教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f0077).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 People_Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:f0077)
    • Listen to the story.wav
    • Sing a song.swf
    • 教案f0077.docx--点击预览
    • 教科版四下 Module 1 People.ppt--点击预览


English 4B Module 1 People (5th Period) 1、教学内容分析 本课学习内容为教科版四年级下 Module 1 的第五课时,在前四课时中,学生已学习 描述人物外貌特征的重点词汇:with,in, look like, shy;并会初步用句型:What is. Like? She/He has. She/He is in/with. 对人物外貌进行简单问答。本课时将在前四课时的基础上, 通过对森林里新来朋友的外貌描述猜测朋友更多信息的故事语境中,引导学生完成用所学 句型描述所见人物外貌的语用任务。 2、学生情况分析 本模块主题为 People,主题贴近学生生活,学生理解语境文本的难度并不大,但是学 生对于如何进行对话文本和实际运用所学句型的转换还缺乏必要的刻意练习。因此,在这 节课里,需要注重引导学生在语境下进行学习,通过音频、图片和板书整体感知文本。最 后,通过故事表演的形式帮助学生巩固运用所学句型。 3、教学重点与难点 教学重点:输出核心句型-What is he/she like? -He/She is.in/ with. He/She has. 教学难点:介词 in 和 with 在描述人物外貌的区别 四单课教学目标 课时话题语用任务语言知识与技能情感目标 第五 课时 A new friend is coming. 在猜测森 林里新来 朋友的语 境中,能 借助图片、 歌曲、音 频等媒介 资源习得 核心词汇 1. 能用核心词汇:with, in, shy, kind,be like 描述 人物外貌。理解其音、 义、形。能用核心短语: be like, look like, has., .in/with.描述人物外貌, 并能正确书写。 3.能听懂、会说句型: What is.like?向人询问某 在对话交 流的过程 中完成孩 子介绍某 人外貌特 征的语用 任务,培 养学生文 明礼貌, 及句型。 要求语音 正确、表 达较流利, 内容达意。 人外貌;知道用句型: .has./.is in/with.简单 某人的外貌特征。 乐于与人 交际的美 好品质。 本课时预设输出语言: -What is.like? -He/She has. He/She is with/ in. 一 本课时教学过程 ProceduresTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurposes Pre-task preparation 1(5)-1.Sing a song. 1(5)-2 Q: What is the farmer like in the video? 1(5)-1. Sing the song “the farmer in the dell” through the video. 1(5)-2. Try to tell what the farmer is like. 歌曲呈现, 引入话题。 用所学句型: He has./ He is in/ with.描 述视频中农 夫的外貌特 征。 While-task 1. Lets review. 1-1 Try to tell what 通过学生熟 proceduresLead ss to describe the Chinese teacher& their head teacher. 2.Lets talk. Lead ss to try to talk about their favourite stars with partners, using the sentence: A:What is he/she like? B:She/ He is. She/ He has.She/ He is in/ with. 3.Listen and answer. the Chinese teacher & head teacher is like, with She/He has. She/ He is with/in. 2-1 Talk with partners the person the st likes. 3-1 Listen to the story and try to tell who is the new friend. 悉的语文老 师与班主任 老师图片, 引导学生用 本课重点句 型描述两位 老师外貌。 借助图片的 形式初步单 个输出人物 外貌的问答。 通过听整体 故事对话, 找出新来朋 4.Lets learn the story. 4-1 Ss try to learn the story in details. 4-2 Ss try to tell what the new friend is like. 4-3 Ss try to practise the story in groups. 友的名字。 学生在老师 带领下逐步 学习故事的 进展,并尝 试猜测、描 述新朋友的 外貌。 学生小组练 习,并尝试 表演故事。 Post-task activities 5. Lets act. 6. Sum up. 5-1 Groups of ss present their story in front of the class. 6-1 Try to go over the key words and sentences with teacher. 小组上台表 演描述新朋 友的外貌。 通过描述最 佳小演员的 外貌,总结 归纳本课的 重点词汇与 句型。 Assignment1. Listen and read the dialogue among the friends in the forest. 2. Complete the writing of describing the favourite person. 2-1 Practise listening &reading the dialogue. 2-1Try to finish the writing about a favourtie person according to the given example. eg: My favourite friend is Lily. She has long hair and a round face. She is in a pink dress. She is kind and shy. I like her very much. _ _ _ 通过听读加 强学生口头 介绍人物外 貌的能力。 通过仿照例 子书面描述 学生最喜欢 人物的外貌, 巩固本模块 生词拼写和 句型表达。 _ _ _ Lets sing. What is the farmer like? He is a.in/ with.He has. She/He is . He/She is a . with . /in . She/He has. Lets review. She is Ms Zhang. She is a kind teacher in a white blouse.She has a round face. He is Mr Guan. He is a nice man with short hair.He has short hair. Lets talk. A:What is he/she like? B:She/ He is. She/ He has.She/ He is in/ with. Story Time- A new friend is coming. Lets listen Q:Who is the new friend? Good news! A girl! Wow, she is Snow White. DonaldDonald duck:duck: GoodGood news!news! A A newnew friendfriend isis ing. Minnie,Minnie, Wolf,Wolf, Rabbit:Rabbit: Really?Really? IsIs itit a a boyboy oror a a girl?girl? DonaldDonald duckduck : : A A girl.girl. Minnie,Minnie, Wolf,Wolf, Rabbit:Rabbit:What is she like? Wolf:Wolf: IsIs sheshe a a cutecute wolfwolf inin anan orangeorange hat?hat? DonaldDonald duck:duck: No.No. SheShe isis a a thinthin ladylady withwith brownbrown eyeseyes andand a a smallsmall mouth.mouth. (She(She hashas brownbrown eyes,eyes, sheshe hashas a a smallsmall mouth.mouth. Lalala.Lalala. SheShe hashas brownbrown eyes.)eyes.) Rabbit:Rabbit: IsIs sheshe a a lovelylovely rabbitrabbit withwith longlong ears?ears? DonaldDonald duck:duck: No.No. SheShe isis a a youngyoung ladylady withwith shortshort hair.Andhair.And sheshe isis veryvery shy.shy. (She(She isis veryvery young,young, sheshe isis veryvery shy.shy. Lalala.Lalala. ShesShes youngyoung andand shy.)shy.) Minnie:Minnie: IsIs sheshe a a shortshort mousemouse inin a a pinkpink dress?dress? DonaldDonald duck:duck: No,No, sheshe isis veryvery prettypretty andand kind.kind. Minnie,Minnie, Wolf,Wolf, Rabbit:Rabbit: WhoWho isis sheshe ? ? Together(Together(一齐一齐): Wow,Wow, sheshe isis SnowSnow White.White. ( (SheShe isis SnowSnow White,White, sheshe isis SnowSnow WhiteWhite. . Lalala.Lalala. TheThe friendfriend isis SnowSnow WhiteWhite.).) Lets practise & act. What is he/she like? She/ He is a. with/in. He/She has. Listen &read,and try to act the story to your parents. Try to complete the writing of describing your favourite friend according to the given example. eg: My favourite friend is Lily. She has long hair and a round face. She is in a pink dress. She is kind and shy. I like her very much. _ _ _
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