人教必修第三册Unit2 Morals and Virtues 短语整理.docx

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1、B3U2 Morals and Virtues 短语短语 1.moral a moral issue/dilemma/question 道德方面的议题/困境/问题 traditional moral values 传统的道德观念 moral responsibility/duty 道义上的责任/义务 morally right /wrong /unacceptable 从道义上讲是正确的/错误的/不可接受的 2.dilemma face dilemma 面临左右为难的困境 be in dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 moral dilemma 道德困境 3.get into trouble

2、 run into trouble 陷入困境 get you in trouble 给你惹麻烦 cause you too much trouble 给你添了太多的麻烦 take the trouble to do sth.不辞劳苦做某事 have trouble/difficulty (in )doing sth.做某事有困难 have trouble with sth.在某事方面有困难 4.faint faint from hunger 饿昏过去 faint memory 模糊的记忆 faint light 微弱的光线 faint smile 淡淡的微笑 faint chance 很小的机

3、会 There is faint hope.有一线希望 5. be eager for sth.渴望得到某物 in ones eagerness to do sth.渴望做某事,急于做某事 with eagerness 热切地 hide ones eagerness 掩饰某人的渴望 6. pay attention to 注意 attract/draw ones attention (to)引起某人注意 turn ones attention to 把注意力转向 focus attention on 集中精力于 7. disagree with sb. (on/about/over sth.(

4、在某事上)与某人意见不合 disagree with sth.反对某 事;与某事物不符/不一致 disagree with sb(食物、气候等)使某人不舒服联 agree with 同意(某人的看法);(气候、食物等)适合;与一致 agree to 同意(计划、安排、建议等) agree to do sth.同意做某事 agree on 就达成一致 8. be faced with face to face 面对面 in the face of 面对(问题、困难或危险等) face difficulties/challenges 挑战 face up to sth 勇于面对(难以接受的事实或问

5、题) save face 保全面子 9.illustrate an illustrated book 有插画的书 illustrate sth. with sth.用来讲解 illustrate what mean 解释我的意思 to illustrate my point 为了说明我的观点 10.precious precious memories 珍贵的记忆 precious treasure 珍贵的财宝 precious possessions 珍贵的财物 be precious to sb.对某人来说很珍贵 11.entrust entrust sb. with sth.= entru

6、st sth.tosb.把某事委托给某人 be entrusted with sth./sb.被委托以某事/某人 12. carry him through the hardships 帮助他渡过难关 carry out 实行;履行 carry on(with/doing sth.)继续(做某事) carry sb. back( to sth.)使某人回忆起(某事) 13. majority the majority of 大多数 the majority 大众,大多数人 the vast majority 绝大多数 be in the majority 占多数 major causes 主要

7、原因 play a major role in the film 在影片中担任主角选物理学为某人的主修课 major in+专业主修专业 plain complain(to sb.) about/of sth(向某人)抱怨/投诉某事 make a complaint to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨某事 A letter of complaint 投诉信 15. fees pay lawyers fees 付律师费 the doctors fees 医生的酬金 school/medical fees 学费/医疗费用 extra fees 额外费用 an entrance fee 场

8、费 16.respond respond to 对做出回应用 respond to the email 回复电子邮件 in response to 对的回应 17. hire hire sth.out(短期)出租某物 hire sb. to do sth.雇用某人做某事 for hire 供出租 18.reject sb. reject ones idea/suggestion/plan 拒绝接受某人的想法/建议/计划 reject an argument/ a decision/an offer 拒绝接受一个论点/一个决定/一项提议 reject the candidate 不录用这个候选人

9、 painful feelings of rejection 受冷落的痛苦感受 19. appoint appoint sb. to sth.派某人任某职 appoint sb.(as)任命某人(担任) appoint sb. to do sth.派某人做某事 appoint a time/place for sth. /to do sth 约定时间/地点做某事 have an appointment with sb.和某人有约会 make an appointment 预约 keep/cancel an appointment 遵守/取消约会 20.faraway a war in a fa

10、raway country 在一个遥远的国家发生的战争 a faraway look/expression 心不在焉的神情 21.decade in the past/last decade 在过去的十年中 golden decade 金色十年 the next decade 下一个十年 22.tend tend to sb.sth.照顾,照料 tend to do 倾向于做某事;常常 23.publish publish to the world 公之于世 be published on the Internet 在互联网上公布 publish its sales figures 公布它的销

11、售额 24.be responsible to sb.对某人负责 have/take responsibility for 对有责任/负责 sense of responsibility 责任感 escape/avoid responsibility 逃避/回避责任 sb. is responsible for.某人对负责。 Sth. is responsible for.某事是的原因。 25.retire retire. from 从退休 retire from service 退役 a retired teacher 退休教师 take early retirement 提前退休 reti

12、rement age 退休年龄 a long and happy retirement 长久幸福的退休生活 26.principle man of principle 有道德准则的人 be against ones principles 违背某人的原则 stick to your principles 恪守你的原则 27.passive remain passive 仍然消极 passive smoking 被动吸烟 28.scared(adj) be scared of( doing)sth.害怕(做)某事 be scared to do sth.害怕做某事 scare sb. into d

13、oing sth.恐吓某人做某事 scare.away 把吓跑 scary movie 恐怖片 29.sharp sharp knife 锋利的刀 sharp teeth 锋利的牙齿 a sharp increase/fall in prices 价格的急剧上涨/下跌 sharp bend 急拐弯 sharp pain 一阵剧痛 have sharp eyes 有敏锐的眼睛 a journalist with a sharp mind 头脑敏锐的新闻记者 have sharp tongue 说话尖刻 30. insurance an insurance company 保险公司 medical

14、 insurance 医疗保险 the insurance industry 保险业 have insurance on her house 给她的房子上保险 31.energetic keep energetic 保持活力 an energetic supporter 热情支持者 energetic exercise 剧烈运动 be full of energy 充满活力 apply/devote/put ones energy to sth 把精力投入到某事中 renewable energy 可再生能源 traditional sources of energy 传统能源 32.repl

15、ace replace with 用 B 代替 A be replaced by 被取代 replace sb.as.取代某人当 replace supper with snacks 用零食替代晚饭 replace the old with the new 除旧迎新 33. have an accident 出事故 serious/minor accident 严重/轻微事故 fatal accident 致命的事故 avoid an accident 避免事故 cause an accident 引发事故 by accident 偶然地,意外地 34.operation in operati

16、on 在运行 put sth into operation 使运转,启动 come into operation 投入运营 have an operation on sb.给某人做手术 an emergency operation 紧急手术 operate a computer 操作计算机 operate on sb.为某人做手术 35. whisper whisper about sth.密谈某事 whisper to sb.对某人窃窃私语 It is whispered that.有人私下说 in whisper(=in whispers)低声地 36.midnight at midnig

17、ht 在午夜 after/before midnight 午夜过后/之前 in the middle of the night 在半夜里 at dawn/dusk 黎明时分/黄昏时分 stay up until midnight 熬夜到午夜 37.bite be bitten by dog 被狗咬了 bite your nails/lip 指甲/嘴唇 bite ones tongue 忍住不说 take/have bite of 咬 a big bite 一大口 give sb.a bite 咬某人一口 38. assist assist sb.wit/insh.协助某人某事 senior a

18、ssistant 高级助理 shop assistant 店员 an assistant editor 助理编辑 medical/technical assistance 医疗/技术援助 with the assistance of sb 在某人的帮助下 give/offer assistance to sb 给某人以援助 39.aid give first aid 进行急救 first-aid- course 急救课程 first aid treatment 救治疗 do/give/offer/perform/carry out first aid(to sb.)(对某人)实施急救 fina

19、ncial aid 经济援助 come to ones aid=come to the aid of sb 帮某人的忙 with the aid of 在的帮助下 aid sb.in( doing)sth 帮助某人(做)某事 aid sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事 40.chain a chain of supermarkets/a supermarket 连锁超市 chain reaction 连锁反应 food chains 食物链 41. pregnant a pregnant woman 一个怀孕的妇女 a heavily

20、 pregnant woman 临产期孕妇 be pregnant with child 怀着孩子 42. disguise disguise sb. /oneself as.把某人/自己伪装成 disguise ones surprise 掩饰某人的惊喜 disguise the fact that.掩饰的事实 in disguise 伪装 43.spill spill out 喷涌出来 spill sth.out 倾诉 spill over 溢出 It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。 44.trip over the stone 被那块石头绊倒

21、 trip and fall 了一下摔倒了 45.make no attempt to do/at doing 不尝试做 in an attempt to do sth.试图做某事 at ones first attempt 在某人第一次尝试时 attempt to do 尝试/试图做 attempt at doing sth.企图做某事 46.harm do/cause harm to 对有害 do no/great/much/a lot of harm to 对无害/有很大害处 There is no harm in doing sth. /It does no harm to do st

22、h.做某事无妨/做某事无害。 be harmful to(do harm to)对有害 be harmless to 对无害 47.despair give up the struggle in despair 绝望中放弃斗争 cry of despair 绝望的叫声 drive sb. to despair 把某人逼得走投无路 48 might with all my might 用尽全力 the mighty army 强大的军队 49.a great deal of learn great deal 学到了很多 know a great deal about sb 对某人了解很多 mean a great deal 意义重大 50.flexible be flexible in 在方面灵活的 flexible branches 易弯曲的树枝 flexible policy 灵活的政策 flexible mind 头脑灵活 flexible rules 可变通的规则 flexible options 灵活的选择 51.income high/large income 高收入 low/small income 低收入 the average income 平均收入 people on high/low incomes 高/低收入的人 source of income 收入来源


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