- what do you want to be 反思.doc--点击预览
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EECEEC 小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? 反思反思 本节课是本节课是 EECEEC 小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be?复习指导课,复习指导课,在本节课的教学活动中,我注重培养了同学的在本节课的教学活动中,我注重培养了同学的 听、说、读、写能力,注重学生理解能力并调动了同学学习英语的听、说、读、写能力,注重学生理解能力并调动了同学学习英语的 积极性。积极性。在开始上课时,我让学生看大量的关于职业的图在开始上课时,我让学生看大量的关于职业的图 片,让学生认知不同的职业,通过看说出职业的英语发音。他们对片,让学生认知不同的职业,通过看说出职业的英语发音。他们对 这个活动非常感兴趣,立刻吸引了同学们的注意力,调动了他们学这个活动非常感兴趣,立刻吸引了同学们的注意力,调动了他们学 习英语的积极性。然后我在习英语的积极性。然后我在 PPTPPT 中呈现点拨中呈现点拨 1 1 和点拨和点拨 2 2,更能让学,更能让学 生明确本节课的重点句型。生明确本节课的重点句型。WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? 和和 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do?及回答。之后给学生充分的时间去练习这两个句型,及回答。之后给学生充分的时间去练习这两个句型, 几组同学到前面表演对话。最后出示试卷,完成了三种不同类型的几组同学到前面表演对话。最后出示试卷,完成了三种不同类型的 练习题。学生们根据所练习题。学生们根据所 职业的单词以及句型,游刃有余的完成了练习题。职业的单词以及句型,游刃有余的完成了练习题。 本节课不足之处就是有一部分学生没有参与到课堂中,对话练习本节课不足之处就是有一部分学生没有参与到课堂中,对话练习 的时间较短,没有考虑到全体学生。情感教育也不够深刻。的时间较短,没有考虑到全体学生。情感教育也不够深刻。 EECEEC 小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? 评课稿评课稿 郭老师执教的这一课堂清晰实在,扎实系统,动静结合的英语郭老师执教的这一课堂清晰实在,扎实系统,动静结合的英语 课。教师能以新的课程理念为指导,充分考虑学生的年龄特点,在课。教师能以新的课程理念为指导,充分考虑学生的年龄特点,在 本节课的教学设计和组织上注重的以下特点。本节课的教学设计和组织上注重的以下特点。 在教学中采取在教学中采取“以人为本,以学促教以人为本,以学促教”的教学原则,通过教师的教学原则,通过教师 有序的导、生动活泼的启发教学,激发学生积极的参与、体验、合有序的导、生动活泼的启发教学,激发学生积极的参与、体验、合 作与交流,充分发挥了学生的主体作用。整节课自作与交流,充分发挥了学生的主体作用。整节课自 1 1,图片导入,图片导入, 充分调动起学生兴趣充分调动起学生兴趣. .良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的 作用作用. .本堂课一开始,教师就用图片导入新课。老师设计一系列的图本堂课一开始,教师就用图片导入新课。老师设计一系列的图 片,让学生大声用英语说出相应的单词。然后把本节课重点句型分片,让学生大声用英语说出相应的单词。然后把本节课重点句型分 别列出点拨别列出点拨 1 1 和点拨和点拨 2 2,让学生清晰的了解到本节课的所学内容。,让学生清晰的了解到本节课的所学内容。 再加上让学生到台前表演对话,更能让学生对单词和句子加以掌握。再加上让学生到台前表演对话,更能让学生对单词和句子加以掌握。 最后设计了三个类型的练习题,也都是考试常考的题型,学生们很最后设计了三个类型的练习题,也都是考试常考的题型,学生们很 容易的做出正确答案。容易的做出正确答案。 本节课值得探讨的地方:本节课值得探讨的地方: 在本堂课中,郭老师还可以增加课堂的足够多的在本堂课中,郭老师还可以增加课堂的足够多的 input(input(输入输入) ), 这样学生才能有更多的这样学生才能有更多的 outout put(put(输出输出).). 学生已经掌握的知识就没学生已经掌握的知识就没 有必要反反复复,浪费时间!我认为,活动与游戏的难度要使学生有必要反反复复,浪费时间!我认为,活动与游戏的难度要使学生 能能“轻轻一跃而后得轻轻一跃而后得” ,最大程度地激发学生的参与热情,使课堂充,最大程度地激发学生的参与热情,使课堂充 满悬念和挑战,使学生乐于尝试并有机会在其中体验成功。因此,满悬念和挑战,使学生乐于尝试并有机会在其中体验成功。因此, 我认为在课堂中,教师应适当设置悬念,操练的对话的时候不需要我认为在课堂中,教师应适当设置悬念,操练的对话的时候不需要 将所有的信息全部交代清楚,让学生能最大限度地展开想象的翅膀,将所有的信息全部交代清楚,让学生能最大限度地展开想象的翅膀, 在英语的天空中飞翔。在英语的天空中飞翔。 EECEEC 小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? 说课稿说课稿 一、一、教学内容:教学内容: EECEEC 小学英语五年级小学英语五年级 UnitUnit 2What2What dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be?复习课复习课 二:教材分析:二:教材分析: 本课以本课以“你想当什么?你想当什么?”为话题进行以职业内容的问答训练,让为话题进行以职业内容的问答训练,让 学生学会用英语进行初步的日常生活交流;掌握本课的英语语言知学生学会用英语进行初步的日常生活交流;掌握本课的英语语言知 识与技能识与技能; ;在学习与操练过程的同时,发展学生的思维、想象、合作在学习与操练过程的同时,发展学生的思维、想象、合作 等能力;体验获得知识的快乐;教育学生尊重每一种职业,更珍惜等能力;体验获得知识的快乐;教育学生尊重每一种职业,更珍惜 现在。现在。 三:学情分析:三:学情分析: 五年级的小学生,已经具备较扎实的英语基础知识与较强的语言五年级的小学生,已经具备较扎实的英语基础知识与较强的语言 技能学习能力,模仿、记忆能力较强。本课教学内容直接贴入学生技能学习能力,模仿、记忆能力较强。本课教学内容直接贴入学生 生活实际,学生有一定的生活经验,包括潜能生学习起来也会积极生活实际,学生有一定的生活经验,包括潜能生学习起来也会积极 性很高;性格普遍活泼好动,爱玩、爱活动、爱与人交流,有自我性很高;性格普遍活泼好动,爱玩、爱活动、爱与人交流,有自我 意识,具备较强的接受能力;有的学生能掌握正确的学习策略,比意识,具备较强的接受能力;有的学生能掌握正确的学习策略,比 如:自己能独立预习、查找资料、利用工具书等;有些学生对英语如:自己能独立预习、查找资料、利用工具书等;有些学生对英语 的学习情绪高涨,而有些则表现出缺乏持续性。的学习情绪高涨,而有些则表现出缺乏持续性。 四:教学设计理念:四:教学设计理念: 新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培 养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技 能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素 养为基础。所以,本节课中,我首先确定了学习策略:让学生预习养为基础。所以,本节课中,我首先确定了学习策略:让学生预习 时查找资料,在课堂上输出展示、放手让学生担当小老师,这样,时查找资料,在课堂上输出展示、放手让学生担当小老师,这样, 可以发展学生自主学习、探究学习的能力,体验通过自己的努力而可以发展学生自主学习、探究学习的能力,体验通过自己的努力而 获得知识的快乐。获得知识的快乐。 五、教学目标的确立:五、教学目标的确立: 1.1.运用图片复习本课所用的单词,学生能听懂和说出图片上的运用图片复习本课所用的单词,学生能听懂和说出图片上的 职业。职业。 2.2.学生能自由讨论未来想从事的职业。学生能自由讨论未来想从事的职业。 3.3.能在掌握职业听和说的基础上完成练习题。能在掌握职业听和说的基础上完成练习题。 4.4.在培养学生口语表达的同时,进行情感教育,我们应该尊重在培养学生口语表达的同时,进行情感教育,我们应该尊重 每一种职业。每一种职业。 六、教学重难点:六、教学重难点: 1.1.学会使用重点句型学会使用重点句型“What“What dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be?及回答及回答 I I wantwant toto bebe a/ana/an和和 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do?及回答及回答 I I wantwant toto + +动词原形。动词原形。 ”的用法。的用法。 2.2.把所学句型融会贯通到各种练习题中。把所学句型融会贯通到各种练习题中。 八、教学过程八、教学过程: StepStep 1 1 ReviewReview 复习复习 1.1. DailyDaily greetings.greetings. 2.2. HaveHave a a dialoguedialogue betweenbetween thethe teacherteacher andand thethe students.students. T:T: WhatWhat doesdoes he/shehe/she do?do? S:S: He/SheHe/She isis a/ana/an StepStep 2 2 检查预习检查预习 StudyStudy “ LetLets s seesee 点拨点拨 1+21+2 ” WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice inin pairspairs StudentsStudents practicepractice thethe dialogdialog inin pairs.pairs. StepStep 4 4 ExerciseExercise 1.1. 连词成句连词成句. . 2.2. 完型填空完型填空. . 3.3. 阅读理解阅读理解. . Homework:Homework: ReadRead thethe dialogdialog andand copycopy thethe newnew words.words. Unit2 teacher pilot cook doctor astronaut policeman vet pianist driver swimmer farmer violinist engineer artist student 点拨点拨1: What do you want to be? “你想要当什么?你想要当什么?” I want to be a/an +职业职业 “我想要当我想要当” 点拨点拨2: What do you want to do? “你想要做什么?你想要做什么?” I want to + 动词原型动词原型 “我想要我想要” What do you want to do? cook wonderful foodI want to What do you want to do? I want tohelp sick people What do you want to do? I want tofly planes What do you want to do? I want todraw some pictures What do you want to do? I want to play the piano What do you want to do? I want toswim What do you want to do? I want toteach English What do you want to do? I want todesign What do you want to do? I want to play the violin What do you want to do? I want to work at the farm What do you want to do? I want to drive a car What do you want to do? I want to work at the police station What do you want to do? I want to explore the moon What do you want to do? I want to take care of animals What do you want to do? I want to play A:A: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? B:B: I I wantwant toto bebe a/ana/an A:A: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? B:B: I I wantwant toto 1. do be What want you to ? 2.a want I to be cook . 3. want What do do you to ? 4. planes I want fly to . 连词成句连词成句 What do you want to be? I want to be a cook. What do you want to do? I want to fly planes. Sandy: 1 do you want to be? Dongdong: I want to be a 2 . I want 3 planes Jane: That 4 great. I want to be 5 engineer. Sandy: What do you want to 6 ? Jane: I want to 7 spaceships . Tino: Wow, thats fantastic! I never thought about my 8 . Jane: 9 be so sad ,Tino. Lets 10 it now. 1.A How B What C Where 2.A pilot B cook C engineer 3.A to fly B fly C flying 4.A to sound B sounding C sounds 5.A the B an C a 6.A do B be C eat 7.A do B have C design 8.A trip B job C dog 9.A dont B Dont C Do 10.A think B think about C to think Hello! Im Billy, Im a student now. My father is an engineer, he likes making some robots. My mother is a teacher. She works at a middle school, She teaches English every day. My brother wants to be a cook, He wants to cook wonderful food. My sister likes taking care of sick animals, So she wants to be a vet. I want to catch(抓捕抓捕) the bad guys. Can you guess my future(未来未来) job? ( )1.Billys father is a teacher. ( )2.Billys sister likes taking care of sick animals. ( )3.His mother teaches English. ( )4.Billy wants to be an artist. ( )5.there are four people in Billys family. 1.Billy is a now. 2.His mother a middle school. 3.Does Billys brother want to be a cook? , . 4.Billy wants to be a in the future. 判断对错。(对判断对错。(对T,错,错F) F T T F T student he doesYes policeman works at Homework: 一星作业 :Copy the new words three times and the sentences two times.抄写本课时的新词三遍,句子两遍. 二星作业 :Talk about what your future job with your friend.和你的朋友 谈论一下你未来想当什么? 连词成句连词成句 1. do be What want you to ? 2. a want I to be cook . 3. want What do do you to ? 4. planes I want fly to . 完形填空完形填空 Sandy: 1 do you want to be? Dongdong: I want to be a 2 . I want 3 planes Jane: That 4 great. I want to be 5 engineer. Sandy: What do you want to 6 ? Jane: I want to 7 spaceships . Tino: Wow, thats fantastic! I never thought about my 8 . Jane: 9 be so sad , Tino. Lets 10 it now. 1. A How B What C Where 2. A pilot B cook C engineer 3. A to fly B fly C flying 4. A to sound B sounding C sounds 5. A the B an C a 6. A do B be C eat 7. A do B have C design 8. A trip B job C dog 9. A dont B Dont C Do 10. A think B think about C to think 阅读理解阅读理解 Hello! Im Billy, Im a student now. My father is an engineer, he likes making some robots. My mother is a teacher. She works at a middle school, She teaches English every day. My brother wants to be a cook, He wants to cook wonderful food. My sister likes taking care of sick animals, So she wants to be a vet. I want to catch(抓捕抓捕) the bad guys. Can you guess my future(未来未来) job? ( )1.Billys father is a teacher. ( )2.Billys sister likes taking care of sick animals. ( )3.His mother teaches English. ( )4.Billy wants to be an artist. ( )5.there are four people in Billys family. 1. Billy is a now. 2. His mother a middle school. 3. Does Billys brother want to be a cook? , . 4. Billy wants to be a in the future. EECEEC 小学五年级下册小学五年级下册 UnitUnit 2What2What DoDo YouYou WantWant toto Be?Be?教学设计教学设计 教材分析:教材分析: 1、EEC 教材是由黑龙江省教材是由黑龙江省 EEC 学院编写的小学英语教材。根据小学学院编写的小学英语教材。根据小学 生的年龄特点和性格爱好,教材选取学生喜闻乐见的生活内容,以生生的年龄特点和性格爱好,教材选取学生喜闻乐见的生活内容,以生 动的故事为主线,并配有欢快音乐的学习磁带,着重培养学生的听说动的故事为主线,并配有欢快音乐的学习磁带,着重培养学生的听说 能力和交际能力,养成良好的学习习惯。能力和交际能力,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、本课是、本课是 EEC 教材第六册第二课,主要内容是学习问答自己的理想。教材第六册第二课,主要内容是学习问答自己的理想。 锻炼学生的听说能力和日常口语交际能力,知道从小就要有自己的理锻炼学生的听说能力和日常口语交际能力,知道从小就要有自己的理 想,向着自己的理想目标努力。想,向着自己的理想目标努力。 3 学情分析:教学对象为五年级学生,英语学习已有一定基础,结合学情分析:教学对象为五年级学生,英语学习已有一定基础,结合 这一年龄段学生的特点,充分利用图片、角色扮演等手段,调动学生这一年龄段学生的特点,充分利用图片、角色扮演等手段,调动学生 的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效率,取得良好的教学效果。的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效率,取得良好的教学效果。 教学目标:教学目标: 1 1本节课为复习指导,要求学生本节课为复习指导,要求学生通过看图,通过看图,能掌握关于职业的单词能掌握关于职业的单词 (pilot,pilot, plane,plane, engineerengineer,spaceshipspaceship 等。)等。) 2 2掌握两组问答掌握两组问答:What do you want to be? - I want to be a/an.;what do you want to do? I want to +动词原型。动词原型。 3要求能自己编写对话并与伙伴进行对话表演并能根据本节课所学要求能自己编写对话并与伙伴进行对话表演并能根据本节课所学 重点句型独立完成练习题。重点句型独立完成练习题。 4 4、通过学生感知、体验、参与和合作培养学生交际能力、口语表达、通过学生感知、体验、参与和合作培养学生交际能力、口语表达 能力和分析理解能力。能力和分析理解能力。 教学重点:能听说认读重点句型和单词教学重点:能听说认读重点句型和单词 pilot,pilot, plane,plane, engineerengineer,spaceshipspaceship 及及 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be?及回答。及回答。 教学难点:在实践中熟练区分运用教学难点:在实践中熟练区分运用 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? 和和 WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? 及回答。及回答。 提高学生的阅读分析能力。提高学生的阅读分析能力。 教学过程:教学过程: I I WarmingWarming upup T:T: Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls.girls. Ss:Ss: HelloHello ! T:T: HowHow isis itit going?going? Ss:Ss: JustJust great.great. IIIILearningLearning T:T: NowNow pleaseplease turnturn toto page15page15 andand readread thethe lastlast dialogdialog loudly.loudly. Ss:Ss: TurnTurn andand readread thethe dialog.dialog. T:T: GoodGood job.OK,Dojob.OK,Do youyou wantwant toto knowknow whatwhat I I usuallyusually dodo afterafter school?school? Ss:Ss: Yes.Yes. T:T: I I usuallyusually learnlearn EnglishEnglish andand readread books.books. BecauseBecause I I amam a a teacher.teacher. I I likelike teaching.teaching. I I wantwant toto getget a a lotlot ofof know-ledgeknow-ledge fromfrom books.books. DoDo youyou wantwant toto bebe a a teacher?teacher? Ss:Ss: Yes,Yes, I I do./No,do./No, I I dont.dont. T:T: YouYou know,know, therethere areare soso manymany jobsjobs inin thethe world.world. LookLook atat thesethese pictures.pictures. WhatWhat dodo theythey do?do? Ss:Ss: LookLook andand say.(Hessay.(Hes /Shes/Shes a/ana/an ) T:T: AlthoughAlthough theirtheir jobsjobs areare unun spectacular,spectacular, theythey areare allall soso great.great. T:T: NowNow letslets learnlearn importantimportant sentences.sentences. 点拨点拨 1 1:WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? ( (板书板书) ) HowHow toto answer?answer? Ss:Ss: ThinkThink aboutabout it.(it.( I I wantwant toto bebe a/an)a/an) T:T: AskAsk a a question:question: whatwhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? S1:S1: ListenListen andand answer:answer: I I wantwant toto bebe a/ana/an S2:S2: ToTo ask:ask: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? S3:S3: Answer:Answer: I I wantwant toto bebe a/ana/an T:T: WeWe havehave greatgreat dreams,dreams, ButBut whatwhat cancan thesethese jobsjobs do?do? 点拨点拨 2 2:WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? ( (板书板书) ) HowHow toto answer?answer? SsSs:ThinkThink aboutabout it.(it.( I I wantwant toto + +动词原型动词原型) T:T: Yes.Yes. Look,Look, IfIf youyou hehe , , WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? Ss:Ss: I I wantwant toto + +动词原型动词原型 T:T: Yes.Yes. I I wantwant toto cookcook wonderfulwonderful food.food. S1:S1: ListenListen andand answer:answer: I I wantwant toto S2:S2: ToTo ask:ask: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? S3:S3: Answer:Answer: I I wantwant toto T:T: TheThe teacherteacher asksasks thethe studentsstudents toto useuse thethe sentencessentences andand thethe wordswords toto askask andand answeranswer inin pairs.pairs. Model:Model: S1:S1: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto be?be? S2:S2: I I wantwant toto bebe a/ana/an S1:S1: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? S2:S2: I I wantwant toto T:T: First,First, letslets practicepractice andand actact itit out.out. (Choose(Choose oneone jobjob andand practice.)practice.) Ss:Ss: PracticePractice andand act.act. T:T: LetsLets dodo somesome exercises.exercises. WeWe havehave twotwo teamsteams andand havehave a a test.test. 连词成句连词成句 1. do be What want you to ? 2. a want I to be cook . 3. want What do do you to ? 4. planes I want fly to . 完形填空完形填空 Sandy: 1 do you want to be? Dongdong: I want to be a 2 . I want 3 planes Jane: That 4 great. I want to be 5 engineer. Sandy: What do you want to 6 ? Jane: I want to 7 spaceships . Tino: Wow, thats fantastic! I never thought about my 8 . Jane: 9 be so sad , Tino. Lets 10 it now. 1. A How B What C Where 2. A pilot B cook C engineer 3. A to fly B fly C flying 4. A to sound B sounding C sounds 5. A the B an C a 6. A do B be C eat 7. A do B have C design 8. A trip B job C dog 9. A dont B Dont C Do 10. A think B think about C to think 阅读理解阅读理解 Hello! Im Billy, Im a student now. My father is an engineer, he likes making some robots. My mother is a teacher. She works at a middle school, She teaches English every day. My brother wants to be a cook, He wants to cook wonderful food. My sister likes taking care of sick animals, So she wants to be a vet. I want to catch(抓捕抓捕) the bad guys. Can you guess my future(未来未来) job? ( )1.Billys father is a teacher. ( )2.Billys sister likes taking care of sick animals. ( )3.His mother teaches English. ( )4.Billy wants to be an artist. ( )5.there are four people in Billys family. 1. Billy is a now. 2. His mother a middle school. 3. Does Billys brother want to be a cook? , . 4. Billy wants to be a in the future. III.III. SumSum upup / / HomeworkHomework 1.1. SummarySummary (Look(Look atat thethe blackboard)blackboard) 2.2. 同学们你们现在就要树立远大的理想,为自己的理想而努力学习,同学们你们现在就要树立远大的理想,为自己的理想而努力学习, 长大后做一个对社会有用的人。老师送给你们一则谚语:长大后做一个对社会有用的人。老师送给你们一则谚语:WhereWhere therethere isis a a will,will, therethere isis a a way.way. ( ( 有志者,事竞成。有志者,事竞成。) ) 3.3. Homework:Homework: ReadRead thethe dialogdialog andand copycopy thethe newnew words.words. BlackboardBlackboard Design:Design: LessonLesson 2 2 WhatWhat DoDo YouYou WantWant t