教科版三下Module 3 Personal information-Unit 6 May I have your telephone number -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:b0016).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 3 Personal ination_Unit 6 May I have your telephone number _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:b0016)
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三年级下册 Module 3 Unit 6 May I have your telephone number? 导学案 【导语】 同学们,通过这一课的学习,你将学会以下语言知识和技能: 1. 能听、说、读:zero, telephone, number 2. 能用下列句型进行对话: May I have your telephone number? Yes, its /Yes, my telephone number is 3. 能理解课文并流利朗读课文。 Task: (任务驱动) Today our task is how to ask or answer other people about telephone number. Youll do the following tasks. 【Task 1】Lets Talk. Question(问题导向) Do you know how to ask or answer others about telephone number? I.Sing a song: Table numbers II. Free talk: You have learned the numbers from one to ten. Do you know the meaning of zero? Lets look and read the numbers. 020-87981269 8729046 13926175029 说明:该任务用于唤醒学生对于主题/话题的经验,或者引导学生开展前置 性学习了解主题/话题的背景性知识。学生可以在课堂上自主、讨论完成,也可 以教师布置学生课前完成。 【Task2】Lets Learn. Question: Do you have a phone? Is 020-86122455 a telephone number? 1. Lets learn the text. I. Listen to the dialogue. II. Read the text for 3 times suggested. III.Underline the key sentences and the new words. IV. Answer the questions. (1)Is the lady Bens mother? _ (2)What is Ms Whites telephone number? _ 答案:(1) No, she isnt. She is Bens teacher, Ms White. (2) Its eight-seven-two-nine-zero-four-six. V. Read the dialogue to your partners. 说明:该任务通过让学生多几遍听读课文,目的是让学生在课文所提供的 语境中整体感知语言,设计活动和教学时可根据实际教学主题,明确听读的次 数以及后续活动,如同伴互读、小组串读、分角色共读等。 2. Lets learn the new words. Question: Can you remember the new words? I. Watch the video and learn the words. New words: zero, telephone, number II. Spell the words in pairs. Question: Can you say some emergency phone number? 学生联系生活实际,运用所学说出所知道的紧急电话号码。 说明:该任务的主要任务是通过自然拼读、词语联想等多种策略,让学生 学会单词的拼读、记忆和书写。设计活动和教学时,要特别注重引导学生自主、 合作发现规律。 III. Learn the difficult points. May I have your telephone number? 询问别人的电话号码,用 May I语气更委婉,更有礼貌。 数字号码 的读法: 数字号码注意中间停顿一下,三位为一组。 数字 0 可以读成 o,也可以读 zero。 说明:该任务的主要任务是让学生圈划重点的词、句型,并且结合网络资 源中提供的句型示范,通过自主练、俩俩说、小组说、换词说等多方式,让学 生学会重点词句。设计活动和教学时可以灵活选择练习的方式。 .Question: Can you say something about ? I. Read the sentences. (学生自主说、俩俩说、小组说) Ben: May I have your telephone number, Ms White? Ms White: Yes. Eight-seven-two-nine- zero-four-six. Ben: Eight-seven-two-nine-zero-five-six. Ms White: No. Its eight-seven-two-nine-zero-four-six. Ben: Thank you. Question: Can you use these sentences to ask your friends phone number? 【Task3】Lets Play. . Talk about your friends phone number. . Sharp eyes. 说明:该任务是通过 Sharp eyes 重现所学单词,激发学生学习的兴趣,缓 解学生的疲劳,为下一个任务做准备。 【Task4】Lets Check. Question: How do you learn? Lets check. I. Fill in the blanks. (选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,检 测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈) 1. z_r_ A. o o B. eo C. i o 2. t_l_ph_n_ A. e i o e B. a e o e C. e e o e 3. n_mb_ _ A. u e r B. o u r C. u u r 答案:B C A 1.zero2.telephone 3. number 知识点:单词或词组的拼写 难度:适中 II. Read the following phone numbers. 答案: 1. two nine four nine three eight seven 2. seven four three five zero six eight 3. three five six eight nine zero one 知识点:检测对重点内容的理解 难度:适中 III. Fill in the blanks.(检测课文关键内容) Ben: _ I have your _, Ms White? Ms White: Yes. Eight-_-two-nine- zero-four-six. Ben: Eight-seven-two-nine-_-five-six. Ms White: _. Its eight-seven-two-nine-zero-_-six. Ben: Thank you. Check the answers. (即时反馈) I can get_(score: 4/5) 答案:May, telephone number, seven, zero, No, four 知识点:课文的理解和记忆 难度:适中 Question: What do you learn? Do you have any questions? Self- Assessment(自我评价、反思整节课的表现) Today I have learned: 3 new words: 1._ 2._ 3._ 2 new sentences: 1. _ 2. _ 1 question: _ 说明:该活动是即时反馈练习,引导学生检查自主学习的效果,帮助教师 了解学生和预设互动探究环节的教学。
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