教科EEC版五下Unit2 What Do You Want to Be -Class 2 Textbook p.15-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:3026e).zip

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Unit 2 What do you want to be? 1 policemanstudent teachersinger Say these words quickly.快速说出下列词Make sentences. 请用下面的词造几个句子 Example:Im a policeman. I like helping people. 飞行员 pilot pilot plane 飞机 fly 驾驶 s I want to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. 1 engineer 工程师 engineer spaceship 宇宙飞船 design 设计 I want to be an engineer. I want to design spaceships. s Make sentences pilot fly planes engineer design spaceships What does your deskmate want to be? Do you want to know? There are some sentences can help you. What do you want to be? 你想成为什么? I want to . What do you want to do? 你想干什么? I want to . sing wonderful songs help sick people fly planes design spaceships draw pictures play the violin sing swim What do you want to be? I want to be a/an _. What do you want to do? I want to _. cook doctor pilot engineer artist violinist singer swimmer (可用别的词)(可用别的词) think and guess Dongdong wants to be. Dongdong wants to do. Jane wants to be . Jane wants to do. Dongdong wants to be. Dongdong wants to do. Jane wants to be . Jane wants to do. listen and answer What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. That sounds great. I want to be an engineer. What do you want to do? I want to design spaceships. Reading follows the radio. Hello,my name is _,I m a _(girl / boy).I m _ years old. I m in Class _,Grade _. I have a dream, I want to be( a / an) _, I want to(I like.)_. 写 特写 Step three Extension I want to be an _(engineer). Stevens father is an _. A cook B pilot C engineer Tom wants to be a engineer. _ I want to_ planes.A flying B flies C fly I want to design spaceships.(划线部分提问) _ I want to be a pilot.(就划线部分提问) _ engineer C an What do you want to do? What do you want to be? Step three Extension c 梦想成真是有可能的,正是这一点, 让生命变得有趣。 Thank You! 1 1 课题:Unit2 What Do You Want to Be? 教材分析:本节课是教材分析:本节课是 EECEEC 教材小学英语五年级教材小学英语五年级 Lesson2Lesson2 WhatWhat DoDo YouYou WantWant toto Be?Be? 的第二课型核心语言训练课。本的第二课型核心语言训练课。本 课的主要内容是以上节课课的主要内容是以上节课 SandySandy 和和 DongdongDongdong 讨论未来的理想职业为讨论未来的理想职业为 基础,将本单元的重要语言功能体现在有情境的图片中。归纳本单元基础,将本单元的重要语言功能体现在有情境的图片中。归纳本单元 的重点句型,拓展相关词汇和句式。同时故事中渗透了以人为本的教的重点句型,拓展相关词汇和句式。同时故事中渗透了以人为本的教 育思想,注重孩子的综合发展。育思想,注重孩子的综合发展。 学情分析:五年级的学生已经具备了一定的语言学习能力和学习方法。学情分析:五年级的学生已经具备了一定的语言学习能力和学习方法。 储备了一些语言知识。能借助图片的提示描述或讲述简单小故事。他储备了一些语言知识。能借助图片的提示描述或讲述简单小故事。他 们已经掌握了一些与职业有关的词汇,为本课学生自主学习奠定了基们已经掌握了一些与职业有关的词汇,为本课学生自主学习奠定了基 础。础。 教学目标:根据义务教育英语课程标准要求并结合本课教材和学生实教学目标:根据义务教育英语课程标准要求并结合本课教材和学生实 际,我将本课的学习目标定为:际,我将本课的学习目标定为: 1 1、借助图片及录音,能听懂并能问平时干什么。、借助图片及录音,能听懂并能问平时干什么。 2 2、能正确认读所学词语及朗读课文。、能正确认读所学词语及朗读课文。 3 3、能熟练运用频率副词。、能熟练运用频率副词。 教学重难点:熟练运用句型:教学重难点:熟练运用句型:WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? 教学方法:情景法,教学方法:情景法, 小组合作法,示范法小组合作法,示范法 教学准备:多媒体教学准备:多媒体 卡片卡片 教学过程教学过程 Step1.Step1. WarmingWarming upup andand leadingleading inin(44) Greeting to classmates.Today,lets play a game,review some jobs ,say them and more sentences.Singer,teacher,policeman,student.By this, 2 students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class. Step2.Step2. Presentation(Presentation( 1919 ) ) Then,learn new lesson. (1)show the pictures of this unit.pilot ,engineer,cook,doctor T:Whats this? SS:飞机 T:plane its a plane. Ss: plane,Its a plane. T: What does he do? Fly planes Ss: fly planes T: Who is flying planes? Ss: 飞行员 T:pilot p-i-l-o-t pilot Ss: pilot p-i-l-o-t T:Do you want to be a pilot? Do you want to fly planes? Ss: Yes. T: I want to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. T:Whats this? SS:宇宙飞船 3 T:Spaceship its a spaceship . Ss: spaceship its a spaceship. T: design spaceships Ss: design spaceships T: Who is designing spaceships? Ss: 工程师 T:engineer e-n-g-i-n-e-e-r Ss: engineer e-n-g-i-n-e-e-r T:Do you want to be an engineer? Do you want to design spaceships? Ss: Yes. T: I want to be an engineer. I want to design spaceships. The purpose of this step is to study the new words and sentences by some pictures. (2)T: Lets play a game. Can you make sentences with these phrases? Ss; Yes. T: Lets try. ( 3 )T: What does your deskmate want to be? Do you want to know? There are some sentences can help you. What do you want to be? I want to be . 4 What do you want to do? I want to . 1.Conversation between a teacher and students. ( 3 ) 2. Conversation between students and students. ( 6 ) The purpose of this step is to consolidate the sentences. ( 4 )Reading the book Think and guess.Dongdong wants to be, Dongdong wants to do. Jane wants to be. Jane wants to do. Listen and answer.Dongdong wants to be a pilot.He wants to fly planes. Jane wants to be a engineer.She wants to design spaceships Reading follows the radio. The purpose of this step is to back to textbook.Make students familiar with the text.Task-based and cooperation method are used here. Lead students hold the key points and improve reading skill. Step3.Step3. ExtensionExtension(1010) (1)Write a composition My Dream. My Dream Hello,my name is _,I m a _(girl / boy).I m _ years old. I m in Class _,Grade _. I have a dream, I want to be( a / an) _,I want to(I like.)_. 5 Students write it during the class.Some students read it on the platform. The purpose of this step is to enhance the ability of writing sentences. (2)I want to be an _(art). Stevens father is an _.A cook B pilot C engineer Tom wants to be a engineer. _ I want to design spaceships.(划线部分提问) _ I want to be a pilot.(就划线部分提问) _ He wants to be a doctor.(划线部分提问) _ The purpose of this step is to practice spelling the new words and consolidate the knowledge we learn in this lesson. SetpSetp 4.Summary4.Summary( 55) Boys and girls.You should have a dream and study for the dream. When you grow up, you will be the useful people. At last , I will give you a sentence Its the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. StepStep 5.5. HomeworkHomework(22) 1. Classify jobs into certain types. 6 2.Write a composition My dream into your exercise book.
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