Peng Lantern Festival is celebrated in Chiang Mat, Thailand as a way to _. Midsummers Day is celebrated in Sweden for

6、 people to _. The Day of the Dead, which lasts _ _, is a festival in Mexico for people to _. Pre-reading: Welcome to the unit (P29) 1. What Chinese festivals are similar to each of the three festivals in the video? Yi Peng Lantern Festival (清迈天灯节清迈天灯节) Midsummers Day (瑞典仲夏节) The Day of the Dead (墨西哥

7、亡灵节) The Lantern Festival (元宵节元宵节) The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节端午节) Ching Ming Festival (清明节清明节) 2. What other foreign festivals around the world do you know about? Easter (复活节复活节) Halloween (万圣节万圣节) Thanksgiving Day (感恩节感恩节) Pre-reading: Welcome to the unit (P29) 3. Why do we have so many festival

8、s every year? To pass down some history and culture, for example, the Mid- Autumn Festival. To be in honor of great persons or events, for example, the Dragon Boat Festival. To remind people of when to do sth, for example, Grain in Ear (芒种芒种). To remind people of what to do, for example, World No To

9、bacco Day. To inspire people to be more confident of the future, for example, the Spring Festival. Pre-reading: Welcome to the unit (P29) 4. How can you learn about foreign customs and traditions? By reading books or newspapers. By listening to others descriptions. By turning to the Internet or the

10、library. By consulting the people from that country. By seeing the films. By going there on ones own. Travelling Travelling is a way to learn about other cultures. The travel journal (P30-31) below was written by Alex Zhang, a travel writer. He shares his experiences of some wonderful festivals arou

11、nd the world. Now let us follow his footsteps! Pre-reading Fast reading Fast reading(P3031) Read the travel journal and put the events at the Indian wedding and the Rio Carnival in the correct order. Write the letters in the flow charts on P32. Fast reading(P32) The India wedding a The brides father

12、 led her to the bridegroom. b The couple took seven steps. c The celebrations began. d The bridegroom arrived on a horse. e The couple joined hands and walked around a fire. d a e b c Fast reading(P32) The Rio Carnival a The group started marching down the street. b Alex saw dancers and musicians st

13、anding in the street. c Alex took his place in the crowd. d The group jumped into action. e The crowd passed many street stands. c b d a e Intensive reading Read “Indian wedding” (P30) carefully and answer questions 1. What are the two customs making a deep impression on the author? Why? 2. What wer

14、e the Indian couples promises about? 3. What happened to the authors feet? 4. How is the Indian wedding different from and similar to Chinese weddings you have been to? Read “Indian wedding” (P30) carefully and answer questions 1. What are the two customs making a deep impression on the author? Why?

15、 One was the bridegrooms entrance on a beautiful white horse. The author had never seen that back home. Another was the part when the brides father proudly led his daughter through the rows of seats to her husband. It reminded the author of his sisters wedding. Read “Indian wedding” (P30) carefully

16、and answer questions 2. What were the Indian couples promises about? They were about how they were going to support each other and live together happily. 3. What happened to the authors feet? He had two left feet, and both of them hurt. (He was really not good at dancing.) The India weddings Chinese

17、 traditional weddings The bridegrooms entrance A small fire Celebrations Read “Indian wedding” (P30) carefully and answer questions 4. How is the Indian wedding different from and similar to Chinese weddings you have been to? different On a beautiful horse In a sedan chair( (轿子轿子) ) The bride and th

18、e bridegroom take seven steps by the fire. The bride strides over the small fire. Sing and dance. A great dinner. Read “Indian wedding” (P30) carefully and answer questions 4. How is the Indian wedding different from and similar to Chinese weddings you have been to? similar The wedding ceremony is i

19、n a brightly decorated hotel room. Lots of guests are all dressed up in formal, colorful clothes. The bride and the bridegroom wear traditional costumes. The brides father proudly leads his daughter through the crowd to the bridegroom. There is a small fire in the wedding. The bride and the bridegro

20、om make promises in the wedding. Celebrations. Important and difficult language points make / leave a deep impression on sb I was definitely not wrong. eye-catching the bridegrooms entrance on a horse remind sb of sth be anything but ordinary join hands make a promise 我绝对没有错。我绝对没有错。 ( (物物) )惹人注意的,引人

21、注目的惹人注意的,引人注目的 新郎骑着马进来新郎骑着马进来 给某人留下深刻印象给某人留下深刻印象 使某人想起某事使某人想起某事 绝不平凡绝不平凡 牵手牵手 做出承诺做出承诺 Important and difficult language points That is a story for another day. Lets just say have two left feet 这个话题改日再聊。这个话题改日再聊。 这么说吧,大致说来这么说吧,大致说来 informal 非常笨拙,笨手笨脚非常笨拙,笨手笨脚 There were hundreds of guests, all dresse

22、d up in formal, colorful clothes. I did not understand all of the traditional customs. 分词作状语分词作状语 部分否定部分否定 Review Please retell what happened in the Indian wedding with your own words. You can use the following information. opportunity ceremony guests bride bridegroom two customs the brides father j

23、oin hands a small fire promise seven steps celebrations Read “Rio Carnival ” (P31) carefully and answer questions 1. Why did Alex go to a street party? 2. What did Alex see and smell as he passed the street stands? 3. What does Alex think of the Rio Carnival? Use some adjectives. Read “Rio Carnival

24、” (P31) carefully and answer questions 1. Why did Alex go to a street party? To experience the spirit of the Carnival for himself. 2. What did Alex see and smell as he passed the street stands? Iceboxes of soft drinks and beer lined the narrow streets, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air. R

25、ead “Rio Carnival ” (P31) carefully and answer questions 3. What does Alex think of the Rio Carnival? Use some adjectives. crazy grand amazing unforgettable colorful hot exciting Use details in his journal to support your idea. Read “Rio Carnival ” (P31) carefully and answer questions No wonder peop

26、le from Rio take a week off for this happy occasion. The group jumped into action. The Carnival current carried us through the ever-growing sea of people, dancing all the way. Iceboxes of soft drinks and beer lined the narrow streets, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air as we passed wave af

27、ter wave of street stands. I was so caught up in the party fever that I hardly noticed five hours fly by! The bright colors and lively music were still swimming all around me. Important and difficult language points The summer heat hit me. take a week off in the air take my place in the merry crowd

28、in fancy costumes wait with excitement jump into action 夏天的热浪迎面袭来。夏天的热浪迎面袭来。 请假一周请假一周 可感觉到;在传播中可感觉到;在传播中 就位,准备好就位,准备好 在快乐的人群中在快乐的人群中 穿戴华丽的服饰穿戴华丽的服饰 兴奋地等待着兴奋地等待着 立即行动立即行动 Important and difficult language points an explosion of bright colors and lively music play an energetic beat march down the road

29、current 明亮的色彩和活泼的音乐一触明亮的色彩和活泼的音乐一触 即发即发 打出有力的节拍打出有力的节拍 沿着马路行进沿着马路行进 水水/ /潮潮/ /气流;气流;( (喻喻) )人流,人潮人流,人潮 carry us through the ever- growing sea of people 带着我们穿越不断增长的人潮带着我们穿越不断增长的人潮 line the narrow street 沿着窄街排列沿着窄街排列 Important and difficult language points pass wave after wave of street stands be caug

30、ht up in the party fever lie in bed 走过一波又一波的街头小摊走过一波又一波的街头小摊 沉溺于派对的狂热中沉溺于派对的狂热中 躺在床上躺在床上 Important and difficult language points pass wave after wave of street stands be caught up in the party fever lie in bed 走过一波又一波的街头小摊走过一波又一波的街头小摊 沉溺于派对的狂热中沉溺于派对的狂热中 躺在床上躺在床上 Important and difficult language poin

31、ts I could see a group of around 20 Brazilian dancers and a band in fancy costumes standing in the street. Some of them carried flags, which blew in the wind. The Carnival current carried us through the ever-growing sea of people, dancing all the way. I was so caught up in the party fever that I har

32、dly noticed five hours fly by! 宾补 非限制性定语从句 分词作状语 宾补 Review Please retell what happened in Rio Carnival with your own words. You can use the following information. heat take a week off in the air take my place costumes flags explosion jump into action samba beat twist and turn march down the road The

33、 Carnival current the ever-growing sea of people iceboxes grilled meat five hours lie in bed Read “ La Tomatina” (P33) carefully Alex is going to visit Spain soon. He is reading an introduction to La Tomatina online. Complete the introduction with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the bo

34、x below. occasion impression decorate in the air tradition entrance merry be caught up in La Tomatina is an annual tomato fight festival celebrated in the small town of Bu ol in eastern Spain, where it has been a(n) (1) _ since the 1940s. On the last Wednesday of August, people from all over the wor

35、ld fill this small town for this special (2) _. In the morning, thousands of (3) _ tourists start to line the narrow streets. There is a sense of excitement (4)_. At around 11 a.m., the tomato trucks make their (5) _and stop in the town centre. tradition occasion merry in the air entrance occasion i

36、mpression decorate in the air tradition entrance merry be caught up in Once the fight begins, the crowd rush to the trucks to pick up tomatoes and throw them at each other. People (6)_ _ the fight for about an hour, and by the time it finishes, around 150,000 kilograms of tomatoes cover Bu ol. No wo

37、nder fire engines are needed to wash the streets after the fight the town looks like it has been (7) _ with red paint! Luckily, the acid in the tomato helps make everything really clean. caught up in decorated were occasion impression decorate in the air tradition entrance merry be caught up in If y

38、ou plan to visit Spain in August, you should definitely take the opportunity to join in this crazy festival. It is sure to leave a deep (8) _ on you. Keep your stuff close and stay away from vehicles. Also, be sure to wear old clothes lets just say you will not wear them again! impression 1. When do

39、es the tomato fight finish? 2. How to deal with the result of this festival? 3. What tips does the introduction offer? At about 12 oclock. Fire engines are needed to wash the streets after the fight. Keep your stuff close. Stay away from vehicles. Be sure to wear old clothes. Read “ La Tomatina” (P3

40、3) again and answer questions Important and difficult language points annual vehicle There is a sense of excitement in the air. make ones entrance pick up be caught up in the fight A be decorated with B 每年的;年度的;一年的每年的;年度的;一年的 交通工具;车辆交通工具;车辆 空气中弥漫着一种兴奋感。空气中弥漫着一种兴奋感。 进入进入 捡起捡起 被卷入战斗中被卷入战斗中 用用B B装饰装饰A

41、A Review Please retell what happens in La Tomatina with your own words. You can use the following information. annual Spain the last Wednesday of August tourists a sense of excitement in the air the tomato trucks make ones entrance pick up be caught up in fire engines decorate acid impression stuff vehicle old clothes Homework Writing Write an article about a festival that you have experienced and learnt a lot.


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