六年级英语下册教案:Unit 4 Then and now A Let’s try & let’s talk人教PEP版.docx

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1、人教版 PEP 六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Part ALets try & lets talk 教学目标教学目标 知识能力目标: 1. 听说认读单词:star, easy, look up 2. 听懂 Lets try,完成 Tick or cross. 3. 听说认读句子:There was no library in my school. There was only one small building on a hill. How do you know that? There were no computers or Internet in my time. 4.能够在情境中正确

2、运用 There be 句型,并根据语境灵活变化否定式和时态。 5.理解并按正确语音语调朗读对话。 情感,态度与价值观: 培养学生珍惜当下美好生活的感恩意识。 重难点: 1.听说认读句子: There was no library in my old school. There was only one small building on a hill. How do you know that? There were no computers or Internet in my time. 2.能够在情境中正确运用 There be 句型并根据语境灵活变化否定 式和时态。 教学过程教学过程

3、(一)Warm-up 1.Greeting 2 .Free talk: 师提问,生举手回答 师:Whats the weather like today? How tall are you? How was your weekend? What did you do? How was your weekend? Where did you go? 3.通过“打地鼠”游戏复习上一课时所学单词。(dining halltimelast year last monthyears agomonths agogymgrassInternet) 设计意图: free talk 中教师所提问题, 大部分是本

4、教材前三个单元的重点句型。 “打地鼠” 游戏, 出示的也是上一课时学习的单词。 本环节既巩固前面所学内容, 又引导学生自然轻松地进入英语语言学习环境。 (二)Presentation 1. Lets try a. 师:Today, there is a guest visiting the school. You should listen carefully and then answer the questions. 师出示并解释问题;The school changed a little. Grandpa could use computers or Internet when he w

5、as at school. 学生听 Lets try 部分的录音,完成习题.师生一起根据句意修改原题中的错误: The school changed a lot. Grandpa couldnt use computers or Internet when he was at school. b.师: Do you know what was Grandpas school like?强调句子过去时态同时引 导学生阅读 Lets talk 并找到答案。 设计意图: 由Lets try 听力部分集中学生注意力, 激起学生对Grandpa school 的好奇,将课堂内容自然过渡到 Lets ta

6、lk 的内容。提出问题引导学生自主阅读 Lets talk 并寻找问题答案。 2. Lets talk a. 学生阅读 Lets talk 部分,找到描写 Grandpas school 学校的句子。并依次 请学生回答。 生:There was no library in my old school. 请学生解释意思,再分组齐读。 生:There was only a small building on a hill. 请学生解释意思再男女生分开齐 读。 生:There were no computers or Internet in my time. 请学生解释意思并讲解 in my tim

7、e 的意思,再组织学生全体齐读。 全体学生齐读描写 Grandpas school 的三个句子。 b. 教师出示几张几十年前乡村学校破旧教室和教学楼的照片,请学生用学 过的 There be 句型分别描述每张图片。 生:There were some broken desks and chairs in the classroom. 生:There was an old blackboard in the classroom. 生:There was no playground in the school. c. 最后出示乡村夜景星空图片。 师:What could Grandpa see a

8、t night? 生:星星 教授“stars”,强调多用复数形式,参照学过的 stay,提醒学生注意单词首字母 为 s 时,t 在 s 后发音/d/。师问“Stars have a good friend, who is it?”生答:月亮 d. 复习“moon”,师问”Who had visited the moon?”请学生给出自己答案。 师:How do you know that? 并解释句子意思。师:For me, Its very easy, I can look it up on the Internet.” 教授”easylook it up”,并出示电脑图片 look it

9、up on the Internet.师:还可以在 哪里查阅?生:in the book.出示图片 look it up in the book.学生齐读。 师:From the Internet, I get the answer. 出示图片,师:Americans had visited the moon. e. 复习“Americans” 师问 When?再接着教授 1969 的读法:将 19 和 69 分开 读。 分析句子 The Americans took about 5 days to get there in 1969,请学生翻译, 找出时态。师带读,生齐读。 f. 听 Let

10、s talk 录音,并跟读。 设计意图:学生自主阅读对话,依次找出描写 Grandpas school 的句子,既 复习了 There be 句型,又巩固了 be 动词过去时态。教师出示的图片,给学生今 昔对比的直观感受,进而萌生珍惜现在丰富的物质生活的意识。最后一幅乡村夜 景图自然衔接到 stars 的学习。再由 stars friend 引出 moon, 继而提出问题 Who had visited the moon.?由学生自行思考回答, 师自然提出 How do you know that? For me, Its easy, I can look it up on the Inter

11、net.最后揭晓答案。这个环节紧密联系 课文,环环相扣,重点突出。将对话中的新词汇和句子无缝连接。最后学生跟读 录音,掌握生词的语音语调。 (三) Practice What was your school like 5 years ago? What is your school like now? 小组内讨 论,并用所学的 There be 句型描绘以前的学校和现在的学校。以小组为单位上 台展示。 设计意图; 通过新课的呈现, 学生已经对学校的今夕对比有了较清晰的认知, 用本单元的重点句型 There be 句型描述学校的变化。既复习了重点句型,又强 化了 be 动词过去式的应用。 (四)

12、Summary 师生一起总结这堂课的收获: 1,We know what was Grandpas schoollike many years ago. 2, 在情境中正确使用 There be 句型。 板书: What was Grandpas school like ?stars-moon 1,There was no.星星月亮 2,There was only. 3,There were no. How do you know that? Easy.Americans 简单 教学反思教学反思 本课由 Lets try 听力部分展开教学,既集中了学生的注意力,又留下疑问 What was Grandpas school like? 为学生带着问题自主阅读 Lets talk 做好铺垫, 培 养了学生自主学习的能力。通过展示几十年前乡村学校的图片,让学生直观感受 学校的今夕对比,萌生珍惜当下丰富的物质生活的意识。整堂课各个环节紧密连 接,环环相扣。从复习旧知到梳理对话里的生词和重点句子,知识重难点梯度呈 现,学生在轻松愉快的环境中熟练掌握所学内容。


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