人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:905b9).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:905b9).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:905b9).docx_第2页
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1、Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section A 3a-3c 教学设计教学设计 Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aims: 1).Master important words and phrases. 2).Know more information about Qomolangma. 3) Grammar: The comparisons with adjectives and adverbs. 2. Ability aims: 1).Help students to learn more reading

2、strategies and use them to read an article. 2).Improve students spoken English. 3. Moral Objectives: Learn that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. Important points: 1.Help students to learn more facts about Qomolangma. 2.Help students to learn how to read for the main ideas. Diffi

3、cult points: Discuss their “Qomolangma” in daily life and tell others how to overcome the “Qomolangma”. Teaching Steps: Step1:Warming-up and leading-in 1.Greeting. 2. Ask:Do you like watching TV? Have you ever watched Challenge the Impossible? Showavideoaboutadisabledmanwhoclimbed Qomolangma four ti

4、mes. Get students to answer four questions according to the video. (设计意图:1.以当前很火的一档节目挑战不可能导入,播放 教师自制英文视频“中国的老人与山”,激发学生的兴趣和学习这 位老人永不放弃的精神。 2.观看完视频后回答相关的问题,并鼓励学生用上本节课的重点 单词和句型,考查了学生的听力和理解能力,并重视学生遣词造 句的能力。 ) Step2:Showing learning aims Showing students the learning aims and make them have specific goal

5、s. (设计意图:出示本节课的学习目标,让学生了解本节课要完成 的任务,做到心中有数、有的放矢。) Step3:Pre-reading 1.Ask students about the information of Qomolangma. 2.Get students to talk about the difficulties while climbing Qomolangmaaccording to the picture. (设计意图:考查学生对“珠穆朗玛峰”信息的了解程度, 并谈论登 山过程中可能会遇到的困难。为后面的阅读做好准备。 ) Step4:While-reading 1.Fa

6、st reading: Read the passage and match each paragraph with the main ideas. 2.Careful reading: Read each paragraph and finish the tasks. 3.Read the passage with the tape. (设计意图:1.先整体理解, 再细节理解, 多种阅读技巧的指导训 练提高学生的阅读能力。2、 跟读录音, 模仿正确的语音、 语调。 ) Step5:Post-reading 1.Retell the story with the key words and p

7、hrases. 2.Discuss: Can you tell us another famous person who challenges himself/herself? Whats your “Qomolangma” in your daily life? And what do you do to overcome the “Qomolangma”? (设计意图:1.让学生根据提示词复述文章,加深学生对文章的理 解和积累,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。 2.让学生联系实际生活,说出自己在生活中面临的“珠穆朗玛峰” 以及如何做去克服这座“大山”。为下节课的写作打基础) Step6:Moral

8、 education Show some sayings about challenging and working hard. (设计意图:德育渗透,培养学生坚持梦想,挑战自我的不服输精神。 ) Step7:Exercises Do some exercises and check the answers. (设计意图:通过几道练习题检测学生对本节课重点内容的掌握 程度。) Step8:Homework Write a passage about challenge. (设计意图:本节课第五环节是口头表达生活中的挑战及如何克服, 课后让学生书面写下来,提高学生的写作和语言表达的准确度, 并为下节的写作课作铺垫。)


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