冀教版(三起)六下Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 19 Buying Gifts-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c0198).docx

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1、LessonLesson 1919: :BuyingBuying GiftsGifts 教学内容教学内容: 1. 听、说、认读单词:flag,surprise; 2. 本课时为对话教学,内容涉及 Li Ming 的加拿大之行即将结束,于是 Jenny 带领 Li Ming 到纪念品商店帮助他给家人买礼物。重要句型有 “How many.? How much.?” 。 教学可采用先为学生创设买礼物的情景, 然后提炼重点句型反复练习, 采用 “一对一” 、 “小组合作”等形式巩固。 3. 重点掌握以下句子。 1)How many gifts do you need ,Li Ming? 2)How

2、much are the gifts? 3)Li Ming will fly home next week. 4)He wants to buy some buy some gifts for his family. 5)I need a gift for everyone in my family. 6)Hereare some little flags. 7)What about these caps. 8)These are good gifts from Canada. 9)I want to buy a surprise for Jenny. 10)What do you want

3、to buy for your friends. 教学目标教学目标: 1.听、说、认读单词:flag,surprise; 短语:at the shop,fly home / go home by plane,next week,want to ,buy something for sb./buy sb.sth.;How many.? How much.? What about.? / How about.? 2.初步了解购物对话的特点。同学间就购物能用英语进行简单的对话交流。 3.让学生初步了解一些“How”开头的特殊疑问词及特殊疑问句的用法。 教学重难点教学重难点: 重点:1.掌握单词:fl

4、ag,surprise; 2.能够创造性地应用 How many.? How much.?句型。 难点:1.在理解对话的基础上学会应用本课的句型进行英语交流。 2.让学生归纳所学过的“How”开头的特殊疑问词及特殊疑问句的用法。 教学思路教学思路: 本课时的教学内容是冀教版六年级英语下册第四单元的第一课时,主要涉及 Li Ming 的 加拿大之行即将结束,于是 Jenny 带领 Li Ming 到纪念品商店帮助他给家人买礼物的情景对 话。重点在于引导学生理解语境,培养学生应用所学的单词和句型的能力,继而提高他们的交 际能力。课前先让学生通过阅读了解本课对话的内容,在此基础上以“话题”创设情境,

5、以 “活动”为中心激发学生的听说兴趣,训练学生的英语口语表达能力。 知识目标知识目标:了解并熟练朗读对话,语调正确;能够熟练地拼读单词,并能运用所学单词、 句型进行英语对话。 能力目标:能力目标:培养学生运用所学单词和句型的进行交际的能力;通过练习听和读逐步实现 说的目的。 情感目标情感目标:通过对话的学习,培养学生在日常生活中用英语交流的能力和兴趣;使学生能 够用英语描述自己喜欢的活动。 教学方法教学方法: 讲授法、听说法、小组合作等; 设计理念:设计理念: 倡导学生体验参与,使学生在教师指导下和课堂活动的引导下,通过感知、体验、参与、 实践、合作等方式,来实现教学目标,感受成功。课堂上将采

6、用多种形式培养学生积极的学 习态度,进一步促进英语在实际生活中应用能力的提高。 教学准备教学准备: 设计教学 PPT,多媒体白板,相应一些活动的材料等。 教学过程教学过程 S Steptep 1:Lead-in1:Lead-in Greeting each other. Lead in by asking and answering the questions: Do you like gifts? What gift do you like best? StStepep 2:Showing2:Showing thethe studentsstudents thethe teachingtea

7、ching goalsgoals 1.听、说、认读单词:flag, surprise. 2.掌握句型:“ How many?”“ How much?” 3.能够熟练运用本课中的重点句型。 Li Ming will fly home next week. I need eleven gifts. Ill take three. What about these caps? I will buy a surprise for Jenny. StepStep 3:3:TeachingTeaching t thehe newnew wordswords 自主学习:熟读下列单词,了解汉语意思。 gift

8、_every_flag_ surprise_ toy_need_ 设计目的是为了通过大声地朗读,读给同学听、读给自己听,听谁的发音最准确,训练 听说能力,扫清对话阅读障碍。 StepStep 4 4:PresentationPresentation Part 1:At the shop.(Play PPT、 read、translate and explain.) Li Ming will fly home next week. He wants to buy some gifts for his family. fly home=go home by plane/air want to do

9、 sth.;want sb. to do sht. buy sth for sb.=buy sb.sth How many +n.(复数形式).? How much+n.(不可数).? “Here are some little flags,”says Jenny. “Gook idea! Ill take three,”says Li Ming. “What about these caps?”Jenny asks. “Okay, Ill take four,”says Li Ming . “Look at these T-shirts,”says Jenny. “These are goo

10、d gifts from Canada. ” “Great! Ill take three T-shirts. And I want a toy for my cousin,”says Li Ming What about means how about .怎么样? HowHow manymany giftsgifts dodo youyou need,need, LiLi Ming?Ming? I I needneed eleveneleven gifts.gifts. I I needneed a a giftgift forfor everyoneeveryone inin mymyfa

11、mily.family. Okay. I willbuy it now. I want to buya surprise for Jenny. Is she looking? No? StepStep5 5: PracticePractice 1. Get the class to read them aloud.Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs or groups: 2. Lets do it! Look at the form and ask and answer ,then act out in front of the class.

12、 giftsgiftstotaltotal HowHowmany?many?3 34311111 HowHowmuch?much?3 320271060 StepStep 6 6:PracticePractice (finifinishsh offoff LetLets sdodo it.Exit.Ex 2 2 onon PagePage 57ask57ask andand answeranswer inin pairspairs oror groupsgroups ) 1.1. GroupGroup worksworks How many gifts does Li Mingneed for

13、 his Eleven. 111 5 52 68 Practice:S1:HowPractice:S1:How muchmuch isis it?it?HowHow muchmuch areare they?they? S2:S2: ItIt is.is.TheyThey are.are. S1:HowS1:How manymany giftsgifts dodo youyou wantwant toto buy?buy? S2:IS2:I wantwant toto buy.buy. S Steptep 7 7: :DoDo somesome exercises:exercises: 一)一

14、)ChooseChoose thethe bestbest oneone: 1.I will fly home _ ( next / last) week. 2.How many _ ( gift / gifts )do you need? 3.Here_( is / are ) some little flags. 4.The girl will buy some gifts _ ( for / to ) her family. 5.I want some gifts _ ( to / from )Canada. 二)二)ChooseChoose thethe bestbest oneone

15、: () 1.-How many_ does Li Ming need?-He needs eleven. A. giftB. giftsC. giftes () 2.-How _ are the gifts?-10 dollars. A. muchB. oftenC. many () 3. - _ these caps?- Ok. A.What colourB. HowlongC. Whatabout () 4. I want to buy a surprise _ Jenny.A. fromB. forC. to () 5. Li Ming will _ home. A. flyingB.

16、 fliesC. fly () 6. He wants _ some gifts for his family. A. buyB. buyingC. to buy () 7.How much _ the flags?A. amB. isC. are 三)三)你会翻译下列句子吗?试试看。你会翻译下列句子吗?试试看。 1. Li Ming will fly home next week. 2. He wants to buy some gifts for his family. 3. Here are some little flags. 4. These are good gifts from

17、Canada. 5.Ill take three T-shirts. 四)四)连词成句,连连看。连词成句,连连看。 1.much,the,are,caps,how; _ ? 2. need,I,eleven,gifts; _ . 3.take,I ,will,for,family, four,my,gifts; What do you want to buy for your friends? I want to buy two caps and a book. _ . 4. you,need,many,gifts , do,how, _ ? S Steptep 8 8:Homework:Ho

18、mework 1.抄写单词、短语、重点句子。 2.朗读课文 3 遍。 3.归纳“How”开头的特殊疑问词, 例如:How many? How much?. 4.按常规要求预习 20 课。 板书设计板书设计: : LessonLesson 1919: :BuyingBuying GiftsGifts flag,surpriseHow often.? buy giftsat the shopHow old.? fly home=go home by planeHow long.? want to do;want sb. to do sth.How far.? buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth.How tall.? How many.? How much.?. What about=How about


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