教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)--(编号:9006e).zip

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Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? Lets do: Left left Right right Go go go go go go Right right Left left Go go go go go go turn left turn right Go straight ahead turn right turn left Go straight ahead turn left turn right go straght ahead safety crossing Know these signs: ol / Oh dear! Im lost. st lst Excuse me. Excuse me.Excuse me. E E Excuse me. xcuse me. xcuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.Excuse me. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ., please? Of course. Let me see. May underground _. Can you tell me the way to the ., please? Of course. Let me see. park Garden Hotel _. Can you tell me the way to the ., please? Of course. Let me see. school _. Can you tell me the way to the ., please? Of course. Let me see. hospital hspt()l _. Can you tell me the way to the ., please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead Turn right Turn left on the lefton the right Turn _ at the _ crossing. at the 2nd crossing at the 1nd crossing at the 3rd crossing crossing Ben and Janet are lost too. 1. Listen and try to draw the way on the map. 2. Listen and answer the questions: 1). Whats the matter with Janet and Ben? They are _. 2). Where are they going? They are going to the _. 3). Can you tell them the way to the hospital?How? Go _, then turn _ at the _. 4). Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its _. Opposite the _. lost hospital Straight aheadright second crossing on the right school Lets read the dialogue. Janet: Oh, dear! I think were _. Ben:Lets go and ask the lady over there. Janet: _, Can you tell me _ the hospital, please? Lady: Of course. Let me see. Go _ then _ at the _. Ben: Is the hospital _ or _? Lady: Its the building _, _ the school. You cant _ it. Janet and Ben: Thank you so much. lost Excuse methe way to straight ahead turn rightsecond crossing on the lefton the right on your rightopposite miss Finish the task card in groups (小组合作完成任务卡) Task Card (任务卡) Group 目的地完成情况 1. underground 2. police station 3. hospital 4. school Summary 1st1st 2nd2nd 3rd3rd Summary Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to the .? Of course . Go straight ahead . Turn lelft . Turn right . at the .crossing . Thank you ! Thank you so much ! Homework 1. 听录音,跟读录音三次。 2. 背U11的单词和课文。 3.抄写U11的单词一行。 1 Lesson Plan Grade 年级 五年级 Date 日期 Designer 设计者 Unit 如:Go straight ahead, turn right/left. opposite, crossing, direction on the right/left 2)通过游戏巩固这些动词短语。 3) Guess: 延续情境:Is the hospital on the left or on the right? 引导学生用英语来回答: Its the building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it. 2)Practice the new sentences. Activity 4 (1)在情境中学习新词, 初步感知句型 Go straight, turn right/left at the crossing. Next to the . Its on your right/left. (2)在游戏中巩固动词短语。 Activity 5 小组活动学习并运用句型: 巩固操练句型 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to, please?的运用 通过游戏增强孩子听力能力和学 习兴趣,学习新单词和句型。 创设不同的问路情景,引导学生 操练句型 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the , please? 机械操练,上口词汇和句型。 多种形式有效激发学生的兴趣, 乐说能说。通过练习加强学生对 知识的理解和巩固。检测学生对 句型的掌握。 5 III. Consolidation Development Activity 5 1) 、播放微课,引出学习问路句型: Were lost . Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to the .? Of course . Go straight ahead, then turn right at the second crossing.theis on the. 2). 换目的地,引导小组成员互相操练这 一句型。 Activity 6: Dialogue learning 1 全班跟读课文对话。 2 分小组朗读读课文。 3、在地图上标出课文上的点。 Activity 7 提供句子挖空,重新呈现对话,帮助学生 记忆。 Activity 8:Lets say 小组合作完成任务卡。 Activity 6 1 听课文录音 2 模仿录音朗读课文 对话。 3 分角色朗读课文。 Activity 7 1 在提示词的帮助下尝试背诵课 文。 Activity 8 通过多种形式操练课文对话, 补全对话 通过模仿正音,进一步对课文对 话进行巩固。 检测学生对课文的理解情况。 提高学生的机械识记和有意义识 记的能力。 检测学生对所学的知识的掌握情 况 6 III. Consolidation Development IV. Sum up 引导学生通过板书,总结本课的内容。在老师引导下总结本课学习习的 内容。 培养及时总结的习惯。 VHomework布置作业。 1. 听录音,跟读录音三次。 2. 背 U11 的单词和课文。 3.抄写 U11 的单词一行 熟悉课文的基本内容,培养学生 良好的复习习惯。 Blackboard Designing Unit 11. Can you tell me the way? A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? B: Of course. Go straight ahead, then turn right at the second crossing. A: Is the hospital on the left or on the right? B: Its the building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it.
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