教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these -Did you know& Self-assessment-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:21091).doc

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教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these -Did you know& Self-assessment-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:21091).doc_第1页
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1、ContentAnalysis 内容分析内容分析 本模块的话题是 pets,这是孩子们比较熟悉和感兴趣的的话题之一,与日常生活息息相关。学生在三年级上册学习过 部分动物类单词以及描写外貌的形容词和句型,在本模块我们进一步复习了关于 “动物”和描述动物的“形容词”等 词汇,并由此引出和巩固“描述自己的宠物”或“描述喜欢的动物”等句子的运用和表达,所涉及的语法现象为名词 单复数、Are there 等句型的用法。本课通过创设较真实的情境“Angry Birds” ,给予学生不同的学习任务和学习合作 模式,让学生在情境当中进行大量听、说、读、写的训练,使学生完成知识到能力的转化,以帮助学生更好地综合

2、巩 固运用所学的知识。 StudentsAnalysis 学生分析学生分析 三年级学生对英语学习有着非常浓厚的兴趣,他们在英语课堂中乐于表现自己,活动的参与度和积极性较强,所以本 课准备了大量生动有趣的动物图片,设计了贴近生活、学生感兴趣的情境“愤怒的小鸟”贯穿整节课进行复习并完成 不同程度的学习任务,这样既可以激活和保持学生的学习兴趣,又发展并提高学生的思维及语言综合运用能力。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识目标: “四会”掌握并巩固 U11&U12 的单词以及动物类、描述动物的形容词类单词 能更好地掌握名词单复数; “Are t

3、here any.(s).”句型的问和答 能够用下列句型就“动物”的话题进行交谈 There is a/an There are(s) Are there any (s)in ? Yes, there are./ No, there arent. They areThey have andThey are It isIt hasandIt has. 2.Language skill 语言技能目标: 能在活动中运用本模块的句型和单词 能听懂与所学的知识水平一致的关于动物的短文 能用所学的单词和句型谈论自己的宠物或喜爱的动物 3. Learning Strategies 学习策略目标: 对所学内容

4、能主动练习和实践,通过听说读写的操练,提升语言综合运用能力 在情境中引导学生归类记忆单词和运用句型 积极与他人合作,共同完成复习任务 找出自己不懂的问题,主动向老师与同学请教 4.Affect andAttitude 情感态度目标: 在情境和学习活动中,激发学生兴趣,培养学生乐于模仿,敢于开口的学习习惯 乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与复习课的活动,主动请教 学会积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务 保护动物,与动物和谐相处 DifficultiesAnalysis 重难点分析重难点分析 Key Points: 本模块所有词汇. 本模块重要句型的巩固和运用 Difficult Points: 综合运用

5、所学知识描述和谈论动物 能结合学过的知识描写宠物,完成笔头上的任务 Teaching Aids/Media 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 自制课件、自制阅读听力材料和听力录音、歌曲、图片、视频、练习纸 Preview learning 前置性学习前置性学习 1. Reviewed the words and the dialogues of U11 and U12. 2. Classified the words about animals and the adjectives to describe an animal. 3. Tried to write some sentences to

6、 describe an animal. Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 I.Warming up and Revision Activity1: Sing a song and lead in the topic of “pets” Activity2:Review the learned words about animals

7、and pay attention to the singular or plural forms. Then review the sentences: There is a/an There are.(s) Activity1: Sing a song Activity2:Ss say the words about animalsbylisteningtothe sounds,watchingpicturesand guessing. Then pay attention to the sentences “There is/are” To cheer and warm up then

8、lead in the topic. To make students review the wordsindifferentand interesting ways and gets the students to involve the class actively. II. Pre-task Activity3:Free talk 1. Do you have any pets? What are they? 2. Guess: Miss Zhangs pet. Activity3:Free talk Free talk about their pets and guess their

9、teachers pet Set a situation of “Angry Birds”toarousetheir interest in learning English Activity 4:Set a situation: “Angry Birds” The angry birds want to get back their eggs from the big pigs, but they have to finish some tasks and get 4 pass cards. Activity5: Review some words about animals by answ

10、ering riddles. (Know something about Red Birds pet shop.) Activity 4 : Listen to the teacher carefully. Activity5: Ss read the riddles and say the answers. and get ready for the tasks. To improve Ss ability to put what theyve learned into practice. III. While-task Activity6:Magic box in the shop to

11、review the sentence “Are there?” and the answers. 1. Ss answer the questions by showing some pictures of the pet shop. E.g: Are there any cats in the shop? Yes, there are. No, there arent. But there are some 2. Play a guessing game: Magic box 3. Look and say to present the sentences: They are/ It is

12、(颜色) They have/It has and (外形) They are/It is(特征) Activity7: Lets listen. (Know something about Yellow Birds pet shop.) 1. Tell the Ss some listening skills. 2. Listen to a dialogue and finish Ex1.on the paper. 3. Check the answers. Activity6: 1.Ssanswerthequestionsby watching the pictures. 2.Playth

13、egame:Onestudent chooses animals from the magic box and the others use “Are there” to ask. 3.Use the sentences to describe the pets in the magic box by themselves. Activity7: 1. Try to understand the listening skill. 2. Listen to the passage and finish Task1 3. Check the answers. To consolidate the

14、words and sentences. To offer more chances for thechildrentospeak English. Trytopracticetheir listening,speakingand improvetheirskillsof listening. Activity8:Lets chant Activity9: Lets read (Know something about Blue birds letter.) 1. Tell the Ss some reading skills. 2. Read the passage and finish E

15、x.2 on the paper. 3. Check the answers in pairs. And discuss: Which is the photo of the bad pigs? How do you know? 4. Check. Activity8: Chant. Activity9: 1. Try to master some reading skill. 2. Read a passage and finish Task2 on the paper. 3. Check the answers in groups and discuss: Which is the pho

16、to of the bad pigs? And find out the clues. 4. Check. Activate and relax Ss and keep on learning. Try to improve their reading skills and logical thinking. IV. Post-task Activity 10:Lets write. 1. Ss write on the paper. 2. Group work: 1 student reads and the other three guess the pet. 3. Show time:

17、read to the whole class and others guess. Activity 10:Lets write. 1. Describe their pets on the paper. 2. Readandguessthepetsin groups of four. 3. Ss read to the whole class and the others guess the pet. Createanatmosphereof writingandspeaking English.Consolidatethe knowledge furthermore V. Conclusi

18、on Activity11: Sum-up What have we learnt today? Activity12: Watch a video “We love animals” and tell Ss that we should protect the animals and get well with them. Activity11: Sum-up Ss sum up the knowledge theyve learnt in this lesson. Activity12: Watch a video and try to protect animals in their l

19、ife. HelpSsconsolidatethe knowledge theyve learnt in this lesson and get some emotionaleducationfrom the video and the topic. VI. Homework 1. Recite the words of Unit11 and 12. 2. Recite the dialogues of Unit 11 and 12. 3.Draw a picture of your pet and describe it. (Optional) Designing on the board 板书设计板书设计 Revision: Module6 Pets There is a/an There are(s) Are there any(s) in your shop? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. They are/It is(颜色) They have/It has and (外形) They are/It is (特征) Exercise/Worksheet 练习(任务)设计练习(任务)设计 见 Worksheet


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