教科EEC版四下-Unit9 We're Taking Photos-Class 3Textbook p.70-71-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:7039e).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit9 Were Taking Photos_Class 3 Textbook p.70-71_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:7039e)
    • lesson 9 numbers.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案7039e.doc--点击预览


Lesson 9 We are Taking photos Part1 Numbers one four five 1 2 3 4 5 six eight ten 6 7 8 9 10 thirteen fourteen 11 12 13 14 15 sixteen seventeen nineteen 16 17 18 19 twothree seven nine eleven twelvefifteen eighteen twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 two three four five six seven eight nine 1、Can you find out the rules?你能找出变化规则吗?你能找出变化规则吗? 2、How to read “ty”? 字母字母“ty”的发音是什么?的发音是什么? 3、What numbers are particular?哪几个数词需要特殊?哪几个数词需要特殊 记?记? 4、Can you recite these numbers?你能背诵这些数词?你能背诵这些数词 吗?吗? 76 seventy-six 88 25 64 39 52 eighty-eight twenty-five sixty-four thirty-nine fifty-two 比一比,谁的计算又快又比一比,谁的计算又快又准准: thirty + forty = 72 + 23 = fifty two= 2404 = ninety twelve = 120 55 = seventy ninety-five a hundred sixty seventy-eight sixty-five hun百百 a(one)hundred一百一百 about a hundred 大约一百大约一百 grydred a、two orange b、two oranges a 、seven pencils b 、seven pencil a 、one coffee b 、coffee a 、one bag b 、one bags a 、many b 、many light lights 彩灯彩灯 数词的用法:数词的用法: 数词可用在可数名词前面来表示可数数词可用在可数名词前面来表示可数 名词的数量,可数名词指一个物品时名词的数量,可数名词指一个物品时 与与oneone或或a a搭配,指多个物品时用复数搭配,指多个物品时用复数 形式,与形式,与twotwo以上的数词搭配。以上的数词搭配。 但数词不可直接用于不可数名词前面。但数词不可直接用于不可数名词前面。 How many _ s ? 有多少有多少_? light 彩灯彩灯 About a hundred. How many_s are there? 那里那里有多少有多少_? There are _ _. 那里有那里有_. How many_s do you have? 你你有多少有多少_? I have_ _. 我有我有_. How many_s are there? There are _ _? How many_s do you have? 你你有多少有多少_? I have_ _. 我有我有_. LetsLets readread -Lets-Lets gogo shoppingshopping 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1,语言知识与技能 能熟练运用选择疑问句表达自己的喜好。能用不同的方法进行 自主阅读 ,培养阅读能力及方法。创设情境,在情境中学语言,培 养学生运用语言的能力. 3,学习策略 培养学生的注意力,观察力,激发学生积极思维 引导学生在任务中,了解阅读方法,积极运用所学英语进行表达与 交流. 2,情感态度 培养学生阅读的兴趣,激发他们学习的积极性. 培养孩子乐于与人合作的意识,体验快乐。 二、教学过程:二、教学过程: 教学过程学情假设应对策略 一、一、GreetingGreeting T:Good morning,students. S:Good morning ,teacher. 二、二、ReviewReview 1. Answer my questions. a. Whats your name ? b. Your coat looks good on you . c. How much is it. d. Whats your favourit colour? e. What do you like to do after school? 2. Do you have some questions for me ? (Students can ask some ques- tions . ) 三、三、TeachTeach newnew concepts:concepts: Step1:Step1: firstfirst readingreading 1、Read slowly by yourself。 (自己慢一点默读) 2、Find new words , phrases ,sentences and language points. (找到不认识的单词,短语, 句子,语言点) 3. T: Who has new words? s1: T:who know? T:what else do you have? S2:. T:OK.This word is difficult ,lets use our dictionary . T:Next. S3:. T:Please guess it . T:OK.Please stop here. Step2:Step2: secondsecond reading.reading. readread quickly.quickly. 整体理解,判断正误,正(T) 误 (F) T:If you can ,please put up They cant ask any sentences very well. They cant understand whats “new” meaning? You can give some models first.or practi before class. We can tell them “new” means : 1:You dont know . 2:You have learnt ,but now you cant remember it . your hands,If you are right Ill give you a star. T1 T2 play a game. Step3:Step3: ThirdThird readingreading . . 1. read it as quickly as you can. ( 能读多快读多快再读一遍) 2.Answer these questions . ( 回答问题) (1).Look at pictures,and say some words ,sentences about these pictures. (2).Answer questions. 3.Give us some questions in your groups. (在小组内讨论对本篇文章提 出问题) Four student make a group,and give us one or two questions. (每组经过讨论,提出一或两个 问题贴到黑板上。) StepStep 4.4.总结总结 Who is good ? Who is better? Who is best ? OK,lets give yourself a big hands . Now lets have a rest. (音乐起,老师说) Lets may our body healthy and strang. Homework : read this passage by yourself. Step 5.class is over. 反反 思思 LetsLets readread -Lets-Lets gogo shoppingshopping 反思:通过师生对话拉近距离,让学生在轻松愉快的环境下进 入学习的最佳状态,同时为新课的学习作铺垫。 “猜”类活动主要特 点是学生与所猜的内容存在一定的信息差,利用这种活动方式,导 入并学习重、难点词汇,深受学生的喜爱。看图说话,在小学英语 教材中,出现有大量的课文插图,它们是一种潜在的文化背景知识 ,也是对课文内容的一种概括,是一篇文章主题意义的直观表现。 因此,观察课文插图,展开想象,进行看图说话也是我们课标里的 要求,它能很快帮助学生去了解课文的主要内容,搞懂语篇中所蕴 涵着的主要意思。这一环节检查学生对文章的理解程度。
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