科普版六年级下册-Lesson 4 What did you do last Saturday -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:6000d).zip

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  • 科普2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2016年1月第1版)_小学英语_Lesson 4 What did you do last Saturday _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级优课_(编号:6000d)
    • What did you do last Saturday.pptx--点击预览
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    • What did you do last Saturday.wmv
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科普版小学英语六年级下册 Lesson 4 What did you do last Saturday? Lets talkLets talkLets talkLets talk 开封市第二师范附属小学开封市第二师范附属小学开封市第二师范附属小学开封市第二师范附属小学 执教人:吴楠执教人:吴楠执教人:吴楠执教人:吴楠 Do you know what did the bear do on Saturday afternoon? Turn the verbs into the past tenseTurn the verbs into the past tense read a book stay at home plant trees ride a horse play games see a film draw some pictures read a book stayed at home planted trees rode a horse played games saw a film drew some pictures do some sports play the piano go to the cinema see a doctor buy some fruits wash some clothes clean the room did some sports played the piano went to the cinema saw a doctor bought some fruits washed some clothes cleaned the room 匈州矛胯痈瑭湃骑洄檫绌觥目窗胨回扔营甭剑蚶觳斡俊颓些臣窒忮检羹仆绑屯污醢峦怏腥 Li Jun: What did you do last Saturday? Kate: I went to the supermarket. Li Jun: Who took you there? Kate: My uncle. Li Jun: How did you go there? Kate: We went there by taxi. Li Jun: What did you buy? Kate: My uncle bought me a red sweater. Li Jun: Oh,cool! It looks nice on you. Kate: Thank you. Read and retellRead and retell What did Kate do last Saturday ? How did they go there ? Who took with Kate? How about the weather? Did they have a good time ? What did her uncle buy? At the parkAt the park read books read newspapers play computers do morning exercises do sports take some photos play on the swing and slide play the guitar sing and dance turn hula hoop walk have a picnic listen to music At the sports centreAt the sports centre play football play basketball play volleyball play the tennis play the badminton play the rope skipping play ping-pong do long jump jump high run shoot What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you see? I liked to know. What did you do yesterday? I got up at eight. I dressed myself and washed my face. What did you do after that? I brushed my teeth and finished my meal. Then I walked in the street. Writing It was sunny last Saturday. In the morning,I ate an egg and some buns at home.In the afternoon,I played basketball with my good friends. In the evening,I did my homework , after that, I read some English books. I had a good time. Tips(小贴贴士): do homework listen to music play football / . play the piano watch TV wash clothes climb mountains . 12 Homework 捎甲填芬檄莱怎低荔刎拨僚龅破柱劂和鲶构容垃颂相镫蔻守壬爷驶券粒筐尝 1. Using the past tense to make some sentences.1. Using the past tense to make some sentences. 2. Review and use the past tense flexibly.2. Review and use the past tense flexibly. 3. Recite the past tense of the words.3. Recite the past tense of the words. Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! LessonLesson 4 4 WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo lastlast Saturday?Saturday? (Lets(Lets talk)talk) TheThe PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool AttachedAttached ToTo KaifengKaifeng SecondSecond NormalNormal CollegeCollege 执教人:执教人: 吴楠吴楠 LessonLesson 4 4 WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo lastlast Saturday?Saturday? (Lets(Lets talk)talk) 教学设计教学设计 .教材分析教材分析 本课是小学英语科普版六下 Lesson 4 What did you do last Saturday? 这一课在一般现在时的基础上,学习过去时及过去式的 用法,能熟练运用过去式描述过去做过什么事情,去过什么地方, 买过什么东西。 .学情分析学情分析 六年级的学生对于英语已经有了一定的英语功底,同时,前 3 课已经涉及到了一般过去时及部分单词的过去式,学生已经累积了 一部分含有动词的短语,相对来说,说出过去时间点或时间段做什 么事,理解起来不会很吃力,反而更有兴趣。 .Teaching.Teaching ObjectivesObjectives 1.1.knowledgeknowledge objectives:objectives: To master the key words,phrases and sentences. To help students understand the differences between “present indefinite”and “the simple past tense”. To use the past tense to make some sentences skillfully. To use the key words to retell and demonstrate the meaning of each activity and the text. 2.2.SkillSkill objectives:objectives: To help students master the the listening skills and improve their oral English.Learn some important phrases with the past tense and expand their vocabulary. 3.3.MoralMoral objectives:objectives: To guide students to know how to express the weather,characters and events in the past. 4.4.TeachingTeaching DifficultiesDifficulties andand KeyKey PointsPoints Teaching Difficulties: Master the key words,phrases. To learn some phrases about activities. Skilled in talking about past events. Master the rules of change and pronunciation of the past tense skillfully. 5.5.TeachingTeaching MethodsMethods 1. Task Based Language Teaching 2. Communicative Teaching 6.6.TeachingTeaching AidsAids Textbook, PPT, Computer,chalks . TeachingTeaching ProcedureProcedure StepStep 1.Greetings1.Greetings Hello,everyone. How are you? Are you happy? StepStep 2.Free2.Free talktalk Whats this? There are some informations on it. Q1:Whats the date today? Q2: What day is it today? Q3:Whats the weather like today? Q4: What was the date yesterday? Q5:What was the weather like yesterday? Q6: What was the weather like last Saturday? Q7:Did you .last Saturday? StepStep 3.3. Lead-inLead-in UseUse blackboardblackboard drawingdrawing toto showshow thethe topictopic The teacher introduced what she had done last Saturday.Then asked all of the students “ Date: Day: Weather: What did you do last Saturday?” StepStep 4.New4.New PresentationPresentation 1.1. AskAsk andand answeranswer Did you go swimming.? Did you .? 2.2. WatchWatch thethe videovideo thenthen answeranswer thethe question.question. Q: Do you know what did the bear do on Saturday Afternoon? 3.3. ReviewReview thethe simplesimple pastpast tense.tense. 4.4. TurnTurn thethe verbsverbs intointo thethe pastpast tensetense andand readread them.them. 5.5. UseUse thethe pastpast tensetense toto askask andand answer.answer. T: What did you do .? S: I . . 6.6. LearnLearn letslets talktalk Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Read the text by yourself. Read the text again with some questions. Q1:How about the weather? Q2:What did Kate do last Saturday? Q3:Who took with Kate? Q4:How did they go there? Q5:What did her uncle buy? Q6:Did they have a good time? Oral practise and show. Teachers ask questions,communicate and evaluate them. Catch the key points,key words to organize conversations.When they make the sentences, teacher uses simple pictures of divergent thinking to guide students oral communication. 7.7. ExpandingExpanding thethe relatedrelated phrasesphrases inin relevantrelevant SituationsSituations toto enrichenrich childrenschildrens oraloral petence. At the park: read newspapers play on the swing and slide turn hula hoop have a picnic At the sports centre: play the rope skipping do long jump jump high shoot 8.8. ReadRead somesome prosodicprosodic articlesarticles What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you see? I liked to know. . 9.9. WriteWrite aboutabout a a shortshort passage.passage. 10.10. Homework.Homework. 1. Using the past tense to make some sentences. 2. Review and use the past tense flexibly. 3. Recite the past tense of the words.
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