教科EEC版五下Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop -Class 3 Textbook p.46-47-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:d02a9).doc

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1、智慧课堂教学设计 主备教师 授课时间: 课题 Unit5 Where is the gift? 课 型New第(2)课时 教学目标 1、知识目标:restroom, photo shop, bank, theater, gift shop, Is there a near here? Go straight two blocks and turn left/right. Its in front of/next to/betweenand. 2、能力目标:熟练进行问路指路对话交流,并运用其他词汇进行交际。 3、情感目标:培养学生有礼貌的向导习惯和助人为乐精神。 教学重、难点 1. 能够迅速听懂

2、指令并做出相应动作。 2. 学生能够熟练运用句型 Is there ? Go straight and turn left/right. 3.能流利的与他人交流将要去的地点,并如何礼貌问路, 教学具准备课件,教具卡片 板书设计 Unit5.Where is the gift shop? 教学过程教学反思 自 学 指 导 教学 预设 1、学习方向的短语时,注意左右的区分和动作的一致。 2、学生听读课文,了解课文,能够同桌练习问答并扩 展小组表演展示课文内容。 3、如果迷路时,要及时寻求帮助。也要做一个文明懂 礼貌,善于帮助他人的好学生。 课堂 观察 记录 1. 对于学过的地点名称,学生学习较好,

3、能达到扩展 学习的效果。 2. 方位词短语对于学生学习较为轻松,但是使用到句 中时,学生可能还不能很流利的进行沟通。 教学过程教学反思 展 示 交 流 教学 预设 1. Greeting. T:Hello, Boys and Girls. Im Miss Niu.How are you? Nice to meet you.Welcome to our English class.Today,well learn Unit5.Where is the gift shop? 2. Girls PK Boys. T:Now,Girls PK Boys.Girls stand up please. Y

4、ou are Minnie. Boys stand up. You are Mickey. Lets PK together. If you do very well. You can move a step to Disneyland. At last, the winner can get a ticket of Disneyland. 3. Do warm-up exercises. T:First, Lets do warm-up exercises. 教师示范:Please clap your hands together,Together do it. (Stand up,sit

5、down,and show us one, Look up,look down,and show us twoFive,five,five, Give me five.) 4. My friend Danny comes here. T: Today My friend Danny.Hes coming by airplane. Lets welcome him. Now,Lets ask him. Where is he now ? (微信界面聊天: T:Hello Hello Danny.Where are you? D:Hello Amy.Im in Zhang Jiakou.Can y

6、ou help me? T:Sure, whats wrong with you? D:Im lost. Where is the zoo? T:Dont worry!Where are you now? D:Im in Zhong Shan Road. T:Yes, please wait a minute. Look, theres a map. You can go straight and turn left. 欢 快 的 热身活动,把 学 生 引 入 课 堂。使得学生 更 好 地 进 入 学习的氛围。 通过 微 信 这 一 新 颖的平台,介 绍 新 朋 友 Danny. 让 学 生

7、整 体 感 知 课文,了解知 识体系,再详 细学习。 Theres a zoo. D:Thankyou very much. T: You are welcome.) T:Whats wrong with him? Ss: He is lost.lost. T:Whats he looking for? S1:Zoo.Zoo. T:打开地图界面。Lets find. Where is the zoo? Im Danny. Look. I can go straight and turn left.(边说 边做出相应动作) GoGo straightstraightTurnTurn leftle

8、ft 5. Can you help me? T:I like reading books.I want to go to the library.library. T:How can I get to the library? Go straight and turn left. T:askSs: answer T:Oh, Its twelve oclock. Im hungry. I want to have lunch. Where is the restaurant? RestaurantRestaurant whatwhats s thethe meaning?meaning? T:

9、Who can help me? T: ExcuseExcuse meme.Can you help me? Im lost. Where is the restaurant? S1:Go straight and turnturn right.right. I It ts s nextnext toto thethe library.library. ItIts s betweenbetween thethe zoozoo andand thethe library.library. ItIts s inin frontfront ofof thethe restaurant.restaur

10、ant. 6. Letsplay a game together.I say you do. I will choose six students come here. I say you do.You ( are right, You can stand here,but you are wrong, 通过 学 校 周 边 地 图,直接明了 的 感 受 地 点 方位,学习相 关动作,学生 学 习 积 极 性 较高。 情 景 再 现,提前为学 生 创 造 小 组 合作的环境, 让学生先学, 再演。 游 戏 的 练 习 即 进 行 了 单 词 的 学 习,又让学生 感 受 了 英 文 的乐趣。

11、sorry,please go bake your sit. At last,lets see. Whos the winner? (Stand up. Go straight. Stop. Turn right. Go straight. Stop . Turn left Sit down) 7. Listen and act. First listen and answer my question: Where is the zoo?。 Then listen and read in the tape. Next fill in the blanks and work in pairs.

12、8. Work in groups. At last, work in groups and make a dialogue. 9.Whos the winner? You all get a ticket of Disneyland. 10.Homework. 11. Which city is it? T: Which city is it? Can you guess? I love my hometown. In 2022, our city will have many foreign friends to visite Chongli. If someone asks you fo

13、r directions.Can you help them? Can you help them?(展示出势头的 Ss:Yes, I can.) Great. Welcome to Zhang Jiakou. 听 说 读 写,很好的将 知 识 进 行 了 总结和练习。 观 赏 本 城市的美景, 让 学 生 感 受 地方的魅力。 针对 自学 采取 的针 对性 教学 策略 1. 将所有地点名称进行总结,并加以扩展。 2. 将生活中的常见词汇扩充到相应的句中,加以练习。 3.让学生将所学的句型进行小组合作,表演对话。 自 主 测 评 教学 预设 注意小组合作中, 学生表演对话的英文对答, 加入平时口语, 使文章更为完整。


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