教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 11 They're lovely.-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:32fef).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6 Pets_Unit 11 Theyre lovely._Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:32fef)
    • Unit11 Theyre lovely.(I).ppt--点击预览
    • word cards.doc--点击预览
    • worksheetA.doc--点击预览
    • worksheetB.doc--点击预览
    • 教案32fef.doc--点击预览


Unit 11 Theyre lovely (I) Fun with Language:Are there any dogs in the forest? Homework: 1. Listen and read the dialogue. 2. Copy the main sentences. Worksheet of Unit11(A) Name: 1. Listen and match. monkey fish duck chicken 2. Listen again, and write down the numbers. 5 3. Lets say: Find out the animals. A: Are there any ducks in the forest in A? B: Yes, there are./ No, there arent. A: How many dusks are there? B: There are five. 4. Lets write: Answer the question. (1) Are there any dogs in the forest? (2) Are there any monkeys in the forest? Yes, there are. How many dogs are there? How many monkeys are there? There are three. (3) Are there any ducks in the forest? (4) Are there any chickens in the forest? How many ducks are there? How many chickens are there? Worksheet of Unit11(B) Name: 1. Listen and match. monkey fish duck chicken 2. Listen again, and write down the numbers. 5 3. Lets say: Find out the animals. A: Are there any ducks in the forest in B? B: Yes, there are./ No, there arent. A: How many dusks are there? B: There are five. 4. Lets write: Answer the question. (1) Are there any dogs in the forest? (2) Are there any monkeys in the forest? Yes, there are. How many dogs are there? How many monkeys are there? There are three. (3) Are there any ducks in the forest? (4) Are there any chickens in the forest? How many ducks are there? How many chickens are there? 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元学习的话题是 pets,学生对该话题比较感兴趣,也是他们比较熟悉 的。学生在三年级上册已经学习了几个关于宠物的单词,在上一个模块也接触 和学习了 How many.are there.? There is./There are.的句型。通过对本 单元句型的整合,本节课是 Unit 11 的第一个课时,以小动物们都因为害怕森 林之王老虎而躲起来为主线,鼓励学生一起把藏起来的小动物找出来展开的听 说读写的训练。 学情分析:学情分析: 三年级处于小学中段,有着好玩、好奇、好胜的年龄特点,学生的注意力 基本属于无意注意比较多,在课堂中要注重设置情景让学生融入课堂,利用游 戏、歌曲吸引学生的注意力,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和热情,并逐步形成学 习英语的基础和良好习惯。本班的孩子英语学习兴趣比较浓厚,比较乐于开口 说英语,喜欢表演。 教学目标:教学目标: (一)语言知识目标: 1、 “四会”掌握单词:duck, fish, monkey, chicken, any, arent=are not 2、知道宠物的复数形式:monkey-monkeys, chicken-chickens, duck-ducks, fish-fish 3、能够在具体语境中熟练运用句型 Are there any .?及答语的运用Yes, there are./No, there arent. (二)语言技能目标: 1、能听、说、读本课学习的单词。 2、能在具体语境中熟练运用本课的重点句型。 (3)学习策略目标: 1、学会借助 Phonics 拼读、记忆单词。 2、学会小组合作学习,积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。 3、学会倾听,敢于开口和积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 (四)情感态度目标 在学习中感受到英语学习的快乐,体验到成功的愉悦。在活动中,让学生体 会到动物的可爱之处,感受动物与人的友爱关系,爱护和保护动物。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. 本课主要句型的准确理解和流利上口 。 2. 在本课问句中,动物复数形式的体现。 教学过程:教学过程: Lets talk: Steps Teachers ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesPurpose Warming up1Greeting. 2. Fast reading. (numbers) 1. Greeting. 2. Read the words. 创设轻松愉创设轻松愉 快的课堂气快的课堂气 氛,让学生氛,让学生 迅速投入课迅速投入课 堂。堂。 Presentation1. Set a situation: Children, look, the tiger is coming. All animals are scared. They hide in the forest. Children, lets find out the animals. (布布 置听的任务,听后完成连线置听的任务,听后完成连线) (1) T: Are there any cats in the forest? T to be Jiamin: Yes, there are. T: How many cats are there? T to be Jiamin: There 1. Listen to the teacher, and tick. 1、以自然、以自然、 简单的情景简单的情景 渗透,让学渗透,让学 生在较真实生在较真实 的情景中体的情景中体 验语言。验语言。 2、大量地、大量地 重复语言点,重复语言点, 帮助学生意帮助学生意 会句型的运会句型的运 用,符合用,符合 meaning go first 理念。理念。 are three. (2) T: Are there any rabbits in the forest? T to be Jiamin: Yes, there are. T: How many rabbits are there? T to be Jiamin: There are five. (3) T: Are there any ducks in the forest? T to be Jiamin: Yes, there are. T: How many ducks are there? T to be Jiamin: There are ten. (贴单词贴单词 duck) (4) T: Are there any fish in the forest? T to be Jiamin: Yes, there are. T: How many fish are there? T to be Jiamin: There are nine. (贴单词贴单词 fish) (5) T: Are there any chickens in the forest? T to be Jiamin: Yes, there are. T: How many chickens are there? T to be Jiamin: There are eight. (贴单词贴单词 chicken) (6) T: Are there any monkeys in the forest? T to be Jiamin: Yes, there are. T: How many monkeys are there? T to be Jiamin: There is one. ( 贴单词贴单词 monkey) 2. Listen to the situation again, and finish the 2. Listen to the teacher again, and match the sentences. exercise. 3. Learn the new words and sentences. (1) Read the new words one by one. (2) Read the sentences. (3) Play a game: The red light and the green light. (4) Read the words and sentences together. 3. Read the new words and sentences. (1) Read the new words one by one and do the action. (2) Read the sentences after the teacher. (3) When the Ps see the red light, they stop reading, when the Ps see the green light, they can read out the words or sentences. (4) The whole class read the words and sentences. Practice & Development 1. Listening practice (Book P64. 1.) 2. Lets say: The animals want to play a game with us ”hide and seek”. 3. Lets write: answer the question. (1) T make a model. (2) Finish the exercise. (3) Check the answer. 1. Listen and number. 2. Use the sentences ask and answer in pairs. ”Are there any ?”Yes, there are./ no, there arent.” ”How many are there?” ”There are .” 3.(1) Listen to the teacher and try to follow the model. (2) Ps write down the answer. (3) Ps tick or cross. 通过听说读通过听说读 写等环节加写等环节加 强学生对新强学生对新 知的掌握与知的掌握与 应用。应用。 Summary 1.What have we learned today? 2.Which team is the best? Sum up by themselves.回顾并小结回顾并小结 本课的学习本课的学习 情况。情况。 Homework 1. Listen and read the dialogue. 2. Copy the main sentences. Board writing:Unit11 Theyre lovely (I) Assessment any Are there any dogs in the forest? arent=are not Yes, there are. / No, there arent. How many dogs are there? There is one. / There are . monkey duck fish chicken
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