科普版六年级下册-Lesson 9 I helped a deaf man to get home-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:502e4).zip

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Lesson 9 第三课时 Read The fisherman and the goldfish 都匀一小 段元萍 What day is it today ? Its What day was it yesterday ? It was 请说出下列动词的过去形式 want-wanted ask-asked 认读 tell-told say-said get-got live-lived catch-caught went home went back wanted a new dress wanted a big house wanted to be the queen Answer Did the fisherman go to fish every day ? What did he get one day ? What the goldfish says to the fisherman ? What did his wife want the first time ? Ask and answer Did the fisherman go to fish every day ? Yes,he did. He caught a goldfish. What did he catch one day ? What did the goldfish says to the fisherman ? Please let me go, I can give you anything you want . What did his wife want the first time ? She wanted a new dress. Summary tell-told say-said catch-caught get-got live-lived want-wanted went home went back wanted a new dress wanted a big house wanted to be the queen homework 抄写下面动词过去式及短语 tell-told say-said get-got live-lived went home went back wanted a new dress wanted a big house wanted to be the queen 熟读前三段,并预习后三自然段的课文,且熟读。 Your company slogan in here 1 LessonLesson 9 9 I I helpedhelped a a deafdeaf manman toto getget homehome 第三课时第三课时 Read 教学设计教学设计 教学内容 1.能认读词汇 fishman goldfish wife queen 及几个相关的动词过去式 短语。 2.能理解故事的内容,并复习巩固一般过去时态。 3.学习 Read 前三自然段的内容,并能回答相关的问题。 教学目标 1、知识目标 主要复习一般过去时态的句型,及动词的过去式形式。 2、情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作, 在教学中培养学生的协作精神和团结精神。 3、能力目标 培养学生听、说、读、写的能力,提高学生阅读英文的综合运用语言的 能力。 4、德育目标 结合本课,联系现实,渗透德育教育,教育同学们做任何事都不能太贪心。 学情分析 本单元主要是复习一般过去时态的句型及动词的一般过去式形式,学生在前 面的单元已经学习接触过,所以在本课时的学习中,应该没有很大的难度,但 2 是对于基础较差的学生,还是要重点操练,注意培优补差,让优秀的学生吃好, 让后进的学生吃饱。 教学重点及教学难点: 1.创设学习情景,使学生能自主看图,大概理解故事的大意内容,激发学生 的自主求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生主动学习。 2.能理解课文的内容,掌握及巩固复习一般过去时态的句型。 课前准备 1.单词卡片及相关问题的小黑板。 2.点读机、教学 PPT 教学过程: Step1Step1 FreeFree talktalk 1 T:Good morning,boys and girls .Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too. 、 2. Now,Lets have a dailytalk,OK ? What day is it today ? Its What day was it yesterday ? It was 出示 PPT:读出下列动词的过去形式 isam-was are-were gowent T: Do you like lisening to story ?、 OK, Lets watch a cartoon 3 教师领读几遍后,然后出示几个课文中的短语, Went home went back wanted a new dress wanted a big house wanted to be the queen Step 2 导入新课 播放视频动画,让学生欣赏(3 分钟) T: Do you like the story ? Today, we are going to learn lesson 9. Read 1.出示词贴,展示课题,并领读 OK,First,lets learn some new words and phrases 出示 PPT:认读下列动词的过去形式 telltold getgot saysaid ask-asked wantwanted 打开书,让学生在课文中找到以上生词及短语,并用线划出来 2导入 Read 部分 再次播放录音,学生听,并跟读一遍。 PPT 出示问题:让学生看与课文相关的问题,并进行阅读理解。 (1) Did the fishman go to fish every day ? (2) What did he get one day ? (3) What did his wife want the first time ? Step 3 操练 1、教师领读以遍,然后分自然段进行操练前三自然段。 2、Lets do T: Now I say English,you say Chinese,逐句完成前三段的课文操练。 3、再次 PPT 出示问题:引导学生回答与课文相关的问题 (4) Did the fishman go to fish every day ? (5) What did he get one day ? 4 (6) What did his wife want the first time ? 三、再次出示前三段课文,让学生自己默默复读一遍。 Step 4 Exercises 做练习卡上的相关习题,教师巡视检查,并及时进行纠查。 Sunmery: telltold getgot saysaid ask-asked wantwanted Went home went back wanted a new dress wanted a big house wanted to be the queen Step 5 教师小结:对学生进行课堂评价,并予以鼓励。 Homework: 抄写本课学习的动词,及动词短语,并预习及熟读后三段的课文。 教师小结:对学生进行课堂评价,并予以鼓励。
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