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1、Language Points BY G.Z B2U3 Reading Contents 1 Useful Expressions 2 Words 被吸引住;关注 catch up with sb./sth. 赶上 catch up on 事后得到关亍的消息;赶做 catch up on each others lives 别后叙谈;叙旧 I I willwill meetmeet mymy friendfriend inin thethe cafecafe atat thethe streetstreet corner,corner, wherewhere wewe cancan talkt

2、alk andand _ eacheach otherother s s liveslives. . TheThe boyboy hadhad _ thethe storystory hehe waswas readingreading, andand SoSo hehe didntdidnt noticenotice mymy comingcoming intointo thethe roomroom. . I I havehave beenbeen illill forfor twotwo weeksweeks soso I I mustmust trytry toto _ mymy wo

3、rkwork. . catch up catch up onon been/got caught up inbeen/got caught up in catch up withcatch up with 被卷入,陷入 Chapter 3 Sentences hundreds of guests,all dressed up in formal,colorful clothes. all dressed up in formal,colorful clothes是独立主格结构作状语。 分词作状语时,有时在分词前加上自己的主语,这种带有自身主语的分词 结构被称为独立主格结构。 独立主格结构在句中

4、作状语时,通常可表示时间、原因、条件等。 Much time spent sitting at a desk,office workers are generally troubled by health problems. 很多时间都坐在办公桌旁,办公室职员一般都受到健康问题的困扰。 hundreds of guests,all dressed up in formal,colorful clothes. AfterAfter thethe lecturelecture waswas givengiven , a a livelylively questionquestion- -andan

5、d- -answeranswer sessionsession followedfollowed. . _ ,a a livelylively questionquestion- -andand- -answeranswer sessionsession followedfollowed. . TheThe factoryfactory producedproduced manymany famousfamous carscars , nonenone ofof whichwhich werewere shippedshipped toto foreignforeign countriesco

6、untries. . TheThe factoryfactory producedproduced manymany famousfamous carscars, _ _. . BecauseBecause extraextra moneymoney waswas givengiven toto thethe poorpoor,hehe feltfelt veryvery happyhappy. . _,_, hehe feltfelt veryvery happyhappy. . The lecture givenThe lecture given none of them shipped

7、tonone of them shipped to foreign countriesforeign countries Extra money given to the poorExtra money given to the poor hundreds of guests,all dressed up in formal,colorful clothes. (1)独立主格结构本身丌是句子,但在语意上相当亍一个句子,一般用逗号 不句子主体分开。独立主格的逻辑主语不句子主语丌同,独立存在。 (2)常见的独立主格结构: 名词/代词+doing(表主动、迚行)/done(表被动、完成)/to do

8、(表将 来)/adj./adv./介词短语 EverythingEverything _ (do)(do),wewe wentwent homehome happilyhappily. . HeHe camecame outout ofof thethe library,library, _(_(胳膊下夹着胳膊下夹着 一本书一本书) ) _,_, hehe wentwent outout toto playplay. . 他的作业做完了他的作业做完了,他去外面玩他去外面玩。 _,_, wewe hadhad toto waitwait anotheranother dayday. . 火车已离

9、开火车已离开,我们只好再等一天我们只好再等一天。 His homework finishedHis homework finished The train having goneThe train having gone donedone a book under his arma book under his arm see a group of around 20 Brazilian dancers standing in the street. standing in the street是现在分词短语作宾语补足语,强调动作正在迚行, 句子的宾语是它的逻辑主语,不分词短语存在主谓关系。可

10、以带这种复合 宾语的动词有see,watch,hear,observe,feel,find,have,keep等。 PleasePlease dontdont havehave thethe machinemachine _ (run)(run) dayday andand nightnight. . 请不要让机器日夜运转请不要让机器日夜运转。 SheShe actuallyactually observedobserved chimpschimps asas a a groupgroup _ (hunt)(hunt) a a monkeymonkey andand thenthen eati

11、ngeating itit. . 她实际上观察到黑猩猩作为一个群体她实际上观察到黑猩猩作为一个群体,猎杀一只猴子并吃掉它猎杀一只猴子并吃掉它。 runningrunning huntinghunting carried us through the ever-growing sea of people,dancing all the way. dancing all the way为现在分词短语作伴随状语,可位亍句首、句中或句 末,表示不谓语动词的动作同时发生的另一动作。现在分词的逻辑主语就 是句子的主语,二者之间为主动关系。现在分词短语在句中还可以作时间、 条件、让步、方式、原因、结果等状语

12、。 _ (live)(live) farfar fromfrom thethe schoolschool , hehe hashas toto getget upup earlyearly everyevery morningmorning. . ( (表原因表原因) ) ItIt snowedsnowed heavilyheavily lastlast nightnight , thusthus _ (cause)(cause) thethe traffictraffic problemsproblems todaytoday. .( (表结果表结果) ) _ (turn)(turn) to

13、to thethe leftleft,youyou willwill seesee thethe gymgym inin frontfront ofof thethe postpost officeoffice. .( (表条件表条件) ) TheThe manman satsat therethere,_ (read)(read) hishis favoritefavorite fictionfiction. .( (表伴表伴 随随) ) LivingLiving causingcausing TurningTurning readingreading Chapter 4 Instant F

14、eedback 1 1. .你看到那个正在被警察盘问的男孩子了吗你看到那个正在被警察盘问的男孩子了吗? ? DidDid youyou seesee thethe boyboy _ byby thethe police?police? 2 2. .如果天气允许如果天气允许,我们明天就去看你我们明天就去看你。 _,wewe areare goinggoing toto visitvisit youyou tomorrowtomorrow. . 3 3. .这个问题绝不容易这个问题绝不容易。 TheThe problemproblem isis _ easyeasy. . 4 4. .在泰国在泰国

15、,他被困于大洪水中他被困于大洪水中。 InIn Thailand,Thailand, hehe waswas _ floodsfloods. . 5 5. .这事经你一提醒这事经你一提醒,我脑子里才有点儿影子我脑子里才有点儿影子。 NowNow thatthat youyou _this_this matter,matter, I I havehave a a vaguevague impressionimpression ofof itit. . 翻译句子 being questionedbeing questioned Weather permittingWeather permittin

16、g anything butanything but caught up incaught up in remind me ofremind me of 6 6. .我总让孩子们牢记努力工作我总让孩子们牢记努力工作, ,将来他们就会成功将来他们就会成功。 I I hadhad alwaysalways _ thethe childrenchildren thatthat ifif theythey workedworked hardhard theythey wouldwould succeedsucceed inin futurefuture. . 7 7. .小路两边都是野花小路两边都是野

17、花。 TheThe lanelane _ wildwild flowersflowers. . 8 8. .我们决定用蓝漆和一种金色纸装饰卧室我们决定用蓝漆和一种金色纸装饰卧室。 WeWe decideddecided toto _ thethe bedroombedroom _ blueblue paintpaint andand a a goldgold paperpaper. . 9 9. .我想看到这个计划被执行我想看到这个计划被执行。 IdId likelike toto seesee thethe planplan _. . 1010. .并不是所有的人都同意你的提议并不是所有的人

18、都同意你的提议。 _ thethe peoplepeople agreeagree toto youryour proposalproposal. . 翻译句子 impressed onimpressed on is lined withis lined with decoratedecorate carried outcarried out Not allNot all withwith 1 1. . WeWe willwill wanderwander inin _(tradition)_(tradition) smallsmall townstowns andand endend our

19、our tourtour withwith anan exceptionalexceptional museummuseum inin ShanghaiShanghai. . 2 2. . ManyMany stationsstations havehave wheelchairwheelchair accessaccess fromfrom thethe carcar parkpark oror _ (enter)(enter) toto thethe stationstation platformsplatforms. . 3 3. . -EverybodyEverybody isis h

20、elpinghelping outout withwith dinnerdinner. . WouldWould youyou cleanclean thethe fish?fish? -AnythingAnything _ thatthat. . IdId ratherrather makemake thethe saladsalad. . 4 4. . WhatWhat I I wantwant isis notnot justjust _ ordinaryordinary cafecafe butbut a a veryvery specialspecial oneone. . 5 5.

21、 . TheyThey plannedplanned toto keepkeep thethe budgetbudget lowlow byby livingliving onon boiledboiled noodlesnoodles , , withwith thethe _ (occasion)(occasion) hamburgerhamburger shopshop treattreat. . 6 6. . WithWith a a 3 3D D printer,printer, a a cookcook cancan printprint complicatedcomplicate

22、d chocolatechocolate sculpturessculptures andand beautifulbeautiful piecespieces forfor _(decorate)_(decorate) onon a a weddingwedding cakecake. . 高考再现 traditionaltraditional entranceentrance butbut anan occasionaloccasional decorationdecoration 7 7. . HundredsHundreds ofof peoplepeople havehave for

23、medformed _(impress)_(impress) ofof youyou throughthrough thatthat littlelittle devicedevice onon youryour deskdesk. . 8 8. . SeveralSeveral ofof ShellyShelly-AnnsAnns friendsfriends andand familyfamily werewere caughtcaught _ inin thethe killingskillings; ; oneone ofof herher cousinscousins waswas

24、shotshot deaddead onlyonly a a fewfew streetsstreets awayaway fromfrom wherewhere sheshe livedlived. . 9 9. . CaptainCaptain ScottScott hadhad reachedreached thethe SouthSouth PolePole earlyearly inin 19121912 butbut hadhad dieddied withwith hishis fourfour companionscompanions _ thethe marchmarch b

25、ackback. . 1010. . FirstFirst impressionsimpressions areare thethe mostmost lastinglasting. . AfterAfter all,all, youyou nevernever getget _ secondsecond chancechance toto makemake firstfirst impressionimpression. . 1111. . InIn anotheranother , , employeesemployees werewere shownshown toto bebe 151

26、5% % moremore productiveproductive whenwhen theirtheir workplacesworkplaces _ (decorate(decorate )with)with houseplantshouseplants. . 1212. . HeHe waswas aboutabout toto telltell meme thethe secretsecret _ someonesomeone pattedpatted himhim onon thethe shouldershoulder. . 高考再现 impressionsimpressions upup onon a a were decorated were decorated whenwhen THE END.


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