教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:e00a6).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 People_Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:e00a6)
    • Unit 2 She is very kind动画.docx--点击预览
    • Unit2She is very kind录音.mp3
    • Unit2She is very kind练习.docx--点击预览
    • Unit2课件.ppt--点击预览
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( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. 一、听录音完成下列判断题,对的写 T 错 的写 F ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. (第第 2 课课 ) 课课 教育广州版小学英教育广州版小学英课 教教 材材 MODULE 1 People 目目课 1. 熟熟课 掌握句型:掌握句型: What is she/he like? She/He is She/He has 目目课 2.初步理解初步理解课 文内容,能跟文内容,能跟课 并有感情的朗并有感情的朗课 。 。 本课时教学目标本课时教学目标 kindshy round friendly lovely happy hairhair headhead eyeeye faceface mouthmouth nosenose earear big eyes small nose long hair short hair big mouth round face brown hair kind shyround friendlybeautiful tallstrong lovely young pretty short thinhaireye earface nose mouthearshort -What is he like? - He has black eyes, a big nose and a small mouth. He is friendly. What is he like? -He has round face ,big ears and a small nose. He is very happy. -What is she like? -She has long hair and big mouth. She is very pretty. -What is she like? -She has short hair , big eyes and round face. She is very lovely. 描写他人外貌描写他人外貌 描写他人性格特征描写他人性格特征 big eyes, small nose, long hair,big mouth She/He has+形容词形容词+表示身体部位的单词表示身体部位的单词 (face、nose、mouth.) She/He is+表示人物性格特征的形容词(表示人物性格特征的形容词(kind、 friendly、shy、tall.) What is he like ? He has round face, , big eyes and a big nose. He is happy. Mr Chen maths teacher What is she like ? She has long hair. Miss Li Chinese teacher She is tall and thin. She is beautiful. What is he like ? He has brown hair, , big nose and big mouth. He is strong and kind. Mr Zhang PE teacher She has short hair. What is she like ? Ms Wang art teacher She is short. She is pretty and friendly. What is she like ? She has round face and long hair. She is lovely. friend Lily Questions ! T or F ( )They are talking about(谈论)(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. T F T F green young 看动 画 What is +主语主语(she/he第三人称单数)第三人称单数)+ like? 询问他人外貌,性格特征询问他人外貌,性格特征 描述外貌描述外貌 She/He has +形容词形容词+表示身体部位的表示身体部位的 名词(名词(nose,eyes,face.) She/He is +表示性格特点的形容词(表示性格特点的形容词( shy,friendly,happy,lovely.) 描述性格描述性格 【作业检测】 1.口头练习教师所布置的对话作业。口头练习教师所布置的对话作业。 A:That is B:What is she/he like? A:She/He has She/He is 2.听读听读lets talk 的内容,并在课文标记意思的内容,并在课文标记意思 English teacherP.E. teacher music teacher Makeaconversation! A:Thatis(myEnglish/Chineseteacher/friend.) B:Whatisshe/helike? A:She/Hehas She/Heis maths teacher 二、教学目标二、教学目标 目标 1.学生熟练掌握所学关于描述人物外貌性格特点的单词和短语。 (big eyes、round face、long hair.kind、friendly、shy.) 目标 2 熟练掌握句型 What is she/he like? She/He has She/He is 目标 3.初步理解课文内容,能跟读并有感情的朗读。 三、学习者分析三、学习者分析 学生通过上节课的学习对单词已经有一定的掌握了,并且会读认一些关于描述的 人物外貌的短语。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 重点: 1.熟练掌握句型: What is she/he like? She/He has. She/He is. 2.理解课文内容 难点: 1.能在语境中初步理解和运用下列句型: A:What is.like? B:She/He has. She/He is. 五、教学设计五、教学设计 教学环 节 起止时间 ( ”- ” ) 环节目 标 教学内容学生活动 媒体作用及 分析 目标 1 Task1.复习上节课所 学的一些描述外貌性 格特点的单词和短语。 Task 2.游戏(Look Task1 说出 关于描写外 貌的单词和 词组。 Task 2. 玩 游戏,整组 为下面巩固 句型起到了 很好的铺垫 作用。 920”- 925” and say)每个组看 PPT 上呈现的单词, 相对应的圈圈里出示 的单词在哪个组,哪 个组就站起来大声读 出来,读对的组可以 往前走一步。 学生快速读 出该单词, 进行比赛 2.游戏环节 可以活跃课 堂氛围。 Present ation & Practic e 925”- 945” 目标 1 目标 2 目标 3 1.Free talk,请两位 学生上台,老师进行 描述,引出句型 She/He has. She/He is. 2.用 PPT 展示一些明 星的图片,反复操练 句型: She/He has. She/He is.比如图 片出示女明星的图片 或者男明星的图片, 教师问 What is he/she like? 引导学生用 She/He has.或用 She/He is. 3.操练完之后让学生 总结一下描述人物外 貌时应怎么运用 Has 和 is 4.看课本第 9 页内容。 根据课本所给的提示, 学生进行小组讨论, 并说出描述外貌性格 的特点。 5.请学生进行回答。 情景导入:老师: There is a new teacher comes to Jiamins school this term. Look at the picture and what are they talking about?让学生听录音 1.学生根据 老师的描述, 知道描述人 物的两个句 子 She/He has. She/He is. 2.学生跟读, 学习询问他 人外貌的句 子 What is he/she like?和描 述外貌的两 个句子 She/He has. She/He is. 3.熟练掌握 描述人物外 貌的句子, 讨论完成第 9 页的内容。 学生听听力, 完成相应练 习 跟读课文, 朗读课文。 初步理解课 文。 描述同班学 生,让学生 更熟悉,亲 近。 PPT 展示明 星图片学生 会比较熟悉 且感兴趣。 先听课文内 容再看,可 以培养学生 听力能力。 并完成相应的问题。 6.初步学习课文,了 解课文内容。让学生 观看动画,并跟读。 教师带读,学生自己 读。 Consoli dation & develop ment 945”- 957” 目标 3 PPT 出示课文图片, 把重点内容盖住,让 学生进行回忆回答 学生看图进 行复述课文。巩固本节课 所学描写人 物的内容。 Summary 957”- 959” 目标 2 目标 3 1.询问他人外貌的句 型 2.描写他人外貌的句 型 3.课文朗读 学生回顾本 节课所学知 识。 对知识的归 纳,了解学 生掌握情况。 Homewor k 959”- 1000” 1.口头练习教师所布 置的对话作业。 A:That is () B:What is she/he like? A:She/He has She/He is 听读 lets talk 的内容,并在课文标 记意思 六、教学流程图六、教学流程图 Warming up 复习上节课内容 玩一个小游戏 Presentation & Practice Presentation & Practice 重点句型的学习和操练 课文内容的初步理解 附表 2: 教学反思表 学校东骏学校 课名 Unit2She is very kind 教师谢晓歆 学科英语年级四年级 1.应用了哪种新媒体和新技术的哪些功能,效果如何? PPT 的运用:通过 PPT 展示让学生更直观得学习本节课内容。 MP3:学生课堂上可以通过听来进行答题,不仅让学生多感官的进行学习同时可以检 测学生所学内容。 动画:让学生感受所学课文的场景。 2.在教学活动应用新媒体新技术的关键事件(起止时间(如:520-1040) ,时 间 3-8 分钟左右,每节课 2-3 段),引起了哪些反思(如教学策略与方法的实施、教 学重难点的解决、师生深层次互动,生成性的问题解决等) 。 925”- 945”学生在学习句型时,可能教师操练得少一些,教师可以在学生讨论之前提问 学生,让学生去描述班上同学。 945”- 957”学生在学习课文时,老师播放听力时可以给学生 1 分钟先看一下听力的问题。 3.新技术应用于教学的创新点及效果思考(教学组织创新、教学设计创新等)。 Consolidation & development 巩固本节课所学内容 Summary 总结本节课所学知识 Homework 作业布置 本节课从听、说、读入手,让学生多感官的感受学习。同时利用 PPT 展示图片 让学生更直观的知道和了解所学知识。 4.对新技术的教学适用性的思考及对其有关功能改进的建议或意见。 新技术教学的优势明显,老师们执教的展示课。真实的应用课堂让与我们感受 到操作灵活的现代教育技术带来的课堂效益优化,它强大的注解模式、多样的资源 库建设、资源的无缝整合,大大提高了课堂教学效率。现代教育技术的直观性、互 动性和参与性进一步拉近了师生距离,课堂与世界相连,学习动态随时分享,学习 成果及时记录,学习变得更轻松更愉快。 具体以下几点: 1.运用多媒体技术增强课堂的趣味性,帮助降低内容的复杂性 2.多媒体课件是现行大多数教师教学过程中经常使用的行之有效的方法,他具有直 观生动,视觉冲击力强,容易激发学生的兴趣和引起学生的注意,将课时内容的重 点难点以更加清晰和直观的方式呈现出来,帮助重点难点的突破。 3.在英语教学中,老师在讲单词意思时,可以图文并茂。 用多媒体丰富课堂教学在语文教学中,将文字、声音、图像融于一体帮助教师 突破重点,借助计算机教学能调动学生的视觉功能,通过直观的形象、生动的感官 刺激,让学生最大限度地发挥潜能。借助计算机教学,能让学生在有限的时间里, 全方位地感知更多的信息,提高教学效率、激活学习内因。利用投影仪的直观性和 真实性,增加过程的可信度,培养学生的自信。 新技术教学存在的问题 在教学实践中多媒体教学应用过程中存在令人担忧的问题和认识误区。比如在 理论上显的超前和乐观。把多媒体技术会带来的优质课堂教学可能性当成了必然性。 同时片面的否定传统教学模式。导致多媒体教学模式难以发挥应有的优势,甚至起 到了负面的作用。在课堂教学环节方面尤为突出,表现在以下各方面: 1、对新技术的过分依赖,忽视了传统的教学资源。 从古到今,可以提供学习资源的方法很多。比如图书馆、比如教科书、甚至教 学挂图。我们接受新技术想找到一个更方便、更快捷、更有效的教学途径。通过对 新技术的使用来辅助我们的教学,使我们的教学臻于完美。我们不是找一个依赖, 找一个主宰。不是让新技术占领我们的课堂。最终不是没有新技术就上不了课的结 果。 2、先进的教学手段与相对滞后的教学方法之间的矛盾。 计算机技术的运用,使我们有可能解决传统教学手段所无法解决的问题,使教 学的效果更显著,但多数教师在教学实践中,仍沿袭传统的授课模式,并没有利用 现代化技术突破陈旧的传递式的教学设计,只是由“人灌”变成了“机灌” ,不仅 削弱了教师的主体作用,同时也不利于学生某些能力的培养。 3、在多媒体课件的制作上,忽视课件的科学性、实用性、交互性、艺术性相结合的 原则。 总之要合理利用多媒体新技术才能事半功倍。 注:字数 800-1000 字。 一、听录音完成下列判断题,对的写 T 错 的写 F ( )They are talking about(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. (第第 2 课课 ) 课课 教育广州版小学英教育广州版小学英课 教教 材材 MODULE 1 People 目目课 1. 熟熟课 掌握句型:掌握句型: What is she/he like? She/He is She/He has 目目课 2.初步理解初步理解课 文内容,能跟文内容,能跟课 并有感情的朗并有感情的朗课 。 。 本课时教学目标本课时教学目标 kindshy round friendly lovely happy hairhair headhead eyeeye faceface mouthmouth nosenose earear big eyes small nose long hair short hair big mouth round face brown hair kind shyround friendlybeautiful tallstrong lovely young pretty short thinhaireye earface nose mouthearshort -What is he like? - He has black eyes, a big nose and a small mouth. He is friendly. What is he like? -He has round face ,big ears and a small nose. He is very happy. -What is she like? -She has long hair and big mouth. She is very pretty. -What is she like? -She has short hair , big eyes and round face. She is very lovely. 描写他人外貌描写他人外貌 描写他人性格特征描写他人性格特征 big eyes, small nose, long hair,big mouth She/He has+形容词形容词+表示身体部位的单词表示身体部位的单词 (face、nose、mouth.) She/He is+表示人物性格特征的形容词(表示人物性格特征的形容词(kind、 friendly、shy、tall.) What is he like ? He has round face, , big eyes and a big nose. He is happy. Mr Chen maths teacher What is she like ? She has long hair. Miss Li Chinese teacher She is tall and thin. She is beautiful. What is he like ? He has brown hair, , big nose and big mouth. He is strong and kind. Mr Zhang PE teacher She has short hair. What is she like ? Ms Wang art teacher She is short. She is pretty and friendly. What is she like ? She has round face and long hair. She is lovely. friend Lily Questions ! T or F ( )They are talking about(谈论)(谈论) the new English teacher. ( )The new English teacher has black eyes and a small mouth. ( )The new English teacher is old. ( ) The new English teacher is shy and kind. T F T F green young 看动 画 What is +主语主语(she/he第三人称单数)第三人称单数)+ like? 询问他人外貌,性格特征询问他人外貌,性格特征 描述外貌描述外貌 She/He has +形容词形容词+表示身体部位的表示身体部位的 名词(名词(nose,eyes,face.) She/He is +表示性格特点的形容词(表示性格特点的形容词( shy,friendly,happy,lovely.) 描述性格描述性格 【作业检测】 1.口头练习教师所布置的对话作业。口头练习教师所布置的对话作业。 A:That is B:What is she/he like? A:She/He has She/He is 2.听读听读lets talk 的内容,并在课文标记意思的内容,并在课文标记意思 English teacherP.E. teacher music teacher Makeaconversation! A:Thatis(myEnglish/Chineseteacher/friend.) B:Whatisshe/helike? A:She/Hehas She/Heis maths teacher
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