教科版三下Module 4 Fruits-Unit 8 Apples are good for us-Did you know& Self-assessment-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e016e).doc

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教科版三下Module 4 Fruits-Unit 8 Apples are good for us-Did you know& Self-assessment-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e016e).doc_第1页
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1、1 教学内容分析 本单元围绕话题 fruit 展开教学活动, 本课是本单元的最后一个课时。 通过学习两个自编文本,学生能做到综合运用本单元所学的词汇和句型,生 成一篇描述水果特性的文段。 教学目标 一、语言能力 1.语用任务: 1) 通过阅读,学生能仿照范文,描述自己亲人喜欢的水果,及其原因。 2) 在语言支撑下,学生能描述自己为家人设计的一份水果礼物。 2.知识与技能 1)掌握词汇:salad, juice, milkshake, fruit cake, crunchy, soft 2) 简单描述一些水果的特性 3)能综合运用所学句型 二、学习能力 让学生描述自己选择的水果,做自己的水果礼物

2、,强调个性化学习,强化运 用能力培养。 。 三、思维品质 能根据家人的喜好,有目的性地选择适合家人的水果 四、文化品格 通过学习,学生能提升关爱家人的品质 教学重难点综合运用本单元学所句型描述自己为家人设计的礼物 教学过程教学活动设计意图 Warming- up 1.师生问好 3. free talk:What fruit do you like? Why? I like _. They are _ and _. 师生互动,激发学 生学习兴趣和动 2 3. Chant Apple round, Apple red. Apple juicy, Apple sweet. Apple apple ,

3、 I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat. 机,让学生自然进 入学习状态。 Leading in 1.Riddles : They are red outside. They are white inside They are sweet. What are they? 学习单词:soft crunchy 2. Make a riddle. 3. check and share the riddles. 通过猜谜游戏,让学 生复习已学的关于描 述水果的词语,并增 加新词汇。在语言支 撑下,能运用句型自 创谜语。 1. 学习水果制品名称:salad, juic

4、e, milkshake, fruit cake T: Fruits are good for us. Fruits can make many food. What are they? 2. describe the salad juicemilkshakefruit cake Ilike_,_and_inthesalad juicemilkshakefruit cake. 学 习 单 词salad, juice,milkshake, fruit cake,并通过 图片,帮助学生理解 这几样食品的以上。 让学生描述所喜爱的 水果制品,由已知句 型带动新单词的学 习,为最后能介绍自 己做的礼物

5、做铺垫。 Presentation 1. listen to a dialogue. 2. comprehension exercise. 3. check and retell Father likes salad. He likes crunchy fruit. Salad is good for father. 通过理解对话,让 学生描述亲人喜 爱的食物及其理 由。 1. 阅读短文 2. 根据短文内容填空。 My mother likes _ fruit. She likes _,_ and _ in the salad. _ are _. _ are _._ are _. The _

6、is good for my mother. 理解性阅读,让学 生介绍故事主人 公制作的水果色 拉,强化语用功 能。 3 板书设计:Module 4 Fruits (period 3rd) Making gift for mother softI like _. They are _. crunchyI like _ in the _. saladThe _ is good for _. juice milkshake fruit cake 文本一: Janet is at the fruit shop. Shop keeper: Can I help you? Janet: I want s

7、ome apples, pears and peach. They are for my father. He likes crunchy fruit. I can make salad for him. Shop keeper: The strawberries and blueberries are very sweet. Do you want some? Janet: Great! My mother likes fruit cake with strawberries and blueberries. She likes sweet fruit. Shop keeper:And do

8、 you like bananas? They are sweet too. Development 1. my gift for mother. 创设情景:借母亲节来临为契机,为母亲或其他家人设计一样水 果食品 2. check and share 3. choose the best gift. 语用输出。检测学 生是否掌握本单 元的主要单词和 句型。 Homework1.根据自己写的计划,为家人亲手制作一份礼物。 讲所学知识结合 生活实际,走进生 活。 水果图片 4 Janet: Bananas are nice. My sister likes soft fruit. She like

9、s banana milkshake. And are the orange sweet? Shop keeper: Yes, they are sweet, a little sour, and juicy! Janet: I want some oranges too. My grandpa likes orange juice. He likes juicy fruit. Shop keeper: What a nice girl! 文本二: Let me make a fruit salad for my mother. She likes sweet fruit. She likes watermelons, apples and kiwi fruits. So I put these fruits in the salad. Watermelons are juicy. Apples are crunchy. Kiwi fruits are soft. The salad is good for my mother. Im sure she will like it.


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