教科版四下-Module 2 Daily routine-Unit 4 When do you have class -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:10a7c).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 Daily routine_Unit 4 When do you have class _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:10a7c)
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    • Different daily routines 研学案.docx--点击预览
    • Different daily routines拓展阅读.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案10a7c.docx--点击预览


第第 5 5 课时课时 Different daily routines I 主题拓展阅读课主题拓展阅读课 研学案研学案 班别: 姓名: 学号: _ _ 【研学目标研学目标】 1、 我能通过访问和思考,填好日常生活信息,完成【Task 1】 2、 我能根据信息猜测,表达自己的想法。 【Task 2】 3、 我能通过阅读文本,排序、对比和总结,完成【Task 3】 【Task 4】 4、 我能尝试围绕职业或爱好介绍日常生活。 【Task 5】 【研学路线研学路线】 4. 模仿、围绕职业与爱好介绍日常生活。 3、细读对比,归纳总结。 2、听读排序,细找原因。 1、猜猜想想,表达想法。 【研学过程研学过程】 课前研学:课前研学:【Task 1】 1. 请你访问你家庭中一个有特别职业的亲人,收集记录他的日常生活、爱好等请你访问你家庭中一个有特别职业的亲人,收集记录他的日常生活、爱好等 相关信息完成以下表格。相关信息完成以下表格。 Who? What daily routine?When?What job?What hobby 爱好? 参考句子:Hello, . When do you usually have breakfast/go to work/go back home/sleep? - I usually . at . / from . to . Whats your hobby(爱好)? - I like 动词+ing 1. 请你根据你自己的日常生活、爱好等相关信息完成以下表格。请你根据你自己的日常生活、爱好等相关信息完成以下表格。 Who? What daily routine?When?What job?What hobby? a pupil, I want to be a 课中研学:课中研学: 【Task 2】Read and answer. 1. Read and find the differences. 自由读,边读边划出与我们作息的不同。自由读,边读边划出与我们作息的不同。 He works at night. He often works from 6:00 in the evening to 2:00 in the morning. He has breakfast at about 7:15. He is usually very tired in the morning. So he goes to bed at 8:00 in the morning and gets up after 3:30 in the afternoon. From 4:00 to 5:30, he takes exercise. He likes to play ball games with his friends. He often says “ I like my job, Im happy to drive my taxi well for people.” He is a taxi driver. 2. Answer.回答并尝试发表想法回答并尝试发表想法 What do you think of his daily routine? - I think his daily routine is . Because . 可能会用的词:busy 忙的, tired 累的, good, not good ,healthy 健 康的, unhealthy 不健康的) 【Task 3】 Listen and order the sentences with numbers. 听介绍,用数字给句子听介绍,用数字给句子 编号排序。提示:图和句子内容里都有提示先后的地方哦!(独立完成)编号排序。提示:图和句子内容里都有提示先后的地方哦!(独立完成) ( ) I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. ( ) I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning and get up at noon. ( ) Hello, Im David. ( ) And I have many books about cooking. Sometimes I go to see my friends. Oh, its 4:00. Its time to go to work. See you! ( ) Then I cook lunch and eat. ( ) After lunch I clean the house and do some reading. 【Task 4】 Read and compare. 小组齐读,与对比,划出与语言表小组齐读,与对比,划出与语言表 达上的不同,讨论说一说。达上的不同,讨论说一说。 提示:可以半英语半中文哦!(小组讨论)提示:可以半英语半中文哦!(小组讨论) I like . 文本文本 A: Hello, Im David. Im a cook. I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning and get up at noon. Then I cook lunch and eat. After lunch I clean the house and do some reading. And I have many books about cooking. Sometimes I go to see my friends. Oh, its 4:00. Its time to go to work. See you! 文本文本 B: Hello, Im David. Im a cook. I usually get up at noon. I cook lunch at 11:30. I clean the house and do some reading from 2:00 to 3:45 in the afternoon. I have many books about cooking. Sometimes I go to see my friends. I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning . 【Task 5】 Talk and write about the daily routine. 1. 请你根据老师的个人信息,帮老师完成一个写作思维图,并规划写作顺序。 要求:以职业与爱好为中心写日常生活作息。 (提示:小组边讨论边完善填空)(提示:小组边讨论边完善填空) 另附纸 2. Lets help to write.请你帮助老师或你的其中一个家人,写一份有关职业和爱请你帮助老师或你的其中一个家人,写一份有关职业和爱 好的日常生活介绍。好的日常生活介绍。 ( 1 ) 完成写作思维图完成写作思维图 ( 2 ) 完成以上的构思后,参考本课阅读的文本 A 进行写作。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 【学习评价学习评价】 Lets assess.(自我/小组长评价:在对应的地方打“” ) 自我评价自我评价同位或小组评价同位或小组评价 学习任务学习任务达成程度(请打达成程度(请打 ) 还没掌握的知识或还没掌握的知识或 疑问疑问 同位和小组合作表同位和小组合作表 现得分(请打现得分(请打) 【Task1】我能做好课 前研学,思考并写。 【Task2】我能根据信 息猜测,大胆表达自 己的想法。 【Task3】我能通过阅 读文本,排序。 【Task4】我能通过阅 读文本,对比和总结。 【Task5】我能尝试围 绕职业或爱好介绍日 常生活。 56 个,没有,到班上组内加 5 分; 24 个,没有,到班上组内加 2 分; 1 个,没有,或小组合作表现得,到班上组内加 1 分。 Period 2 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级下册 Module 2 Daily Routine Different daily routines IDifferent daily routines IDifferent daily routines IDifferent daily routines I Period 5 主题拓展阅读课 1 神奇的时钟校车,将带我们看看不同职业人的日常生活。 Who?Who? 2 He works at night. He often works from 6:00 in the evening to 2:00 in the morning. Who?Who?Who?Who? p.m.a.m. Whats his job? 3 He has breakfast at about 7:15. Who?Who?Who?Who? Whats his job? 4 He is usually very tired in the morning. So he goes to bed at 8:00 in the morning and gets up at about 3:30 in the afternoon. Who?Who?Who?Who? Whats his job? 5 From 4:00 to 5:30, he takes exercise. He likes to play ball games with his friends. Who?Who?Who?Who? Whats his job? He often says “ I like my job, Im happy to drive my taxi well for people.” 6 He works at night. He often works from 6:00 in the evening to 2:00 in the morning. He has breakfast at about 7:15. He is usually very tired in the morning. So he goes to bed at 8:00 in the morning and gets up after 3:30 in the afternoon. From 4:00 to 5:30, he takes exercise. He likes to play ball games with his friends. He often says “ I like my job, Im happy to drive my taxi well for people.” - I think his daily routine is . Because . He is a _. busy忙的, tired累的, good, not good, healthy(健康的), unhealthy(不健康的) Read and answer 7 先同桌内互说, 然后再代表发 言。 What are the differences不同 between his and our daily routine? Task自由读,边读边划出与我们作息的不同,然后回 答。 What do you think of his daily routine? 鼓励全英,可以半英半中哦 ! I think the taxi drivers daily routine is not healthy for people. Because he doesnt sleep at night. But we need(需要) such kind(种类) of people in our society(社会). I want to say thank you for their help. 神奇的时钟校车,将继续带我们去看哪个职业人的日常生活 ? Who?Who? 8 Look, listen and guessLook, listen and guessLook, listen and guessLook, listen and guess Im a _. 4:00 p.m. Hello, Im David. I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. 9 Look, listen and guessLook, listen and guessLook, listen and guessLook, listen and guess Im a _. 3:45 a.m. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning and get up at noon. Then I cook lunch and eat. After lunch I clean the house and do some reading. And I have many books about cooking. Sometimes I go to see my friends. Oh, its 4:00. Its time to go to work. See you! 4:00 p.m. 10 Im a _. 4:00 p.m. 3:45 a.m. Task3 读句子,根据图片和句子意思的上下联系,排序。 提示:独立完成 11 ( ) A. I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. ( ) B. I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning and get up at noon. ( ) C. Hello, Im David. Im a cook. ( ) D. And I have many books about cooking. Sometimes I go to see my friends. Oh, its 4:00. Its time to go to work. See you! ( ) E. Then I cook lunch and eat. ( ) F. After lunch I clean the house and do some reading. Read and checkRead and checkRead and checkRead and check 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 1. Hello, Im David. Im a cook. 2. I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. 3. I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning and get up at noon. 4. Then I cook lunch and eat. 5. After lunch I clean the house and do some reading. 6.And I have many books about cooking. Sometimes I go to see my friends. Oh, its 4:00. Its time to go to work. See you! Read again and Read again and Read again and Read again and think think think think What do you know about David in his introduction(介绍 )? 13 鼓励全英回答,也可以半英半中哦! - We can know about his . age年龄,looking外貌,hobby爱好 ,job职业,daily routine日常生活 A Read and compareRead and compareRead and compareRead and compare(对比)(对比)(对比)(对比) A 14 提示: 先小组读和讨论 , 然后代表发言。 B 可以半英半中或全中哦! Task 4 Which do you like, A or B ? - I like . My daily routine 内容相同 go to work go back home go to bed, get up cook lunch and eat do some reading 提示:读,与对比,划出与语言表达上的不同, 说一说。 get up cook lunch and eat do some reading go to work go back home, go to bed 的顺序is different(不同), 多了/少了. 词语 Read and compareRead and compareRead and compareRead and compare(对比(对比(对比(对比 ) Which do I like, A or B ? A 15 What about Miss Guo? B - I like . because . 1.用上连接词:. ( 更连贯) 2. 根据职业特点和爱好写日常生活 作息:. ( 主题思想突出) Task 4 go to work go back home go to bed, get up cook lunch and eat do some reading get up cook lunch and eat do some reading go to work go back home, go to bed People have different daily routines. Because . 16 Because of their jobs. 1. get up at 7:00 2. usually work from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 3. Sometimes work before 6:00. 4. Sometimes sleep in the hospital(医院) the nurses daily routine 1. work in the morning, afternoon and evening, if(如果) we need (需要) 2. usually go back home at different(不同的) times 3. sometimes have dinner very late (迟) the policemens daily routine 17 Mingmings Sunday Anns Sunday Because of their hobbies/. 1. get up at 7:00 2. play the piano after breakfast 3. dance from 10:00 to 11:00 4. do her homework in the afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 5. play the piano from 4:30 to 5:30 6. take exercise from 5:30 to 6:15 18 Who What daily routineWhen ( on school days ) What job What hobby Miss Guo get up at 6:30 a teacher reading stories, listening songs go to work at 7:45 have classes from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. have lunch at school at about 12:30 go back home after 6:00 p.m. play and read some story books with the little son after dinner do some reading before sleep and before work Here are some informations about Miss Guo. Task5 1.你能根据老师的个人信息,帮老师完成写作提纲吗? 19 提示: 先小组讨论, 然后小组合作完 善提纲的填写。 Whats your hobby(爱好)? I want to write about my daily routines according to my job and hobby. (提示:以职业和爱好为中心去介绍。) 1.请你根据老师的个人信息,帮老师完成一个写作提 纲,并规划写作顺序。 (提示:突出职业或爱好,去介绍日常生活。) 20 Task 5 Miss Guos daily routine job hobby (1) a teacher (句子:Hello, Im Im a . ) ( ) reading story books (句子:_) ( ) go to work at 7:45 a.m. (句子:_) ( ) go back home after 6:00 p.m. (句子:_) ( ) _ after dinner ( 句子:_ ) ( ) _ before sleep and before work (句子: _ ) 小组合作完成:边讨论,边填空完善 Tips: 1. 先根据 课前研学 的 信息,构思填写提纲,再开始 动笔写。 2.写完后,同桌互读。 3. 并请你圈出你在文段中使用 了的连接词。 Whats your mothers / . s job and hobby (爱好) ? 2. Lets help to write.请你帮助老师或你的其中一个家人,写 一份有关职业和爱好的日常生活介绍。 21 Task 5 你还可以选择写自己哦 ! Hope you have a healthy daily routine! Lets keep a good hobby in our daily routine. 22 Homework 1. Finish writing about your daily 1. Finish writing about your daily routine and circle the linking wordsroutine and circle the linking words (连接词)(连接词). . 2. Activity Book U4.2. Activity Book U4. 23 1.请你根据老师的个人信息,帮老师完成一个写作提 纲,并规划写作顺序。 (提示:突出职业或爱好,去介绍日常生活。) 24 Task 5 Miss Guos daily routine job hobby (1) a teacher (句子:Hello, Im Im a . ) ( ) reading story books (句子:_) ( ) go to work at 7:45 a.m. (句子:_) ( ) go back home after 6:00 p.m. (句子:_) ( ) _ after dinner ( 句子:_ ) ( ) _ before sleep and before work (句子: _ ) 小组合作完成:边讨论,边填空完善 2. Lets help to write. 请你帮助老师或你的其中一个家人,写一份有关职业和 爱好的日常生活介绍。 25 Task 5 _s daily routine job hobby (1) a _ (句子:Hello, Im . Im a . ) ( ) _ (句子: _ ) ( ) go to work at_ (句子:_) ( ) go back home at_ (句子:_ ) ( ) _ after dinner ( 句子:_ ) ( ) _ before sleep (句子: _ ) 先完成以下思维导图,再写作。 ( ) sleep at _ (句子:_) 第第 5 5 课时课时 Different daily routines I 主题拓展阅读课主题拓展阅读课 教学设计教学设计 1 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是四年级下册 Module2 Daily routine 中的第五课时,教学主要内容 是两篇关于不同职业的人的日常生活作息介绍,课型定位为主题拓展阅读课, 两短文介绍中,较本模块的课本内容,主要拓展学习使用文段写作的一些常用 连接词,如:then, after,sometimes 等,并且尝试根据不同职业的特点或爱 好,进行工作与生活作息情况的介绍。本课语言主要滚动使用上学日或工作日 不同职业的相关活动、时间的表达等,让旧的语言在新的情景介绍中应用。在 本模块的前四个课时中,学生已经学习一天大部分生活作息动词短语,例如 have breakfast, have class,take exercise 等,以及时间的几种表达,如何 能让学生仿写或有条理地就自己的实际进行日常作息介绍,是本课的重点。因 此在教学时,可以使用“以读促写”的策略,让学生从仿写逐步向自行创作写 过渡。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 本班学生主要有以下特点:1、想象力丰富,喜欢游戏、故事、有一定挑战 性思维活动;2、积累了一定的自然拼读语音及本模块相关的语言基础,大部分 能自行拼读符合发音规则的新词,但开始有两极分化现象;3、部分学生对数字 的英文思维与计算能力不强,分析和解决问题的能力在发展中。从口语过渡至 三年级开始使用这套教材,学生在一二年级的口语教材,曾学习过 What time is it? 及其整点的回答,在三年级下册和四年级上册和本模块前四个课时的学习中, 学生已学习了时间的顺读和逆读的英语表达,学习了关于在校内和家里的一天 日常活动动词短语,围绕日常作息进行问答 When do you usually ? 本课时将 通过文段配图等加大语言的输入,以强化核心语言的实际应用,从而提升学生 看读的技能,通过阅读文章,学生能理解由于不同的职业,所处工作岗位的不 同或爱好、习惯等,不同类型的人会有不同的日常生活作息。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 义务教育教科书英语 四年级下册(三年级起点)Module 2 Daily routine 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)能在神奇校车的情景中,读懂两篇关于不同职业人的日常,尝试运用时间 连接词 then, after, and 等在日常作息安排的介绍中。 (2)能在情景任务中熟练运用 I usually . at . / from . to . in the morning/afternoon/evening. 以第一人称介绍日常生活的安排。 (3)通过阅读,提取信息,构建介绍日常生活的写作框架。 2. 语用目标 能尝试使用连接词,正确以第一人称就职业、爱好习惯,介绍日常生活作息。 (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 在完成学习任务中,能在与同伴和教师交流中提升表达能力。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 通过阅读,能从文本中提取信息、比较、分析要素,并尝试运用相关的信息于 实际应用中。 ( (四四) ) 文化品格目标文化品格目标 通过了解不同职业人的日常作息,体会生活的多样,感受介绍人乐于服务他人 的情感态度。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 能尝试使用连接词,正确以第一人称就职业、爱好习惯,介绍日常生活作息。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 通过阅读文章,学生能对不同职业、不同爱好和不同类型的人会有不同的日常 生活作息有一种爱的体会。 五、教学理念及策略五、教学理念及策略 (一)遵循番禺区“IIO 英语课堂教学模式”的核心理念,让学生在情景语言 输入中体验语言,在活动中内化语言,在情景任务中运用语言的路线,培养学 生的综合语言运用能力。 (二)在教学过程中,采用支架式教学的策略,让语言在不同的情景中内化, 并加深应用,培养学生的语言能力。 (三)挖掘语言应用情景中的文化,体现所学核心语言在实际语境中的工具性 和人文性。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 多媒体课件、研学案、图片、麦克风。 七、七、 教学过程教学过程 I. Preparation ( Pre-reading ) 1. Situation guide 教师:以图片回顾上几个课时谈论过的 daily routines. Jiamins daily routine, Bens daily routine, Akis daily routine, our classmates daily routines. 神奇的时钟校车,带我们走进不同职业的日常生活。 【设计意图:开门见山,情景导入,激发学生学习的好奇心。】 II.Input and Internalization (hile-reading) (一)While reading 1 1. Guess whose daily routine it is. 教师:配幅图,图文出示 学生:图文浏览,边浏览读边思考 Whats the mans job? 2. Read and answer (1) What are the differences between his and our daily routine? 学生:自由读并划出不同的生活作息句子。 (2) What do you think of his daily routine? 学生:根据老师给的句型与词语帮助,小桌讨论。 教师:给学生词句的帮助,词:busy, tired, good, not good ,healthy, unhealthy , 句:I think his daily routine is . because . 3. T summarize about the taxi drivers work. 【设计意图:通过配图帮助后进学生也能整体理解第一个职业人的日常作息, 学生两次的读,第一次浏览听读出整体意思猜测人物职业,第二次自由读出有 职业特点的日常作息,并鼓励学有余力的学生辩证地思考和大胆尝试表达自己 的想法。】 (二)While reading 2 3. Look, listen and guess whose daily routine is. 4.Read and order the sentences according to the pictures and the sentences themselves. 5.Read and check. 6.Read and compare: What are the differences between A and B in expression? Which do you like A or B ? 学生:划出两篇短文的不同表达之处 7. Summarize the linking words and theme. 【设计意图:通过听和三次的读,让学生在关注介绍的细节中,既培养了看读 的能力,又获取到写作的技巧,为学生后面的输出搭建框架。】 III.Output ( Post-reading ) 1. Situation guide T: People have different daily routines because of their jobs and sometimes their hobbies, etc. What is your hobby? Lets talk and try to write about the daily routine according to the hobby or the job. 2. Help to work out the mind map according to the information of the teacher. 学生:小组合作讨论并完善填上相关信息和句型。 3. Help to write about the daily routine of the teacher or one of family member. 学生:根据小组已完成的思维导图,帮老师写一篇以职业和爱好为中心的日常 生活介绍,或者以第一人称帮一位亲友写,但要注意先完成思维导图。(独立 完成后同桌互读分享) 【设计意图:在大情景中引导学生完善写作的思维导图范例,并作生成性的句 型板书,帮助大部分学生更容易开始写作;最后写作任务分层,让学生根据实 际选择写,让后进生也能有话可写。】 八、板书设计八、板书设计 九、作业布置九、作业布置 1.完善个人日常生活作息介绍,并圈出你所使用到的连接词。 2.完成 U4册 。 附文本 1: He works at night. He often works from 6:00 in the evening to 2:00 in the morning. He has breakfast at about 7:15. He is usually very tired in the morning. So he goes to bed at 8:00 in the morning and gets up after 3:30 in the afternoon. From 4:00 to 5:30, he takes exercise. He likes to play ball games with his friends. He often says “ I like my job, Im happy to drive my taxi well for people.” He is a taxi driver. 附文本 2: Hello, Im David. Im a _cook_. I go to work at 4:00 in the afternoon. I have dinner at 8:30 in the evening. I go back home after work at 2:30 in the morning. I go to bed at 3:45 in the morning and get up at noon. Then I cook lunch and eat. After lunch I clean the house and do
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