教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 10 How many people are there in your family -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:45591).zip

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UnitUnit 5 5 WashWash youryour faceface Miss Deng Module 5 Relatives 1.I can finish the family tree.能完成家阅 【Task1】 2.I can say. 能阅 行阅 片描述。【Task2】 3.I can read and do.能通阅阅阅完成阅 名字、填表 格和找关阅 信息等任阅 。【Task3】 4.I can learn.能小阅 研学阅阅 。【Task4】 5.I can describe.能口阅阅 充介阅 Bunny的家庭成阅 。 【Task5】 研学路线图 Tonys family Family tree grandfathergrandmother mother brother father sister Akis family Uki Oki Vivi BoboIkiEki Akis Funny Family I have a funny family. The heavy old man is my grandfather Eki . Hes70. My grandmother Uki is old too. She is 67. They are very funny. They like toys. My father Iki is strong and my mother Oki is a pretty thin lady. They like English books very much. There is a tall young man in it. Hes my uncle BoBo. ( ) Perso n (人物 ) Age (年龄 ) Appearan ce (外形) They like (他们 喜欢) Akis grandfather 70 Akis grandmother old Akis father Eng lish book Akis mother Akis uncletall young Akis aunt Aki Read and write Pers on (人物 ) Age (年龄) Akis grandfather 70 Akis grandmother Akis father Akis mother Akis uncle Akis aunt Aki Akis family Akis Funny Family I have a funny family. (The heavy old man is my grandfather Eki . Hes70. My grandmother Uki is old too. She is 67. They are very funny. They like toys.) (My father Iki is strong and my mother Oki is a pretty thin lady. They like English books very much. )(There is a tall young man in it. Hes my uncle BoBo. And my aunt ViVi is a heavy short lady. They like dogs. ) (I am Aki. I am ten. And I am cute . I like apples. ) Person (人物) Age (年龄) Akis grandfather 70 Akis grandmother Akis father Akis mother Akis uncle Akis aunt Aki Akis family 67 10 Akis Funny Family I have a funny family. (The heavy old man is my grandfather Eki . Hes70. My grandmother Uki is old too. She is 67. They are very funny. They like toys.) Perso n (人物) Appearan ce (外形) Akis grandfather Akis grandmother old Akis father Akis mother Akis uncletall young Akis aunt Aki Akis family Person (人物) They like (他们喜 欢) Akis grandfather Akis grandmother Akis father Engli sh book Akis mother Akis uncle Akis aunt Aki Akis family Person (人物) Age (年龄) Appearan ce (外形) They like (他们喜 欢) Akis grandfather 70 Akis grandmother old Akis father Engli sh book Akis mother Akis uncletall young Akis aunt Aki 67 toys heavy old strong cute heavy short pretty thin dogs apples 10 Akis grandfather is _. He is _and_. Akis grandmother is _. She is _. Akis father is _. Akis mother is _and_. There is a _man/lady in the photo. He/She is Akis_. Aki is _. He is _. They like He likes They like They like Bunny 1.How many people are there in Bunnys family? Who are they? 2.What do they like to do? There are seven. Bunnys grandpa, grandma, father , mother , sister ,brother and Bunny. Bunnys _ likes to _. read Bunnys _ likes to _. Title(题目是_) 作者 Bunny Bunnys family By Bunnys friend 描述Bunny家庭中的两位成员 并写成文章。 My Family _ _ _ _ Lets write Tips: This is a photo of _s family . There are _people in _s family . There is a _in the photo . The _ man /woman/ lady/ boy / girl is _s _. She / He is _s _. She is _. She / He likes (to) _. I love _s family. Perso n (人物) Appearan ce (外形) Akis grandfather Akis grandmother old Akis father Akis mother Akis uncletall young Akis aunt Aki Akis family heavy old strong heavy short cute pretty thin Person (人物) They like (他们喜 欢) Akis grandfather Akis grandmother Akis father Engli sh book Akis mother Akis uncle Akis aunt Aki Akis family toys dogs apples 一、一、 【Learning【Learning aims】aims】研学导航研学导航 (一)研学目标 1.能讲出 Tony 的家谱。 【Task1】 2.能进行图片描述。 【Task2】 3.能通过阅读完成选名字、填表格和复述文章三个任务。 【Task3】 4.能小组合作研学单词。 【Task4】 5.能通过口头扩充介绍 Bunny 的家庭成员。 【Task5】 (二)研学路线图 二、二、 【Learning【Learning Procedure】Procedure】研学过程研学过程: : 【Task1】Talk about your family.(随机出示学生家庭照片,让学生说说自己的家 庭成员。) 【Task2】Picture talking and sum up. (根据图片人物特征谈论人物。) 【Task3】:Watch and say. (根据视频内容讲出 Tony 的家谱。) 【Task4】:I can listen ,read and do. StepStep 1.After1.After listeninglistening , , writewrite downdown thethe names.names. (听录音三次并给人物写上名字。(听录音三次并给人物写上名字。 ) 完成家谱 进行图片描 述。 (供选择的名字供选择的名字)Name: Eki , Iki , Oki, Uki, Bobo , Vivi 通过阅读完 成任务。 口头扩充介 绍 Bunny 的 家庭成员。 小组研学单 词。 StepStep 2.2. FinishFinish thethe form.form. ( 阅读短文,填写表格并圈出关键词。阅读短文,填写表格并圈出关键词。) Akis Family I have a funny family. (The heavy old man is my grandfather Eki . Hes70. My grandmother Uki is old too. Shes 67. They are very funny. They like toys.) My father Iki is strong and my mother Oki is a pretty thin lady. They like English books very much. There is a tall young man in it. Hes my uncle BoBo. And my aunt ViVi is a heavy short lady. They like dogs. And I am Aki. I am ten. And I am cute . I like apples. I love my funny family. Akis family StepStep 3.Introduce3.Introduce AkisAkis familyfamily togethertogether . . (根据表格小组分工介绍(根据表格小组分工介绍 AkiAki 的家庭。的家庭。 ) 【Task5】:Story Time: Bunnys family StepStep 1.1. AnswerAnswer thethe questions.(questions.(回答问题回答问题.).) StepStep 2.2. I I cancan learnlearn .(.(小组内研学动词。小组内研学动词。) ) dig bake sing Person (人物人物) Age (年龄年龄) Appearance (外形外形) They like (他们喜欢)(他们喜欢) Akis grandfather 70 Akis grandmother old Akis father Akis mother English books Akis uncle tall young Akis aunt Aki paint read run StepStep 3.I3.I cancan saysay . . ( 根据故事内容讲出题目和作者。根据故事内容讲出题目和作者。 ) 【Task5】:IntroduceIntroduce BunnysBunnys familyfamily members.members. ( (以故事书为蓝本扩充介绍以故事书为蓝本扩充介绍 BunnyBunny 的家庭成员。的家庭成员。) ) 参考句型: _ has a _ family . This is a photo of _s family . There are _people in _s family . There is a _ in the photo . The man /woman/ lady/ boy / girl is _ s _. She/He is _. She / He likes (to) _. 三、三、 【Assessment】【Assessment】评价激励评价激励 能讲出 Tony 的家 谱。 能进行图片 描述。 能阅读后选名 字、填表格和 复述文章。 能小组合作研 学单词。 能口头扩充描 述 Bunny 的家 庭成员。 A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) 自我评价(在小组活动中的表现):A( ) B ( ) C( ) A 代表“很好” ,B 代表“一般” ,C 代表“不满意” ,根据自己在本节课中的 表现,在对应的栏内打“”再小组内交流 。 一、一、教学内教学内容分析容分析 Relatives 是学生熟悉的话题。学生在三年级上册已经初步认识了家庭成员 关系以及一些形容人外貌特征的单词,而学生也已学了本单元所有内容。基于 以上分析,本节课主要是复习家庭成员以及运用相关的外貌特征形容词谈论家 庭成员,并根据学生原有的学习基础上继续对本话题进行读写训练。继续训练 他们查找、提取文章的关键信息,并对其进行归纳和运用。这一系列的活动旨 在让学生内化语言和丰富语言,以便顺利地输出语言,达到提高学生综合运用 语言的能力。 二、二、教学对教学对象分析象分析 我班的学生比较活泼、对英语学习兴趣浓、思维活跃,表现欲望强,有敢 于模仿和乐于交流的特点。虽然学生已经有两年多的英语学习基础,他们能对 一些简单事物进行口头连贯描述,但未形成篇章阅读的习惯,他们的获取文章 关键信息的能力还有待提高。结合本班学生的学习能力和个性特点,本节课设 计了自主学习和小组合作学习的研学方式,通过读三个家庭的相关信息来进行 读和写的活动,最后学生在不知不觉中获取语言信息,利用已学知识描述其他 的家庭成员。 三、三、教学教学目目标标 (一)语言知识 1.能熟练地掌握和运用家庭成员名称以及相关的外貌特征形容词; 2.能通过阅读 Aki 的家庭文章来综合运用所学过的语言知识: 3.能综合运用语言介绍 Bunny 的家庭成员; (二)技能目标 1.能熟练运用外貌特征形容词以及家庭成员词进行图片描述; 2.能通过阅读分步骤地提取文章关键信息并对该文章进行复述; 3.能小组合作口头扩充故事内容; (三)情感态度目标 1.通过多种形式的学习活动,增强学习英语的兴趣、热情以及自信心; 2.在课堂小组交流中,体验英语学习的乐趣,乐于与同学分享交流。并通过研 学过程学会与伙伴合作学习,培养合作精神。 (四)学习策略目标 1.能通过小组合作来学习、分享和交流英语知识、提高学习兴趣和参与课堂活 动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯; 2.在学习中集中注意力,细心阅读,获取阅读的微技能,并能利用此技能阅读 文章完成任务; 四、四、教学教学策略策略 1.通过“输入-内化-输出”的语言学习理论设计教学活动,让学生在学习活动中最 大限度地使用语言; 2.通过阅读微技能的方法指导,提高学生获取信息的能力,让学生形成对篇章 阅读的能力和技巧; 3.注重过程评价,提高参与课堂活动的积极性,促进学生发展。 五、五、教学教学重重难难点点 重点:1.会滚动之前的知识,谈论关于家庭成员的更多内容; 2.通过运用阅读微技能来提取文章关键信息; 3.学会仿照文章复述内容。 难点:1.口头把表格信息转换成语篇语言; 2.如何纯熟地运用阅读微技能来查找、提取文章关键信息; 3.如何通过小组分工合作来扩充故事内容; 六、教学资源六、教学资源 研学案、自制课件、改编版英文故事小书、自制彩色表格 七七、教学过教学过程程 (一)(一)Preparation & Input 1. Talk about your family.随机出示学生家庭照片,让学生说说自己的 家庭成员。 (设计意图:复习巩固简单描述自己的家庭成员,引出并复习关于描 述人物的相关词汇。 ) 2. Picture talking and sum up. 根据图片人物特征谈论人物。 (设计意图:以照片人 物为支撑,学生通过观察照片自主利用已学知识来描述图片,无意识地对形容外貌特征词进 行回顾和总结归纳,也达到初步内化语言的目的。) 3.Watch and say: 观看短片并讲出 Tony 的家谱。 (设计意图:通过观看视频来呈现本节课的话题并通过完成家谱来复习家庭成员词。 ) (二(二)Internalization- Passage1: Akis family 1. Listen and name :听录音,选择名字。 (设计意图:培养学生阅读微技能第一步初步感知文章整体内容。设置听力任务, 学生初步感知 Akis 的家庭,检测学生是否听懂文章内容。) 2. Finish the form. Step 1. Finish the first line Age : 集体分享阅读找出年龄的信息完 成表格。 Step 2. Finish the second line Appearance : 小组阅读找出外貌的 信息完成表格。 Step 3. Finish the third line They like.:独立阅读完成表格。 (设计意图:培养学生阅读微技能第三步细化阅读任务,学会获取文章关键信息。 这也能进一步检测学生是否读懂文章,让学生对描写人物的细节有更多关注,也提供了机 I have a funny family. The heavy old man is my grandfather Eki . Hes70. My grandmother Uki is old too. Shes 67. They are very funny. They like toys. My father Iki is strong and my mother Oki is a pretty thin lady. They like English books very much. There is a tall young man in it. Hes my uncle BoBo. And my aunt ViVi is a heavy short lady. They love dogs. I am Aki. I am ten. And I am cute . I like apples. I love my funny family. 会让学生进一步内化文章内容。 ) 4. Introduce Akis family by the form. 操作方法:以小组为单位,组员根据表格分工创编句子来介绍 Aki 的家 庭成员。 (设计意图:让学生能够根据句型提示和表格内容,从表格式语言内化向更深层次语 篇语言内化的提升,有效地帮助学生输出语言,同时为描述家庭相册中的家庭成员做准备。 ) (三(三)Output - Passage2: Bunnys family. 1. Read and answer : 独立阅读小书并口头回答问题。 (设计意图:通过独立阅读故事书,整体感知语言并通过任务来检查孩子是否读懂 故事。)。 2. Learn in groups. (设计意图:通过小组研学来获取新知识。) 3. Say and guess: Introduce Bunnys family members. 操作方法:以小组为单位,组长分工,让组员介绍 Bunny 的某个家庭成 员,其他组的同学竞猜。 (设计意图 :提供机会让学生输出语言,提高综合运用语言的能力。) (四)(四)Assessment 能讲出 Tony 的家 谱。 能进行图片 描述。 能阅读后选名 字、填表格和 复述文章。 能小组合作研 学单词。 能口头扩充描 述 Bunny 的家 庭成员。 A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) A( ) B( ) C( ) 自我评价(在小组活动中的表现):A( ) B ( ) C( ) Assess each group. Choose the best group and end the class. (五(五)Homework Choose two members of Bunnys family and write down a passage about them. 八八、板书设计板书设计 九九、教学流程图教学流程图 A 代表“很好” ,B 代表“一般” ,C 代表“不满意” ,根据自己在本节课中的 表现,在对应的栏内打“”再小组内交流 。 Module 5 Relatives old-young tall-short (little) thin-strong (heavyfat) lovely (cute) beautiful (pretty) _ has a _ family . This is a photo of _s family . There are _people in _s family . There is a _ in the photo . The man /woman/ lady/ boy / girl is _ s _. She/He is _. She / He likes (to) _. Watch a vedio. CAI Output Choose a best groups. Asscessment Introduce Bunnys family members. Learn the new words In groups . Think about the title and the writer. 小书 研学案 Read and answer the questions. 小书 Introduce Akis familyCAI Finish the form.彩色纸 Internalization Circle and number.研学案 研学案 Listen and choose the name. Input CAI Picture taliking and Sum up .
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