教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a1344).zip

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义务教育教科书义务教育教科书 英语英语(教科版)教科版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 2 There is a new friend here. Her name is Sally. She comes to Guangzhou for study and trip. Jiamin felt sick. He is in the hospital. Lets go and visit him. Lets do! I say “Turn right.”, you say “Turn right.” and you turn right. hospital Were here. There are many different places. What are they? museum market park school underground hospital hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop police station zoo post office train station restaurant Brainstorm! beside on the right between under behind in front of on the left next to on in near at Positions opposite Attention! -Where is the library? -Its _ the shop. next to /beside library shop Attention! -Where is the library? -Its _ the shop. near library shop Lets review! Oh dear! I think _ _. Lets go and ask the lady _ _. _ _. Can you tell me the _ to the _, please? Of course. Let me see. Go _ _ then _ _ at the _ _. were lost over there Excuse meway hospital straight ahead turn rightsecond crossing Lets review! Is the hospital on the _ or on the _? Its the building _ _ _, _ the school. You cant _ it. _ _ so much. left right on your right oppositemiss Thank you Sum up(总结)(总结)! Ask the wayGive the direction Can you tell me the way to ? Excuse me. Is the on the left or on the right ? Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Turn right at the _ crossing. Its the _ building on your right, opposite the _. You cant miss it. Lets say! Could you please tell her the way? Its Sallys first trip to Guangzhou. On her first day, she wants to visit five places. But she is lost in the city. ? cinemagym zoopark school Were here. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant Excuse me, _ you tell me the way to the _, please? Of course. Let me see. Turn _ here then go _ ahead. Is the cinema on the left or on the right? Its the _ building on your _, _. You cant miss it. Thank you very much. cancinema leftstraight secondrightbeside the school Were here. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant Ask and answer! Thank you so much. You are very kind. She visited these five places and had a nice day! cinemagym zoo park school Lets listen and draw! Where are they on the map? How can she get there? On the second day, Sally plans to go to three places. ? museum marketpolice station Listen, draw the way and name the places. Were here. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant Were here. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant police station Were here. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant police station museum Were here. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant police station museum market Thanks for your help, Sally read some books in the , and asked some help in the , and bought her dinner in the . museum market police station Lets read and write! 1.Read the first paragraph and answer: Where is Sally now? On the third day, Sally wants to go back home. How does she go home? ? Starting. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant museum market police station airport She is in front of the gate of the market. Lets read and write! 2.Read the passage Underline the sentences of the way 3.Draw the way On the third day, Sally goes to some places. ? Early in the morning, I got lost in Guangzhou. I stood (站站立立) in front of the gate of the market. I asked a boy on the street, “Excuse me, is there a bank near the market? I want to take some money out to buy a plane ticket. ” The boy answered, “Yes. Turn right first. Go straight on and turn right at the first crossing. Walk down the street and turn right at the second crossing. You can see the bank.” I did as he said, and I got there. Then I went to the underground. I went to the airport(飞飞机机 场场)by underground. Here, I will go back home by plane. I had a good time in Guangzhou. Thank you so much. Ending. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant museum market airport police station Starting. hospital park school underground hotel gym bank cinema factory libraryshop zoo post office train station restaurant museum market airport police station Starting. Ending. Lets retell! Sally was standing in front of the _. She wants to go to the _. So she can take some _ to buy a plane ticket. The boy told her the _ to the bank. First Sally should _ _. Go _ on and turn right at the _ crossing. _ _ the street and turn right at the _ crossing. Sally went to the airport by _. Then she will go back home by _. marketbank money way straight turn first Walk down first right underground plane Sum up! What do you learn? Ask the way Give the direction Positions 1、熟记本课单词、熟记本课单词,词组和重点句型。词组和重点句型。 2、完成、完成Exercise 3 3、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家 人、同学和朋友到主题公园,收集一人、同学和朋友到主题公园,收集一 些地图,尝试做小导游为你的家人、些地图,尝试做小导游为你的家人、 同学和朋友作出指引。并用同学和朋友作出指引。并用微视频微视频记记 录下来分享。录下来分享。 Exercise 1: Look and say. (两两对话,讨论打圈的地方)(两两对话,讨论打圈的地方) Sally: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ? Me: Of course, let me see. Go straight ahead then turn at the crossing. Its the building on your . You cant miss it. Sally: Thanks very much. Were here. hospitalhospital parkpark schoolschool undergroundunderground hotelhotel gymgym bankbank cinemacinema factoryfactory librarylibraryshopshop zoozoo post officepost office train stationtrain station restaurantrestaurant Exercise 2: Listen, draw the way and name the places. (听对话,画出路线,(听对话,画出路线, 填写正确的地名)填写正确的地名) museum police station market Were here. hospitalhospital parkpark schoolschool undergroundunderground hotelhotel gymgym bankbank cinemacinema factoryfactory librarylibraryshopshop zoozoo post officepost office train stationtrain station restaurantrestaurant Exercise 3: Read the passage, draw the way and mark the ending place. (读短文,画出路线,标出终点地方,填写信息)(读短文,画出路线,标出终点地方,填写信息) hospitalhospital parkpark schoolschool undergroundunderground hotelhotel gymgym bankbank cinemacinema factoryfactory librarylibraryshopshop zoozoo post officepost office train stationtrain station restaurantrestaurant museummuseum marketmarket airport police stationpolice station Starting. Early in the morning, I got lost in Guangzhou. I stood (站立) in front of the gate of the market. I asked a boy on the street, “Excuse me, is there a bank near the market? I want to take some money out to buy a plane ticket. ” The boy answered, “Yes. Turn right first. Go straight on and turn right at the first crossing. Walk down the street and turn right at the second crossing. You can see the bank.” I did as he said, and I got there. Then I went to the underground. I went to the airport(飞机 场)by underground. Here, I will go back home by plane. I had a good time in Guangzhou. Thank you so much. Sally was standing in front of the _. She wants to go to the _. So she can take some _ to buy a plane ticket. The boy told her the _ to the bank. First Sally should _ _. Go _ on and turn right at the _ crossing. _ _ the street and turn right at the _ crossing. Sally went to the airport by _. Then she will go back home by _. 1 英语五年级下册英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 1111 教学设计教学设计 教教 学学 内内 容容 分分 析析 本模块的话题是 Directions(方向) 。本课时为教育科学出 版社小学英语五年级下册 Unit 11 的 Fun with language,话题是 Can you tell me the way?主要复习第一课时的重点词语,即关于 地点的词语和介词,然后让学习复习课文内容,并从中总结出 本课的知识重难点,最后通过对话、听力和阅读三个层次练习 巩固问路用语和指路用语。 教教 学学 对对 象象 分分 析析 五年级学生性格比较安静,所以利用简单的动作让他们可 以动起来,快速地进入英语课堂学习中。第一课时,大部分学 生已经掌握了问路和指路的用语,能够进行简单的对话。结合 人物 Sally 到广州旅游的情景设计了对话、听写和阅读的任务, 寻找相对应的地点并给予帮助的环节可以吸引学生的注意力和 提高学习的积极性。通过建立情境,让学生在情境中有意义地 理解问路和指路用语,真实地运用 Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the , please? Go straight ahead then turn at the crossing. Its the building on your , opposite the .进行问答。 结合思维导图在复习本课重点介词 on the left/right 和以往学过的 介词,可以让学生理清思路。 教教 学学 目目 语言能力语言能力 1. 语用任务: 通过建立情境,让学生在情境中有意义地 理解问路和指路用语,真实地运用 Excuse me. 2 Can you tell me the way to the , please? Go straight ahead then turn at the crossing. Its the building on your , opposite the .进行问 答。 2. 知识与技能: 1)巩固并运用本课要求“四会”的词汇: direction, way, lose , Excuse me., hospital, straight, ahead, left, miss, bank, post office, train station, zoo, restaurant, police station 2)能够运用句型在情境中准确、流利地对问路 和指路进行对话。 学习能力学习能力 引导学生运用思维导图进行语言知识的总结和 归纳,进行思路的梳理,为后面的有层次有条 理地对问路和指路等等做好铺垫。 标标 思维品质思维品质 1. 通过课中参与课堂问答、生生交际和小组学 习活动,学会分析、整理、运用信息,拓展学 用渠道。 2. 运用思维导图进行语言的呈现,培养学生逻 辑思维的能力。 教教 学学 重重 重点重点 让学生在情境中有意义地理解问路和指路用语, 真实地运用 Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the , please? Go straight ahead then turn at 3 the crossing. Its the building on your , opposite the .进行问答。 难难 点点 难点难点 正确理解左右方向,运用 turn left/right at the crossing 1 Warm-up 1)创设情境和任务:通过介绍新人物 Sally 来 广州学习和旅游,创设情景。 2)I Say You do,听指令做动作。让孩子复习 turn left, turn right, go straight ahead. 设计意图:激发学生的兴趣,为本课的学习做好 准备。 2 Revision 1)Words of places: 复习关于地点的单词。 2)Positions: 学生回忆本模块的重点介词:on the left/right, opposite。通过黑板上的地图简单 复习介词,让学生想更多的介词,引导学生总 结 beside、next to、near,帮助学生巩固复习介 词。 3)Dialogue: 运用填空的方式让学生对课文进 行熟悉巩固,最后总结课文中的重点句型。 设计意图:有层次地引导学生对课文的重点单 词、词组和课文进行复习,为语言的输入和输 出做铺垫。 4 3 Practice 1) Sallys Day One: Its Sallys first trip to Guangzhou. On her first day, she wants to visit five places. But she is lost in the city. 引导学生运用 问路和指路的用语来进行对话。 2)Sallys Day two: On the second day, Sally plans to go to three places. Where are they on the map? How can she get there? 学生听路线,找出相对 应的地点和画出路线。 3)Sallys Day three: On the third day, Sally wants to go back home. How does she go home? 读短文, 画出路线,回答问题,填写信息。 设计意图:借助情境来帮助学生理解和操练句 型和单词。分层次让学生进行师生对话、生生 对话,从而加强对词汇和句型的练习,有条理 地组织学生对知识进行理解和运用。 教教 学学 过过 程程 4 Homework 1、熟记本课单词,词组和重点句型。 2、完成 Exercise 3 3、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家人、同学和 朋友到主题公园,收集一些地图,尝试做小导 游为你的家人、同学和朋友作出指引。并用微 视频记录下来分享。 5 板书设计:板书设计: Module 6 Directions Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? - Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the , please? - Go straight ahead then turn at the crossing. Its the building on your , opposite the . hospitalhospital parkpark schoolschool undergroundunderground hotelhotel gymgym bankbank cinemacinema factoryfactory librarylibraryshopshop zoozoo post officepost office train stationtrain station restaurantrestaurant museummuseum marketmarket airport police stationpolice station Starting.
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