教科版四下-Module 5 Sports-Unit 9 It looks fun-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:b1019).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 5 Sports_Unit 9 It looks fun_Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:b1019)
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Module5 Module5 SportsSports UnitUnit9 It looks fun 9 It looks fun (period 2)(period 2) A Sports Meeting (运动会) On the playground Are they good at sports? He is playing basketball well. They are playing basketball badly. I know Friedrich. she is Jumping very high. Look at Xiaoling, she is Jumping low. Are they good at sports? The boy in blue shorts is running fast. The boy in a green T-shirt is running slowly. Are they good at sports? Lets PlayLets PlayLets PlayLets Play Is Goofy jumping high or low? He is jumping low. Is Goofy playing tennis well or badly? Goofy is playing tennis _. He is playing tennis badly. Is Goofy walking fast or slowly? He is walking slowly . Is Mr. hare running fast or slowly? He is running very fast . Is Piggy jumping high or low? He is jumping high. Lets ReadLets ReadLets ReadLets Read a reporter Im Andy the monkey. Im good at swinging. Look, Im swinging very high. What Games Are You In? Im Bobby the elephant. Weight-lifting is my game. Reporter, let me lift you up. What Games Are You In? Im Amy the rabbit. Im small, but Im _. No one can _ _ with me when I run. fastfast catchcatchupup Im Koto the kangaroo. Im doing _ _ _ today. And Im _ _ it. Look, I can jump very _. thethehighhighjumpjump goodgoodatat highhigh What Games Are You In? Im Koto the kangaroo. Im doing the high jump today. And Im good at it. Look, I can jump very high. Im Amy the rabbit. Im small, but Im fast. No one can catch up with me when I run. Im Andy the monkey. Im good at swinging. Look, Im swinging very high. Im Bobby the elephant. Weight-lifting is my game. Reporter, let me lift you up. Match the animals with their words. 把下面的动物和它们的话连起来。 Koto Andy Amy Bobby Im good at swinging. Weight-lifting is my game. I can jump very high. Im small, but Im fast. What Games Are You In? Im Koto the kangaroo. Im doing the high jump today. And Im good at it. Look, I can jump very high. Im Amy the rabbit. Im small, but Im fast. No one can catch up with me when I run. Im Andy the monkey. Im good at swinging. Look, Im swinging very high. Im Bobby the elephant. Weight-lifting is my game. Reporter, let me lift you up. What game is the Billy good at?假如外星人也来参加运动 会,他会擅长什么?请先小组讨论,再写一写。 Im Billy the alien . I am _ I m _, but I m _ Im good at _ ( _ is my game. ) Look, Im _ very _ Billy 1、 做书本P53练习; 2、拓展P31P32。 3、修改看图写话,读给父母听。 Students Analyses 学情分析学情分析 学生通过 Unit8 的学习,已经对现在进行时态有了相当的了解,能够运用 What are they doing? Is she skipping? 等 句子展开对话。本课之前已经完成了 Unit8 和 Unit9 两篇对话的学习,积累了一定的体育运动项目名称及体育明星 的背景知识;复习巩固了 be good at的用法。通过本节课学习,希望学生能够谈论某人是否擅长某项运动,并且 在现在进行时态语句中加入副词修饰,令到动作的描写更加具体。最后尝试综合运用前面所学的语言知识,对图 片中的人物及其活动加以描述。 Material Analyses 教材分析教材分析 本单元涉及主要体育项目名称在上册第十六课 games we play 中,及单元新授课中已经学过,在围绕运动话题深入 展开中,要求对人物运动状态进行比较细致地描述,例如 He is running fast. 能够运用选择疑问句进行提问与回答; 还要掌握 be good at 和 favourite sport 两个习惯表达。因为本单元的内容比较繁杂,有必要将巩固课分为两课时, 本节课为第一课时:教授副词的运用和选择疑问句的问与答,同时达到熟练运用 be good at 习惯表达。而关于 favourite sports 的内容,将留待第二节巩固课时展开。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: Vocabulary 词汇:“四会”well, badly, low; high Sentences 句型:(1) is (not) good at. (2) Is/Areing fast or slowly/high or low/ well or badly? is/are.ing fast or slowly/ high or low/ well or badly. Grammar 语法:(1)能在句子中使用副词: fast,slowly,high, low, well,badly (2)了解选择疑问句的提问形式与回答。 2.Language skill 语言技能: 能听懂描述运动情况的信息; 能阅读与运动有关的小短文。 能用 be + V- ing + 副词来描述某人的运动情况。 能用所学句子综合描述图中人物的信息并写下来。 3. Learning Strategies. 观察图片,抓住图片中心人物信息展开表达; 通过阅读,学习语言的组织形式。 4.Affect 情感态度: 激发学生热爱体育运动。 5.Culture Awareness 文化意识: 继续拓展对体育项目和体育明星的见闻。 Language focused & difficult point 教学重难点:教学重难点: 教学重点:(1) 副词在句子中的灵活运用; (2) 能够正确回答选择疑问句。 教学难点:综合运用以前学习的句子描述图中人物的信息。 Teaching Strategies 教学策略教学策略 1. 利用有趣的动画资源,创设符合教学内容需要的真实情景,激发学生学习语言、运用语言的兴趣。 2. 通过新旧知识的一步步整合,引导学生围绕话题,搭建知识体系。 3. 通过阅读,输入结构范例,根据句型提示,构建自己的看图写话框架。 Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 1、教学 PPT 课件, 2、阅读短文一篇,改编自拓展读与写 3、学生 A4 纸画好一幅图片:自己正在进行自己喜爱的体育活动。 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities 教学步骤教学步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies and purpose/ 策略与意图策略与意图 Warming up 热身热身 Activity 1: Make up sentences Activity 2: Read a rhyme. Activity 1: Look, say and doing. Activity 2: Read and do actions. 1、 通过人称代词与动词词组的随机 搭配造句,帮助学生熟练运用现在 进行时态表达。 2、进一步活跃课堂学习气氛;感知副 词 fast-slowly, high-low。 Revision 复习复习 Activity 3: Free talk What sport do you usually do? Which sport are you good at? Look, what are they doing? Activity 3: 跟老师进行 Free talk: 看图片,说出图中人物进行的体育活 动。 3复习体育运动项目名称,为后继活 动做铺垫;创设对话情境,增强学生 对一般现在时态与现在进行时态的综 合运用能力。 Presentation and Practice 呈现和操练呈现和操练 Activity4: 出示运动图片,对比教授 6 个副词: slowly,high, low, well,badly e.g. Which sport is he good at? he is playing basketball well. 对比图片 Is/Are good at? Activity5: 出示本班学生相片,请该学生做动 作,引导其他学生谈论。e.g. Activity4: 看图片回答 He/ She is good at e.g. Yao Ming is good at playing basketball. He is playing basketball well. He is not good at playing basketball。 He is playing basketball badly. Activity5: 根据图片回答:He/ She is ing 4.创设情境,引入新知,在此环节通 过对比完成 6 个副词的教授:有利于 学生的理解与记忆。 5、了解身边同学的情况,初步理解选 择疑问句的提问与回答。 Is he running fast or slowly? Activity6: Summary,梳理主要句型。 Activity 7 作播放动画,做 guessing game。 综合练习 6 个副词及选择疑问句; Activity 8: 书上 P33,练习 2. 连续地介绍一个人运动方面的情况。 Activity6: 回忆,巩固 Activity 7 观看、猜测;理解老师使用选择疑问 句的问题,并做出选择。 Activity 8: 完成练习,核对答案。 6、及时梳理句型,巩固记忆。 7、在有趣的情境中,综合运用六个副 词;操练选择疑问句的提问与回答。 8、完成练习,检查副词掌握情况;巩 固副词的拼写。 Development 拓展拓展 Activity 9 引入、呈现小短文: What Games Are You in? 开展阅读活动 Activity 10 A. 讲解要求,给出 tips; B. 引导学生看图描述; Activity 11: 完成写话 Activity 12: 播放歌曲 Lets Play。 Activity 9 (1) 阅读、猜测、填空。 (2) 通读、连线。 Activity10 A. 倾听、理解; B. 个别学生尝试口头表达。 Activity 111: 看图写话、汇报交流。 Activity 12: Sing the song. 9、 (1)练习朗读,学习在语段中运用所学 语言填空; (2)学习关键词句, 。 10、理解情境,从 tips 中学习话语的 组织; 讨论交流,拓宽思路。 11、读写并重.。 12、以歌曲的形式总结本节课所学重 点内容。 Homework 作业作业 A. 号本,做书 P38 练习 1; B. 拓展 P31P32。 完成作业;巩固选择疑问句的回答; 课外延伸阅读。 C. 修改,朗读看图写话给父母听。 Designing on the board 板书板书 Module3 Work with Language(Part I) He is good at playing basketball. He is playing basketball well. She is not good at doing the high jump. She is jumping low. Is he running fast or slowly? He is running fast. 附件:附件: 学生阅读的 worksheets,另附后。
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