1、BY G.ZBY G.Z ball games track and field water sports Whats our traditional sports?Whats our traditional sports? Finding a balance: Finding a balance: my tai chi experiencemy tai chi experience Main idea: Ive changed my idea about tai chi after one year trainingIve changed my idea about tai chi after
2、 one year training Change in what way: It has a huge effect on me physically an mentally and it has inspired me to explore the It has a huge effect on me physically an mentally and it has inspired me to explore the Chinese culture behind it.Chinese culture behind it. HesitatedHesitatedAmazedAmazed 1
3、.Which one is NOT the style developed after Chen1.Which one is NOT the style developed after Chen- -style of tai chi?style of tai chi? A. YangA. Yang- -style. style. B. WuB. Wu- -style.style. C. SunC. Sun- -style. style. D. ZhangD. Zhang- -style.style. 2.How was tai chi invented at beginning?2.How w
4、as tai chi invented at beginning? A. Zhang Sanfeng invented it after he fought with a snake and a bird.A. Zhang Sanfeng invented it after he fought with a snake and a bird. B. Chen Wangting invented it after imitating animals.B. Chen Wangting invented it after imitating animals. C. Zhang Sanfeng dre
5、w inspiration from a fight between a snake and a C. Zhang Sanfeng drew inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird.bird. D. Chen Wangting based it on martial arts skills.D. Chen Wangting based it on martial arts skills. Main idea: The history and styles of tachiThe history and styles of tach
6、i inventors inventors howhow Zhang sanfeng Chen wangting drew inspiration from a fight between a snake drew inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird and a bird developed tachi based on martial arts skills, developed tachi based on martial arts skills, which have a longwhich have a long- -
7、standing practice of standing practice of imitating animals imitating animals intelligent, wise, imaginative, creative, observant 3.How did the writer feel after learning the basics of tai chi for the first 3.How did the writer feel after learning the basics of tai chi for the first few classes?few
8、classes? A. Relaxed and peaceful.A. Relaxed and peaceful. B. Bored and muscle aches.B. Bored and muscle aches. C. Amazed and inspired.C. Amazed and inspired. D. Confident and happier.D. Confident and happier. Main idea: Under my coachs guidance I loved tachi stronglyUnder my coachs guidance I loved
9、tachi strongly HesitatedHesitatedAmazingAmazing bored and painfulbored and painful peaceful and satisfiedpeaceful and satisfied His balance and flexibility slowly improved.His balance and flexibility slowly improved. He was able to do more difficult moves.He was able to do more difficult moves. His
10、love for tai chi returned stronger than ever.His love for tai chi returned stronger than ever. 4.Which one is RIGHT about Chinese philosophy of yin and yang? 4.Which one is RIGHT about Chinese philosophy of yin and yang? A. They are the equal and opposite forces that make up the world.A. They are th
11、e equal and opposite forces that make up the world. B. Neither of them can exist independent of the other.B. Neither of them can exist independent of the other. C. There is no shadow without light.C. There is no shadow without light. D. All of the above.D. All of the above. Main idea: The ancient Ch
12、inese culture behind tachiThe ancient Chinese culture behind tachi The ancient Chinese culture behind tachi philosophyphilosophy aims results yin and yang, forming the unity of opposites and yin and yang, forming the unity of opposites and depending on each other depending on each other to maintain
13、the balance of yin and yang in the body to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body through opposite movements. through opposite movements. bringing about a state of physical and mental peace. bringing about a state of physical and mental peace. There is no shadow without light? There is no
14、right without wrong.There is no right without wrong. There is no fairness without unfairness.There is no fairness without unfairness. There is no white without black.There is no white without black. There is no day without night.There is no day without night. There is no success without There is no
15、success without failure.failure. RootRoot C_: Yin and YangC_: Yin and Yang Forwards & _ Forwards & _ Up & _ Up & _ Left & _Left & _ Breathing in & _Breathing in & _ K_K_ hinese philosophyhinese philosophy backwardsbackwards downdown rightright breathing outbreathing out eep balanceeep balance amazed
16、amazed hesitanthesitant in the first few in the first few classesclasses after learning after learning the basicsthe basics my love for tai my love for tai chi returnedchi returned boredbored satisfiedsatisfied interest time Main idea: The positive effects practicing tachi has had on me.The positive
17、 effects practicing tachi has had on me. They are: better sleep, feel more energetic , happier, more confident, relax my mind and stay cool in better sleep, feel more energetic , happier, more confident, relax my mind and stay cool in stressful situations. stressful situations. feel balanced WhenWhe
18、n mymy friendfriend firstfirst suggestedsuggested thatthat wewe joinjoin thethe newnew TaiTai ChiChi ClubClub at at school,school, I I 1 1. ._(hesitate)_(hesitate). . AfterAfter thethe firstfirst classclass however,however, I I hadhad toto admitadmit thethe factfact thatthat I I 2 2. ._(mistake)_(mi
19、stake) taitai chichi. . OneOne yearyear later,later, taitai chichi hashas hadhad a a significantsignificant effecteffect onon meme 3 3. ._ (physical)(physical) andand mentallymentally. . HowHow 4 4. ._(amaze)it_(amaze)it is!is! WithWith thesethese requirementsrequirements ofof taitai chichi in in mi
20、nd,mind, I I foundfound toto mymy 5 5. ._(satisfy)_(satisfy) thatthat mymy balancebalance andand flexibilityflexibility slowlyslowly improved,improved, 6 6. ._ I I waswas ableable toto dodo moremore difficultdifficult moves,moves, andand thatthat mymy lovelove forfor taitai chichi returnedreturned 7
21、 7. ._ (strong)(strong) thanthan everever. . WhatsWhats more,more, practicingpracticing taitai chichi hashas inspiredinspired meme toto exploreexplore thethe ChineseChinese cultureculture behindbehind 8 8. ._. . ZhangZhang SanfengSanfeng waswas saidsaid toto havehave inventedinvented taitai chichi.
22、. However,However, nowadaysnowadays peoplepeople tendtend 9 9. ._(believe)_(believe) thatthat ChenChen WangtingWangting developeddeveloped taitai chichi. . SinceSince ChineseChinese martialmartial artsarts havehave 1010. ._ longlong traditiontradition ofof imitatingimitating animals,animals, it it i
23、s is notnot surprisingsurprising thatthat somesome taitai chichi movesmoves areare namednamed afterafter animalsanimals. . hesitatedhesitated had mistakenhad mistaken physicallyphysically amazingamazing satisfaction satisfaction that that strongerstronger it it to believeto believe a a THE END.THE END.