- 2019-2020扬州中学树人学校七年级初一上学期数学期末真题及答案.pdf--点击预览
- 2019-2020扬州中学树人学校七年级初一上学期英语期末真题及答案.pdf--点击预览
- 2019-2020扬州中学树人学校七年级初一上学期语文期末真题及答案.pdf--点击预览
1 扬州树人学校 2019-2020 学年第一学期期末试卷 七年级数学 扬州树人学校 2019-2020 学年第一学期期末试卷 七年级数学 一、选择题(每题 3 分)一、选择题(每题 3 分) 1.单项式a2b3c的次数是( A.5B.3 ) C.6D. 7 2.如图,1 与2 是对顶角的是() A.B.C.D. 3.关于美食的一条视频播放量达到 132000 万次以上,将 132000 用科学记数法表示为() A.13.2104B.1.32106C.1.32105D.13.2 105 4.若 x2 是关于 x 的方程 2x+5a 的解,则 a 的值为() A9B9C1D1 5.下列计算正确的是() A4a+3b7abB4a(3a)7aC4a23aaD (a)(a)2a 6.如图,某同学用剪刀沿直线将一片平整的树叶剪掉一部分,发现剩下树叶的周长比原树 叶的周长要小,能正确解释这一现象的数学知识是() A垂线段最短B经过一点有无数条直线 C两点之间,线段最短D经过两点,有且仅有一条直线 7.如图,这是一个正方体的展开图,则“书”字所相对的字是() A.进B.步C. 人D.使 8. 利用如图 1 的二维码可以进行身份识别,某校建立了一个身份识别系统,图 2 是某个学生的识别图案,黑色小 正方形表示 1,白色小正方形表示 0,将第一行数字从左到右依次记为 a,b, c,d,那么可以转换为该生所在班 级序号,其序号为 a23+b22+c21+d20,如图 2 第一行 数字从左到右依次为 0,1,0,1,序号为 023+122+021+1205,表示该生为 5 班学生, 那么表示 10 班学生的识别图案是() 2 二、填空题(每题 3 分)二、填空题(每题 3 分) 9.已知 4 个数:12020,2020,2020,32,其中正数有个 10.若1+2180,2+3180,则13理由是 11.若关于 x 的方程(k2)xk+30 是一元一次方程,则 k+x x y 2020 2020 2 12.若 x、y 互为相反数,a、b 互为倒数,c 的绝对值为 2,则 2 abc= 13. 把边长为 1 的 5 个相同正方体摆成如图的形式,其表面积为(包含底面积) 14.如图,将一个三角板 60角的顶点与另一个三角板的直角顶点重合,12650,2 的大小是 15. 如图,把一张长方形的纸片沿着 EF 折叠,点 C、D 分别落在 M、N 的位置, 且MFBMFE则MFB 16.如果代数式 2y23y+1 的值为 3,那么代数式 4y26y-1 的值为 17.已知|a|-a,则化简|a1|-|a3|的结果是 18.如图,这是一个数据转换器的示意图,三个滚珠可以在槽内左右滚动输入 x 的值,当滚珠发生撞击,就输 出相撞滚珠上的代数式所表示数的和 y已知当三个滚珠同时相撞时,不论输入 x 的值为多大,输出 y 的值总 不变。若输入一个整数 x,某些滚珠相撞,输出 y 值恰好为-3, 则 x (第 13 题)(第 14 题)(第 15 题)(第 18 题) 3 3 三、解答题三、解答题 19. (10 分)计算: (1)32 111 23(2) 2 1 1 60 1215 20. (10 分)解方程:(1)3x2 21 x(2) 2x 1 3 1 x 1 4 21. (8 分)化简求值:已知 A3a2bab2,Ba2b+2ab2 (1)求 A2B; (2)若a 1,b 2,求 A2B 的值 22. (6 分)在如图所示的方格纸中,每个小正方形的边长为 1,点 A、B、C 在方格纸中小正方形的顶点上, 每个小正方形的顶点叫做格点 (1)按下列要求画图: 过点 C 画 AB 的平行线 m; 过点 C 画 AB 的垂线 n,垂足为点 E (2)ABC 的面积是 23. (8 分)为了响应国家“节能减排,绿色出行”号召,扬州市在多个地区安放共享单车,供行人使用。已知京 华城站点安放 428 辆车,文昌阁站点安放了 132 辆车,为了使京华城站点的车辆数是文昌阁站点的 3 倍,需要 从京华城站点调配几辆单车到文昌阁站点? 24. (8 分)如图,直线 AB 与 CD 相交于 O,OE 平分COB,OEOF,AOD68. (1)求BOE 的度数;(2)证明:OF 平分AOC 25. (10 分)如图,点 C 为线段 AB 的中点,点 E 为线段 AB 上的点, 点 D 为线段 AE 的中点. (1)若线段 ABa,CEb,|a16|+(b4)20,求 a,b; (2)在(1)的条件下,求线段 DE. 26. (12 分)树人学校餐厅计划购买 12 张餐桌和若干把餐椅,现从甲、乙两个商场了解到:同一型号的餐桌报价 每张均为 200 元,餐椅报价每把均为 60 元甲商场规定:购买一张餐桌赠送一把餐椅;乙商场规定:所有餐桌、 餐椅均按报价的八折销售 (1)若学校计划购买 12 张餐桌和 12 把餐椅,则到甲商场购买所需的费用为;到乙商场购买所需的费 用为 ; 3 4 若学校计划购买 12 张餐桌和 x(x12)把餐椅,则到甲商场购买所需的费用为元;到乙商场 购买所需的费用为元; (2)若学校计划购进 12 张餐桌和 40 把餐椅,请通过计算说明,到哪个商场购买合算? 27.(12 分)一个正方体的六个面分别标有字母 A,B,C,D,E,F,从三个不同方向看到的情形如图 (1)A 对面的字母是,B 对面的字母是;C 对面的字母是; (请直接填写答案) (2)已知 A3x,Bx2+mx,C3,D3,Ex2020,F6 若字母 A 表示的数与它对面的字母表示的数互为相反数,求 E 的值; 若 2A3B+C 不含x 的一次项,求m 28.(12 分)一副三角尺按照如图所示(APB=45,CPD=60)摆放在量角器上,边 PD 与量角器 0 刻度 线重合,边AP 与量角器 180刻度线重合(刻度以内侧示数为准),将三角尺ABP绕量角器中心点 P 以每秒 5的 速度顺时针旋转,当边 PB 与 0刻度线重合时停止运动设三角尺 ABP 的运动时间为 t(秒) (1)当 t3 秒时,边 PB 经过的量角器刻度线对应的度数为; (2)t秒时,边 PB 平分CPD; (3)若在三角尺 ABP 开始旋转的同时,三角尺 PCD 也绕点 P 以每秒 2的速度逆时针旋转,当三角尺 ABP 停止旋转时,三角尺 PCD 也停止旋转, 当 t 为何值时,边 PB 平分CPD; 在旋转过程中,是否存在某一时刻,使得BPD= 3 APC若存在,请求出 t 的值;若 2 不存在,请说明理由 1 扬州树人学校扬州树人学校 2019-2020 学年第一学期期末试卷学年第一学期期末试卷 七年级数学答案七年级数学答案 1. C2.B3.C4. D5. B6.C7. B8.A 9.310. 同角的补角相等11. 412.313.2214.56050 15. 36016.317.-218.3 19.(4+4 分)(1)3(2) 31 20.(4+4 分) (1)x=-8(2)x=1 21. (4+4 分) (1)A-2B= 22 55abba(2)A-2B=30 22. (2+2+2 分) 解: (1)如图所示: (2)三角形 ABC 的面积121 23. (8 分)解:设需要从甲站点调配 x 辆单车到乙站点, 依题意得:428x3(132+x)解得 x8答:需要从甲站点调配 8 辆单车到乙站点 24. (4+4 分)解: (1)直线 AB 与 CD 相交于 O,BOCAOD68, OE 是COB 的平分线,BOECOEBOC34; (2)AOC+AOD180,AOC180AOD18068112, OEOF,EOF90,COF90COE903456 又AOFAOCCOF1125656, COFAOF,OF 平分AOC 2 25. (5+5 分)解: (1)|a16|+(b4)20,|a16|、 (b4)2均为非负数 |a16|0, (b4)20,a16,b4 (2)点 C 为线段 AB 的中点,AB16,CE4,ACAB8,AEAC+CE12, 点 D 为线段 AE 的中点,DEAE6, 26. (4+4+4 分) (1)24002496 (2) (60 x+1680)(48x+1920) (3) 甲商场购买费用为:6040+16804080 元,乙商场购买费用为:1920+48403840 元; 4080 元3840 元答:到乙商场购买划算 27. (6+3+3 分)(1) DEF (2)字母 A 表示数与它对面的字母 D 表示数互为相反数x-1E(1)20201; 2A3B+C3363 2 xmx不含 x 的一次项6-3m0,m2 28. (2+3+3+4 分)解: (1)当 t3 秒时,由旋转知,5315 ABP 是等腰直角三角形APB45此时边 PB 经过量角器刻度对应度数是 135 旋转 4 秒时,边 PB 经过量角器刻度对应的度数是 13515120, (2)由旋转知,旋转角为 4t, 边 PB 平分CPD 且DPC60,5t1806045105,t21 秒 (3)同(2)的方法得,5t180602t45,t15 秒; 当边 PA 在边 PC 左侧时, 由旋转知,APC1805t602t1207t,BPD180457t1357t, 3 BPD 2 3 APC,1357t(1207t) ,t 7 90 秒, 当边 PA 在边 PC 右侧时, 由旋转知,APC5t+2t+601807t120,或APC5t(180602t)7t120, BPD7t135 或BPD180(5t+45+2t)1357t, BPDAPC,7t135(7t120)或 1357t(7t120) , t 7 90 或 t18 秒,即 t 7 90 秒或 18 秒时,BPD=APC1 扬州树人学校扬州树人学校 20192020 学年第一学期期末试卷学年第一学期期末试卷 七年级英语七年级英语 2020.1 (满分:140 分;考试时间:110 分钟) 第第 I 卷卷(选择题选择题 80 分分)一、听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分) A) 听对话回答问题。 本部分共有 10 小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 1. Which fruit does Sam like best? A.B.C. 2. Whats the festival today? A.B.C. 3. Where is Peter now? A.B.C. 4. Where did Lily possibly go last weekend? A.B.C. 5. How many times does Uncle Chen go to Shanghai in amonth? A. Once.B. Three times.C. Four times. 6. What does the man want the the women to do? A. He wants the woman to stay longer. B. He wants the woman to leave quickly. C. He wants to leave the woman. 7. Why cant the man speak to Henry? 2 A. Because Henry is busy. B. Because Henry is having a meeting. C. Because this is not Henrys number. 8. What is John? A.Ateacher.B.Astudent.C. Amodel. 9. Why does the girl want to go to the bookstore tomorrow? A. Its members day.B. There are new books.C. Her father works there. 10. How much are two pens? A. 33 dollars.B. 36 dollars.C. 39 dollars. B) 听对话和短文回答问 题。 听一段对话,回答 1112 题。 听第二篇短文,回答 1620 小题。 11. Where will they go this summer holiday? A. Hong Kong.B. The UK.C. Beijing. 12. How many things will the girl take with her? A. Five.B. Three.C. Four. 听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Go to my cousins birthday party 1314 Study for my15 test Go to the movies 13. A. Go to the dentistB. Go to the museumC. Go to the movies 14. A. Play basketballB. Play ping-pongC. Play tennis 15. A. EnglishB. mathsC. history 听第二篇短文,回答第 16 20 小题。 16. How old is WuTong? A. Eleven.B. Twelve.C. Thirteen. 17. Which festival does WuTong like best? A. The Moon Festival.B. The Mid-Autumn Festival.C. The Spring Festival. 18. Why does WuTonglike this Festival? A. Because he loves eating moon cakes. B. Because he can have a big dinner. C. Because he can enjoy the moon. 19. What kind of moon cakes does WuTonglike? A. The ones with meat.B. The ones with fruit.C. The ones witheggs. 20. How many kinds of moon cakes are mentioned in thetext? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five. 二、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 在下列各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 21. I havenotebook and two pens in my bag.notebook is for you. A. a; AB. the; TheC. the; AD. a; The 22. My parents and Ilike eating Western food. A. are allB. allC. bothD. are both 23. -The jacket looks soon you.-Yes. It fits me very. A. well; goodB. well; wellC. good; wellD. good; good 24. -Does your son have much homeworkevery day? 3 -Oh yes. He spends about two hourshis homework. A. to do; finishingB. do; to finishC. to do; finishD. do; finishing 25. -do you like table tennis?-Because it is relaxing. A. HowB. WhenC. WhyD. Where 26. -Your dog is walking around in the garden. What is hedoing? -He ishis ball, I think. A. looking forB. looking afterC. looking atD. looking up 27. -do I need to feed thepet dog?-Twice a day. A. How longB. How muchC. How soonD. How often28.-Can I havewater, Mum? Im so thirsty. -Sorry, there isnt, but we still have some juice. A. any; anyB. any; someC. some; anyD. some; some 29. -Whens Christmas Day?-Its on December 25th. But people usually celebrate it the evening of December 24th A. onB. inC. /D. at 30. This pair of red bootsleather. May I? A. are made of; try them onB. is made of; try it on C. are made of; try it onD. is made of; try them on 31. Its important for us to havefood. Its good for our. A. health; healthB. healthy; healthyC. health; healthy D. healthy; health 32. -Do you often get some presentsChristmas? -Yes. And we usually holda partyit. A, at; celebrateB. on; celebratesC. at; to celebrate D. on; celebrating 33. He is a man withmoney butbooks. He is still a rich man because he is rich in his mind. A. few; manyB. little; manyC. much; fewD. much; a few 34. -I cant find Lucy. Do you see her?-Yes. Shevolleyball with her friends. A. practises playingB. is practising playing C. practising playingD. is practising to play 35. -Im going to spend my winter holiday in Hainan. -What a lucky boy!and dont forget to send me a postcard. A. That sounds good.B. Have a good time!C. Good luck!D. Can I go? 三、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Do you think of your parents? You may say, “Of course, I36. I37a gift for my mother on Mothers Day and on Fathers Day. I give my father 38 too.” But what about the other days of the year? In my family, my parents like39very much because my aunt and uncle come back from Beijing to see them. All the family members get together. They are very happy in the evening. We eat moon cakes and watch the 40 . I have a friend. Her parents41in another city. One day, I go to see her, andwe have a nice talk. Then she wants to42. So she dials( 拨 打 ) the number, butthen she puts down the phone.43about 15 minutes, she dials the number again,” Hi, mum” 4 Later, I ask, “ why do you dial the number44?” She smiles, “ My parents are old and45, so they cant get close to the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them . I only want to give them 46 time to 47 thetelephone.” My friend is a good girl. She is always48of her parents. You also want to be a49child. Right? Please always remember to50your parents at any time, not just on some important days. 36. A. willB. doC. wontD. dont 37. A. buyB. sellC. takeD. do 38. A. a cakeB. a kissC. some moneyD. a gift 39. A. HalloweenB. New Years Day C. Christmas DayD. Middle-Autumn Festival 40. A. moonB. sunC. TVD. film 41. A. liveB. playC. travelD. eat 42. A. make a callB. go fishingC. take a walkD. have a rest 43. A. AfterB. WhenC. BeforeD. For 44. A. a twiceB. twiceC. secondD. the second 45. A. slowB. fastC. healthyD. strong 46. A. enoughB. littleC. anyD. free 47. A. moveB. bringC. takeD. answer 48. A. tellingB. sayingC. thinkingD. waiting 49. A. wellB. cleverC. badD. good 50. A. callB. lookC. listenD. hear 四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A EXPO open every day 10:00-23:00 Milano 2015 From May 1 to October 31, 2015 SEASON PASS If you want to enjoy Expo Milano 2015 throughout(贯穿) the whole six months, this is your choice(选择). FAMILY PACKAGE Expo Milano 2015 offers special packages for families with children. You can make a best plan for your visit and click( 点 击 ) on BUY NOW to make your Family Package. EVENING TICKET If you love an evening of fun and delicious food, then this specially-priced ticket is for you. An unforgettable journey waits for you, starting at 7p.m. SPECIAL DISCOUNT Are you over 65? Do you have a child of 13 years or less? Are you a student under 26 years? Are youre a person with disability( 残 疾 )? Then you can get the tickets at a lower price. 51. Expo Milano 2015 lastsand is open forevery day. A. half a year; 13 hoursB. 5 months; 13 hours C. six months; 10 hoursD. 5 months; 23 hours 52.kinds of tickets are introduced here for Expo Milano. A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. Six 53. SPECIAL DISCOUNT isnt suitable for. 5 A. the disabledB. children aged 13 or less C. students over 26 yearsD. old people aged over 65 B You can see people in films have a white Christmas in England or the USA. But Christmas in Australia(澳大利亚) is very different. It is very hot. Christmas (Dec. 25) comes at the hottest time of the year in Australia. The temperature can be over 40 in some cities! Because it is so hot, people usually have lunch outside and swim in the pool during Christmas. They also meet all their family members for Christmas lunch. Christmas lunch is usually a big meal of ham ( 火 腿 ), turkey, salad and seafood. Family members all cook something different to bring to the big meal. One year my aunt even made a gingerbread house ( 姜 饼 屋 ) that we ate for dessert! The sport of cricket (板球) is very popular in Australia. So, during Christmas, family members also play a game of cricket in the backyard. Australia may not have a white Christmas, but it is still a very exciting and fun time of the year. 54. How do Australian families usually have their Christmas bigmeal? A. They go to a nice restaurant and have a great meal there. B. They cook different things and bring themtogether. C. They just have a picnic. D. They buy some Christmas food on the Internet. 55. What is very popular in Australia duringChristmas? A. Cricket.B. Basketball.C. Volleyball.D. Football. 56. Which activity will you NOT see at Christmas inAustralia? A. Outdoor lunch. B. Swimming.C. Playing cricket.D. Playing with snow. 57. What is the best title of this passage? A. Sport in AustraliaB. Food in Australia C. Christmas in AustraliaD. Families in Australia C At last the seven years were over and the Devil came to him. “I am still alive.” the soldier told the Devil. “Make me clean and keep your promise(诺言).” The Devil was very angry, but he kept his promise. He washed the soldier and cut his hair and beard. Then the soldier put on new, clean clothes. He looked very handsome. “Now I will go back to the merchants house,” he thought, “and marry that goodgirl.” He went to the merchants house and knocked on the door. The merchant( 商 人) opened it. He saw the soldier, but did not know who he was. He saw a handsome man who was wearing fineclothes. The soldier did not tell the merchant who he was. Instead, he said, You have three daughters. Are they married?” “No,” the merchant said. “None of them is married.” “Good,” the soldier said. “I am looking for a wife. May I meet your daughters?” “Please come in,” the merchant said. “Eat with us.” The soldier ate a meal with the merchant and his three daughters. The two eldest daughters tried to make him like them. The youngest daughter just looked down at the floor. She did not even speak to the soldier. 6 “Why wont your youngest daughter look at me?” the soldier asked the merchant. “Why dont she speak to me?” She promised to marry another man, the merchant said, “She does not want you or any other man to show interest in her.” 58. What did the Devil promise the soldier? A. to make him handsome.B. to make him clean and tidy. C. to give him much money.D. to give him a wife. 59. What did the merchant think the soldierwas? A. Just a soldierB. another merchantC. A princeD. A rich handsome man 60. Why did the merchant invite the soldier to eat with hisfamily? A. Because the merchant wanted the soldier to marry one of hisdaughters. B. Because the merchant liked the soldiers fine clothes. C. Because the merchant wanted to repay(报答) the soldier for his help. D. Because the merchant was too afraid to refuse(拒绝) the soldier. 61. Why didnt the merchants youngest daughter look at or speak to thesoldier? A. Because she didnt like the soldier at all. B. Because she once made a promise years ago. C. Because she showed no interest in any otherman. D. Because she was afraid to speak tostrangers. D Do you like exercising in the sun? How much sunlight do you get every day? How much time do you spend in the sun? As we all know, enough sunlight is good for our health. It gives us strong bones and good eyesight. It makes us happy and sleep bet