教科EEC版六年级下册Unit1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon-Class 1 Textbook p.4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:f1655).zip

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The Talent Show Is Coming Soon ( Unit 1-2 整合语篇) 小学英语高年级阅读教学 科教版EEC小学英语六年级 Yiyang Qianxi Wang Yuan Wang Junkai TF BOYS Band drummer pianist guitar player Team BTeam A I will divide you into two teams . Try your best to get the invitation card for the talent show . (分为两组,赢得小组可以获得(分为两组,赢得小组可以获得 校园演唱会的邀请函。)校园演唱会的邀请函。) 694815 Listen and answer (听录音思考问题) Who is ready(准备) for the talent show? What do they want to do for the talent show ? To make a band. Read and underline(默读勾画答案) To make a band, what members(成员) do they need? The school is having a talent show soon. Everyone is excited. They all want to do something interesting for the show. Jim is a drummer and Jenny is a good guitar player. They want to make a band. But they need a singer. Xiaoxiao sings the best in his class, so he joins them. Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. Without a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member (成员) of the band. Now, they practice hard every day. They hope they can win the first prize in the talent show. 4 Talk about the story 谈论故事 The school is having a talent show soon. Everyone is excited. They all want to do something interesting for the show. 12 3 4 Jim is good at playing the drums and Jenny is a good guitar player. They want to make a band. But they need a singer. Xiaoxiao sings the best in his class, so he joins them. Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. Without a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member ( 成员) of the band. Now, they practice hard every day. They hope they can win the first prize in the talent show. 5 Talk about the story 谈论故事 The school is having a talent show soon. Everyone is excited. They all want to do something interesting for the show. 12 34 Jim playing the drums and Jenny is a good guitar player. They want to . But they need a singer. Xiaoxiao sings the best in his class, so he joins them. Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. Without a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member ( 成员) of the band. Now, they practice hard every day. They hope they can win the first prize in the talent show. is good at make a band What is Jim good at (擅长)? be good at +V-ing 擅长做某事 Jenny is good at playing the guitar.Jim is good at playing the drums. How about Jenny? 6 Talk about the story 谈论故事 The school is having a talent show soon. Everyone is excited. They all want to do something interesting for the show. 12 3 4 Jim is good at playing the drums and Jenny is a good guitar player. They want to make a band. But they need a . Xiaoxiao sings the best in his class, so he joins them. Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. Without a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member ( 成员) of the band. Now, they practice hard every day. They hope they can win the first prize in the talent show. singer 7 Talk about the story 谈论故事 The school is having a talent show soon. Everyone is excited. They all want to do something interesting for the show. 12 34 Jim is good at playing the drums and Jenny is a good guitar player. They want to make a band. But they need a singer . Xiaoxiao sings the best in his class, so he joins them. Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. Without a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member ( 成员) of the band. Now, they practice hard every day. They hope they can win the first prize in the talent show. Does Qiaoqiao want to join them? What is Qiaoqiao good at? Tips: dance, sing, play the piano, play the violin 8 Talk about the story 谈论故事 too youngpianistjoin the band Make a guess: 猜一猜 Why does Xiaoxiao say no?What is Qiaoqiao good at? Can Qiaoqiao join them? Why? Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member (成员) of the band. Without_ Without a pianist, we cant make a band. Without a singer, we cant make a band. Make more sentences.造句 11 Without _, we cant _.We should love everything in our life. 爱周围的一切 flour air eyes feet make pancakes live see walk 00:0000:3000:2900:2800:2700:2600:2500:2400:2300:2200:2100:2000:1900:1800:1700:1600:1500:1400:1300:1200:1100:1000:0900:0800:0700:0600:0500:0400:0300:0200:0100:00 parants friends air 9 Talk about the story 谈论故事 The school is having a talent show soon. Everyone is excited. They all want to do something interesting for the show. 1 2 3 4 Jim is good at playing the drums and Jenny is a good guitar player. They want to make a band. But they need a singer . Xiaoxiao sings the best in his class, so he joins them. Qiaoqiao wants to participate in the show, too. But they think he is too young to be in the band. In fact, Qiaoqiao is a good pianist. Without a pianist, they cant make a good band. Finally, Qiaoqiao becomes a member ( 成员) of the band. Now, they every day. They hope they can win the first prize in the talent show. practice hard practice hard 刻苦练习 study hard 刻苦学习 work hard 努力工作 Make a guess, can they win the first prize?Why? 猜一猜,他们能否赢得一等奖,为什么 ? 10 15 swim play the piano read run skate sing Yao Ming(姚明) Team A Team B Rules: Make more sentences. (用指针指向的单词造句) swim 2 read 1 run 1 sing 1 play 3 Yao Ming Lang Lang 3 TF Boys Liu Xiang skate 2 3 e.g. Jim is good at playing the drums. Langlang play skate Liuxiang run TFBoys read sing 11 If you are Jim, do you want Qiaoqiao to join your band? Why?如果你是Jim,你是否同意Qiaoqiao加入你们乐队?为什么? e.g. I agree. Because he is a good pianist.He can play the piano very well. e.g. I disagree. Because he is too young./ He is not a good singer. (两组展开辩论 ) I agree. Because he is He can agree(同意): play the piano without a pianist He is good at playing the piano. a good pianist We need a pianist. too young disagree(不同意): too short not good at singing We dont need a pianist. He can not play the piano very well. Team A Team B I disagree. Because he is not / He cant 12 * start 当字母i 发/ai/时大声读出单词,若不 是,不仅要读出单词还要抱头 12 bike singe r sing Jim winlikes guitar withoutpianist prize singerwinWithout prizelikes Jimpianist bike singguitar 7 is aplayer. Xiaoxiao ing. He is a . They need a . a pianist, they cant the . 14 Group work: predict the result(预测续写故事) Win? Lose? (结果) 15 3 Retell the passage(根据图示复述课文) When you success, conceited or rash, do not float is not proud. 不骄不躁,不浮不傲 When you lose, continue to be strong and persevered. 再接再厉,锲而不舍 16 . Oral work: Retell the story (复述课文) . Written work: Continue the story ( 续写故事) Homework 17 Thank you ! 英英 语语 教教 学学 设设 计计 授课题目授课题目 The School Talent Show Is Coming Soon! 教教 学学 目目 标标 1、知识目标:Words: singer, make a band, guitar player, drummer, pianist Sentences: is good at ; Withoutwe cant 2、能力目标:提高学生听说读写的能力;引导学生掌握有效的阅读策略,提高阅读 兴趣。 3、情感目标:通过活动、游戏使学生对阅读产生兴趣;让学生敢于、乐于开口,积 极参与交流。并让学生在学习的过程中,培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识。 教学教学 重、重、 难点难点 1.教学重点:掌握目标词汇 运用重点句型造句。 2. 教学难点:根据关键词复述课文内容并预测故事发展。 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1: Lead- in Watch a video of TFboys Step 2: New concepts a. Pre-reading Assessment Listen and answer Read again and underline the key words. b. While-reading Talk about pictures. 观看有关于 TFBOYS 的现 场演唱会 介绍教学评价 播放录音并出示问题 给时间让学生默读并思 考 介绍故事背景,创设情 观看视频 带着问题听录音 默读并勾画关键词 认真看图,快速浏览 吸引学生的注意 力,激发学习兴 趣,奠定学习基 础,引出课上主 题:talent show 创设真实情境 掌握主旨大意 Picture 1: T: Look at the picture, are these students happy? Why? Picture 2: T: What is Jim good at? How about Jenny? 重点短语:be good at + V-ing make a band Picture 3: T:Jim and Jenny want to make a band, but they need a singer, who will be the singer and why? 重点词汇: singer Picture 4: T: Now, Jim, Jenny and Xiaoxiao want to make a band, but where is Qiaoqiao? Can he join the band? Why does Xiaoxiao say 境 出示相关图片,并设置 问题 教师出示句型结构并出 示例句 出示第三幅图,和第三 段相关内容 设置游戏,区分字母 i 在不同单词中的发音 出图以及相关文字信息, 遮挡重点信息,设置问 题让学生猜测被遮挡的 内容 并抓取关键词 观察图,结合图片 信息回答问题 学生重复并模仿, 利用句型结构和关 键词造句 结合图片猜测 singer 的意思 充分发挥想象,运 用所学知识大胆预 测故事的发展 培养学生泛读的 能力,并培养抓 取关键词的能力 通过问题引导的 阅读策略,引出 教学重点 通过幸运转盘的 游戏让学生机械 操练此句型 利用图片信息猜 测词义 通过游戏让学生 掌握自然拼读的 方法,更好的区 分相同字母的不 同发音。 让学生充分发挥 主观能动性,大 胆预测文本内容, 并陈述自己的理 由,提高孩子的 no? What is Qiaoqiao good at? Lets discuss. If you are Jim, do you want Qiaoqiao join your band? Why? c. Post-reading Level 1:Retell the story Level 2: Predict the result Level 3: Write down what do you want to say Emotional extension Step 4: Homework a. Retell the story b. Continue the story 出示论点并提供论据的 相关词汇以及句型 完成思维导图,给出关 键词 情感延伸 布置作业 通过小组合作的方 式,给出不同意见 并陈述理由 根据思维导图用自 己的语言复述 口语表达能力 通过辩论的方式 解决矛盾,提升 思维含量 通过复述课文检 测学生掌握情况, 并预测比赛结果, 续写故事 通过对比赛结果 的预测,成功也 好失败也好,传 递给学生一种正 确的人生观和价 值观,并且让学 生学会正确对待 成败的态度 将思维训练延伸 到课后,通过续 写故事提高学生 的写作能力 作作 业业 设设 计计 1. 复述故事 2. 续写故事 板板 书书 设设 计计 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon! drummer The Talent Show guitar player Jim Jenny singer make a band pianist Xiaoxiao Qiaoqiao
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